205007Council File No. 205007 —By Frank L. �j Loss— N 205007 t ORIGINAL RO CITY CLERK, • Tv Whereas, Under and pursuant to CI 1 1 OF Ordinance No. 11542, approved August UNCIL NO 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5 has reported OFFICE OFT to the Council its findings and recom- mendations, in a letter dated November • RESOLUTI 30, 1961, and Whereas, The Council has made a PRESENTED BY FRANK L. LOSS study therefore report e it, recommehda- 1961 COMMISSIONE Resolved, By thr council of th e City ,v, ;+ Whereas, Under and pursuant,> �-tOi7plfiance No. 11542, approved August 14, 1959,- the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5 has reported to th.e Council its findings and recommendations in a let- ter dated November 30, 1961, and Whereas, The Council has made a study of said report and recommendations, therefore be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the employees listed below shall be entitled to and receive mileage allow- ances provided for in Ordinance No: 11542, subject to the maximum and effective dates set out: I CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Office of the Mayor Duane J. Gratz, Dir. Munic. Pub. Bur. - C Plan - $50 max. Eff. 11 -1 -61 BUREAU OF CIVIL DEFENSE L. W. Marsh, Dir. C Plan - $75 max. Fff. 11 -1 -61 FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE COMM. Seth R. Phillips Exec. Secy. B Plan -� $75 max. Eff. 11 -16 -61 DEPT. OF PARKS & RECREATION & PUBLIC BUILDINGS Paul Blue, Bldg.Insp. From B to C - $75 max. Eff. 12 -1 -61 Chas. Chaput, Pntr. From A to C - $20 max. Eff. 11 -1 -61 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Anthony A. Ackermann Ftom Partial C to Sr. Engr. Aide C Plan -i$60 max. Eff. 11 -1 -61 James W. Stanke From Partial C to Sr. Engr. Aide C Plan -.$60 max. Eff. 11 -1 -61 SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS John,Howard, Mach. C Plan $35 max. Eff. 11 -1 -61 And be it further resolved that the following be removed from mileage lists: ` 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p E C 1' DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 8 -8o aQR Z In Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2'Y !l!R :7� %� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �aA4- OFFICE OF THE CITYtCLERK FILE NO _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRANK L. LOSS e- COMMISSIONER DATE - -- Pg. 2 I FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE COMMISSION Daniel G. Jacobowski Exec. Secy. From B Eff. 11 -15 -61 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Oakley K. Ellyson, Sr. Engr. Aide From ,C - $60 max. Eff. 10 -31 -61 SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Eugene Bjoraker From C - $35 max.- Eff. 11 -1 -61 DEPT. OF PARKS & RECREATION a & PUBLIC BUILDINGS Paul Blue, Bldg. Insp. From'B I 1 I - $75 max. Eff. 12 -1 -61 k COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 3M 6_61 Adopted by the CoUc�i41 19— i pproved DEC 1 viol 19— In Favor Mayor Against } P_�LISIEED CITY OF SAINT f 4 Capita{ of Minnesota ENT OF t f REA�' _ L54' I �rr� _ _ Amt ' K kS -� Ina J 'COMMISSION R ± , ..tilt PAUL I !66_.6' BLIC BUILDINGS, may` BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 November 30, 1961 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Dear Council Members: 1`� + A►: "a`C CApital 4 -4612 Ext. 361 The Car Mileage Committee met in my office Thursday morning, November 30'r 1961 and made a study of the requests presented by various departments and following are its recommendations. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Office of the Mayor Mayor George J. Vavoulis requested that Duane J. Gratz, Direc- tor of the Municipal Publicity Bureau; be put on Class C mile- age with a maximum of $50.00, effective November 1, 1961. The Committee recommends favorable action. BUREAU OF CIVIL DEFENSE A request was received from L. W. Marsh, Director of the Bureau of Civil Defense for placement of himself on C lump sum car allowance - maximum of $75.00, effective November 1, 1961. Mr. Marsh must use his car for numerous meetings., speeches and con- ferences both during the day and evenings, and his car must be immediately available at all times in the event of natural dis- aster or enemy attack. The committee recommends that this re- quest be granted. FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE COMMISSION I ` A request was submitted by Daniel G. Jacobowski, Executive Sec- retary, countersigned by Mayor George J. Vavoulis, for Type B car allowance - $75.00 maximum, for Mr. Seth R. Phillips to become effective November 16, 1961. The present executive secretary, Mr. Daniel G. Jacobowski, is resigning and leaving service November 15, 1961. The committee recommends that Mr. Phillips be granted mileage and Mr. Jacobowski be removed fr6m the mileage list in compli- ance'with this request. Pg 2. I ' DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS A letter signed by Commissioner',Frank L. Loss informed the Com- mittee that Mr. Paul Blue, Building Inspector, is t.o be trans- ferred to supervision of the new Ancker Hospital Fability o'n a full time basis and requested that he be removed from Plan B mileage and placed on Plan C mileage with a maximum of $75.00 effective December 1, 1961. Itlis recommended that Ihis request be granted. Commissioner Loss also requested that Charles Chapu.t, paint- er, at present on Plan A with a maximum of $10.00, be trans- ferred to Plan C with an allowance of $20.00 per month maxi- mum, effective November 1, 1961: This Committee recommends this change. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS A request from John J. Eichinger, countersigned by Commission- er Milton Rosen, involved the following: Removal of Oakley K. Ellyson, Senior Engineering Aide from Plan C mileage — $60.00 maximum, effective October 31, 1961, as Mr. Ellyson is no longer with the Department. Placement of Anthony A. Ackermann and James W. Stahnke, Seni- or Engineering Aides, on straight C plan - $60.00 maximum, effective November 1, 1961. Mr. Ackerman is on C Plan for six months out of the year and Mr. Stahnke is on a split plan of A and C. The sidewalk construction program has been accelerating from year to year,and for this reason, inspec- tions are becoming more numerous. The Committee recommends these requests for favorable action by the Council. �. SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS A letter was received from John M. Gran, recommending that John Howard, machinist, be authorizedlto receive C car mileage - $35.00 maximum, effective November 1, 1961, as Mr. Howard will replace Eugene Bjoraker, who is on military leave for one year. The Committee recommends that Mr� Howard receive mileage and Mr. Bjoraker be removed from th.e' list. Yours truly; A red H.' Schroeder, Ch. CAR MILEAGE COMMITTEE AHS..A