201540ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK d 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.- NO. µ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC R LUTION -G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ DATE %___ I *!�� RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the authority contained. in Chapter 193, Section 145, Subdivision 2, Minnesota Statutes Annotated, and for the purpose of aiding and paying cost of an armory to be constructed at Thirteenth and Cedar Streets in the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission, there shall be and is hereby irrevocably levied upon all the taxable property;now or hereafter in the City from of Saint Paul, for each of the years/ 1961 to 1981, both;, inclusive, a tax at the rate of $23,500 per annum.- The proceedssof such levies, as received by the City, shall be forthwith transmitted and paid to said MinnesotaiState Armory Building Commission to be ?sed by it as specified in said law. , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson -peter—S0111- Rosen Mr c:Ef6RdeW,-_Vavoulis EM 5.60 2 0 Council File No. 201540 —By Bernard T. Holland, by request— Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that pursuant to the authority contained in Chapter 193, Section 145, Subdivision 2, Minne- sota Statutes Annotated, and for the purpose of aiding and paying cost of an armory'to be constructed at Thir- teenth and Cedar Streets in the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota State Armor yy Building Commission, there [shall be and is hereby irrevocably levied upon all the taxable property now or hereafter in the City of Saint ,Paul, for Bach of the years from 196} to 1981, both inclusive, , a tax at the rate n of $23,500 per annum. The proceeds of such levies, as received by the City, shall be forthwith transmitted and paid to said Minnesota State Armory Building Commission to be used by it as specified in said law. Adopted by the Council April 7, 1961. Approved April 7, 1961. (April 15, 1961) Tn Favor -1 Against I i 7 196 i��PR 1 19 • APR Approved 19— - Mayor t i } f t FDUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 01541 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, a copy of a letter dated April 7, 1961, from the Saint Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, addressed to Mr. Robert Tucker, Chairman of the Saint Paul Board of Education, has been reviewed by this Council; and WHEREAS, said letter takes exception to the specifications concerning the construction of the new Harding High School and in particular those applying to library equipment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the intent and ideas expressed in said letter and, further, requests and recommends that the Board of Education take appropriate action to require a change in the aforesaid specifications so as to require the provision of additional details and drawings as they pertain.to the aforementioned library equipment so that persons other than the manufacturer named in said specifications, including local bidders or local concerns, would be advised so they would be able to make Inforaaa, competitive bids to provide said library equipment; and be it- FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr. Robert Tucker, Chairman of the Saint Paul Board of Education, and to furnish copies to other officials of the School Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson 19etem -ft Rosen Mrf;:P -r-cai iTI,, —t—,v avou is ISM E -BO olMy.2 r In Favor 0 Against Adopted by the Council ,F � 19— AZIX APR 7 lvg� Approved 19— Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT v 201.541 CITY OF ST. PAUL - FoEN�I� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHMAS# a coj►y Ot 4 lottQr dated April 7, 1961 A fromp thin Saint ul Tradeb and labor Assembly, addrreased to fir. Robert TUokero Chaixmn of the Saint Paul Board, cif Eduoation, Me been reviewed by thlb Counoij; and NUB =5s said letter taxos ezoepti*A to the speoifications concerning the Qonstruotion of the now Ha zing Hlgh School and In particular those applying to librazT equip uts now# therefore,,, be It RESOLVED* that the Oaunoil or tho City of S cat Paul her*e1 ao4oura 1n tjaQ intent and id+ expressed 3z sald letter and` further,. reguosts and reao=ands that the Ward, of Sduaat1Qa take approprlate cation to require si oharnga in the aforesaid speoirloations, so as to. requiro the provision of addition Oata.UL a and drawing* as thoy ;ports in to tho aforazontioned library aquipment aQ that persona other than tho manufaLetmvr ntl ed In sapid A ptelfic0lons* Inalwding local bldderg or local. eoncerne,. would 1�& adirined so thoy would ba able to make ''ortMr, --d. +compatlti'v+e bids to provide said 11braM equipment; And be it VA R R99QLVEDx that tho City Clerk to dl-zvdted to tor-ward a oopy off` this rosolutlon to Mr. Robert Taokesr, Cbaixvan of the .Saint Paul Board of gducation, and to furnish. opplasis to other offiolalssr off' the Sohool, Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 