204026 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK o � � � _--�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0.204 2 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ` COUNCIL R SOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � � • C�MMISSI�NE DATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that in behalf of .said City of Saint Paul, that certain quit claim deed dated the 10th day of July, 1961, exeauted and delivered unto said City, as grantee, ,by Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, as grantor, whereunder and whereby said grantor quit cla3rr�iand conveyed unto said grantee certain therein described tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, for public levee purposes, hereby is in a11 things accepted aecording to its provisions, terms and conditions as the same are therein expressed; and be it RESOLVED FDRTHER, that the City Clerk hereby is authorized and directed _to cause said quit claim deed to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds or Registrar of Title in and for the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, forthwith. Councll File No. 20402�By Bernazd � T. FIolland—Severin ,A. Mortinson— George J. Vavoulis, mayor— Resolved, By the Council of the � - , . � -- alid CityS�tSaint�Paul, ithatece�rtain • quit claim deed dated the lOth day ' of July, 1981,,executed and delivered - ' _ - unto said City, as grantee, by Minne- apolis-3aint Paul Metropolltan Air- ports Commission, as grantor, where- under and whereby said grantor quit claiined and conveyed unto said grantee certain therein described tracts or parcels of land 'lying and being in the County o4 Ramsey, State of Min- nesot,a, for pubiic levee purposes, hereby is in all things accepted accord- ing to its provisions, terms and conditions as the same aze therein expressed; and be it Resolved Further,That the City Clerk , hereby is authorized and directed fo cause said quit claim deed ta be re- corded in the affice of the Register of Deeds or Registrar o4 Title in and Sor the County of Ramsey,State of Minne- sota, forthwith, , , Adopted by the Council September 20, 1961. Approved September 20, 1961. - (September 23, 1961) SEP 2 0 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEP 2 0 ���� Holland Approved 19.— Loss In Favor . Mortinson „�,�T � _ Mayor �gainst � ' °"� Rosen ` :� Mr. President, Vavoulis SM (j_(j] t. , DUPLICATE TO rRINTER f . ��. � -� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������ � � _ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F'LE N�� � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER � DATF __ I I R�30LVED, b� the Counail of the Ei�y of Sa�.nt Paul, that ; in behalf of �aid City Qf Saint Paul, that certain quit alaim ; deed dated the 14th claq of July, i96i, exeauted and deliver�d ; unto said �ity, as grantee, by Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropoli�an � Airports Commission, a� grar�tor, wher�under and whereby said � grantor quit alai.i�ed and cspnve�ed unto aaid grantee Qertain �herein 1 de8aribed traate or pa.raels of land lying and being in the Ctounty ' vf Ram�ey, 3tate oP Minneeota, for publia levee purpo�es, hereby is in all things aca�pted aaaording to its provisions, terms and nonditions as the aa.me �.re therein expx�es�ed; and be it � RESOLV�D FIIRTHBR, tha.t the �ity �lerk hereby i� authorized i and direated to aause said quit alaim deed to be reaorded in � the offiae of the Aegiater af �3eeds or Regi�trar of Title in and j for the Courity of l�amsey, State of Minne$ota, forthwith. i . , ; I I � � � r-�. � ; E �EP 2Q 19�1 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— i Yeas Nays � DeCourcy �Ep 2 p 196� i Holland Approved 1g_ � Loss � n Favor � Mortinson �n D Mayor Rosen , A gainst 1� Mr. President, Vavoulis " � i� sM G-(il � \