205066�1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • - PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONED J In the matter of crete sidewalk in fl HR Council File No. 205086 — By Milton 1 v CITY OF ST. re In the matter of the construction or construction of monolithic concrete O• sidewalk in the following areas: OFFICE OF THE CI On the west side of Syndicate St. from COUNCIL RESOLUTION— Stanford Ave. to St. Clair Ave. under C. F. 198044, preliminary order ap- proved July 14, 1980. On the west side of Albert { Osceola -Ave. north f proximal- ,A'"'f. n i l 14, Bloc, r r �.uun plat " . t 9 �:E,TlI�enT . I nrd 1 w, 'Fdt '.Cd" k 9 Cr t' the construction or reconstruction of monolithic con — the following areas: On the west side of Syndicate St. from Stanford Ave, to St. Clair Ave, under C,F, 198044, preliminary order approved July 14, 1960. On the -west side of Albert St, from Osceola Ave. north to the alley approximately 125.5-feet abutting Lot 14, Block 3, Den E, Lane *s home — sites Plat 2, under C.F. 199023, preliminary order approved Sept. 21, 1960, On the west side of Albert St, from Osceola Ave, north to the alley approximately 126 feet abutting the property known as 1405 Osceola Ave. under C.F. 198374, preliminary order approved Aug. 5, 1960, On both sides of Cherokee Ave, from Smith Ave. to Ohio St, under C.F, 202077, preliminary order approved May 111 1961. On both sides of Macalester St. from Stanford Ave, to Berkeley Ave. under C.F. 202076, preliminary order approved May 11, 1961. On the north side of Commonwealth Ave, from Como Ave.-to Keston St, abutting Lots 5,69718,9,10,11, Block 38, St. Anthony Park north, under C.F; 202178,• preliminary order approved May 17, 1961. On the east side of Robert St. from 6th. St, to 7th. St. under C.F. 203873, preliminary order approved Sept. 12, 1961. On the east side of St. Peter St. from 7th. St. to 9th. St. under C.F. 204470, preliminary order approved Oct. 244 1961. On the west side of Stryker Ave, from W. Isabel to the north approx. 90 ft, abutting the property known as 67 W. Isabel St, under C.F, 204415, - preliminary order approved Oct. 19, 1961. On the east side of Griggs St. from Bayard Ave. to the north approximately 126 ft, abutting the property known as 1219 Bayard Ave, under C.F. 204417, preliminary order approved Oct. 19, 1961. ORIGINAL. TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NQ 05066__ COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE On the north side of Princeton Ave, from Cleveland to F 204416, preliminary order approved Oct, 199 1961, On the south'silde of Ninth St, from Exchange St. to St. C.F. 204422, preliminary order approved Oct. 19, 1961. On the west side of St. Peter St. from 7th. St. to 9th, 204685,'prelimfnary order approved Nov. 7, 1961. nn, under C.F. Peter St., under St., under C.F. On the west side of Minnesota St. from 10th. St. to 11th. St., under C.F. 204434, preli��inary order approved Oct. 20, 1961. On both sides; of Minnesota St, from 9th. St. to 11th, St., under C.F. 195884, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On h u h� ide f s' h t e s o t o 8t St. from Cedar St, to Minnesota St. abutting Lots 3 and 4', Block 20, Roberts & Randall's Add., under C.F. 196068, preliminary order approved Mar, 1, 1960. On the sough side of Bayard Ave. from Sumner St. to Kenneth St., under C.F. 16336, preliminary order approved Mar. 31, 1953. On both sides of Fifth St. from Jackson St. to Wacouta St. under C.F, 195888, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On both sides of Fifth St, from Wabasha St. to Minnesota St., under C.F. 195887,'pieliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On the north side of Kellogg Blvd, from Robert St. to Jackson St.,under C.F. 195885, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On both I� ides of 9th. St. from Robert St. to Cedar St., under C.F. 195750, preliminary order approved Feb. 9, 1960. On both sides of 9th.. St. from Jackson St. to Robert St., under C.F. 195751, preliminary order approved Feb. 9, 1960. