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�C� Council File No.' 204970 = Ordinance No. 12122 —By Milton Rosen— / Cr R D I I' a ordinance amending the Paul y / =' tive Code of the City of Saint Paul by i erting therein immediately following hapter 447 of the same, an additional Chapter 447A contaiFiing,5provisions NO. therefor and prohibiting certain busi- ness activities on Sunday, defining the PRESENTED BY violations ding thereof t eepunishmentntonbe ian:n- NO. /-Z /Z 'posed for�such vi_P.olati ns.�� � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY INSERTING THEREIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CHAPTER 447 OF THE SAME,_AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER 447A .CONTAINING PROVISIONS THEREFOR AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ON SUNDAY,_ DEFINING THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF AS MISDEMEANORS AND.PRO- VIDING THE PUNISHMENT TO*BE IMPOSED FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS. THE COUNCIL*OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: f Section 1. "'Person" as used in this ordinance means/ any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other group however organized, corporate directors and officers, and the manager of the place where the violation occurs. Section 2. On the first day of the week, commonly known and designated as 19unday, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell,.attempt to sell, or engage in the business of selling - clothing and wearing apparel, clothing accessories, footwear, furniture, furs, housewares, household or business or office furnishings and appliances, hardware, tools, paints, building materials and supplies, jewelry, cameras, silverware, watches, clocks, luggage, musical instruments, musical recordings, radio receivers, television receivers, phonographs, records, tape players, lawn mowers, boats, outboard motors, automobile parts, automobile accessories, toys other than novelties and souvenirs, groceries, dairy products, meats or other foods not prepared and served on the premises or served elsewhere by food caterers, provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful to sell gro- ceries, dairy products, meats or other foods in any place not regularly employing more than four persons, one of whom shall be the owner of or partner in such place or a member of his immediate family, or if such selling place is owned by a corporation, an officer of such corporation; and provided further, that it shall not be unlawful to sell automobile parts or automobile accessories in any isolated transaction consti- tuting an emergency. ' - Nevertheless, no provision of this Ordinance shall `° be�co.nstrued to prohibit the retail sale at any such public place of merchandise essential to, customarily sold at, or'in- cidental to the operation of any public auditorium, bathing beach, amusement park, or sports arena, .nor to prohibit the dispensing of any coupon, stamp or merchandise premium in con - junctibn and-simultaneously with the sale of any merchandise not prohibited-by this Ordinance nor to prohibit any advertise meats for sale of any merchandise by any newspaper or other Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-81 22 Passed by the Approved: Tn Favor Against Mayor original to City Cleric .T_ ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Z-2/11 l e?1- sJ - 2 - established advertising medium nor to prohibit any occasional or isolated sale of merchandise in any transaction conducted on any private premises and disassociated with any regularly established business. Section 3. Each separate sale or attempt to sell prohibited by this ordinance shall be a separate offense and violation. Section 4. Any person violating this act shall be guil"tz,,r of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for not more than 10 days, or both. Section 5• That -the foregoing provisions hereof shall constitute Chapter 447A of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and shall be inserted therein as an amend- ment thereto and as an additional chapter of the immediately succeeding Chapter 447 therein contained. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passagcy.;,approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen ' DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 2 1 V1 Nays Passed by the Council 3101 k , v % Tn Favor d Against • ��� � 196 Approved: 4117 Azi k44tzv� Mayor PUBLISHED — a. ;c�r�.• to ctts c e - 13 r= 1: � � P R 'A N C - r - O 204970 r- COUNCIL FILE NO. PR S Y k ORDINANCE NO. p I 1 . 1 �` ,;�•r �' ' -;''T ITH Il EYTi ,I;AE,;G T S i TLA X 3 D Iop P $, AUL 1 EYg ' iI ' T7B�TD'S t NGTHE�«iESEAEIlE ING CAAPFpILOW N Nfi N T PBOVT: A ,ABBIT WAV R PTEA '' is. IIONS - CEAN 2BIISI2ESa_ AC �Q ig : ,08- 0N - - ` f . 3'RD,' Dom? iN INS THB I OLATIONS�; ; , ` ` TH$EE�F A�'�i DEI ANOHS AIJT� PROW ZING' THE _} I A ' PUNI3fflttTIjTO BE- '-IMPOSEb FORAUCH' V.IaIATIOI� THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. "Person" as used in this ordinance means T. any individual, partnership, corporation, asLand ation, or other group however organized, corporate directors officers, and the manager ofthe place {wyh, er,�e'' �th}e �violaption urs . Vn .th� ]+ii t, V, 4i� �1: 411.Q `�$$ , '00mlionly • - r. 1`. `r , ..` ' known 4n4 designated . ae • Sundar, ''Et . 'within -the = a eoipor at'L - 11 -Mit•s of- •the- 0ity- of $0 t Paul �-- it shah be ,'un.aavjul, for Any • ergbri - to ge�.l -attempt to $e l; 'or ° engage In-'thec�inaa olottlIng And �reaari no Vparel,_olo thins,, aeon s oorlc,a-, . 'tiotvesr, u ni.ture fur, , h.,.auv:O'WAree,. houa.ehnld or slAesa or -o�rIbo. 'furp.1 hlzt�;�a and ��pllandebo. har4.4- re, tools, _ ¢l i a r bui ha er ale and y euppl o0 J+��1t ,mt gmdr a,, g � armor , , watohes niov s u $ a, us�.oal, ir�atruderzts; . iii i©a . , 'e(sor. ngo 1. ;z°ai i.o - aCeii � s � ov �ai011 ,r�e'dIve'r M reaor d .p. F- a _bonto outbOvdld wotQrs, - aktomob:Llo uta- " sabeStOries�, tOya thej than noveitise. , t. end a. uvenira; Lrocerlag, U rY - prodUdts, rents .. •s _ ��►;' o iserVOa on.' the r servell ql Pr a vk eg J =�1 bar obd cater rg - rc�v fied,' floviever; t&u'G It 'sltdl not b to �a'I - spooeres� clair3�'oiuits;oaa,,o Qthez* .. . P too A� -3.n, and .p�.t oa .noV_ �regul 41� eopployln - more k> tb foUr per_oona, one: ai �rh4� .eh�l�., bo the tiwoer .. of' Gr' rier n do Z Q or_': ream er oft l. a - .� •Vr. - _ .y ' ..:•� - - ,, il�e.c�9.�1.te, .f�m�3�� ,.5�. ,scTA1'1 se�,�iz�,�'�ilnp�, in • _ .... ; _ _. P�Ae : a o �rpar�att�n �. Q�`'idr o eueh. aorpor -- x ' �. , - , gEion; end rQQid urt eta, ' th i t , 8JJaJ J � of 0e uikla r 'u q 1i a�xtor ob : G� Saries .ri. �yy[. i�µi1 /e} y.e,�'+ � �rAta �ox �u�tomc�b#�ile •r�v ., _` _ �, - �}!