08-1378Council File # 08-1378 RESOLUTION Presented By: Referred To: Date � WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009, in accordance with z the Ciry Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and - 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 4, 2008, participated in a public hearing on 5 December 11, 2008, on the Mayors Proposed 2009 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and Federal laws; and 6 � WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it s s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2009 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, �i and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it 12 �3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of ia city govemment during the fiscal year 2009 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute is appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital is Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. n is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 2009 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 19 za FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Five Year Capital Program for 2009-2013 is hereby approved; and be it zi 22 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2009 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) is a multi-year za budget based on estimates for a grant which has a fiscal period that differs from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through 2a December 31); the authority to implement this adopted multi-year budget commences only at the beginning of the grant period, zs and shall eMend beyond December 31, 2009, through the end of the grant period and; during the year when the grant is accepted zs by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it 27 ze FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to publish the 2009 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section ze 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 30 ai FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2009 Budgets in accordance az with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as 33 necessary. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� ° ' > Approved by May r. a'�f� \ �"` , BY: � U✓ �,y�.� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet# 3065041 �a Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Margaret Kelly, Director, Financial Services � � �"' Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services By: � ! Form Approved by ity Attorney: BY� �/�Sii.�e��� Approve ay for bmission o ouncil� By: /� -� PreparetlbytFieSa�ntPaulOfficeoiFnarwialServices(G.\SM1ared�BUtlgeC2W9�Courci�Feso�wrnCityBUtlgM-09x1s 1?/9/0� Adopted by Council: Date ��//7��/JfJ,q 2009 Budget Balancing Status General Fund Resolution Attachment MayoYs Proposed Budget.. General Fund Mayofs Budget Total Gap: Excess / (Shortfalp Technicai Changes to the Mayors Budget... Non Department Flnancin9 Non Department Finandng Non Department Financing Non DepartmeM Financing Non Department Financing Non Department Finanang Non Department Financing Non Department Financing Fire General GovernmentACCOUnts General Govemmen[Accounts General GovemmentACCOUnu All Departments General Government Accounts Parks Parks Police Police PoUCe Public Works All Departmentc Non DepaRment Financing Xcel Franchise adjusVnent Distrid Energy Franchise atl�usVnent DisNC[ Cooling franchise atljustrnent Energy Park franchise adjustment Empire Builderfranchise adjustment Interest Eamin9s adjustrnent Hotel Motel Ta�c ad�ustment ISP interest eamings adjustment transfer (and adjust coding) Pa2medic revenues Police Pension Aitl Fire Pension Aitl Police-Fire DisabilityAid Workefs Compensation atl�ustrnents Tri-council/Machinist pension oRSet Spread energy inflation (,o appropriate line rtems Remove transfer to CIB for refrige�ated ice rinks (Vansachon occurred in 2008) Spread enefgy inflation to appropriate line items locrease WorkeYS Comp butlget per Risk Management - Reduce expenditures in general fund to oBset Workers Comp mcrease Eliminate t2nsferto Real Estate f�om PW general fund (tlouble-counted in proposed) Motor Fuel savings (per wntract) Trensfer reieasetl sales tae mterest from MN Events Distria CF: 08-1378 Spending Financing �96,524,610 19fi,524,670 196,524,610 79fi,524,610 90,103 28,894 6,109 3,543 (350,000) �a�,000� (50,000) 500,000 (35'1,803) (211,696) 25,000 Budget After Technical Changes Gap� Excess / (Shortfall) Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Safery & Inspections Increase vacant builtling momtonng revenue- Techniwl Atl�ustrnent