Cour--il File No--------------------
By----------------------------------- ------
F Co File No. 201487 —
In the matter of the assessment of
benefits, costs' and expenses for con -
strutting a sewer iii Etna Street from
t Maryland Avenue to 65 feet south of
i Ivy Avenue, under Preliminary Order
182934, Intermediary Order 183656, Final
Order 184010, approved August 6, 1957.
A public hearing having been had
upon the assessment for the above
improvement, and said assessment
having been further considered by the 9-0U87
Council, and having been considered
_R 9�a �1's?- 4ins�.4�c ._hr. �G..�F'x �4fj1r, �.. -, -• r
Resolution Ratifying Assessment
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for
constructing a sewer in Etna Street from-Maryland Avenue to 65 feet south of Ivy Avenue.'
under Preliminary Order..... 182934 r "Intermediary Order _._18 6 6_____.____. Final Order.... 184010
approved --- August..61.... 1957...
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment
having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereWin all respects ratified, and the same
is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable
in_ ............ ....... _ ......... equal installments.
Adopted by the , Councr�_.......t------------------------------------------------------ ------_19.... - -_ -•
VIM �_ ...... ....A4�.!./ .' ... _ Clerk.
Approved---------------------------------------------- - ------ 19--------
Form B. B: 18
File 13799'
------- - - - -•• ....... .. .. ...... .I.. ................ - - -- - - - - - -f Mayor.
r J
Report of Completion of Assessment 2pj:o
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses
March 7, lg 61
constructing a sewer in Etna Street from Maryland Avenue to 65 feet south of Ivy Avenue.
under Preliminary Order
approved My 21,
Intermediary Order
, approved July 9,
Final Order
, approved August
6, 1957
To the Council of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz:
Cost of construction .. ............................... $ 7.1160.00
Engineering ........ ............................... $ 552-3—
Inspection fees ...... ..............................$ 1119.20
Postal cards ......... ..............................$ 11.35
Publications ........ ..............................$ .43.50 —
Court costs for confirmation ........................$ 4.35
Total expenditures ...............is ...........$ 8,213.63
Net is 82213.63
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 8.2'1-3.63 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as ' may be
considered proper.
6 i�
2M 12 -62
Commissioner of Finance.
g '
File 13799
Mgp'No. x�
Condemning and taking the following lands for the construction of Flood Walls,
Dikes, Pumping Station Sites, Structures and Slopes for Flood Control Purposes on
the following described property:
That part of Government Lot 7 in SE I Seo.6, T -28, R-22 lying within the follow-
ing described lines Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of Block "A" in Robert- -
son's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing N.580371E along the Northwesterly
line of E. Water Street a distance of 20.0 feet; thence bearing N.310231W parallel
to the Northeasterly line of Blocks "An, "D" and "H" in said addition a distance of
320 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing'
N.70231E a distance of 35 feet; thence bearing N.310231W a distance of 20 feet; thence
bearing N.75 48'W a distance of 32.6 feet; thence bearing S.310231E to the point of
beginning a distance of 70 feet.
That part of Government Lot 7 in SE I Sec.62 T -28, R -22 lying within the follow -
iag described lines: Begimling at the Southeast corner of Block "H" Robertsonts Ad-
dition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line
of said block to the shone line of the Mississippi River; thence Northeasterly along
,the shore line to the intersection riith a line parallel to and 20 feet Northeasterly
from the Northeasterly line of Block "H "; thence bearing Southeasterly on said paral-
lel line to the intersection with a line parallel to and 300 feet Northwesterly from
the Northwesterly line of Nate +r Street; thence bearing Southwesterly along said par-
allel line to the extended Northeasterly line.of Block "H" a distance of 20 feet and
thence bearing Northwesterly along said Northeasterly line to the point of ,beginning.
Lots 1 thru 3, Block "D", 9nd Lots 1 thru 3 of Block "FPI Robertson's Addition
to West St. Paul and the adjacent Commercial Street as vacated and described by C.F.
138118, approved October 22, 1946.
Lot 4, Block "H" and Lot 4, Block "D", Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul.
Lot 1, Block "A ", Robertson's Addition to Nest St. P lot
in said Block "A" lying Easter13• of aline d tbat part °f North- >;
line of said Lot 2 and 15 feet n t. pawl ton the
2 to a point on thy- tlon to West S fx a P°iut %Vest cor
the tsonts gdai liue r33 from the N and 30 ;I
x ° fig Easterly few Northea8 �e of sai�a y°t 2�
"Lot 1, ck A 2 and 15 ,,easterlY Tpt 2.
2 id B� of �3 d Spt on the SOU liue of said Wes
Ipt 2 Point tiveater]Y
-- westerly x1Y irk a sou
y ner °f ortheaste a across Block "E", Robertson's Addition
feet N art of the CStPM&O Ry. WW in Lot 1, Block 188, Robert-
0 West St. Paul king northerly of a line 150 feet northerly from
an parallel to the southerly lirv3 of said Block 188.
That part of Lots 2 thru 42 Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul,
and part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 188, : irvine's Addition to West St. Paul lying be-
tween the Harbor line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineer's description ap-
proved January 11th, 1940, and a line beginning at a point on said Harbor line at
a distance of 65 feet Northeasterly from the intersection of said line with the
Southwesterly line of Lot 5, Black 1883 Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence
bearing Northeasterly to the point of :intersection of the Northeasterly line of Lot
2., Block 188, Robertson's Addition to tat St. Paul with the Northwesterly 0 line
of the CStPMkO Ry. Also that part of Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to
West St. Paul lying between -the Harbor Line so described above and the Northwester-
ly line of the CStPMO Fq. R/9.
- 1 -
That land lying within the following described line: Commencing at a
point being the monument located at the intersection of the Southwesterly line
of Daniel Street and the Northwesterly line of W. Water Street; thence bearing
N.51036,W along the Southwesterly line of-Dahiel Street a distance of 90 feet to
the point of beginning of the property to'be described; thence bearing N.51036'
W. along the extended Southwesterly line of Daniel Street a distance of 132 feet;
thence bearing N.37o53'E a distance of 268.3 feet; thence bearing N.340271E a
distance of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles bearing N.55033 m a distance of
20 feet; thence at z1ght angles bearing N.340271E a distance of 50 feet; thence
at right angles bearing S.55033'F a distance-of 20 feet; thence at right anges
bearing N.0271E a distance of 490 feet; thence at right angles bearing N55°33'
W a distance of 125 feet; thence bearing N.360521E a distance of 84.4 feet;
thence bearing N.61034'E a distance of 433.5 feet; thence bearing N.IV36'W a
distance of 128.3 feet; thence bearing Northeasterly to a point being the Inter-
section of the extended Northeasterly line of -Lot 30 Block "E ", Robertson's Ad-
dition to ;Pest 5t. Paul and the U. S. Harbor Line as described by the Ut S. Corps
of Engineer's description approved January 11, 1940; thence bearing Slay'along
said Harbor Lira to the point of beginning, all in SE 4, Sec.6, T -280 R-.22.
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction, main-
tenance, access to levee, closure structures of flood gall or sewers-for flood
control purposes on the following described property:
Commencina. at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 24, Block 4,*Baail and Rob-
ert's Addition to 3est St. Paul, County of Dakota Territory of Minnesota; thence
bearing N.54038'3► along the extended SouthOsterly line of said lot a distance
of 48.1 feet; tbance bearing N.2roflff a distance of 210 feet to the point 'of
beginning of that property to be described; thence bearing N.270531W along the
continuatian of the last described line to the Shore Line of the Mississippi
River; thfmce bearing Northeasterly along the Shore Line to the intersection
with the extended Southwesterly line of vacated Custer Street; thence - bearing
8.3102319 along; said extended Southwesterly line of Custer Street to a point 245`
feet Northwesterly from the Northwesterly line of said Block 4, Basil and Robert's
Addition to West St. Paul, County of Dakota Territory of Minnesota; thence bear -
ing S. 5903817a distance of 180 feet; thence at right angles bearing Northwest-
erly a distance of 8 feet; thence at right angles bearing Southwesterly a dis-
tance of 80 feet; thence ht right angles bearing Southeasterly a distance of 8
feel.; thence bearing Southwesterly to the point of beginning, all in SE 4, Sec.6,
T-21i, R -22.
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 14, Block 4, Basil and Robert's
Addition to Vest St. Pau]., County of Dakota Territory of Minnesota; thence bear -
irg N 540381W along the extended Southwesterly line of said Lot 14 a distance of
0.10 feet; thence bearing N.270531W a distance of 210 feet to the point of be-
ginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N.27053';7 along the con -
tinuation of the last described line to the Shore Line of the Mississippi River;
thence bearing Southwesterly along said Shore Line to the intersection with a
line 20 feet Northeasterly from and parallel to the Northeasterly line of Lot 1,
Block "Hs' Robertson's Addition to nest St. Paul; thence bearing S.310231E along
said parallel line to a point 390 feet Northwesterly from the Northwesterly line
of hater Street; thence bearing S.79481E a distance of 32.60 feet; thence bear -
ing N.330001E a distance of 82 feet; thence bearing Northeasterly to the point of
beginning an in SE 4, Sec.6, 1 -289 R -22.
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and
maintenance of a project sewer and relocated city water main for flood control
purposes on the land lying within the following described lines
- 2 -
Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of Block 183, Robertson's Addition
West St. Paul; thence bearing N.310 231W along the Southwesterly line of said blo
a distance of 160 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Block "E" in said addition;
thence bearing NXP 5A1W a distance of 126.3 feet to the point of beginning of the
property to be described; thence bearing S.6r341W a distance of 260 feet; thence
bearing N.280001E a distance of 40 feet; thence bearing N-63004 1E a distance of
228.1 feet thence bearing S. 15P3618 to the point of beginning a distance of 50 feet
all in SE 4, Sec.69 T -28, R-22.
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and =in•-
tenence of a project sewer for flood control purposes on that property lying within
the following line: Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of Block 194, Irvine's
Addition to vest 8t. Paul; thence bearing N.510361W along the extended Southwesterly
line of Daniel Street a distance of 222 feet; thence X.370530$ a distance of 268.3
feet; thence bearing N.3402 ?'E a distance of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles
bearing N.5503317 a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning; thence at right
angles bearing N.340271E a dtatance of 50 feet; thence at right angles bearing X.55
331W a distance of 40 feet; thence at right angles bearing S.340271T a distance of
50 feet; thence at right angles bearing 5.593318 a distance of 40 feet to the point
of beginning, being pert of the SE is Sec.69 T '.28, R42.
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for the oohistruetion and
maintenance of a project sewer for flood control purposes on the following described
That part of Lots 4 and 5, 31ock 188, Trviners Addition to Seat St. Paul lying
within the following described lines Beginning at a point being the intersection
of-the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of said Mock and the U. S. Harbor Line as de-
scribed by the. U. S. Corps of Engineers description approved January 11, 1940;
thence bearing N.330561E along said Harbor Line a distance of 65 feet; thence at
right angles bearing S.560041E a distance of 30 feet; thence at right angles bear-
ing S.330561W a distance of 65 feet; thence at right angles bearing N.56Po417 a dis-
tance of 0 feet to the point of beginning.
Also all public streets, alleys and Mays contiguous to the hereinabove described
lands earl upon which said hereinabove described lands or any of the some abut, here-
tofore or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and interests in lands which em-
brace every such contiguous ptLblio street, alley and Ray.
Condemning and taking a temporary easement required on the following described
propee,y for the construction of flood walls and dikes for flood control purposes
on the following described )roperty:
Temporary easements to remain in effect for either three year duration or upon
the completion of construction,* whichever comes first. The District Engineers of
the U. S. Corps of Engineers shall determine the completion of construction date.
Lots 3 and 4s Block "A ", Robertson's Addition to pest St. Paul and that part of
Loy; 2 in said Block "A" Lying West of a line running from a point on the Northwest-
erly line of said Lot 2 and 15 feet Northeasterly from the Northwest eorner'of said
Lot 2 to a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 2 and 30.feet Northeasterly
from the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2.
at part of Lots 3 and 4, Bloci 188, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul,
Lots 2 thru 5, Block 188, Robertson!s Addition to West St. Paul, lying
hin the following described lines: Commencing at a point being the in-
section of the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineers
cription approved January 11, 1940, and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5
Block 188, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing N. 33'56'
ng said Harbor Line a distance of 65 feet to the point of beginning of
property to be described; thence at right angles bearing S:5611W E to
intersection with a line 21t feet Northwesterly of and paralilel,to the
ter line of the Ut,PoU 06 Ry$ track as originally surveyed; thence
ring Northeaster4 along said paraled line to the intereectiO4 with
x -
thrThat part of Lot 4, Block 188, Irvine's' Addition to Test St. haul and L
a 5, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to 174st .St. Paul, lying idthin the
Wring described lines: Oommencing at a poiot,Being'the intersection of the
w Dine as *desoribed by the V. S. Corps of En"ineers description approved Ja
y 11, 1940, and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of Block 188, Irvine +s Adds
� West St. Paul; thence bearing N.3310561E alcvig said Harbor Linea distance
Net to the point of beginning of the propdrty to be described; thence at
810 bearing s.5600419 to the intersection with the Northwesterly R,/iF line
itPl�e0 FT.; thence bearing Northeasterly alonngg 6" ild R/H line to the intersec
,th the Northeasterly line of Lot 2, Block 188,.Robertson's Addition to West
ul ;;thence bearing Southwesterly to the point of beginning.
... That ppart of Lots 5 and 6, Block 188, Irvine"e Addition to Wed St. Fnlsva -�
" cated j -t Street and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 189,, Ttv ne's Addition to West St. Pat19
lying Southeasterly of the Harbor Line as desoribed above end. the following de-
scribed line: Begirming.aVe point being the intei%eotton of said Harbor Line and
the Southwesterly line of Trot 5, Block 188; Irtlineis Addition to West St. Paul;
thence bearing S.560041E 8t right anglee to the Harbor: ti 'a distance of 30 feet;
thence at right angles bearing S.330561W parallel io and 30 feet Southeasterly
from the Harbor Line to the intersection with the *rtheaetsr9q line of Lot 3,
Block 189, Irvine's Addition to Rest St., Paul.; thence bearing Southwesterly to a
point on the Southwesterly line of Lot 7 of said Mok 189 at a distance of 25
feet Southeasterly from said Harbor Line; then a bearing Northwesterly along said
Southwesterly line of Lot 7 to the Harbor.Line.
The Northwesterly 5 feet of the Southeasterly 65 feet of Lots 2 and 4, and the
Nortbwesterly•30 feet of the Southeasterly 90 feet df Lots 1, 3, 5 and 6, e11 in
Blodc 191,, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul..
The Northwesterly 25 feet of the Southeasterly 90'feet of Lots 2 and 4, Block
191, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul: ,•
Paul, 1Y
t of Dots �+ and 5, Block 188, Irvine's Addition to West llel to the cen-
'That par feet Northwesterly of and pa
jpg Northwesterly of a Line 21 _ nal,a,y surveyed, goutheaater],Y
ter line of the C.St.P.14. & 0. $Y• track as rly bor Line as de- yr
from the Har ndic-
oi a line parallel to and 30 feet Southe y Southwesterly of a line perpe.-
Corps of Engineers, from a pint being the in-
scribed by the II.S•
Line and 65 feet Northeasterly Line of said Lot 5 end
ular,to said Harbor Lin cular said Harbor Dine from a point being "
tersection of said Harbor Line with the Southwesterly of said Lot 5•�� r
Northeasterly of a line :Perpendicular
Line ith the Southwesterly line
the intersection of said Harbor
"that part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 188,
's ,
Addition to West St. Paul
Paul, lying
grid Trots 2 thru 5, Block 188, Robertson!s Addition t. .pointtbe� the in-
within the following described lines: Commencing at a PCorps of Engineers
tersection of the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. F
,description approved January 11, 1940, and the Southwesterly line of Lot ,
• thence bearing N. 33'56' Ew..
Block 188, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul,
,'' ssid Harbor Line a distance of 65 feet to the pbearing beginning 6 1 E to
along thence at right angles
:the property to described; 1 of and parallel to the
'Mize intersection with a line 21� feet Northwesterly aux•veyed; thence
{` 4
r enter line of the C.St.P.M.&�Da p�ara,11�e1 as Originally
the intersection with
;,bearing Northeasterly along
e of Lot 2, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West
Ktle Northeasterly line to the point of beginnin8• `
Z Stk Paul; thence bearing Southwesterly