�' QW �[.. {7�d �4rartr14C�,V _ £'.1'k et?ergeiiE3g` . � , . - �,� : • _ : � - _ "Nevertheless, no provision of this Ordinance ` shall be construed to prohibit the retail sale at any such public place of merchandise essen- tial to, customarily sold at, or incidental to the operation of any public auditorium, bathing beach) amusement park, or sports arena nor to prohibit the dispensing of any coupon, stamp or merchandise premium in conjunction and simul- taneously with the sale of any merchandise not prohibited by this Ordinance nor to prohibit any advertisements for sale of any merchandise by any newspaper or other established advertising medium nor to prohibit any occasional or isolated sale of merchandise in any transaction conducted on any private premises and disassociated with any regularly established business." ( OrigApil to Citir Clerk � f• ORDINANCE ^ COUNCIL FILE NO 2049'0 PRESENTED_BY ORDINANCE NO. Sec. *.3 E: /mph a� o sell prohibited by this ordinance sh; a� e ari violation. 2le or ,� Sec. �% An�e Ve.'�e ra'�e ,��ct shall be 1uilty of a misdemean 3e4 a 6cpa tine not exceeding 100 or imprisonment �lti �e /-nan 10 days, or both. Sec.. Thal -one foregoing provisions hereof shall constitute Chapter 447 A of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and shall be inserted therein as an amendment thereto and as an additional chapter of the same immediately succeeding Chapter 447 therein contained. Sec. * � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Passed by the Council Approved: City Clerk Mayor Tn Favor Against Triplicate to the Comytrollar ORDINANCE a COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 2040'0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGISLAT CODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY INSERTING TMREXN IMM$DIATELY F0ZLOWING CH'APT'ER 447 OF THR SAMEs AN ADDITIONAL OHAPTSR 447 A. CONTAINING PROVISIONS THURFOR AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ON SUNDAY AND CERTAIN HOLIDAYS THSEMI i SPECIFIED; DEFINIX0 THE VIOLATIONS THMOF AS MUM MEANORS AND PROVIDING THE PUNISWNT TO BE 100SED FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. "Person" as used in this ordiitanoe means any individual, partnership, corporation, assoclationj or other group however organised, corporate directors and offi,oerss and the Manager of the place where the violation occurs, Soo. Q» On -,the fi rat day of the week, c�omonly known and designated as su6Uw, and on Now Year's Day, Memorial Pays Independence Day, Labor Days: Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Days within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Pain., it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, attempt to seelli or en&PV in the business of selling o.16thing and wearing aappirels clothing accessories,, footwear, furniture* furs, housewaaes, household or business or office furnishings and appliances,, hardware, tools, paints, building materials and supplies,, jewelry,* 0amerass silverwarop watches, clookss luggsgo s WA61 41 instruments, musical reecordingss radio receivers, television receivers,* phonographs and reoord and tape players,, lawn moworss boetes, outboard .motors,_ automn'bi�e parts, automobile accessories toys other than novelties and souveeni"* and grocearie# dairy produotss meats and foods not propared and served on the promises or served elsewhere by food caterers j provided, howover, that it shah: not ba unlawful to sell groceerlees, dairy proeiuots, meats$ and other foods in any place not regularly employing more t persons,, one of whom shall be the owner of or partner in such platcele or a member of his matte famiiyx or it auab selling place is owned by a corporation, an officer of such corporation; and provided that it shall not be unleawful to sell automobile parts or tutomobIles accessories in any isolated trarv►otion constituting on, emergency* � Sec. 3. It shell be sufficient defense, to prrc socutlon under this ordinanoe that the place of walling, attempting to well, or engaging in ghee business of selling is regularly closed on the seventh day of the calendar week, oossaonly known as Saturday,. Sec. 4. Each separate We or etteempt to sell prohibited by this ordinance shall be a separate offense arA violation, Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen - Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM s-so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Aroalll$t \ F - Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE . 204970 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. +Oa. 5F Any person Violating this riot shall be gUiltV of a misdwwaenor punishable by a fine riot exceeding or imprisonment for not more than 14 dayo f or 'bath. Sao. 6. That the foregoing provisions jaereof shael3.1 aonstituto Chapter 447 A of the LOQislativo Cade of the City of Saint Paul and shall be forted thorein aka an a"rAmment therato and as an additional oha3ptetr of the same Immediately succooding Chapter 447 thorein oonta meld. Soo. 7. This ordinances shall t0eae effect and be in Poreo thirty days after its passage, approul and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk _ Mayor i1A s -so s ORS N ANCE :, }U4��1 . . ,; ��r•L � _ � E ^., � ���, --�/ �.�'-`` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRFSF��._N� =;o ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY INSERTING THEREIN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CHAPTER 447 'OF THE SAME, AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER 447 A CONTAINING PROVISIONS "HEREFCR AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ON SUNDAY AND CERTAIN HOLIDAYS THEREIN SPECIFIED; DEr INING THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF ASI MISDEMEANORS AND PROVIDING THE PUNISHMFNT TO 3E IMPOSED FOR SUCH 7iCLAT_L1)%S. 1'''c COUNCIL OF THE CITY 09 SAINT PAUL DOES UHDAIN: k! ' sue:: as used in this ordinance means n, .u' , idua� . r. : - &- ;St. ° P, corporation, association, or other Group how, rep _ _,gar,Ized, .- •:-porate directors and officers, and ;,he ms nat: t o' the place where the violation occurs. " goo. .,n ttlo first day u_ the week, a©mmonly known :;nd iesiomated as .3unday, And on New Year's .ay, Memorial :lay, Independence Day, Labor Day,, ChanKst;1ving .Jay, and Christmas ,Jay, within the ca^porr.to limits of the City of •flint maul, it ah. it ae ,,nlnwful r,)r tiny person to sell attempt to sell, or en-Po;e in the business of aeillna ri aloC rind nd W_*&7•ink, n.pyAr &1, alothin;k aaoessories, l00twes3r, furniture, furs, h ut, -+,o area, household .�cRineBS or office fut�islr.In, -$ and dPpliances, hard re, tools, saints, building 2ateriAls and aus,.