Safery & Inspections Increase cotle compliance revenue- Technical Ad�ustment Safety & Inspec6ons , Staff shifts Q.0 fTE) from fund 320 to address vacant building needs Non-Department Revenues Central Service Cost transfer (net reduchon of 11.0 special fund FTE in DSI) HREEO Staffing antl operating wsts for 201 o census BudgetAfter Policy Changes � Gap. Excess / (Shortfall) 61,154 (103,607) Budget Neut2l (300,000) (300,000) Budget Neutral 10,236 (10,236) (250,137) (159,000) 83,640 7 95,773,020 195,951,400 178,380 634,361 50,000 626,365 (55,803) 85,000 796,484,385 796,579,958 95,573 Offce of Finanaal Services 7 2/7 9/2008 2'02 PM � of 11 N'\YR2009\Counal\Councii Phase Trecker 721708.z1s General Pund Council Changes to the Propased Budget Non Departnent Pina�cin9 Non Department Pinandng DSI Non Depariment Financing Non Department Fnancin9 Non DepartrnentFina�dng Non Departrnern Finanang General Govt Accts Council Counql General GovtAccts Council Generai Govt Accts Non Department Finanang Financial Services Finanaal Services Fire Fire HREEO Parks Parks Police Police Public Works OTC General Govt AccGs Svap tax financmg for LGA wdh library (ncrease 9eneral funtl LGA financing) S+mp taz financing for �GAVrtth Lihrary (deaease genera� fund property taz financing) Increase business license fees by 3.5%, ather than 5% 7ransfer cabie funtl balance to general fund - one time Inaease cabie fra�chise fee transfer through annual PEG sh'rft- on going Inaease nble fund transferthrough PEG anniversary grant shift, eliminate hearing room pmjed cost 2008 CufNral STAR iMerest over budget, requves YE resotution atljusLneM Transferfrom special fund 050, place in Counal con4ngency Gouncil aitle salaries Remove budget authorGyfor National Urban Fellow Place full amount of Urban Fellow posRion in Counal contingency ($51,00) Remove general funtl portion of COPP from Council budget Place general fund portion of COPP in Council coritingency Excess TIF from MN Events DisVict Piace funding for City Wide G2nts Manager in Mayorai Contingency (5105,332) Piace funtling for Financiai Operahons Mana9er in Mayoral Contingency ($145,376) Place funding for 1.6 additionai fire fighters in Mayorel Conhngency ($114,518) Place funding for overtime for 1 �5 tlaily staffng in Mayoral Contingency ($735,115) Place funding for Census staff in Mayoral Conhngency (585,000) Place funtling foratlditional sfaff at O�ord in Mayoral Contingency ($377,001) Place funding for 0 2 FTE of a zoo keeper in Mayoral ConUngency ($14,67� Piace funding for 14 new police officers in Mayorai CoMingency ($967,232) Place funding for multiple police promoUOns in Mayoral Contingency ($60,306) Place fundin9 (or Pedestrian Bike coordinator in Mayoral Contingency ($65,336) Place funding for IS System Support Specialist III in Mayoral Contingency ($59,745) Place remammg available financmg in Counal contm9ency CF: 08-1378 408.781 � 7,200 (30,�00j 51,000 (187.467) 787,467 Budget Neutral Butlget Neutrai Budget Neutral Budget Neutral Budget Neutrel Budget Neutral Budget Neutral Budget Neutral Budget Neutral 8udget Neutrel Budget Ne�tral 605,673 770,000 mo,000� (41,400) 320,000 34,500 85,000 6,20D 408,781 Budget After Counal Changes Gap' E�ccess / (Shortfa,ff) 138,000 197,539,039 997,531,039 Office of Finanaal Services 12/19/2008 2:02 PM 2 of 11 N.\YR2009\Couna6COUnaI Phase Tracker 121708 xls 2009 Budget Balancing Status Special Funds and Debt Mayors Proposed Budget.. Speciat Funds Debt Service Funds Mayofs BudgetTotal Gap: F�ccess / �Shortfalq Technical Changes to the Mayors Budget... Debt Fund 963: Retloce tleM service iMerest due to reducfion m szing of bond sale Rre Carty fo(wartl unspent balance from 2006 UASI grant Fire Carty fofwaM unspent balance from 2007 UASI 9rant Fire Carty forvrard unspent balance from 2007 Citizen Corp Grant Fire Carty forvrard unspent balance from 2007 Hometand Securiry Grant Fire Carty forward unspent balance from 2007 Firefightere Assistance G�nt Fire Workefs Comp Adjustments-increased revenue to equal increase Fire Increase revenue projection to cover Workers Comp increase OTC Retluce spendin9 and refleIX contnbution to tuntl balance for Council Chambers work OTC Move PC lease costs from 31121 to 31125 OTC Move services spentling out of PEG activity to reflec[ revenue assumptions OTC Carry over unspent balance of 2008 PEG grant OTC ERP - Remove 4th quarter of wre team OTC ERP - Add 1 st 3 quarters of project tlirector PED Workefs Comp Atl�ustments Police Fund 420: Atl�ust energy line i[ems Police Funtl 420: Cut 0299 to equal trensfer from PW Police New grant-cameras in squads Police Newg2nFratlioequipment