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO 205066 FILE On both sides ofl9t11. St, from Sibley St. to Jackson St., under C.F. 195752, preliminary order approved'Feb. 9, 1960.' On both sides of Market St. from Fourth St. to Fifth St., under C;F. 195255, preliminary order approved Jan. 5, 1960, On both sides of 6th. St. from Sibley St, to Wacouta Si., 'under C.F. 195880; preliminary order approved Feb; 16, 1960. On both sides of 6th. St. from Robert St. to Jackson St., under C.F. 195883, preliminary order approved Feb. 16; 1960. On both sides of 6th. St. from Wacouta St. to Rosabel St., under C.F. 195882, preliminary order approved Feb; 16; 1960. On the north side of 6th. St. between St. Peter St.-and Wabasha 8t. abutting the property known as Lots 10,11, and 12, Blk 7, City of St. Paul Addition; also on the south_ side of 6th. St. abutting Lot 1, Blk 8, City of St. Paul Addition under C.F. 195881. preliminary order.approved Feb. 16, 1960' On the northiside of 6th. St. from Smith Ave. to Main Ave. and on the south side abutting the properties known as Lots 1 and 2, Blk 55, Bice and Irviness Add. under C.F. 195875, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On both sides of 6th.. St. from Collelge Ave. to Smith Ave., under C.F. 195873, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On both sidles of 6th. St, from Summit Ave, to College' Ave., under C.F. 195874, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. On both sidles of 6th. St. from Exchange St. to Auditorium St., also on the south side of 6th. St. from Exchange to Main St. abutting the properties known as Lots 1,2., and 6, Blk 5 Rice and Irviness Add. under C.F. 195872, preliminary order approved Feb. 16, 1960. DUPLICATe TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE In the matter of the construction or reconstruction of monolithic con- crete sidewalk in the llowiag areas: On the west side Synd cats St. o■ Sta ord Are, to t. �rAvo. under C.F. 1980 4, prep nary er appre ed July 1 960. On the west ide -f Albert St. fre Osceola Ave. north t the al lei appsoximatel 1 5 fe abuttt s t 14, cic ho - sites Plat 2, ad r .F. 990 O� pre ary approved Sept. 21, 1960. On the eat at Of Albert St. oa Osceola Ave. north to a alloy approx ■ately 26 f of abut at t o propert tan as 05 sseela re. Nader F. 8374, p eli.■ ary or r app Fred Au 1960. On bet des orokee Ave, from Smith Ave. to Ohio St. Nader C.F. 2020779 pre inary order On otli 1 s of t - St, aaford Are, o Berkele ♦ : ands @F* 2 , mi nary order ap 11, 61 On the north s e of Comm* alth Ave. fr ■ Come Ave. to Xostoa abuttin Got S, ,79899v ,Il Block 3 , St. C.F. 20 178 prel mina r order rd May 179 1961. On he a side of e t St.- ■ St 7th. St. under C.F. 203 7:i, re mina order •wed Sopt. 196 On the a at $i of S Peter S �7�tk. S S O204470, all ary or On the we t aid of tryker Ave. f N. Isabel to the north ap x. 90 ft.. abutt aq t e prop rty known s 67 Isabel St or C.F 0441b, pre li mi na y der app red Oe 19, 1961. On the a at s of Gri t, from Oay d e. to the h approximatellr, 126 ft, b tin the p over t ka�ra 1219 yard A Nn r C.F , prelimin orde ap owed Oc 1V961. DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER ■ t nor e o Roston e. r d t inn, nder 204416 elimi orde oved Oct. 19, 1961. Os 'the S at!!' ' �do !''NiiitY om' Exchange' St: Peter = S a ar C, F: 204 22;' p ar rder ap v' ct. . 1961. on t e'' sit' side' of ' St. `Petier''St. from! 7t L St. to 204' pr i car a pr or: 7; Oa th we de o e :ota frrom' 10th; . to lltb• .', e C • 20443 tell �►' or . bred c , 1961. On bot sid o Mian a St, fr 9tk. St. 1 k. St aide 1958840 p lima r order ad Fe 1960; On .the south si a �of 8 St.