�l,es, jewelry, aameras, 811verware aktahss, olooki, lut,9a9e, mueloal inetrunents , �eleal reco�•cin,, s, ruddo receivers, telovi , sior. receivers, P:hano;rEik,he, records, tspe playera, 1Rwn mowers, boats outboard Lactors, WtOmobile pvrte, auto - zobili •ceesaories, toys cther than norelties and scAvenirs, , rooerles, fairy products, mente or oiler f"Js not Pr6pA, ec and served on Lr,A premlres or carved jlsearher, off, fooa ; •tertrs, sruvaeci, r,owevor, r'hrt it "It'll not oe an�av�,ruj to sill groceries, dn4ry Nrooicts, wsote or other foods in any rlvoe not regulrlly Pmplayilit, nor* thar four pereone, une of whom st'.zt. 1 De tre owner �r �es•tnex in "ch Plnce or , ,newber of his 1mre(iis- to fa;aily, or if such seilin,• ), roe is or�,1ed f a oor;.�ore ti n, an offI041' Of such aorpor- j :• :� nci , x'OV'.i.e8 .furtnel', th 4_ g,.r,i1 not •�� un;r- ��ti;i to t3ei1 hutomool, a r��7•tS or r� tE3pt ©bile : c Qerau -•lee in hnY iaolpted trs.nsPc- ' r. o,,ns,, tut- "Nevertheless, Ar cy - H "'nevertheless, no provision of this Ordinaz -ze -,hall be construed to prohibit the retail sale at any such public place of merchandise essen- tial to, customarily sold at, or incidental to the operation of any public auditorium, bathing beach, amusement park, or sports arena nor to prohibit the dispensing of any coupon, stamp or merchandise premium in conjunction and simul- taneously with the sale of any merchandise not prohibited by this Ordinance nor to prohibit any advertisements for sale of any merchandise by any newspaper or other established advertising medium nor to prohibit any occasional or isolated sale of merchandise in any transaction conducted on any private premises and disassociated with any regularly established business." 01,DINA.14 C.E _ COMA NO 204970 ]�Y.gutixe Council. ; i ONDI Cif AWDIlNG M -1W SIATiVB C0 $ Or 'TW, 0174 -OF B&IR 'PAUL. 'BY � - IT13ERMO o IM n SDUTW YOLLOWIM, CHAPTER 7 Or T. ' AI' - ` MMOINAL CSR 441 A CONTAINM PWV?=%% R AND P]30=TTM i CSRTAIN 11C18 8 [vrrs QN SUNDAY OD COTAIN NOWMIS 2MMN OPWI- W Bx IMSPO Poll SUCji. VMz&TTODIS.. 44' MO L OF, 9% CXTY OF -- AZT -,PAXL DbEB QRakut etion, 1. "Persysi01 as used in this ordinance baesns' any 3nd.iv d*1. *, par-tn' _.pj ' corporation, MasQalAtiou, .or ;other group 'boarev x orgy zed, cQ pvrate directors and 11:)MCO-ra, W t� .t sager .of the_'pUeo wbez� violatiob occurs. i Sec. 2. On the f#.rst day a -t)* # e6k_- .- ca&o known and de3sigaated as ,SAY,-, and on New Year's :C�y, ,2mor:. beat, :dependence paY. ,LecborY: ksgivin8 MY, • abd a Chr3e tamaa jr,. Within ibe :,cor &-ate ].unite "of the City ' of t Sul., it gha]3 be un� a u2 for ww person to seal, attempt= to sell, ore 8 ' ° in a 'flu :W - s of selling clothing .and wcarimg, apparel, 'clothing, s►ccej§so #es.. foawtar, fu tlture,$. f ,. Yyolx+ae res,. household or bur -mess or ofAct furiaishh3iq aaad 411ances0w4vare, tools, .paintai building imter3als avid agp1lea,, jewelry, camms ailverHeres vetches, c1 kd_ luggage, musical itu truments, aisl cal,' r cv ,3tzgs, ..radio givers, televliBAiO n .receive:recl,: 'pht?nogriephe amd racord sx3d type playerd.. 'lawn > vXers� boeRti , 6utboar3; motors, ,automobile yartai automobile eccesogrieso toys .otlwt tbiio uavelties, and, souvenirs- AsA groceriesp dairy- Waduets, meats} 'ind foo" sot prgWed and ,served on the iiiw.asa or served• eUewher_ a by Food caterers; provided,, .oeverr, that ;it aba3 not be unlawti�I. to .aeL7._grocer�,,esy da�r products,` x mti and other foods It any puce not ,regularly' wW1oy1n$ mare..t persons, � x - shs11. be the o'wher c_ - or :Vart ter• is such •pL�e , or a .fir °of ,s f ate family, or if aucu se3_Ung pare.- -is. .oVued by a oorparation, an officer of such corporation; ,ail provided . tbai it eball not be uA0.WU -to sell automob$3.4 p&tts `ar alltAabile ;accessories in eny - Isolated trabOact1W constituting ah- emergency. Sec. 3. St ]3 tie sbff1d1eiut= defeAsfaAtO prwecutictn Aurtder t%.ta. ord,3.mme . that tbe'ylacs.:of sellingi. - *ttftaptI:4S to zeJlo ar' the buaixtass of seilir�g Is regtslz�rl,�r clar�ed cxd tie- eerreath ,. off' tba . .weele, caftway' knowo as taturday, ea. 4. S, %,,,eh, separate sale or atte pt " ne9,l g oi�lbited by this, Ordiw=e . ` abe�ll. I* a, separate offense -a'nd vlolsrtiau.- ` Sec. 5,."' parson vioX,st g this, set ,aha11 be t oi� a mi3ade eu or' $� punisbable w, fine not. exceeding. 4100, or 3xgpr"o ftt, for %lOt more the .10 days or r u Sec., 6• Tbat tha- foregoing provis3ona hereof' shall.- ,GQeois�itute Ciae�pter ,4.7 A of the D gis7Ative Code. of foie City a :mat ,path. axtd a t.� be 3z�gerted. 'tha3rc3n as are. = am�a mt eretp and es `ari additional. 'aheptcr 'of the Ome .3.=_ dl, lei swcaeecling. - Chapter-.4477- ti -eIn ct .ned. ,$ec. 7, . 7bis. - ordinanca shakl. 't$lte. etf'ect'.and.'be In force th3r ty w4�ys ,after ita passa8e., appro_ l and ltc&tiw. Ok F_ om = *c: ..-o_- .. . ; : - - .. a ._ • _ • , - - � _ - - -,0 A b I V_A-VC"E � ` .MIL s NO-6 204974 %r .ire auoai:. • - f AR O =Xk= ZG'= , =AMZ COW OP M OM OF SAMPAM BY 3NWAVMO THOM HQW A �O W 441 w = %Mi AN AC im" 447 A 00VIOSM M IDES, wamft An paD83Mm At. mw- 100 i ;Q . `, ! WMIL . 00' M Off' OF: OAW. VAS �- 4R%tll_ � 4wr °, o st. used O 1 ate• IOXA&- r 4c .gUot wbote, lAtic+o . 2, t)h f t- '. `fir 4b8 teA �� i of 0tv or Spino j4MAO it ,aim I — be unUvful ► r 'i t` ehot to ash.;.- a' eqp o .� tho ' igs or o u tvm�s b bz* ."Oes 0, xtuv :'u'e: Vic, S Q= s "dard AXA t'so, v isa )AWXI mvdm Ifttsi mtbftrd to i .edit #.0 10 • P" "I" AM 4 4# oo Vwv- moo# or 4 - toad. eA 4r8§ 3?w0 jku4)' bwev"* that A. 0441 Apt to muvf a- t4 soli a esp &M'w v tic , • . # + or off. �r wh �e ,or A a i3 Vie ' ti► o y Ow losr of -atob oor$ omt� km; Oat It *tfi tot, oa 3 '0l o :., •c b or' gu$cm a AgeeSSQ4 4' ifi, Isolated fi at . aw be s%&141 i d %&141�}�i�l��p��43I�; �3 ° '��C11�y�`.�'+�+8 i�X'E���.�? • t e �� �,3�i�.,��+ii�eiq�.y,�V�y���y y!t�e�l�ayGyi.��i��a,�y� Oiyii�S,4 iris the *►`�zv.o6 W�F 'd "7# p 1.[�C�,i� - a, be �.- ��# "'I,+s -' � o� ��#� to' act. ��d�it�'�►d- "ICS �.,s , o�.�C.� 5, . t Of tba . 910 _ -Utfve 004A of. Or Of-- Wnt Paul ar4. OW I be lawtod law tberedo as ao vwwbeAt gee Tl: o . s 3 ' tai =4 WX*7 'Q aftor AD or- By Ruth 06t*U*. : Tt SAM PAM BY 447 oF M'SM AN AMMONAL cjw=� 441,A MMMM PMMIOttS MM"A AM ;09V= i '000 � UF*VV} i* Oryo&O�p t oorvovaU Auoctorol 84d offs t. o ► ' ows ,'y`# *WZ' . Y:. �ol "Co T'* r fir, ; '� a' JUlto for � �, :G ,p + :+ � + tir ter .�+, ;��,� ��ol A� ff�o, �.e { ,qat�!�►,.�� .j: lid and tz vy WA. i;t - - m"M, i j OAVY *vm"tso emu: ft is not � "rvoa. -04 tier vra4ues, or sorv*4 fi r. a ► u `wt, ez + .# Ord 4 r f In pro 11 c?i� - r _ / 0031 U �r of ar ttor . h e 4L :fir of ' l�tO` tow, if too ':fit► ��t +���t# �t��t'... -- , _ -- ". , it ,iuj� to sunigiao Aeange to poi :+ otdlo�wl* ' -- ►t Vw . ywo or, A 1IJW * jktumtiog to.soul or ogaging to Uft balm'S14 of ld . Of t +t oft to.APU pl tb# %*o tA* O tt *O,. CCAO Of i*%4 sn$ W.