Police Increased donation from SP Police Fountlation Police New grant-Fed $ to allow SP officers to help w/secuntyfor Obama inauguration Police Newgran4state$forsquadcarcameras Police New granbJustice Assistance (fed $) Police Lastof5ecureourSchoolsgrant Police , Newgrant-grenttocompletetlomesticviolenceframeworknetv✓o�c Police Continuation of homeland security grent Police Conhnuation of homelantl security gran[ Police Newgrent-humantraffcking Police IRSreimbursementfortaskforceexpenses Public Works Sewer bond payment Public Works Correct 7ransfer in from ROW to traffic Public Works Cortect Fine revenue total in Fund 230 to match assumption in Gen GoYt accounts Public Works Cut$722,568 for CHA apgrntle�funded by debt insteatl Pu61ic Works Move spentling among ROW rate classifications to better align budget w/likely spending Public Works Gut $2 5 million Sewer loans for CHA work-funded by intemal loan Public Works Increase Transferfrom Sewer to Capital Pro�ects for Stormwater Quality Improvements Pubiic Works Increase Trensferto DSI to help pay for Shared Water Resource Coordinator Public Works MSA revenue decrease Public Works Trunk HighwayAid Public Works Recogniae more assessment revenue (2008), onatime funding Public Works Recognize more assessment revenue (2009) Public Works WorkeYS Comp adjustments Public Works Tri-Council/Machinist Pension ad�ushnents-ROW antl Traffic Public Works Reduce services and materials to balance remainder of Workers Comp increase Public Works Tri-Counal/Machinist Pension ad�ustrnents-Asphalt Plant Pub{ic Works Move Vansfers to other funtls from Atlmm actiwty; createtl new activfties to more easity track costs Pubiic Works Retluce Sewer bontl sale to reflect adjusted plan Public Works Increase use of Sewer funtl balancc plan to use unrestncted fund balance on projects where possible Public Works Reduced interest payment 6udgetetl for 09 Sewer Bonds Public Works Eliminated principal payment for 2009 Sewec Bonds, wiU o�N owe interest in 2009 Parks Workefs Comp adjustments Parks Tri-COUncil/Machiniffi Pension adjustments Parks Purchase of Como Circulator vehides (fetleral grent plus 20a8 appropnation) Parks VMCA partnership progrdmming funtletl by user fees Parks Retluce trensfer to general fund • Outtloor rinks project wmpleted in 2008 Parks Parks cooservency sfudy- grentfrom McKnight received in 2008 for 2009 expenses Bud9et After Technical Chan9es Gap 6ccess / (Shortfall) CF: 08-1378 Spending Financing 257,635,945 257,635,945 59,333,547 59,333,547 376,969,492 316,969,492 (58,400) (56,490) 41,625 41,625 562,086 562,086 10,250 70,250 �4,641 14,641 491,155 49'1,155 2,083 2,083 (29,500) (29,SOO) Budget Neut21 Budget Neutrel 25,000 25,000 (219.215) (2'19,215) 93,947 g3,947 (5,300) (5,300) Budget Neutral (12,702) (72,702) 467,650 467,65q 561,180 561,780 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 139,617 139,617 228,000 228,000 aoo,000 aoo,000 100,000 100,000 734,898 134,898 zso,000 zso,000 3�,�00 3Q000 �sss,000) (sss,000� Budget NeuVal Budget Neut21 (722,568) (722,568) Budget Neutral (2,500,000) (2,500,000) 750,000 150,000 27,976 27,9'I6 (308,290) 85,000 48,458 135,527 233,065 (267,077) (11,353) ButlgetNeutral eudget Neutrel (1,000,000) 675,000 (30,000) (295,000) (5,757) (5,757) (101,605) (101,605) sso,000 sso,00a 50,000 50,000 �sao,aoo> (soo,000> 75,000 75,000 397,012,788 31�,012.788 Offce of Financiai Services 12/19/2008 702 PM 3 of 17 N\YR2009\CouncillCounai Phase Trecker 121708.�s CF: 08-1378 Special Funds and Debt policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Safery & Inspections Safety & Inspections Safety & Inspections Safety 8lnspections Safety & Inspecbons Safety & Inspections Safety & Inspections Safety & inspections Safery & inspections Safery & inspections Safety & Inspections Safery & Inspections Finanaal Services/NOn-Dept Budget After Policy Changes Increase transferfrom Puhlic Works for Water Resource Coordinator Building Pertnit revenue adjustrnen5 Plan Review revenue atljustmenfs Advecse acfion (business licertse) revenue atljustrnents Workers Comp adjustrnents Heritage preserva5on consultant to evaluate vawnt historic sWCtures Shift staff to gene2l fund to adtlress vacaM building needs Eliminate 4.0 FTE vacant positions (2.0 Pian Examiner, Plumbing Insp, Acct Tech) Use of funtl balance adjustrnent in fund 320 Eliminate travel and training butlget (one-time) Elimina[e use of funtl balance in tuntl 320 reduce transfer for central services (11 FTE reduction) Ad�ust centrdl service revenues antl transfer to the gene2l fund (25,36� 28,000 (626,365) (296,363) (59,OOOj (55,803) (55,803) 375,922,087 27,976 (733,96� (277,958) t00,000 Gap: E<cess / (Shortfall) (t5�.889) (55 803) 3t5,922,087 Ofice of Finanaal Services 72/19J2008 2:02 PM 4 of 11 NdYR2009\Council\Council Phase Tracker 121708.x1s CF: 08-1378 Special Funds and Debt Councii Changes to fhe Proposed Budget... OFS iechnology Technology PubliC Wof�cs Pu61ic Works Public Watics Pubiic WoACs PubliC Works Public Works Public Works Pubiic Works Pubiic Works PublicWOCks HREEO Parks TransFer funtl balance from fund 50 to Coundi contin9ency 406,787 increase transfer to gene2l tund 439,500 Reduce PEG spentltng, to shift flerible revenue ta general fund (34,50� on9oin9, 85,000 onstime) (119,500) Eliminate portion of Stortn Sewer Transfer that was to come from fund balance Eliminate ROW planned contribution to Funtl Balance-need revenue nowto help fund opera4ons Atljust mtes in all Gasses to retluce subsidy provitled by some classes-resutts in small rev. increase Atld use of Fund Balance in ROW W balance with spending after eliminatin9 799.7k of the SMrtn Sewer Trensfer Decrease in Re.ryGing charge revenue adjusVnent to SCORE grant Adjusted Contribu6on to Net Assets Deaease in program er.pentlitures (366,978) Reducetl revenue sharing w/Eureka results in increasetl expendRUres 440,000 Ehminatetl proposed Gean organics etlucation costs Q6,000) Place funding for 0.5 FTE of GraphicArtist into Mayoral Contingency ($25,726) Budget Neutral Place funding for 1.6 Parks summary abatement Parks Workers into Mayoral Contingency ($93,67e Budget Neutral aas,�ai d39,500 (t'19,500) (199,771) 35,007 �g,000 945,764 ('113,772) 2,827 707,967 8udget After Council Changes Gap: Excess / (Shortfall) 3t6,647,89a 3t6,647 890 Offce oF Financial Services 1?11 9/2 0 0 8 2:02 PM 5 of 17 N 1YR2009\Counal\COUncil Phase Tracker 121708.x1s 2009 Budget Batancing Status Capital Improvement Budget Mayors Proposed Budget.. Caphal Improvement Budget Mayors Budget Total Gap. Excess / (Shortfai� Technical Changes to the Mayor's Butlget... Parks Special Fund Transfer from Parks for Oxford Field expenditure . SVeet Impr. Bonds Bontl Sale change from 72.5 miilion to 71 2 million ISPlnterestEamings ReduceinteresteamingsforParkscapitalmaintenance Sidewalk Reconstruction Prog. Increase assessment financing and assoqatetl spentling Public Safety Bonds Increase bond proceetls antl associatetl spendin9 to reflect plannetl bontl sate Sewer Bontls Increase bond proceeds and associatetl spending to reflect plannetl bontl sale Neighborhootl STAR Increase Neighborhood STAR spending; funtled with unspent 2008 reserves BudgetAkerTechnicalChanges Gap: Excess / (Shortfalp Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... BudgetAfter Policy Changes Gap: F�cess / (Shortfall) Spending CF: 08-1378 Financing 99,983,000 99,983,000 99,983,000 99,983,000 a soo,000 sao,000 (1,300,000) (1,300,000) (32,000) (32,000) so,000 so,000 1,32�,000 },32�,��0 i,aio,000 i,aio,00a 2,700,000 2,100,000 104,737,000 104,131,000 0 104,131,000 104,131.000 � Office of Financial Services 1?l19l2008 2:02 PM 6 of 11 N:\YR2009\COUncil\Counal Phase Tacker 727708xis CF: 08-1378 Councii Changes to the Proposed Budget... Capifal Improvement Budget �is,soo,000� �is,aoo,000� ERP ButlgetAHerCounalChanges Gap: Excess / (Shortfal� Remove planned capital note sale for ERP from capRal butl9et 88,837,000 88,831,000 Offce of Finanaal Services 72/19/2008 702 PM 7 of 11 N:\YR2009\Council\COUnaI Phase Tracker 121708.x1s 2009 Budget Balancing Status Library Agency Resolution AtYachment Mayor's Proposed Budget.. Generai Fund (fund 349) Special Funds (funds 350, 363) Debt (fund 966) CapiWi Impmvements (funtl 934) Totai Gap: Excess f (ShortFalp Technical Changes to the Recommended Budget... Lib2ry Levy Supported Revisetl workers wmp prqections Library Levy Supportetl Reduce property tares to reflect revised workers wmp projections Butlget After Technical Chan9es Gap: Eecess/(ShortFalq Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Library Levy Supported Butlget After Poliq Changes Gap: Excess / (Short(alp Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Library Levy Supported SWap br finanang for LGA with �ibrary (decrease Lib2ry LGAfnancmg) Library Levy Supported Swap tae finanang for LGA wRh Llbrdry (ncrease Llbrary properry ta<finanang) Library Debt Reduce Librery Debf Levy Library Debt Remove Librery Debt contnbuhon to funtl balance Library Levy Supportetl Increase Library Levy by same amount as Debf Levy reduction Librery Levy Supported Increase Library spentling on phones, printing and marketing Librery Capital Recognize and spentl librery bond interest earnings Library Levy Supportetl Place funding for