204993ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 204993 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. LICENSE CONaTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CO CIL RESOLUT ON— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY November 30, 1961 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That Application G -5451 for Gas S tation (4- pumps) and Cigarette licenses* applied for by the Clark Oil and Refining C6. at 1132 Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby granted, subject to the provisions that the lights in connection with the station be shaded so that there will be no nuisance, i i RESTRICPIONS (C.F. 145959 and Revised C. F. 16$266) Reneval - I i i r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland -ham-75 Mortinson Peterson ` Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis I In Favor "Q_Against ISM 0-01 t a i t Council File No. 204993 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson — I Milton Rosen — .Resolved, That Application' G -6451 for Gas Station (4- pumps) and Cig- arette licenses, applied for by the Clark oil and Refining .Co. at 1132 Arcade Street, be and the same are hereby the onnection with the sta- tion be shaded so that there will be no nuisance. Adopted by the Council November 30, 1961. Approved November 30, 1961. 1 (December 2, 1961) . N pNI 3 0 i Adopted by the Council 19— Appro 1 19— Mayor 1 1