*a lu 40 . a»r3 Vie, .AA ± ax U w 4 00 .+3aai. .jJ44 U tQ=V r duct -ts 'amt. W&OC** - f Yom, _ • Y "� • w ♦ - r 1 � 1 . �"'• . sue' .i id .. w .1 .964, 1� r I \ /3 717 ,,I37��rr���/� G� CJI ar i 6� l �p 4, a /0,9 I� �y ,.0, , f4-a�L, 7,/,>/ IY2- Ali ORMA= AXMM W - ML 0019 00 ,C tip' PAM B US)MIM Ma= 04MM V=040 ACVVn%W W Ski& AND CV MV 0%, MUM 00 or U PAS►. Ma MAM motion l.` *r4ae #ig tbb + . e ��►- or Au%lifto*wl two or bialt*,va or OfIg.vewt �. - . 'rya � ,3►ai. ►� r;-'b+oiaa� �� �y .+��t #.�rdt� ,yap .�u'_a.�� _ ., + fdks'• ;'+fit, � � .� _ rt•. - MA ox T 4w vuwe sot r3suUW u*-b% ,sa moo/ Ss#y" to Ua "= or or "rWor AA alb jd� aV, a ad*W of M8 4000MAtt f� SIX& VAU44 0AIW_ JA OWWA by e �,� f . arm 4f - h �Uoh).. , are 3:, it . ,gut' ' a a A4 praoa; t ord$w= o 4*Ctta _4kSCb tuo -for tot UAA, 4w botA. ; coo., -00 ` torosolk PrOU100. ha' • ," ,mom" •'F r e ri4: 1i'a ',ati Uo" d t--X..9!f sue; X30 19ft WJIWXL ZW Nd. 904�7o I AN OMMWA AXMZD M LWIEUTM 0019 W 2M CM 0? SAM PAUL BY 1kiC4 chi '7` �o f OMM 44 A caumm F, DMI0 %@OEM An X89 JP j. UW=M M V=A=,Xs %WOW AS mi=) AWRO AM PADVSM WE PAS. LOES 01%W$ _ Any 49diVUWa VW�Mblp WA l *WAOL*r 191 .: PD." "bwtwiomr ,MA � * cap r € f . ; �lw s, U174" ►- a h t f . � 'tt� .. i �tct moo- At :rib , ba or "uing *v �4011*214 iii oftla"e JAW ' • 'rte . PA w Imo : Uwa rr ' p 4ugftvd taxt n+#t =4` AM b* -tbo O*w or qr *r r -A awh pluo or a *4*a at hie I=Ad to Fit or bV �` cam t f. ' mac q ` ou�h oratichp. Wit. o�'►e �� oft-0 : it -stou,U. ;ltiiffil a t "19:0 smac � �=4� `. fib. -bb* pit" of � ���� -oair br 01404" to - at .dam ' t r Y $'# ` T T, - *mom. COs 40toftl . OrA VO #►_ _ j . ' w YOU I= Agam omm''Or Fit .. ;L3o PRESENX D--BY OR A_ NCE %J'�V✓L;, a'�� COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 04970 *AX ORDINANCE AMINO TO LiiOISLAT IVE CODS C& THE C = OF SAINT PANT. BY 11332TZG TMSIN I ( - R D IATILY FOLLOW d n 44? OF 229 SAME AN ADDITIONAL CHAP'�EB 71A 90MAMM t`�MUNS ' , 11 tMR AND FR011 mIT CUTAIN BUS AC.• TIVITISS ON SMAY� DWISM VO VIGLATZM T F AS MYSDEMW8 4*6 Aim movam in P LIMMM TO BE I"09b FOR SUC'B` YIWAT'IM308 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: • Section, 1. Person" as used in this ordinance means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other group however organized, corporate directors and officers, and the manager of the place where the violation occurs. "coo. 2. On the first day or the weer, common "own fated as today, within the eorpora Ze limits of the City of 3ain t Paul, it s2Ls11 be unlawful for any arson to sell attem;ot to sell., or enghge in the Business of selling clothing and wearini, eappa►rel, clothing ao®essories, loot�vear, furniture , furs, b ,u� ?mares, houaehoU or business or office fuMiahings anQ appliances, hardware, toots, Nainta, building 29terials A&4 su,jplles, jewelry, auras, silverwalre, watch**, oloaKa, lugghge, Musical instruments, aueloal r0e0raint�a, radio reeeivira, television recelvc•re, r'hono£raphs, records, tape players, larn movers, bouts outboard motors, attomobile parts auto - mobili F.eoessories, toys other than novelties And e(uvenirs, croeerieev tatry products meets or oiler foods not , yrepare4 land served on the prealies or served eleewhart by food caterers vrovJdeyd, uowsver, thr:t it stall not be unlaawiul to sill troceries , dairy prodac is , meats or other food► in any .(:laace not regularly emplcYkag more thair four persons, one of whoa shall be the owner of )r partner in F.,uch place or a member of his i►sredia to fs.mily, or if such se�lln, place is ovdad bar a oorporsiion, an offlotr of such oorpor- o -1011; s,nd rrovided further, ths; it sta&ll not ke unlawful to Bell automobile parts or automobile aoe$r'aarles in culy Isolated trcns&,ct1.,n oonstit V_ in> -( emeruenoy." "Nevertheless, no provision of this Ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the retail sale at any such public place of merchandise essen- tial to, customarily sold at, or incidental to the operation of any public auditorium, bathing beach, amusement park., or sports arena.nor to prohibit the dispensing of any coupon, stamp or merchandise premium in conjunction and simul- taneously with the sale of any merchandise not prohibited by this Ordinance nor to prohibit any advertisements for sale of any merchandise by any newspaper or other established advertising medium nor to prohibit any occasional or isolated sale of merchandise in any transaction conducted on any private premises and disassociated with any regularly established business." urftled to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 2049'70 PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE NO. Sec. ,;3 Each separate sale or attempt to sell prohibited by this ordinance shall be a separate offense and violation. Sec. � Any person violating this act shall be uilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding 100 or imprisonment for not more than 10 days, or both. Sec.*. That the foregoing provisions hereof shall constitute Chapter 447 A of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and shall be inserted therein as an amendment thereto and as an additional chapter of the same immediately succeeding Chapter 447 therein contained. Sec. ;� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. l Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mdrtinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -60 .S Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against i MOTION BY COMMISSIONER I move that the Council's action approving pending Ordinance Council File No. 204970, as to form, be reconsidered for the purpose of permitting the presenta- tion of several motions for additional necessary amendments as to the form of the same. I move that the title to said Ordinance be amended, as to form, so as to read as follows: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE CITY OF.SAINT PAUL BY INSERTING THEREIN - IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CHAPTER 447 OF THE SAME, AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER 40A.CONTAINING.PROVISIONS THEREFOR kM"PROHIBITING CERTAIN BIISINESS AC- TIVITIES'ON SUNDAY,_DEFINING.THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF AS MISDEMEANORS AND PROVIDING THE PUNISHMENT TO BE IMPOSED FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS." I further move that Sec. 2 of said pending Ordi- nance Council File No. 204970, be further amended, as to form, by striking therefrom the following language and punctua- tion marks immediately succeeding the word "Sunday ", to -wit: ", and on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, ": n I f4ther move that Se4. 