increasing moming librery hours in Mayoral Contingency ($177,948) Budget After Council Ghanges Gap: Excess / (Shortfall) CF: 08-1375 ��-l3�tg Spending Financing t7 t84,543 }7,184.543 1,244,851 1,244.851 1,t73.825 'I,t73.825 0 0 19,603,219 19,603,279 0 rys,ias) (19.788) 19,584,031 19,584,031 C 99,584,031 19,584,031 0 (no ooa� no,000 (45,970) 45,970 45,970 45,970 35,461 35,461 Budget Neutral 19,665,462 19,665,462 0 Office of Finanaal Services 12/19/2008 2:02 PM 8 of 17 N:\YR20091Council\Council Phase Tracker 121706.x1s 2009 Budget Balancing Status Regional Water Services Resolution Aftachment SPRWS Board of Directors Proposed Budget Butlget Total Gap: Ezcess /(ShortFalq Changes Approved by SPRWS Board of Directors... Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Bud9et After Technical Changes Gap� Fxcess / (ShortFaii) Rate Inaease (50 03/unit) Minimum bill charge Use of reWinetl eamin9s Safety mnsulting Increased chemical e�yenses Increasetl elecVicity expenses GAC media replacement CF: 08-1373 0�8� (�1$ Spending Financing 46,213,674 46,213,6'14 0 59Q699 6,735 (434) 100,000 �80,000 97,000 220,000 46,810,614 46,8'10,6'14 Offce of Financial Services 12/19/2008 2:02 PM 9 of 11 N:\YR2009\COUncil\Council Phase Trecker 127708.x1s 2009 Budget Balancing Status RiverCentre Resolution Attachment Mayor's Proposed Budget.. ButlgetToql Gap: Excess / (Shortfal� Techniwi Changes to the Recommended Budget... RrverCentre NeteffectofaddinginteresttoMooseLOanrepayment Budget After Technical Changes Gap� Fxcess / (Shortfalq Councii Changes to the Recommended Butlget... BudgetAfter Council Changes Gap: Excess / (Shortfall) CF: 08-1374 �i' I �1� g Spending Financing 5,938,587 5,938,587 0 �s,000 �e,000 6,013,587 6,013587 � 6,013,587 6,�73,587 0 Office of Finanaal Services 1Zt9/2008 2:02 PM 70 of 11 N1YR2009\Council\Council Phase Tracker 121708 xls 2009 Budget Balancing Status Housing and Redevelopment Authority Resolution Attachment Page 1 of 1 Recommentled Budget.. Budget Total Gap: Excess / (ShortFalq Council Changes to the Recommended Budget... BudgetAfterTechniplChanges Gap. Excess / (Shortfall) CF: 08-1376 ag � 1�� Spending Financing 54,861,097 54,887,097 0 54.887,097 54,881.097 Office of Financial Services 12/19l2008 2:02 PM 11 of 1 � N\VR2009\CouncillCouncil Phase Tracker 121708.xis � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � FS —Financial Services 09-DEC-08 08-1378 Green Sheet NO: 3065041 ConWCt Person & Phone: Marparet Keily 266-8796 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 17-DEG08 Doc.7ype: RESOLUTION W/$ TRA E-Document Required: N DocumentConWa: ChrisEifemiller � qssign Number For Routing Order Contacf Phone: 266-8547 I I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) 2 �iaanaal Services I YJtHce Financial Services A' 3 ' Attorne � 4 VOi'S Of11CC Mavnr/dcaieMnf Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2009 annual budgeu. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Charter requires that an annual tialanced budget be adopted. Timelines aze set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council has completed its review of the budgets, and has made known its recommended changes for adoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 2009 City Budget should be considered after the resolurion adopting the 2008 payable 2009 tax levy Advantages IfApproved: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law. Disadvantages If Approved: None Disadvantages If Not Approved: . The Ciry will be without an adopted budget for 2009. In accordance with the City Charter, the service prioriries, financing estimates, and spending appropriations for 2008 would be camed forwazd into 2009 and become the 2009 budget. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Cost(Revenue Budgeted: Activity Number. December 9. 2008 11:49 AM P � 2009 Budget Balancing Status General Fund Mayors Proposed Budget.. Generai Funtl Mayors Butlget Totai Gap. E<cess / (ShoRfall) CF: 08-1378 Spending Financing t96,524,610 196,524,6'10 196,524,610 196,524,610 Technical Changes to the Mayors Budget... Non Department Financing Non Department Financin9 Non Department Financing Non Department Finanang Non Department Finanang Non Department Finanang Non Department Financing Non Department FinanGng Fire General Government Accounts General Government Accounts General GovemmentACCOUnts All Departments General Government Accounts Parks Parks Police Police Police Pubiic Works All Departments Non Department Finanang Xcel Frenchise aajustrnent / Distnct Energy Franchise ad�ustment j Distnc[ Cooling franchise ad�usVnent / Energy Park franchise adjustment � Empire