Z Tn Favor A gainst APR 710 Adopted by the Council 19— APR 71661 Approved 19— Mayor , 20154. WJWMAS3o a aopr. ,ot a k#troev, dated. April 7, 1961, frojo tim ` Saint ft%4 Trades and -L& or Axasoblyj addros.,044 `bo W. Robott Tuokor, Cha3 x"a of the Stint Paul Boat or ZdudAtionj has be*h "VIOVed by this counall i am MB* xald lettor' take* *x4eptim% to tho axpeOi, 100ions oanogrxsing that oonstMotion of the now Harding HIgh $ohaol "d In particular tho so applying to 11b=W equip wnti. now, thorsi'or*j '?0 it REtOL ED, that tho dow)OU or tbe. City_ of S:4nt pawl hereby aonaura in the intent anal ideas a xpresfax A id Paid letter an t, further,. requosts and r000rzoods that the hoard of Eduaa►tlon tatkae approprlatq Motion to redalre a' phase U1 * ,aforesaid epaet uleations so as to ra4ui�?* tba provision rat WitiOnal detailar and draulng* as they, portain. to the afnromontlonsd libmry oquipment ob thtt pergons other than tho "nOaatuftr nmod io .id speaitloatlan#, .inaludihe ioaal- blddora or Aaaai cony x , would be kdvised rA thsy Mould be ablo to make .intO ed. o* titive bids to provide said _ 11braW equlpmmt j and bar it, PURWR MOIi AO that the City Clerk is dirtoted to to ratard as oopy of this resoluti on, to * Robert Vaaker„ Chalmn cat the Saint Pmd Bo4rd of Ednoatlon# and'to taarrAsh ooploo to .other ol",figUIs of the Soboal Dopart at* • APR 7 APR s Page 2. Robert Tuaker`_ Chaimnartt St. Paul Board of Educat ton April 7„ 1962 . IN The action of the architectp -in specify,in E cabinets, made in Tacomah, Washington,_ an Li equipment supplied by Myrtle Dealt' Compan f H Point, North Carolina, precludes a t. 'U'l ,�°i1 from bidding on sr supplying 'thes , We have at Ieasyt_ eight S_t. Pa Ozo ar ` qualified to aupp1 y and fabr to is equtpm nt: yetg under the present spe t at,t they would not be allowed to bid on<f is wor nor would they ". be a2lowed -to aupp1 y then ixt sincerely yours, RCRt c 11I GMR.0 C., RAL*Afff Jri oeiu,tl6 Secretary s clot PO et o. er S t. ' of 00 ols j t Paul v if esota 2- Q.5- �S April 7, 1961 ". Robert Tucker, Chairman Ste Paul Board of Education City .Ha11 and Court House St. Paul 2, !linneso to Dear Sir: In the past when t ity of t. Paul has called upon the electorate app. a general improve- ment Of school bond one of the strong selling points ad on to emphasizing the general nee i vements, has been the .fact that s adds nal ney will benefit the general ec my of- t City by providing additional business t St. Paul i rms as well as more employ- ment for c izens of he area. The City Council has nt thi act by requiring County r e re is for construction workers City pro 'ects. nds Jeri d from the 23.5 million dollar bond sue, ap ved by the Ste Paul Voters in 19590 are bei xpended for the construction of new Hi ols with final plans and specifications for the new Harding High School being approved on 1[aroh 21 with bids scheduled for opening on April 25. We wish to protest the specifications on the Harding High School as they apply to Library equipments including shelving, bookcases, and cabinets through- out the School, and we would urge that the School Board take appropriate action to reconsider the specifications so as to allow local firms the opportunity to bid on and supply these fixtures. "p"pCCll 1 2- Q.5- �S April 7, 1961 ". Robert Tucker, Chairman Ste Paul Board of Education City .Ha11 and Court House St. Paul 2, !linneso to Dear Sir: In the past when t ity of t. Paul has called upon the electorate app. a general improve- ment Of school bond one of the strong selling points ad on to emphasizing the general nee i vements, has been the .fact that s adds nal ney will benefit the general ec my of- t City by providing additional business t St. Paul i rms as well as more employ- ment for c izens of he area. The City Council has nt thi act by requiring County r e re is for construction workers City pro 'ects. nds Jeri d from the 23.5 million dollar bond sue, ap ved by the Ste Paul Voters in 19590 are bei xpended for the construction of new Hi ols with final plans and specifications for the new Harding High School being approved on 1[aroh 21 with bids scheduled for opening on April 25. We wish to protest the specifications on the Harding High School as they apply to Library equipments including shelving, bookcases, and cabinets through- out the School, and we would urge that the School Board take appropriate action to reconsider the specifications so as to allow local firms the opportunity to bid on and supply these fixtures. - . ,.i r_ ,- -_ ` _- - • - •-^ -t ; `f _ ; "M • .N._ = - -4- tie. T '• - • - •- -r I • - . -. April 7, -1961: - - , -. x • '` I'I -_- -. •' ;ri `h `� +4•rt •. • J .. 1... - - Y. -' R _ _ -•• - -v- - - • _ .. - -, - . " Robert J.. Swords,- _ ` Corporation Counsel. ' ar Sirs ' ` • The City Counoil.;requeeted that you drew 'a resolution (Ho. 2-) orXirming she condembation of the stied in the rear of 21 Thompson- Street; • , as iAore filly described -in the }attached resolution. 17 - - Very- truly yours e " P City Cie2'i[ _ - Ilk