3 of said pending hrdi- nance Council/File No. 204970 the same shall read as follows amended, as to form/ so that " ec. 3. It shall b sufficient defense to prose tion under this o dinance, based on a ,1A sale, ttempting to sell or engaging in the busin ss of selling any erchandise on the f rat day o ..the week, comm o y known and designs ed as Sund , that the place f selling, attempt g to sell or engaging in th business of seMng is regu arly closed on th 7th day of the cal ndar we , commonly known a Saturday." r .•j iy• . F• 3y _•y,, •�`" - � - iF •.1 - . _r , . _ � 1. - - aY _J , �+- •• — .J = .l• .3 .• �,r ' ,`Y•` rpy Y •' -' �J ' ` ,' •* •• i ••' • ' yy -. •�ti, .. s \ yM � ' { ••r ,. ,_ mot'.' .�: �} r` Comm- AP Oat", 0o 0 :. � . •a`Qt#. a' a r= ° :;. �` . • ,. gip.►.?! , J i - l+ i$'7 .r• '.t 1 , r .p ,i 'Y rl .• l.i .. - - i r r.•, ►p ri�i' ier d'. for,_ the, pur oit►_' o per itt ?r tho i e an\tar' a } f ton of-- •sovsri%- lotalo - ,f©r` ��td�� � ilk* fors i� �tt'. �= - - ': a,. - _. •- ; • -y,e `•�•r _t • - L1 .: •• 5i� - _`•\ _ -,1 -`:L _ ,' , Tye{ ;y +[�'j•� °j'• , .• Y ' Yy' 'f; • j,,• - • - • y •�' }� ' 1r • .�f•Y .,v.. said �C�diVo A!V • n , 1, terra,' $ t a - is .. �. „ i - i •+ r c •- '1' � .. -. a A �,' •'Y • '1 ,- .,� \�` r i .. '• , or TM, Cam' SAINT. PAM 'B� WS9R -TUG `THM ; • . .. - {��[ y {�J y� r • [ y! y►���{•,�}yc�c1y HAPTttPV `yq� 1 7 OF' Till-SAM C cA,, ' �vy�• QB. 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" _ ~�- Ly� • � -I �• •- •. fi \�J_��`; !.�`V4i,vy •� 1. �c +• .• 4 t - �i .. •f Y "' .r cr.• -sY� ,. `•`` .- ASS So /AMERIC .RELIGIOUS TO CAF40 fi� AND WS TO PR TE 7 1890 HILLCR ST ST. PAUL 7 5LEETING, Inc. CS, TEST` N S CE 6, MINNESOTA MI. 8 -1508 The Sunday closing law issue in St. Paul, as a result of the new Amendments to the present proposed Sunday Closing Law, has now been taken out of ot- eZ C IXA the commercial world of discount hous'�oi the realm of religion and the right ,of worship. ti.. The Sunday closing ordinance., as it now appears is not only in dltect opposition to the Sabbath law of the decalogue, but will also force a person to either violate God's law which says, "Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work and business "' or violate the ordinance of the government of St. Paul and meet the penalty of the law. I feel very keenly about this matter in abridging the religious and civil rights of minority groups, and I personally, have a feeling that no Christian 5 will embarrass this council or become a stumbling block to his fellow Americans by having an optional clause in the city ordinance - restored which respects the equal rights of all Americans regardless of what day of the week they may observe as the Sabbath in honoring God. We maintain that God has a right to make the work, business and the rest man a part of His religious worship. Further, we believe the Scripture which' says., "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilt�T of all." Therefore, we maintain .that in order for God to recognize our worship we must acknowledge not only the part of the Sabbath law which deals with rest, but also the part that deals withwork and business. The Lord refuses-, the worship of man who insists on observing the Sabbath three days before the Holy day and three days after. God commands the worshipper not only to acknowledge His Sabbath day, but to recognize the law that says, IISix days shalt thou labor.", We do want to call the attention of the city council. to the fact that ,-� the Supreme Court in the Maryland decision did not rule on the question of whether the State had power to prohibit worship, nor as to whether a man has a right to take the law literally that says I'Six days shalt thou labor,11 but rather whether Sunday labor was secular or religious. The Chief Justice of the United States W AMERICAN RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETING, Ine. ASSA CONFERENCE OF ROMAN CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS AND JEWS TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE IN AMERICA fpS 10 1890 HILLCREST ST. PAUL 16, MINNESOTA MI. 8 -1508 I Mrw Supreme Court clearly stated that "Most Sunday closing laws as they are presently written and administered are of a secular rather than a religious character."' character., "' That -G1M is not so with the Sabbath law of the Decalogue. It is religious and the 'day' in the law belongs to God and not to the State. I repeat again, the decision did not deal with the question of whether a man should be restrained from the right of wor- shipping God according t th rinterpretation of the Sabbath ce ��it�ior as to the question of whether a man should be restrained from acknowledging God's rest, labor and business law as it is interpreted by the church, and not by the State. Furthermore, we feel that the men in executive, legislative and jud- iaial capacities should not regard the rights of minority groups lightly, for it has: a national demoralizing effect toward our system of constitutional government and encourages lawlessness. We have a concrete example of this in the writing of the majority e- cis ion of the Supreme Court on the second Ma.rylan test case against an Orthodox Jewish believer who closed his business from Friday night=; sunset to Saturday night sunset. The chief justice, Earl Warren as he wrote € the majority decision upholding the Sunday Closing Law said :: "The Sunday Closing does not prohibit :the free exercise of religion, but the law operateif so as to make the practice of religious beliefs more expensive.l' What 1� ea egal sonis ority group may practice their religious beliefs in America but it is more ex- L w Y pensive.... -. I admire the Chief Justice and only think of him as a great American Statesman, but I take exceptions to, his apparent flippant attitude and legal language he uses to curtail an Orthodox Jewish believer of his inalienable agght to express in a forum of conscience, his religious duty to a Moral Power higher - than the state. The Chief Justice made an unfortunate spectacle of a minority religious group by removing a part of the equal protection of the economic and spiritual blessings, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Uhited States to every American, S its F Eps� �R regardless of race or creed. AMERICAN RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETING, Inc. A CONFERENCE OF ROMAN CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS AND JEWS TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE IN AMERICA 1890 HILLCREST ST. PAUL 16, MINNESOTA MI. 8 -1508 3— I repeat again, this kind of legal philosophy coming from the highest Jurists in the nation in abridging the equal rights of minorit religious groups, has its influence and its germination i er homes America. The spirit of insubordination for the equal protection of constitutional law, is ir,lplanted at the fireside of the home in the hearts of children and �youth and the 4 Aes;" r&'"rAQO_ ' natural result is a lawless licentious state of society. Let it be know5.