204004 ' ' Council Flle No. 204004— . � In the matter of improving HAM- LINE AVENUE from Selby Avenue to . Grand Avenue by grading,curbing and ,,� '�--�-,..,. paving; by grading, and paving street; � alley and driveway returns; by con- p ' ' structing sidewalks where necessary: � by constructing new sewers, water and - � gas mains; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from �/���� y street mains to pr�peTty ];ves where d� y�.a „ ,,..., ,. �s.•�T f�rs5,�a8.y ; � �'���h:�'f��i,�TCIL�FIL'�'NO By '� _r, � .;:. INTERMEDIARY ORDER _ , In the Matter of improving r -� ",..— - - - - .._. -- . �'�_'���-�r � � ' f���— - . � T " . , `"' - , i . � r , � _ • -� , � � ` HAMS,IPIE AVENUE from Selby Avenue to Grand Avenue°by grading, �eurbing and pa,ving; - I , by,_grading and p�.ving street, a11ey and driveway„retu�rns;�by..Constructing sidewalks ' �`'where necessary; by constructing new sewers, water and gas mains; by constructing � sewer� water and ga,s service conn.ections from street ma.ins to property lines where necessary; by grading and sodding bnulevard and slope areas; by constructing con- duits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control sya�e�s; by recon- structing sidewalks� curbs and pavements on intersecting stre?ts kThere n.ot in con- formity�with said improvement; by constructing guard rails, reta,ining walls, , � drainage facilities and by doi.ng �11 other work which is necessary and incidental - to complete said improvemen�t. Also improving Fronta�;e Roads on both sides of Iiamline Avenue from Selby Avenue i to H�gue Aven.ue and on the west side of He,mline Avenue from Lauxel Avenue to ' Portland Avenue by grading, curbing and paving these to 24 foot widths; by con- � structing sidewalks, gu�,rd rails, retaining walls, drainage structures and by doing all other work necessary and incidenta.l to complete the construction of said fron- tage roads. � Also improving Flam.l3.ne Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Gra.nd Avenue by widening and rPsurfacing the roadbed and also improving H�,mline�Avenue�from~Selby Avenue to ,• N1�rshall Avenue by regradj;n.g, curbittg and paving; by grading and paving street, i alley and drivew�y return$; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said i.mprovement; by construc�- ; ing sewer, water and gas aervice coaanections where required; by constructing storm water drainage facilities and by, doing all other work necessaxy and 3ncidenta,l to - � complete said improvement." , � � , • �l1so-�rov�.n�-�ronr�;�e--noaas�on-oozn�siaes-or tiam�a.ne-av�nue -=rou�-�ar�y-n„�uu�- - - ,� to H�,gue Avenue and on the west side of Hamline Avenue from Iaurel Avenue to ; � � Portland Avenue by grading•, curbing and pa,vittg these to 24.foot widths; by con- � structing sidewalks, gusrd rails, reta,ining walls, drainage s��uctures and by doin� � all other work necessary and in.cidenta,l to complete the construction of said fron- tage roa.ds. I A�so improving Hamline Avenue from Lincoln. Avenue to Grand Avenue by widening and resurfacing the roadbed and also improving Aamline Avenue from Selby Avenue to ; ; Ms,rshall Avenue by regracli,ng, curbing and pa,ving; by grading and pa,vin� street� � kalley and driveway returns; by recon.structing the paving, curbin.g ana. sid.ewalks on , the intersecting atreets where not in conformity with said improvement; by construc�- I � ing sewer�'water and gas service connections where required; by conatructing storm water drainage facilities and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to � ' ; complete said improvement. • � • . - i --- --—�— - - . , ' ' Tn Favor � , . .... . ,.., , , , . � � ' Mayor . ' � �� - A gainst r' �� '. �, : -- � . � PLJBLiSHEIS � � ` 9�� . �.� ' ... ` _ .