204048 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �-�•- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���o�� �`-' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , FILE NO. COUNCIL ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM -ti PRESENTED BY �� � � � • ��.�' COMMISSIONE DATE September 19, 1961 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, skills and facilities, light, power and other apparatus necessary for the Construction of the Six Million Gallon West Side Reservoir located at Emerson and Stryker Avenues, West Saint Paul, Minnesota to ORFEI & SONS, INC. in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid ��8518 of said Orfei & Sons, Inc. for the contract price of $342,000.00 (and unit price bid) such bid being the lowest and said Orfei & Sons, Inc. being a reasonable and � reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. - * Forma 1 B i d �8518 �Council Flle No.204048—By Mrs.Donald - M. DeCourcy= , Resolved, That the Council hereby , approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, ma- terials, skills and facilltie§, llght, power and other apparatus necessary . �or the Construction of the Six Mijllon Gailon West Side Reservoir located at • Emerson and Stryker Avenues, West Saint Paul, Minnesota to ORE'EI & SONS, INC. in accordance with City plans and speciHcations therefor hereto " 1 'attached and the Formal Bid No. 8518 ot- said Orfei & Sons, .Inc. £or the _ contract price of �342,OOp,pp (arid unit ' price bid) such bid being the 1'owest and said Orfei & Sons, Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the CorporaUon Counsel be and hereby is , .directed to draw up the proper form �of contract therefor, and the proper �City officials hereby are authorized to �execute said contract oa behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Farmal Bid No. 85�8. s Adopted by the Council September = . � 21, 1981. COUNCILMEN f Approv�Septembei�e23?1961j1� OUIIC�EP 2 � 3� 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy ' �EP � �1 19�1 Holland , `�proved 19— Loss � n Favor � _ Mortinson , - Mayor Rosen �gainst ' Mr. President,-Vavoulis ' 3M G-01 � . � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER r ^ ' -- • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ���0�8 � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; � PRESENTED BY S�a C�ber �9 1961 ` �. • COMMISSIONER DATF p � - � i , ! � &�SOLRD, �'haC �l�e CounGil her�hy �pproves �he award o� th� Con�ract Coscci�Cee ; � . , } Ches�£or and h�xaby awarda �ConCrac� Eor furnishing a11 1ab�r, assteriala, skills � � �nd faeilitie�, J.ighC, poWer �nd other apparatus nQCes�a_ry fo� the Construc�iou , . � of th� �ix I�il�.ion Q��.�.on We�� �3de &t�sdrvoir loca�ted at �ersoa aud �tryk4r � f Av�nues, W�sti faint P�ul, Mimne�ota to Q�BZ � Sq�B, IliC. i.n accordance w.t.th City ' ► planr and •sp�cificatianc th�refor h�reto �ttach�d and the Foraal Did �$S18 of ' . i said Orfai & Son1►, Inc. £or thQ �ontr��t pri�e of a342,Q00.0� (and unit prica bid) � �e�ch bid bsing th�+ lox��t and eaid Orfei 6i Soais Inc. being a rsaaonabl� and � reliable bic�c�er, snd �tha �orporation Counael be s�nd h�r�by is directsd to drant up the propar fors o� contract ther�€or, and the prop�r City of�icials harsby are f f authoriaed to ex�cut� sa3.d coatsact oa bahalf of the Citq af 8t►int �►aul. � Foi�nal �id #851$ � � . � , � � ; � � , , . j f I i COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Counc��� �� ���� 19— � , Yeas Nays ' ; DeCourcp ��� � 1 ��� � Holland Approved 19— r Loss � Tn Favor � Mortinson ' p,,,,,�,_ � Mayor ? � A gainst Rosen ' � Mr. President, Vavoulis ; ; 6M (j•Ql f . f . i