� legislative bodies bn regard lightla olly cast aside the restraints imposed upon man by the Divine law of God Will reduce thousands of Americans to second rate citizenship and encourages acts of violence and vandalism such as we have seen in the last few days. The bombing and destroying of the synagogues and the defacing of the places of worship with the discarded swastika .�•0 Why pass a ity ordi nce at th hallenges -the faith of any religious group ?' We feel that the church has sufficient spiritual understanding to interpret the Sabbath law so it will not interfere with the rights of others. We feel that America would have less juvenile delinquency if more attention would be given religiously to the six day labor law of the Decalogue. God still puts a premium on work when he says, "Come unto me all ye that labor.." and then He orders the man who refuses to obey this law to go to the ant hill instead of the Temple or to the church for worship. % The first amendment to the Constitution of the United States clearly reads, "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.I1 Because of this marvelous guarantee, we in this country may attend the church of our choice and may worship according to our conscience - -a distinct privilege that we have taken for granted until the last Dlc� few months. We have now come in the history of our government in St. Paul, to where it looks as though the curtain is about to be dropped to prohibit the right to worship God according to the commandment of the Holy Scripture. �5 pgE R � AMERICAN RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETING, Inc. A CONFERENCE OF ROMAN CATHOLICS, PROTESTANTS AND JEWS TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE IN AMERICA 1890 HILLCREST ST. PAUL 16, MINNESOTA MI. 8 -1508 We recognize that our inte retation of God's requirements of the Ot -G�Ct Sabbath law in the Decalogue4may appe r to you as though we are moving into the extueme. We do not wish to leave that impression. However, we are confident that you will recognize with us that as we move from the civil atmosphere of the State into the realm of religion, there are many mysteries hard for a legal mind to accept or comprehend in court. We hold that when there is a conflict created by the state between civil and religious affairs, or between God and Caesar, it becomes the duty of man to obey God rather than man. I believe the words of Patrick Henry, one of the great American libertarians are very fitting today: "I know not what course others might take, but as for me, -give me liberty or give me death," Gentlemen, this is not the time to pit one religious organization against another and split our city in a great religious controversy of the Dark Abes; this is the time for all of us to join hands against a common enemy of constitutional government which recotnizes the inalienable rights of man as superior to the powers of the state. A house divided against itself will not stand. We cannot afford to allow America to become the strong arm of the State that will.act as a tyrant over the religious consciences of man in this critical hour of world history. I feel that the city council of St. Taul should take a very definite stand in the protection of the inalienable rights of all people regardless of race or creed. ' A. A, Leiske resident Interfaith Conference and Corporate on - s.w .- .-- .- w�..... +.P.B.sa�a� ,.....a+h�+.r .. i-• �e sI� -- .�...•n. l.+a..... .e. +.e�e�.Yy'Y� We, the undersigned, are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the .: St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME I , ADDRESS �_� ,Ir lamed f // i - r ,r A�a..V.W-r / �...a- r,r,..w.- ...-- ,. -y.i '..r ... ... n;ra s. .. �.. � ,+r.. y.., y^ �i "'..- '�.J.a•..F y�r.s.r �'.4- !!!.M.�,.r..'v +•'i. r...R We, the undersigned, are residents of Ramsey County in the city of St, Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME ADDRESS VIV �..i r � �yt• � - -.rw �s�+.� yr.v':I+• %'Y`4.+•••♦, � � f w• - ... 1 y� _.'^.r�, _` ir�rW!r�l� y f- a 1 - .'tn..` 4! .,.�- .. r .r - , i/ }' [ r - a . - •� - .. M 9,.U_ .� •,Y �l�sx "'�it i�.e.�r.'�i`.:sM1�l;:'e �r.'��, k}8 Z;� �" .;� .._..,;sti,"T:�, - - - We, the undersigned, are residents of Ramsey County in the city of St. Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St, Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME ADDRESS i . _.. i wfl - - - M F J� its✓ 1, i v � / f aa- /,J,, 4 -3� '46< PORAIMUMAR`2 We, the undersigned, are residents of Ramsey County in the city of St, Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St, Paul City Council, for they do ndt'adfiere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME ADDRESS ' / c We, the unde'rsigned', are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the .: St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious righis"of worship. r i r NAME ADDRESS , s ,���� a /t- k,: • 4- a.v�. f I ,4_6 () V 27� .F IV • �, - _- w.• - _ice,- -`� C, —��,�j!` - -� "~' t�r!�..•• __+tc._� I ,r .` We, the undersigned, -are residents of Ramsey County.in the city of St. Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American- religious rights of worship. _, — __ – -- NAME ADDRESS vzyr D �Y 11 t�.c ;y .� -�•:`i Y. _.-'._ "_,.- -.. '.,; �,�i.r'ti_ ^..��_�., ca�,! ..� F *,. ..,, -•. .�,. •�. '• ,f •. ___ :�- �. �• - �J. �r - -# ,�� s'� 1- 2. c �� ,l ��: 1 Y _ .A "]YA�� ;N .�wa... +:� «>.i.., ..., .i.:ri►.............n.:..Kt�.++� - ,�;�ar'I�,,:,,+.._w.�•,.,.... 1.1 +..•.r'�,..wv.v..�>..waa.. : -i7C w - We, the undersigned, are residents of Ramsey County in the city of St. Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME ADDRESS 3 - el �vf r /r_l_�1 rI✓i�7/ PLF---,t � /� I ��. r II 1 -y_ __ __ ��� -dam _.__L� S -,\ _T •i� tt9'�i —. ___ — f —_/F —= �!"'`�a - *:. 4 We, the undersigned, are residents of Ramsey County in the city of St, Paul and are opposed to the Sunday closing laws as proposed by the St. Paul City Council, for they do not adhere strictly to secular issues, but they violate our most valuable heritage of the separation of church and state and they tamper with our American religious rights of worship. NAME ADDRESS � 1 • A mv q!;A I -, �#- -3 0 7, 1 r MY; 13 S-�Z S %3y �� w 7 41� , "Icl l q�rno � 7� %o V6 utoc�-�� " /3'89 �- f,l / ter-- o po G � 14.A "7 44" O 1*1 y r�•�� �t•• { ' r , it f .t ,' f 1- f i -� • ! y �• - '1, S':. +►G �:r'.';,.iy �`� ' ct a',try � -i� : s ���3 { r 3": �'�" • �Ct �tY 3 ��. � �, (f-d-+f;•.j, .. t� '�? w`:. � ^Y i •.�.4 •� {' �? -f� � `�!.� Uf-� �.e. . r�}. i ssC +� �(:�' -" .y..M °,a.C�- 'a °C,.:.:i�' i+=� i �f•. lYi'r�' :Y:;'� -:a 3-+��::�' .f.�'{ � sl f `� .. ..u•4 _ + . 34 TT' J: 4 • ��• �.1J,;".3 ,(�� �' �' �..�_:+, ,. �r.,ro -. :;�T.• }L.,• !.�`r.� �t�: r (ly.. r,�6'a'a Ic l �' J ya"%' +T� �; i� 41 •? �. Y' +, •7 �• .. ."''' Y r .ir "r` .. ` +•`. �.� t� .r ' +�i�i �•:... f. }•.�M` wr- ..y __ �y %•T ••.�i. �'ls" ',! i3{ „ =,. {i. "JF�y'_il. 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Sl.�i +` a.'� ^'i'f> �� _ j`� .. f �•ol`r;"• a r!t is •?� :',t.r .n .iii }'.i Ysri�tr'i�4 �;[ 1�"F:,�'�-i•l�f.ia'i.rT :'.`.. �:''L.� -; i1•L_".ti (' I'r"tr -'r'. 4 _ , •L. +'%�'• i•-- s' •, +•. i"r „{fit rl ..a _i, {�t,h ��'v• } ""i s••r '�� r!• ^ti •'!t•,`;,�i.il �, , •'.. � e�� }` ��e g�A *�..: j� �'J,7t ,• • I - .r. le ,_. d "1. r J r'. [ %. . - *''iA• 4rji ]: srn» ,".1t..i („'3`,�„',''f'i,, •'�t%:'fa. M -t T''• °= {,t car :f'��s,. - -s :�f'• 't fly • - - y fir. -_ - :.. r•�r ��. r• +yi'I t` '�:.: .- 1^i'?i`'Y• TM1.. {tti 4an.•- rt'ir,V Y, >,f' �; _ - �,�• i� s'1•�La'-��•. �'�; siw, M.7�_'1 ni` t'r %�+ c.� -�`F tt- r;�,l;.: •tom; �(�; Sji''71��JY *,S i~.``. :-t'\f to +'s. _��`- .7 -`:� �t Y" F '1. N!' itl ' Y•� yr :I� ^'stir Ct;" } -. lt:% t,.f'� ./_ . ?qay :`M�, '"� � ••sl.'r ..?i' i`t r_.•i. - cnjk/� ., o t i ,_ � t' -, 1 1 3 '!.� w, •: e' f� a '` . r +� _ .. .� .,..�. �K r y y .. .� J� V _ ' _ _� \` ��. 4 � r� � � . o t i ,_ � t' -, 1 1 3 '!.� w, •: e' f� a '` . r +� _ .. .� .,..�. �K r y y .. .� J� V _ ' _ _� \` f ,76- K 6F� a�,� i' r 1 • , r Name of Store Location 1;. f� We understand that a new proposed ordinance-is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people: We are in favor of in- creasing the•limitation to five employees to permit t store5t-a- remain open on Sunday. ,_s YS f f 3 o: 7 /,L- -,- � _ ;je,_&77 d jz3 2 ��3V op S t y n-7t& 41-9m , ril -.2 r j--c ,\ #7)1915 A, ) )- o� z W 2 cl f 7v--,-7 A0,0,01Y J �J r GLORIA DLI LUTHERAN 700 SOUTH SNELLING AVENUE _ ST. PAUL 16, MINNESOTA DR. MELVIN A. HAMMARBERG, Pastor Pastor's Office: Midway 9 -5888 Residence: Midway 9.4110 DR. S. HJALMAR SWANSON, Office: Midway 9 -1378 Residence: PArkway 4-1766 THE REV. DONALD E. CARLSON, Office: Midway 9 -1378 Residence: Midway 9.8807 e !ClPastor { l� Pastor Mr. George Vavoulis, Mayor City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, 2, Minnesota Dear Mayor Vavoulis: CHURCH This is to notify you of the following action taken by the Board of Administration of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Highland and Snelling, Saint Paul, Minnesota, at its meeting, December 5, 1961: "MOTION: Move that the Board of Administration .send a letter to the City Council of Saint Paul supporting their action on Sunday closing of business eatablish- ments. Seconded and carried." Your support and endorsement of the proposed Sunday closing ordinance is much'appreciated as well as your interest in the well -being of our city and community. Sincerely, 1. Conrad Hoff, Seary Board of Administration Gloria Dei Lutheran Church t Y Name of Location T u s °t- o s T ✓I_ Y , Z'ur) t'PC , \( We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy.stores,of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this, store to remain op on Sunday. Sunday. /: 1 7 t-I r F1LcN,' TU q O X10,9 -G Cc- 14,. 4Ux-ee-Z6�- �J e ,,'`����e�s� A�i �� �21�2'1�.���'�✓ �' `Zip - - •lam ' L = sa,�qeq paB uo� oagozd Tsua.TaTds pus "`1� -fsdtid 'a�cuouosa .t�au� oa, peloa.z =-gyp sT .pus aTdoad .mo ;o stao stio sno -OTTaz pue Ts -yoos ac �. eaz�ooa.z Ssp b -off. -qjoddns , n, no4 elm I gOTgm ,auo eq,4 ss " gous aou UTP-10 uV ,' (£6£ PE W, '19 pus '•sa ) u'a T aA� P� ono Bump Joi swamupq- ' - .aqua aappL- pus_eApssd .zoo 9uTde9js- 9je-t -ao3 sad-IIVIO-1 pas spuaTa BUT, �dv. &Tq oe Sums ao; �,4 s ss dspms p zsga.x uo �TTa.x ou ATM aTdoad pus suoTBFT9.z Z1B ao aTdoad •6iqunoo s FiI� S qsa� ss ; aousoTJTu2-�s Tnoads eesg oq. Gmoo s8q- .3iaaA. age." i o Sep "qs.z�,� eR4s 4sq4 4U od csMST 2u�soto as o .� �i2uo-i n���suo� ate} 8u FpTogdn u� q moo paquq ,... P� ; - ZdQ 40W sla TVUOTssaa2uo0 TAganod UVWT197iO -aP 'aavOOK •14 &UGH `Pa��Tmgns dTTn��oadea� a•aouvuTpao 2uTooTo Aapung aTgB!�Tn 'ba puv aTuj B 4ovue Tngd 4uTvg jo A: To eLi!� ja TTounoO A�To atj! , 4laq; puammoo ea eaop Sgej aq kJava qda (A4uno0 sasmia-a) 40TJ48la TBUOTSBGJBuo0 q; jnsd atl; jo ae!�4.TmmoO eAT!Znoaxa atl!� 4utTZ :saoTTo j av spisea uoT4nj *s9a oTu ' 1ry� .96T `OZ aagmeoea '2UTuana AVPBGUPOIA uo SUT�eam ea�ZTmmsO eAl4noaxa auk %v ua3M ovm uoT4ov auS -Thud '!�9 30 A %TD euz 3o TTounoO S4TO puv soAVX auk, o!, pad. ;Tmgns uaeq avq puv pa%dop'e BvA uoT4ntosaa 2uTmoTTo3 auq. A avd %ffa 4owzsTa 'vua;ssexSuop ciSanod eu!� jo 9e�4TmmoO anTInoaxa aq4 jo 9uT;aam B 4V SOMI8 M FaNn8 No NOISOr 7MV957yd S3 -Dull fact xasm T96T `ZZ J9gma0aQ `RBpT•11 :518VVIV IIOJ Uvariall 99Sxd T96T `TZ aagmeaaQ o� 91 IZ-Z 'VO VIOONNIW 'I lnvd '1S 1910H NVAa SSE 33"IWW012 MO9d1 a3WVVI :IIL":IOW310 AiNnoo A394" iowiS10 Hiunod d 'Co4sBd 2aeq.peH am puo 'sinoA dTTnj4oads • 4aoddns anoA IT anT2 o4 nod aRan Pus uoT4STST291 STg4 uT 489a94UT uea$ anOA XOJ nOA Nusg4 I •asuaXap STas uT AupunS uo uedo eq off. BuTnuq sessauTsnq TTV49a TTV OZ PSOT A194smT4Tn PTnom goTgm uOT4vn4Ts B 94v4OTP PTnogs A4TaouTm TTsms B 4vg4 TTs Is TVOT20T mass IOU swop IT 4nq 'aOUBuTpao pasodoad 91q4 uT po4oe4oad eau 4WOUTm aq4. So 94gBTa eq,L •Avm emss ag4 uT.;p94uaTao aq PTnogs ATunmmoo age. ao GXTT egg. 4vr[4 eanpeooad OT4Ba00map g4Tb 2uTdeal uT ST IT 'dTgsaom aOJ AVP a4BTadoaddB eq4 sT dspunS aaegm punoa24oBq snoTBTTaa B anBg suezTa.TO ano 10 A4TaoPBm 4SVA age. 4MM 994BOTpuT snsueo snoT2TTaa ano eouTS •,suOTssessod STq So aouspunqu aq!. uT 4STsuOO 40u saop GXTT SjuBm u, 413184 aagmamea oa, Pus 'saTTTmBJ: aTeg4 o4 amT4 940dap off. 'po0 dTgsaom o4 eTdoed aoa uOTSBOOO ego pus A4Tun4aoddo eg4 epTnoad seop IT 4nq 'sTg4 gsTTdmoOOB XTaS4T uT 40u TTTIA sessauTsnq So 2uTsoTo AspunS •xeTTop A4g2TmTB 9�4 aos eTtangs aqa. uT IsoT 4ou oxv s9nTBn.TBn4TaTd9 gOTgm uT 4u9muOxTnua us So PUT31 aq4 94Baao off.