204019 -.� RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON- �%'� FIFtMING CONDEMNATION AND -� AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND , `- • 'r-�=o ASSESSMENT THEREFOR '�����C� RESOLUTION RATIFYIN - ��� �_.'% Councll File No. 204019— ,� ,� � CONDEMNATION A1VD AWA�,���r�.��r��tx��c��ing fan8 a, � �yi• 'nse of - ' ` ASSESSMENT TH�1iEF012 `�}ht , , _--,�.-� z � In the matter of__condemning--anc�__t�k,��g--�,--�e.x'�e??.�__���em�mt__l._��,�8__���h�s__it�_�islth._f�r the purpose of constructing a retaining wall on the east 1 ft. 8 inches of the north 83 feet of Lot 3� Block 3, Florence Addition to St. Paul� Corrected P7at, and east 1 ft. 8 inches of the south 82 ft. of Lot 20, B1ock 2� Florence Addition to St. Paul� Corrected Plat; also a temporary easement 2 ft. �+ inches in. width for construction purposes on the west side a,nd abutting the above perma,nent easement; also conde�.ing . and taking an. easement in the land necessaxy for slopes� cuts� a,nd fills including the right of removal of lateral support occasioned by excavations thereof ar con- struction of slopes in the gradi.ng of Marion Street from 156 ft. north of FW.ler Avenue to University Avenue � under Preliminary Order--------------�Q�1�5.---- ----- ------------, approvecL------------------�'�--16i--�96i•--------------------------, Intermediary Order---------------�---- ----20�77------------------------, approvecL------------------`-r�-3-'--�'�--1961------------------------, �,� Final Order---------------------------------------20337�---------=--------------, aPProved-------------------`�-tzgu'st--$-�---1s61----------------------• A public hearing having been h�,d upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein,` `'� - for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, �,nd made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the ownera of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the sa.id asseasment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, " and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �3a..it.furth�_$asdued.,_�hat�he_caid�SS°@�Qm°n� he_and_i�is�eseh�...datarminnd_�„}�,�,�,�le i�rr_--_------_---_eq�xa�-i�lra�kae�rGe�,s-+6v-eack-p�ree�-af-�ne�e�eeeri�e�-t�ere'rn. SEP 2 0 1961 File 1533�+ Adopted by the CounciL____________ _____________________,__________ Councilman DeCourcy �J Councilman -----��7T--��� --��---- Holland City Clerk Councilman �ass ��81 Councilman Mortinson �EP 2 � Council.man -pe}er�, Approved ----------- ---------------------------------------------- Counci].man Rosen - ' Mayor Vavoul"�s -------------------------- -- --�� ----- ------------ Mayor __..__.____In Favor �__...Againet pUBLISAED --o�.�" � J 2M ia6s a�Q , :=_.,.,. • �•-.-- dni�.� � •�0�� J �� yo�� �� `„---� REPOI�.T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Inthe matter of------------------------------------------------------------------------- �' Condemn3.ng an�,;taki�g � p�rman�nf' ea5em�nf�i ft. .8 inelzes. in w�d�h �ar the purpo�e of eonstiru�t3n.g � �etain3ng:..wa11 0� t�ies east 1 �f�. 8_.inclies of •t�ie, north 83 fe�t o� -Lot. 3; Block 3, Flor.ence Addition tq�:5�:•�'P.siil;- Corr�eted Pla�; and east 1 ft. $ inches af.�he =south 82 �'�k. o�::Lafii20;;� Biock 2,�,�lor�nce���ddi�ion_ to St:._Paul,_��orrectet��Plat; also a tempor,�r� �easerr�n'�_ 2, �t� ,� in�Yi�s .in aid�dtli`�or construe�io� ,p,ur�o�"�s�on� the we�t side and abu'�ting �he 'abave� pe"rmanent easemant; a7.so:'eondemn�g �nd �al<3sig an easet�e�.t in the land neee�s.ary zor s1oPe.s; �uts, and fiL1s ,in�l�.ding -the right o€ xemowal of ' 1�-�eral sup�ort accasiox�ed by �xc�.vations th�reof or constticuat3on of sloges in thc �aclir�� of Marion �treet frtxn 156 ft. north o� Fu11er Ave�ue t4 University Aver�.ue. under Preliminary Order_______?9?l35__, approved__________________M�Y_16�_1�61 _____________ Intermediary Order-----------?9�9ZZ_, aPProved-------------------J�Y_us-1�61 ----------- Final Order------------------?�3�ZQ_, approved------------------ Au�-ust 8Z-1961 ----------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereaf, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed a,nd determined the a. amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and�hat hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. � . � - ��`=--------------------- --� Commissioner of F�nanG�e. V