204029 . y � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � , _.J , � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL � FOENCIL N0. ������ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS���SFIYE � � DATE SEPTEM�R ZO� 1961 WHEREAS, in the Matter of the Opening, VPidening and Egtending of WINTHROP STREET to a width of 60 feet in the Northeast �uarter of Section II, Township 28, Range 22, it i s ne ce s sary t o cons truct a temporar y drainage ditch to be housed in an underground conduit, when the location. of the realignment of Lower �fton Road has been established, and which will necessitate avaarding dama.ges to adjoining property owners, thea�efore � be it RESOLVED, that the cost of said damages in the sum of � 1,200.00, plus the cost of Postal Cards, Publications ; and Court Cost$ in the amoun.t of � 10.60, or a total co st ' of � 1, 210.60 be charged to the P. I.R. Fund, Code 3001, Comptrollerts Contract L-639o, vahich Fund is to be reimbursed�from City' s Share of Local Improvement Fund c od e 31E-1. - __ _ __----T.---T, Council Flle No. 204029 — By Milton� Rosen— Whereas, In the matter of the O�pen- ing. Widening and Extending of WIN- THROP STREET to a width of 60 feet in;.the'+Northeast Quarter of Section II, TbwnsHip 28, Range 22, it is neces- sary to construct a temporary drainage . ditch fo be housed in an underground conduit, when the location of the r�- allgnment of Lower Afton Road has 'been established, and which will nec- �essitate awarding damages to adjoining propQrty owners, therefore be it � Resolved, That the cost of said dam- Iages in the sum oE �1,200.00, plus the cost of Postal Cards, Publicarions and `COUrt Costs in the amount of$30.60, or i a total cost of �a1;210.80 be charged I to the P.I.R. Fund Code 3001, Comp- � �troller's tContract L-8390, which Fund is to be reimbursed from City's Share �of I.ocal Improvement� E1u�d Code� �31E-1. Adopted by •the Council September zo, issi. Approved September 20, 1981. (September 23, 1961) -- - SEp 2 p 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCour�y $Ep 2 0 1961 Holland Approved 19.— Loss In Favor � � Mortinson ��, Mayor Rosen - �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis sM 0-Gl DUrLICATE TO rRINTlR _ ,. , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL Na�����9 _ P,y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTEDyif, � SFPTE�Q�ER 20, 19v1 COMMISSIONER DATF YlHEREAB, in the Matter of the Opening, Wideni,ng and Eatending of �PINTHRpP STRF.�T to a wid�h af 60 Peet in the Northeast Querter of Seation II, Town�h3p 28� Range 22, it is nece��nry to conatruct a temporary� drainag� ditah to be housed ia an underground conduit,, �►hen� th� location of the reelignment of Zower APton Roed hs�� baen eat�.blielasd, and whioh will neaea�ltate awarding dama.gea to ad Joining px�operty owner�, then�ef ore be Z�' � RFSOLVED, thaa�t the Qo�t of eaid clamages in tbe sum of � 1�200.00, plua the aost of Postel Card�, Publiae�ione end Court Coet a in the amount of � 10.60, or a total co st of � 1,210.60 be aharged to ths P. I.R. Fund, Code 3001, Comptroller� a Contract y-639o, �hich Fund 3.a to be reimburse8 from �ity� e Share of LoQal Improvemant Fund code 31E-1. SEP 2 0 1961 � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— i Yeas Nays � ; DeCourcy S E P 2 0 i��� Holland Approved 19— Loss � �In Favor Mortinson � ge�ersen O Mayor � Rosen Q gainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis } + • � SM �, ;