205185(Council File No. 205185 —By Frank L. ORIG -2UL TO CITY CLERK . 'may • Loss— CITY OF S I. Whereas. The Council of the City • of Saint Paul, by resolution C. F. No. IE NO. �` 202174, approved May 17, 1981, among — OFFICE OF THE other things approved the undertaking o A PRESENTED COMMISSI rl UNCIL RESOLUTIOn Autho the ofsthe city of Redevelopment by i IMinnesota, of the preparation of a BY General Neighborhood Renewal Plan ONE for the proposed Cathedral Urban Renewal Area as said Area is legally described in the aforesaid resolution; rand '310-,r•en.rt Ir WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution C. F. No. 202174, approved May 17, 1961, among other things approved the undertaking by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota., of the preparation of a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the proposed Cathedral. Urban Renewal Area as said Area is legally described in the aforesaia resolution; and I4HEREAS, preliminary planning and survey work has convinced the said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the desirability of expanding the boundary of the aforesaid Cathedral Area General Neighborhood Renewal. Plan; and WHEREAS, the - additional area proposed to be included in the Cathedral Area General Neighborhood Renewal Plan is bounded generally by St. Albans Street, Rondo Avenue, Arundel Street, and Marshall Avenue in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by its resolution No. 61- 10/4--7 provided for and .approved modification of the Cathedral Area Generai•Neighborhood Renewal Plan by inclusion therein of the aforedescribed additional 'area; -and, WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul at its regular monthly meeting held on November 17, 1961, by unanimous vote recommended that this Council approve the boundary revisions of the Cathedral Area General Neighborhood Renewal Plan by inclusion therein of the.aforedescribed;additional area; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED., that the Cathedral .Area: General Renewal Plan and Project incorporating therein the additional area bounded generally by St. Albans Street, Rondo Avenue, Arundel Street, and Marshall Avenue, the legal description of which is hereby amended to read as follows, is hereby approved: Beginning at the point of intersection of the northern right -of -way line of Marshall Avenue with the eastern right-of-way line of-North St. Albans Street, then northerly along said line of North St. Albans Street to the point of intersection with the southern right -of -way line of Rondo Avenue, then easterly :along said line of Rondo Avenue to the point of intersection with .a lot line which is 277 feet east COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 0-01 1 In Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor _*, V - � l L 20 .5-185 1 A � of the eastern right -of -wary line of Mackubin Street, then southerly along said lot line to the point of intersection with .a lot line which is 142.75 feet north of the northern right -of -way line of Carroll'Avenue, then easterly along said -z:lin@„to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of "`Arundel =Street, then northerly along said line of Arundel Street to the point,of intersection with the southern right -of_ -way line of the alley between Rondo Avenue and Carroll Avenue, then easterly along said alley line to the point of intersection with a lot line 197.3/8 feet east of the eastern right -of -way line of Arundel Street, then +southerly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the southern right -of -way line of Carroll Avenue, then easterly along said line of Carroll Avenue to the point of intersection with a lot line 402.88 feet west of the western right -of -way line of Louis Street, then southerly along said lot 142 feet to the point of intersection wit4 a lot line, then easterly along said lot line to the point of intersection* with the western right -of -way line of Louis Street, then southerly* along said line of Louis Street to the point of intersection with the southern right -of -way line of Iglehart .Avenue, then easterly along said line of Iglehart to the point of intersection with the western right- of-way line of Cathedral Place, then southerly along said line of Cathedral Blace to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Dayton Avenue, then westerly :along said line of Dayton Avenue.to• the point of intersection with the western right -of -way line (extended) of the alley between Summit Avenue and Farrington Street, then southerly along said alley line to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Selby Avenue, then easterly along said line of Selby Avenue to the point of inter- section with the western right -of way line of Maiden Lane, then southwesterly along said line of Maiden Lane to the point of inter- section with the eastern right- of- _Nay line of North Western Avenue, then northerly along said line of =North Western Avenue to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of.,- Holly Avenue extended, then westerly along said line of Holly Avenue to the point of intersection with the eastern right -of -x-ray line of Arundel Street, then northerly along said line of Arundel Street to the point of intersection with the northern right -of -way line of Marshall Avenue, then westerly along said line of Marshall Avenue to the point of intersection with the eastern right -of -way line of North St. Albans Street which is the point of beginning. s =2- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 0��ff�`AAII �(� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1 COMMISSIONER DATE be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of C. F. No. 202714 a.re.in all other matters, things, and respects ratified and_ continued in .full force and effect. i' .. r ri • � fj a DEC 15g6a"� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the •Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy pEL M Holland pProved 19 Loss In Favor � Mortinson � n Mayor Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Against PUBI.ISFiEi� ISM G -01 _j_ 1,