201615�, • r • I ` 11 Council Flle No. 201615 —By Milton /�� 'I Rosen — ►9ha ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK4 CITY OF ST Whereas, A sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, and the Council NO• specifically so finds and expresses here - OFFICE OF THE In that the funds appropriated for RESOLUTION — 4 . .km lgwir�ga Snow ,2�OUNCIL � PRESENTED BY gtX litw_ COMMISSIONER- {tf' ii' jDATE t, . I LF 1 1 Y WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen, and the Council specifically so finds and expresses herein, that the funds appropriated for the year 1961 for Snow Plowing, Snow Removal, and for Sanding and Salting I4 Streets, have b4come inadequate, in addition to other work needed to keep the streets in safe condition for winter driving, and that emergency borrowing under Charter Section 206 is made necessary to secure the funds needed to do this work and properly to protect the public interest and the lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul, RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow a sum not to exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceeding fiver per cent per annum, said note to be payable one year from date of execution thereof, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Snow Removal Fund, Code 13 -K, all of the said fund to be expended for the purpose of Snow Plowing, Snow Removal, Sanding and Salting Icy Streets, and all other work needed to keep the streets in safe condition for winter driving. e COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss ' Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen --- ASainst Mr. President, Vavoulis am 5.60 2 - e APR 1 ISM Adopted by the Council 19— APR 18 194 Approved 19— Mayor PUBLISHED * `,=-�) Di PLICATE TO PRINTER a PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FILE NO. NO. 2QI615 *it RW9 a sudden land unexpected emerg*acy has arison, and the Council- specifically so finds ancl,'expressos heroin, that the. funds appropriated for the year 1961 for Snow Plowing,, Snow Rewwall and for Sanding and laltinQ , ley $treat*# havo become inadequate$ in addition to other work nee.,ded to keep the,strests in safe condition for winter driving, and that emergency .borrowing under Charter 4ection 206 is made necossary to secure the funds needed to do this work and properly to, protect the public interest and the lives and safety ,of the inhabitants .of the Pity of St. Paul, RESOLVID! That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow as sum not to exceed Two Hucxbced Thousand Dollars {3200,400.00} and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the.loan a promissory note payable to such party or parties bearing interest at the rate not exceeding five, per cent per and, said note to be payable ooe year from date of execution thereof, and, be it FURTHM RBSO.VED, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Snow Removal Fund, Code 13-K9 all of the said fund to be expended for the purpose of Snow plowing, Snow RWwal,p Sanding and Salting Icy Streetst and all other work needed to keep_ the streets in safe condition for winter driving. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 6.60 °461!0.2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the CouncARR 18101 19— _T8PR ' SST Approved 19— PUBLISHED / 9�/ Mayor f� THE DEPARTMEh OF PUBLIC WORKS OF�HE CITY OF S, PAUL INTER - OFFICE COMMUNICATION April 17, 1961 Hon. Milton Rosen ' `�� Commissioner of Public Works O F F I C E Dear Sir: In response to your request, the following statement of the Snow Removal Fund for this year, is submit- ted RECEIPTS 196-1 Appropriation of Funds from Parking Meter Revenue Fund the . . . . . $ 25,000.00 Emergency Appropriation authorized Jan. 31, 1 61 (C. F. 200605) . . • • . 375, 000.00 0 LIDO , 000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Jan. 1 to March 31, X61) Snow -'moo ng 0 , 65.1.20 rr Removal 1182, 8 38.22 Sanding & Salting Icy Streets 1 ,545.60 TOTAL UNPAID BILLS, as of March 31, 61 der 3762085.02 8,032.64 EXPENDITURES from Apr. 1- 15,161 . . . . . 7,954.75 TOTAL EXPENDITURES prior to the Snow Storm of April 15 -16, or to April 153 161 392&072" The last Snow Storm which started late in P.M. of April 15th.3 and developed into a blizzard, such as we did not have thruout the entire winter season of this year, has forced our Department to use every available manpower and equipment to plow and remove snow and to do extensive cindering in order to protect the lives 'of our citizens. It is difficult to estimate at this time, the exact cost of performing all of the necessary work, but it is safe to say that the expenditures will be quite higi. In the past, sufficient funds were also provided a-1. this time of the year for stockpiling sand and salt that will be needed during the late months of this year. In view of these gacts, the Department should be given an additional emergency appropriation in an amount not to exceed 200,000.000 As mentioned previously, in a letter of March 7, 1961, in 1953 with less amount of Snowfall than this year, the total emergency appropriation amounted to $ 820,000.00, while b" Comm. Rosen inre: Snow fund -2- this year, the Department is asking for only $ 575, 000.00. On the basis of increased costs of 50% from 1953, the expenditures for that year would have been $ 1, 230, 000.00, or over twice the amount requested for this year. JP/ j w I o ectfully, PAVLICEK . Accountant r,