Builderfranchise adjustment � Interest Eamings adjustment Hotel Motel Tax atl�ustment ISP interest eamin9s adjusUnent trensfer (and atl�ust coding) Paramedic revenues Police Pension Aitl Fire Pension Aitl Police-Rre Disa6ility Aid Workets Compensation adjusVnents Tri-counal/Machinistpension offset Spread energy inFla4on to appmpriate line items Remove transfer to CIB for rehigeratetl ice nnks nsachon occurred in 2008) Spreatl energy inflaLOn to appropriate line item Increase Worker's Comp budget per Risk Ma agement 90,103 28,894 6,109 3,543 (350,000) (47,000) (50,000) 500,000 (35�,803j (211,696) 25,000 Butlget After Technical Changes Gap' E<cess / (ShoMall) Retluce expenddures in general funtl to o t Workers Comp increase Eliminate trensfer to Reai Estate from PW eneral fund (double-counted in proposetl) Motor Puel savings (per conuact) Trensfer released sales Tax mterest fr MN Events Distnct Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Safety & Inspechons Increase vacanf build g momroring revenue - Technical Adjustment Safety & Inspechons Increase code wm iance revenue - Technwal Ad�ustment Safery & Inspechons Staff shifts pA FT ) fmm fund 320 to address vacant budd�ng neetls Non-Department Revenues Central Service ost trensfer (net reduchon of 71 0 special funtl FTE in DSI) HREEO Staffng and op rating costs for 2010 census BudgetAker Policy Changes Gap. Excess / (Shortfalq 61,154 (103,607) Budget Neutral (300,000) (300,000) Budget Neutrel t0,236 (10,236) (250,137) (159,000) 83,640 195,773,020 195,951,400 178,380 634,361 50,000 626,365 (55,803) 85,000 t96,484,385 196,579,958 95,573 Offce of Finanaal Services 1Z117l2008 4 57 PM 1 of 11 N\YR2009\COUnaI\COUncil Phase Tracker 121708.x1s CF: 08-1378 General Fund Council Changes to the Propased Budget Non Departmen[ Rnancing Non Department Pinancfn9 DSI Non Department Financing Non Departrnent Finanang Non Department Finanang Non Department Finanung Council COU(IGI Council General GovtACCts Council General Govt Accts Non Department Finanang Finanaal Senices Finanaal Services Fire Fire HREEO Parks Parks Police Police Publw Works OTC General Govt Accts Budget After Council Changes Gap' F�cess / (Shortfail) Svap tax finanun9 for LGA with Ubrary (increase generai fund LGA finanung) � Sxap faufinancing for LGA vnth Library (tlecrease 9ene21 funtl pmperty ta<fina ang) Increase business license fees by 3.5%, rather than 5% Transferpblefuodbalancetogene2lfund-onetime � Increase cable franchise fee transferthrough annual PEG shift- on going . Increase cable funtl transFerthrough PEG anniversary grant shift, elimina "heann9 room pro�ec[ cost 2008 Culturai STAR interest over budget, reqmres YE resoiution adju ent Transfer finm special funtl 050, funtl balance heltl over from 2008 Co al con4ngency COOfIGII dltl2 5312fIPS Remove budget authortiy for National Urban Fellow Place full amount of Urban Fellow position in Counai conhngen ($51,00) Remove 9eneral fund porhon of COPP from Council butlget % Place generel fund portion of COPP in Council conUngency Eccess TIF from MN Events Disirict Place funtlin9 for City Witle Grants Manager in Mayoral C fingency ($105,332) Place funding for Financiai Operehons Manager in Mayo I Contingency ($145,376) Place funtling for 1 6 adtlitional fre fghters in Mayoral ontingency (5774,5�8) Place Funding for overtime for � 75 daily staffng in M oral Conhngency ($735,115) Place funding for Census staff in Mayoral Contmgeqcy ($85,000) Place funding for atldihonal sTaff at OMOrtl in Mayolal Contingency ($377,001) Place funtling for 02 FTE of a zoo keeper in Ma�ral Conhngency ($94,67� Place fundmg for 14 new police oficers m May I Contmgency (5967,232) Place fundmg for mWtiple police promohons i ayorel ConUngency (560,306) Place funding for Petlestrian Bike coordinato�fin Mayorel ConLngency ($65,336) Place funding for IS System Support Spea , ist III in Mayoral Contingency (559,745) , Place remaming available financ�ng in Coi�fl`�ictl contmgency 770,000 (770,000) (47,400) 320,000 3h,500 85,000 6200 408,787 17,2�0 (30,000) 51,000 (787,467) t87,467 Budget Neutral Budget Neutral Butlget Neutral Butlget Neutral Budget Neutral Budget Neutrel Butl9et Neutral Budget Neutral Budget Neutral Butlget Neutral Budget Neutral 7,014,454 138,000 197,531,039 197,531, W 9 Offce of Financial Services 12/17/2008 4.57 PM 2 of 11 N�\YR2009\Council\COUncil Phase Trecker 121708 xls Mayors Proposetl Budget... Special Funtls Debt Service Funds Mayots Budget Total Gap E<cess /(Shortfall) Technical Changes to the Mayors Budget... Debt Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire Fire OTC OTC OTC OTC OTC OTC PED Pohce Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Palice Public Works Publro Works Public Works Pubiic Works Pubiic Works Public Works Pubiic Works Pubiic Works Public Works Public Works PubllcWOtks Pubiic Works Pubiic Works Pubiic Works Pubiic Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Pubiic Works Pubfc Works Public Works ParKs Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Budget After Tec ical Changes Gap Excess hortFalq 92/17/2008 4'S7 PM 2009 Budget Balancing Status Special Funds and Debt Fund 963' Reduce debt service interest due to reduction in sizi�g of bontl sale Carry forward unspent balance finm 2006 UASI grant % Carty forward unspent balance from 2007 UASI g2nt � Carry fortvard unspeM balance from 2007 Citizen Corp G t Carry fortvard unspent balance from 2007 Homelantl Se � nly Gmnt Carty fo`ward unspent balance from 2007 Firefighters sisWnce Grant Worker's Comp Adjustments-increasetl revenue to e al increase Increase revenue prqechon to cover Workers Com ancrease Reduce spending antl reflect contribution to funtl b lance for Council Chambers work Move PC lease costs from 31121 to 31125 Move senices spending out of PEG actrvity to r flect revenue assumptions Carry over unspent balance of 2008 PEG g2� � ERP - Remove 4th quarter of core team ERP - Add 7 st 3 quarters of prqect directo ' Workefs Comp Ad�ustments Fund 420: Ad�ust energy line items Funtl 420� Cu[ 0299 to equal transfer � m PW New gran4cameres in squads New grent-redio eqwpment Increased tlonation fmm SP Polic �FOUndahon New 9rant-Fetl $ to allow SP off � rs to help w/secunry for Obama inauguration New grent-state $ for squad c�r�cameras New grantJustice Assistanc�Qfed $) Last of Secure our Schools ant New grant-gant to comple, � domestic violence framework network Continuahon of homelan �secunty grent Continuatlon of homela sewriry grdnt New grant-human treff king IRSreimbursementf �WSkforceexpenses Sewerbontl payme Correct Transfer in rom ROW to traffc Correct Fine reve, Ue total in Fund 230 to match assumphon in Gen GoYt accounts Cut $722,568 fo�CHA upgades-funded by debt instead Move spendin �among ROW rate classifcations to better align budgetw/likely spending Cut $2 5 milli Sewer loans for CHA work-funtled by internal loan IncreaseT �sferfromSewertoCapitalPro�ec[sforStormwaterQualitylmprovements Increase T�nsfer to DSI to help pay for Shared Water Resource Coordinator CF: 08-1378 Spending Financing 257,635,945 257,635,945 59,333,547 59,333,547 316,969,492 3'16,969,492 (56,400) (56,400) 41,625 4'I 625 562,086 Sfi2,086 '10,250 '10,250 14,647 '14,647 497,155 497,755 2.083 2,083 (29,500) (29,500) Budget Neutral Butlget Neutral 25,000 25,000 (219,215) (219,215) 93,947 93,947 (5,300) (5,300) Budge[ NeuVal (12.702) (12,702) 467,650 467,65� 561,180 561,180 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,00� 50,000 50,000 139,617 139,617 zzs.000 zza,oao 400,000 400,000 700,000 100,000 734,898 934,898 250,000 250,000 30,000 30,000 655,000 655,000 Budget Neutral Butlget Neutral (722,568) (722,568) Budget Neutrel (2,500,000) (2,500,000) 150,000 'I50,000 27,9t6 27,916 (308,290) 85,000 48,458 135,527 233,065 (261,017j (11,353) Budget NeuVal Budget Neutral ('I,000,000) 675,000 (30,000) (295,000) (5,157) (5,157) (101,605) (101,605) 66q000 660,000 50,000 50,000 (300,000) (300,000) �s,oao �s,000 MSA rev ue tlecrease TmnkH �hwayAid Rc�og ze more assessment revenue (2008), onc hme funding Reco ize more assessment revenue (2009) Wor Ys Comp atljustments Tri ounal/Machinist Pension adjustments-ROW and Traffc tluce services and materiais to balance remaintler of Workers Comp increase i-Council/Machinist Pension adjustments-Asphalt Plant ,� ove transfers to otherfunds from Admin actrviry, created new acfivihes to more easity track costs Reduce Sewer bond sale to reflect atl�ustetl plan Increase use of Sewer fund balance-plan to use unrestncted fund balance on pro�ects where possible Reduced interest payment budgeted for 09 Sewer Bonds Eliminated pnncipal payment for 2009 Sewer Bontls, wlll oNy owe interest in 2009 Workers Comp atl�ustments Tri-Council/Machinist Pension atl�ustments Purchase of Como Circulator vehides (federal gant plus 2008 appropnation) YMCA partnership pmgrammmg funtled by user fees Reduce t2nsfer to 9ene21 funtl - Outtloor rinks prqect completed in 2008 Parks conservency study- grent from McKnight received in 2008 for 2009 expenses 3of11 318,322,788 378,322,788 Office of Financial Servwes N.