204017 ----,
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' _„�-� y� �_ _ ^ +� ASSESSMENT T EIi,EFOR.s A N D ! +
� CONDEMNATION AND AW Council File No. 204017— � ���o�„�
- � in the matter of condemning and �
�{ taking a permanent easement 20.0 feet i
ASSESSMENT in wiath fa= the,purpose of construct-�
'ing and maintaining a�}p�{ubllc sewer ori,
—..i•.,c,S.d-:�r�1(�5--P��--'ti.F n,`��`.sla��r�i0.0
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� Iri tne r�,^,t�ier oz .condemning and taki.r,g � germ�xi.en•� Qs,�ea�r�� G0�0 feet i.r�.
• xidth for the purpooe of constru.ctix�g a�.�, m�,irats,3��r�g � ;�u�1i�� sewer nrs,
, �under and acrose r�. stz�ip of 1.and �0�0. �'ee-t �n *�d�a �a �he ���.�t}.teas� u af
-the Scauth`ast ,�—� af. Sectic�ii 34� Townshi:p 299 R�xige 2�, tl�� ��r��ex°l.ia�� c�f
said easenler�.t b�ing 670e32 fee-� west �f a.�d pa,:r��,1�1 �� '�k�� �a,�t 3.�.�.� �af
Section 3�; �.'oc�n�hip 29t R�n6e 22 a,�d at r��;G as���.e� �r� sa�.d cea��rl�rae
c��' Burna Avenue �:ginuin� at a �►oirat �:�a,� is ��a -��� �t���Z ��o�erty ?.ix��
�f �uxns Aveuue and +.o a point that 3� ��J��7 ��$� rr����. �^�� �3��y �ortt� prap� �
erty liae o� Eurns Avenue,
.'�11so conde�ing and taka.ng a tE�pt�x'sxS►' e�,s��nt���v�s° � ����.p ��' 3�n�.
1AoQ�'feet in �idth, excepting buildi�gs, fo.r ��ose� n� c�+rYs��z�acti�ag puY�lie
sewers, said, temporary easement be�g eas�ter:�gP c�f �ad ��3���Pa�t +Q �:�� a.bc�ve
de�cr3bed permanent easement� said �ec�or�ry �as�s��t t� e���°e c��ae (�.� �enax�
af ter completion of the se�rer e 'w
� -
. Also� condemning and �Gaking a te�p�x�r3r ea,���:ryi� ��er a �triro n� 1�nd
10.0 feet in width� excepting build3n�s, ��r �u�r�+�=� ��' �c�s�x�s.�t�±�.g pub73e
sewsr�, said temporary easemen.t being wes��r1� �� s�a�E�, �d;ac�n-� �o tlx� abo�re
descr�bed permaaaent easemer��� said �e�pdra,ry Ea,sp���c tcr R�xpi�e o:�e (1) y��r
�fter completion of the sewer�- � ,
Resolved, That the tal�ng and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awarda of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, S i
be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. �` y ,
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be a,nd the sa,me is hereby in all respects ratified,
and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dietrict Court for confirmation.
Be-' 4tnG�er l�eeer��ee�;-�l�a#r#�e-�e�ck-�eeees�#-be-aa;c�.-it-ira--�er•eby.datermined ta..he_�a3ra]ale r
�a----------_------eeK�-i�e#,a�l�e�#���#e�a,e�-�eel-0#'-la�d.�c�eseiaba�d.�heroiu. r
File �5288 S�P 2 0 1961 �
. Adopted by the Council-----------------------�----------------------- �
Councilman ' ---�- -- . . ���.�! ����iy���,��/�
Councilma.n �eCourcy - �- ----------- ---------- ------------ -�
Councilma.n HDiland City Clerk
Councilman Loss $�,P Z 0 ����
Mor#inson Appro ___.____
Coun.cilma.n. ,�ete,-�an --------- --------------------------------------------
Councilma.n -� `
Rosen ----------------
Nlayor - - --- -- -- ----------------y---------------
' Vavoulis Ma or
------------In Favor r ,
_ ____Against pjrgLISHED '��� .�t I
zM ias6 �Q
.___ _ � � o d i
' ^ Joha,b. and Irene-B. �Maritz
1717 Bvrna A�emie
• St. Paul 6. Minnesota
To the Ca�unail o! the City of 3t. Pauls
�e o�mere of the praperty Zescribed as:
Aorth 333 ft. c� South' 3.63 Pt. of
Rest 75 ft. of Fast 755.32 ft. of
Sanitheast � of Section 34, Townahip
29, 8an�e 22. _
Ae ob�ect t o taking an eaaement of 10 Peet on aur
pr opert y f a� the p�arp os e of c onat rnct in� a seeer
on the property being easterly of sai� iescrtbei
property. 1Pe also ob�ect to the assesament of
$400.00 ani the eo-called benefita of �133,g0.
Sai1 ee�rer will be of no beaefit to ov� property �
whatever. -
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John A. and Irene B. b�aritz
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