-from Cedar St, to Bfnne ota St. ab Lots 3 aid 4, Bock , Robert •s adallls A d':, and C.F ,96068, pr limiaary ord r •pre ad Nit 1, 19 On the south side a agar Ave. from Sumner ,-St. to aatk §_t, under C. , 163362, preltmi nary Ord approved nai. 31, 1953. On th s of F h St. gx4m Jacks oq,,Sr-.,, to Wacou St. under C.F. 195 88 pre mi ry o ppi ed F 16, 60. On bathysi s of F St !r W as �4 St.. to 195887, el y or or approved Deb: fib; i9�60. On is ao t side a e1 qQ Blvd, ! ■' R ert St0 to son St„ der C,F 19 85, rel iaary o der a oved FebN.NJ6,O. OR b t sid s of th. Cedar St., under C.F. 19 prel inary o or approved Feb. 9, 1960. On 'b t.h des o! tk, t, ! a J ksou St, I o Robert „' nder C 195 pro i ar or r app�ror Fsb. 9, DUPLICATE TO PRINTER NO. 20066 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL a 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE - COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE On berth = di oY 9th. 'St ' roi ibley St. Ja son St'., de'r C.F 195752, ,pr' mi ara e'r approire `1960. On oth d of Nar S f'r'om Fong' ` to Fi �f.g S eider . 195 55, p'61 i na ©ider a o'ie an'. 5, On b tfh l 's a '6tk; $t ri Sibley St'.' o. acorta St, or C.F. 1958 0, p' elimi airy 'off er ap * oared Feb Oa b th si '1 ,o tk. St-. i • a St. 1958 , elimi�t y orde" apor'ored Feb." 6, 1960. On bo It sides M; St. from Wt a 5t. to Yo i St., a dwr- .�r�. 19588 , r ■i aary rder a plved Fe 6 , On `the n rtk side of th. St. betty .on t. Peter St. a Wabdsha St. abutting the pr arty iosrn as y is 10.1. and 12, B h , City of S Paul Add tion� ulna on the sod ride o 6th. S abtitti q Lot lk 81 City of S al Additi a n or C.F. 195 eliminary approved Feb. 1 , 0 On tk north side th. St. from Smith e. to rain Ave. and a the south side abatt q t_a properties It al ots 1 and 2, Blk Rice and I vine's . undo C.F, 195875 prolimin ry order appr 'ed. Fe . 1.6, 1960. Or both Sides 6th. St, from ldge ,A to Smi th Ave., under C.F. 1958734 pre i nary o r Dyed Feb. 16, On oth s as of 6th; St -fr-6M Summit Ave to C'ol le Ave aeda C.F 195 74 �roll nary o er appr ad Fe 16. On both aides of 6 t. from Ezch e St.- o Aawivrito St., al on the •ath si of 6t St. fro S age to Y _ abut q tk properti s ka a as Lots 1, 2, 6, 81 'S R and I'rvi ne s Add, under C.F. 672, preli a '' order approved Feb. 16, 1960, IN- ORIGINAL'TO,CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM .205066 COUNCIL NO FILE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE On both sides of 9th. St; from Main St. to College Ave., under C.F. 195753, preliminary order approved Feb. 9, 1960. On both sides of 9th. St. from St. Peter St. to Exchange St., under C.F. 195755, preliminary order approved Feb. 9, 1960. On both sides of 9th`. St. from Exchange St. to Main St., under C.F. 195754, preliminary order approved Feb, 9, 1960. On the south side of Linwood Avenue from Milton St. to Victoria St., under C.F. 170880, preliminary order approved Nov. 12, 1954. Construct new curb on both sides of Laurel Ave. from Albert St. to Pascal St., under C.F. 204843, preliminary order approved Nov. 17, 1961. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matters be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis eM s -eo 2 Adopted by the Council DEC 7 196I 19— DEC 7 ass �7 Approved 19— Tn Favor i O Mayor Against PUUBLISHEU DUPLICATE TO PJUNTEFt ?05066 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILOE " "` NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE On i tk id of ,1�.'St; fro six t. to C k oav 1957 pe.li ark or roved F 960. On i tk s s of 19th ' St. fray St. Peter t. to i9xchax St., •r` . 1957 5, re l ulna r order roved F -lr. 9, 1, 0. on tk sib of th.., St. fro , xaka s 'St. to Nall St., �kor C.'F.r 1 57 �1, elimiaar order p roved Fe 9, 196 0: .0. the south side ..9f LLi wood Avenue fros' Al **.St. to V1ct-. fa St. a der C.F. 170880, prol mi sary orde 4p_ prow Nov. 12 - jf54 . Construct now car a both s1 ens of Laurel �r , from lavrt St. to Pascal St , ai G.F. 2 045436. preliai�rer'der appre ad Nov. 171 -961. RICSOLVED, That all orders In the above matters be and the saao are koreyy cancelled, annulled and rescladed and all prooeediags in such matter dis- ceatiauod. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5.ao 2 DEG 7 ffli Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against