\YR2009\Counal\Council Phase Trecker 721708 xls Special Funds and Debt Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Safety & InspecGOns Safety 8lnspections Safety 8lnspections Safety & Inspections Safety & Inspections Safery & Inspections Safery & Inspections Safety 8lnspections Safery 8lnspections Safety & Inspechons Safety & Inspections Safery & Inspections Financlal Services/NOn-Dept Butlget After Policy Changes Gap E<cess/(Shorttall) Increase transfer from Public Works for Water Resource Coordinator Building Pertnit revenue adjustmenu. Plan Review revenue adjustrnents Ativerse action (business license) revenue adjustrnents Workefs Comp atljustrnen� Heritage preserva4on consuitant to evaluate vacant historic structures Shift staff to generai funtl to atldress vacant bmitling needs Eliminate 4.0 FTE vacant posi5ons (2.0 Plan E<aminer, Piumbing Insp, Acct Use of fund balance ad�ustrnent in fund 320 Eiiminate travel antl training budget (one-time) Eliminate use of fund balance m funtl 320 retluce transfer for central services (17 FTE retluchon) Atl�uSt CenVal 5ervice fevenues antl tfansfer to the gene2l funtl % CF: 08-1378 27.916 (733,96n (277 958) 100,000 (25,367) 28,000 (626,365) (296,363) (150,889) (59,000) (55,803) (SS,SW) (55,803) 317,232,087 317,232,087 Offce of Finanaal Services 12/17/2008 4:57 PM 4 ot 11 N.\YR2009\Counal\Council Phase Tracker 121708.x1s CF: 08-1378 Special Funds and Debt Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... OFS Debt Debt OFS Technology TeUnology Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Wotrcs Pubiic Works PubhcWorks PublicWOrks Public Works Public Works Public Works HREEO Parks T2nsfer tund balance from funtl 50 to Council 6udget Funtl 960: increase debt service payments due to change in Public Safery Bontl sizing for Fund 960: Decrease tle6t service payments due to retlucGOn ln CIB bond sizing (sirens) Transferfund balance from funtl 50 to Councii budget increase transfer to 9eneral funtl Retluce PEG spending, to shiftflexible revenue to general fund (34,500 ongoing, 85,OOOp Eliminate portion of Stortn SewerT2nsferthat vras to come from funtl balance fi Eliminate ROW plannetl contribu4on to Fund Balance-neetl revenue nowto help fund�opei 408,781 33,200 (22,825) 408J81 439,500 (7'19.500j 408,787 33,200 (22,825) 408,78I 439,500 (779,500) (199,771) 35,007 19,000 145,764 ('173,T/2) 2,827 107,967 Butlget After Counal Changes Gap: Fxcess / (Shortfalp Atljust 2tes in all Gasses to reduce subs�dy provided by some dassearesulfs m sr[,lall rev increase Add use of Funtl Balance in ROW to balance with spending after eliminatin9 199 of the Storm Sewer Transfer Dec2ase in Recycling charge revenue �� atljustrnentto SCORE 9rant F� Adjusted ConVibution to NetAssets s % Decrease in program ezpenditures ,f' (366,978) Reduced revenue shanng w/EUreka resutts in increased expenditures � 44�,000 Eliminatetl proposetl ciean organics education costs � p6,000) Place fundmg for 0 5 FTE of Grephic Artist into Mayoral Conhngency�($25,726) Budget Neutral Place funding for 1 6 Parks summary abatement Parks Workers int¢ Mayoral Contin9ency (Sg3,67e Butlget Neutral 318,377,046 3t8,377,046 Offce of Finanaal Sernces 12/17/2008 437 PM 5 of 11 N:\YR2009\Counal\Council Phase Tracker 121708x1s 2009 Budget Balancing Status Capital improvement Budget Mayors Proposed Budget.. Capital improvement Bud9et Mayofs Budget Total Gap� Ercess / (ShoRFali) Technicai Changes to the Mayor's Budget... Parks Speaal Funtl T2nsfer from Parks for Oxford Fieltl expenditure Street Impr Bontls Bond Sale change f�om 12.5 million to'I1.2 million ISP Interest Eamings Retluce interest eamings for Parks capital maintenance Sidewalk Reconstruchon Prog. Increase assessmentfinancing and associatetl spendin9 Public Safety Bontls Inuease bond proceetls antl associatetl spending to reFlect pl� Sewer Bonds Increase bontl pmceeds and assoaated spending to reflect pl: STAR Increase Neighborhood STAR spending, fundetl with reserves Butl9etAfterTechnwalChanges f / Gep: Excess / (Shortfalq � Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... r` Budget After Policy Changes Gap E<cess / (Shortfall) tiond sale bond sale Spending CF: 08-1378 Financing 99,983,000 99,983,000 99,983,000 99,983,000 0 soa,000 eoo,000 (7,300,000) ('1,30Q000) (32,000) (32,000) 50,000 50,000 1,320,000 1,320,000 1,410,000 �,410,000 2,100,000 2,700,000 �04,731,000 104,137,000 0 904,731,000 104,131,000 0 Office of Financial Services 12/� 7/2008 4 57 PM 6 of i t N\YR2009\Council\Counal Phase Tracker 121708.x1s CF: 08-1378 Councii Changes to ERP Butlget After Councll Chz Gap: E<cess / (ShortFalp rys,aoo,000> �is,soo,000� 88,831,000 88,83'I,000 O�ce of Finanaal Services 12/17/2008 4 57 PM 7 of 11 N\YR2009\Counal\Counal Phase Tracker 121708.xIs Caoital Improvement Budqet