-5taas pTnogs TTounoO 4TO s4T g2noag4 4Tunmmoo u 4vg4 aepao uT gonm Aaen aq o4 em o4 smaes 4I •31aam s SsP auo pesoTO aq off. sessauTsnq TTBIaa eaTnbaa pTnom goTq& aouBuTpao pesodoad eqI aoS 4xoddns pus uT 4saaG4UT dm ssexdxa o4 BuT4W& um I :uosaeIad •app xsa(I s4osauuTw `Tnsd '4S B40seuuTw Pus 440T '2PTg A49JUS OTTgnd A49SBS oTTgnd So aeuotssTmmoO uosaa4ed 4aegog •aA T96T `OZ xegmeoa(i :076vd �vv�s�cvy 3'I iwevA1 d vawnOS '3 . iwH3x tmaaa3H ' QNO1VXVU 1099-1 'lid auogdaja,I, vj,oSHuu•I1q 9 Iflvcl 'ZS tuniuwa f) puu aauquaoi0 gl'-hSfflHJ XTVSffVHZfl7 S77IH ATO L9 tIzSIV 'I-, I zil v •„ *;uOTgpaodaoo Lions JO aaoTjlo up 'uOTgpaodaoo p Sq pauMo sT aoETd BUTITas Lions jT ao `STTurpj agpTpaumT sTg jo aaquraui p ao aoETd Lions uT aaugapd ao jo aauMo agg aq TTpgs urogM jo auo `suosaad anoj upgg aaour SuTSOTdura STavInSaa you aoETd .pup uT spooj aaggo pup 'sgpaur lsgonpoad SaTpp `saTaaOWS TTas og TnjgpTun aq you TTpgs gT gpgg 'aanaMOg `papTnoad * * * „ :sMOTTo3 sp ppaa TTpgs aurps agg gpgg os papuaum aq : uoTgp iodaoo Lions jo aaoT jjo up `uoTgpaodaoo p Sq pauMo_sT aoETd 2?uTTTas Lions JT aO `STTUMJ agpTpauzurT sTLi jo aaquraur p ao aoETd Lions uT aaugapd ao jo aauMo aqg aq TTpgs mogm jo auo `suosaad OMg upgg aaour BuTSOTdura STapTn?aa you aoptd Sup uT spobi aaggo pup 'sgpam Isgonpoad AaTpp `saTa9ooa9 TTas og TnJb&PTun aq you TTpgs gT gpgg `aanaMOq `papTnoad * * * „ :sMOTTOJ sp sppaa goTLiM Gulps agg 3o z UOT40GS uT pauTpguoo GSPnBUVT aqg gpgg :gTM -04 IsapTnoTgapd SuTMOIIOJ aqg uT `OL6t03 9ITa TTounOD `aoupuTPaO BuTpuad jo mio j aqg JO guaurpuaurp aqg aO j anour I NaSOU UaMOISSINNO0 AS `OL61703 YIId UIONIl00 `aDNdNICEUO JNIQNaa J0 M03 JO IMaNQNSNV 110d NOIZON �v, Wit''• _ • ,! - `�.: .L ,;: _ _ ..'. a -• 1;1 � - �_ - - S •- _ „+k'z. + t- _� .. ! - { - +- . i r ,•�; �� 1 ' -t .: -.. 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' v _ ,___•- '` "' -!' j ` } }`,. �' `�` ` _•r_ '• - -- .TY �, -` *�, fir. - t . - • '90OUBUT010 aeTTats'jdop. oI !aT#T.8d;3Tunw pies $uTMIxnoava VI dTgsxapeaT' ipj --Pde 80.1V YBITTodoalo q Ins.; juTeq aqi uT s6TjTjsdjo uow.'TI's UT soaus.dipxo wag3Tun zo$ paou 043 az uBooa.z•aozammoo _ 3o lagwaq;l .ea1v ine 4 MRS aul '1843 A10999 -,MI M9, 11 'qE1 �eptrns`un saao2s u e zap` o''uoT siado aqj d` •aatnJeT -sTBa� z .,91e1S T96T 841 ol.- p03lTagnr ITTq a4j- aajjs,pauxazjed -'Mei 01e1s OldsauuTff .e PU4 aauBuTpio AITO Itis.f 1, T, S's `So uan��aBUa ��T .�oddns' _ aa,zawQ 3 •To =.xa eq� 40JV TnCl' Ju ;BS aqj- 31344' :'Q'3A't� ?S�d I fl xagweg3 eaaV pa'T iuTeg aqi ;o.�aojoaxga 3o ='psaofl. aqj Aq p 1dopB uaaq seq 'aoaawmo� Ta xaq�eti3 a0.1V TnBJ 1uTs5 ;aqx ;o 004ITMW09 0ATIT10,2XI TTB1a nMO�uMO�t eq�" .fq - pepuammopai' 'uoTinosaaaTNOTIo; auk - `�..r ,- _;,,ys` .�' v4 r 4 -', •'try, i - - .`,• -y,• " p •z' c. .. w � _ .- j iii: .. - .. • .. _ - , - _ ", , n• ;fey .. } r -_ y 'w'� _• -_ . MI- ` ._ - i . -- _. _ . - _��. . • �' - . . _� - -.:• , -- .�•ap�p�u��y�a. ����mla �dop�s �� �al'��t��Ialsta�•Ajg.�- -. _.: .. _ 3laY s,�n�t�ua oT_.djq *�epopl aj�i Otto eaav aOzT.tddopoa Ino,l 7aj gIi�auhw iY9-uT s0amIpxoixoj Ton Ae paauu$aoaiiA boa aa o `xgcrtq �a _ Ines .ule3 ��13: ,�iep3 tEI1 'LI _'fepans ue - s$xaae. ut111293 3o u6jld end aji lft'jTi{Natd Sin eIsXjla► Sa't9bt riaz x�4ns ^IttQ: e43-40 �jta .pat ata ed . •/�46ij 01418 o- -. �8�'��auxl� � ��e: '��►u�ealp�tD �t�.�a xr��d._ ��rx�t� a .t� =�ua��a�a�•acja �odd�s _ - .. 40-20;wa :)-40 W143.40 V immi juvifs•aI� �4ap=R:),.004V I jo gay© aa�C ct. u p140 �41' Aq 03,14oPq tgaeq . . L s ,q ! is ;, aiage��g3' dax to 't . g ►..aa a {t oo iA Troax r , -- _ '- •'I ' • _ 5 e •a __ 'T a F _ ="k : _�� .n ^ . +. fir, ` _ - ' a , _, - • -r ' -`I _ ,- .-' `� r r • . -- ,,. ;� eta .. -. _ _ _ .. -• •A'VPUnS u'o tgsautsnq.rJ:o :adeS� ashou j_unoOstp';,pue et8.s�atoq j:o :pnj?uoe- .agq-'SUTpptq -.zo eflueu ao ug beue, o e2:iti. a 's.#auo ss wwo Q. uno TP O q t t �'- :. - + .•. ,' ao 'p�BOg...aq� .pue Y��uno�. ��tO :a.q�:. �.eu�. suot;��esues�. ... ., ,. �� 113TO.aammoo Jo 's aO.'4T i : pus- suoTsue:. a'qq. "MO JT, A :MTnb _ o .:e�a_ gdsow� a 'ue aezas a.xd o_j- .,'agpx0 uz� 6 � Iuri�rwgo -us j GHNIOS2121 ZI HE 21xOMMI sat:�tnt:�Oe teFOaa�i ,44 -woo . ao �� tsua ut` eSupeS.zana,`aq� .iuo.i•� , izoTq.VTOO.ssesTp , pu,8' t' agnb anti etaz'.,5gsT 8- a.zaq� 'qa.Tum,,ut Bep a '.z.eK4a20� ,�SoCua " ",Pula puads ••kew iSeq:� ' }BT4,,os+: -4 Iutuuiioo O'ue eSt'Fwe� _ aq� • jTo ,s,�aquietu' t,t'e:o� 'p.a.O x000' . V'q� e "eq q'o -aa' ;o kep`etwes eqp• 4 ea nb9A ,& uziwaroo' s' o ; ewo sno a o•os a °aea. a -pa. - "S.zeutpao ategq. j: seanssa.zc�'±.Pu•e v -Bads a_ lq: ' MOAT AJ9,6000a...' 't'BOts -4qd 'PuB tu4'udlw JOS aWTI -1 2uT4A9se:td A4.tunwwoo__9q:�. ;o s e.za u. e o a ew u. ' s :�5u un uo s uaw s •e' s•a - s �o. adxi _esnoq -, junoos'Tp,. Pue Olusatogln 9:o Sutsota aqq pus `�q. TZttb s u�� pu�,�saa ydtgsa -om` �SBp `eT6tttuoFI.Ip s 6eputs :•'S2i��3M jo _ pue SupunS uo. sseutsnq; :pnpuoo.. gotuei" Y4ied !4S 30 BI'FO -• 0.113 aj. eS� tw X0ac% esoYo_ ut"e.aae _EhM'uT' s: !U uat- Ttge3 se ;o _9044 osnoq �unoastp; -pue' "atesaToge►:' ;b,,;�aq,iunu 8uts'ua.zout °ue,st aaaq4' o • .. 'y .. _`ter, ` y , ., � , M1e a 1 ' pTes getjq uoT4s9SSns aatjganj Sm sT qI 'SepangeS uo pasoTo STaeTnSaa sT SuTTTas jo eoeTd atIq jT 4u9ToT'jjns aq TTegs 'ales SepunS Sue uo paseq 'aoueuTpao pies aapun uoTgno -asoad oq asuajap aoj apTAOad o4 se os papuame aq pTnogs ames atjq jo C •oeS 'apem aq qou TTetjs suoT49jap eons getj4 quana atj4 uT 4eT14 !Z •oaS pus 914T4 s4T moaj po4aTap aq sRepTTotj aatjgo 04 saouaaaJaa geg4 pue Sepuns 04 pagoTags -aa aq eoueuTpao SuTpuad pTes jo suoTgTgTtjoad atj4 geg4 aAT4eT4TuT uMo Sm uodn 'uoTgsaSSns Sm quesead tjgTMaaGq I agegs pue tjoantjo jo uoTgeaedes aaam 3o auo ustjq a9ti4ea aaejTan oTTgnd atj4 off. S4TTT4sot1 jo uoT4vgaadaaquT TeuoT4ngTgsuoo a aATS pTnoM uoTSTTaa uT sTsauGP aTat14 petj SMVT tjons o9e saTanquao asneoaq STaTos sasodand asag4 aoj 4saa jo Sep a se RepunS agTaosead gOuueo 94e4s a 49tj4 Ses off. ! sTvOS aeTnoas sqT SuTAaTtjoe MOJJ 94eqs 9tj4 aeq qou SHOP sgoas ueTgSTat o gUeuTmop auq aoj aoueoTJTUSTs aeTnoTgaed jo Sep a sT SepunS 4 Vq4 4OVJ 9q4 'suazT4TO TTe aOj gsaa Jo Sep mao3Tun a apTA -oad o4 SuTaq sMeT SuTsoTo SepunS agegs ati4 jo 4som jo qog j je pue asodand 4uasaad atjs„ :TgeTTSs atjq moij gdaeoxa queuTgaed a sT SuTMOTTo3 atjs •SuTsoTO Sspanges jo goedsea uT 9AT4eua94%t,8 Sue Pa44TMO ames 9tj4 pue 'SepunS o4 STuo pageTaa ames atjq jo suoT4TgTUoad aqq asneoaq STaeTnoT4aed 'spunoiS TeuoTgn4Tgsuoo uo pa3joe44e sex MeT atIl 'pueT aeM •A ueMODON as u2 MeT 94e4s aTgeaedmoo e .tuTaepTsuoo uT 4ano0 ameadnS Teaapad atjq jo squameounouoad 4uaoaa uT saseq puTj suoTgseSSns gonS •spunoa2 TeuoT4n4 - TgsuoO Teaapaa uo paseq 'xoeggv gsuTeSe aoueuTpao SuTpuad aqq Jo uoTgeoTjTgaoj 9114 aoj pau2Tsaepun atj4 jd 9ATq9T4TuT 9tj4 uodn p944Tmgns aae squampueme aati4an3 aoj suoTgsaSSns SuTMOTTOJ atjs • quegsuT puZZ 9tj4 uo ' maO j 04 se ' paAOadde sex `OL6t0Z OTTJ TTounoO eoueuTpaO SuTpuad pTeS OU OZ 'ON OTT3 TTounoO eoueuTpap uTpuad :ag 1961 'ZZ aagmaoa(I ' 1NVIAISSV 'M=ds "MNN00.0 •3 XM390M MV-1 d0 ae.•.vwa NVHVHHS'd slno7 01,dJA°z: Tned quTeS 3o SgTO atj4 3o TTounoO aTgeaouog 13SNn0:) NOIW HOdHOD sasoms 'f a3som 1N3WiHVd34 1VJ31 lnVd INIds JO AlD HOAVOLLSBA I AM3AN00 d 113N SJMJSISSV •113NOW 'f NHOr SV'DI 'V 131NVO SIVAN30 '3 N0111M n3WWna •o onvH39 SNMOO 'r 31i0003H1 S111V9 'r O1:IVHOILi A0111Vd •3 JUMBOH SIV"1 -I G-r0a It MeZ jo J0409 TQ KG: Sd'I 6 pa4 .4 oagag •gauaq snoTXqTaa e jo dATgo9Tj9a STa.md SuTaq awes aqq 'spunoiS TeuoTgn4T4suoo uo S4TpTTeA sqT 04 uoTgoa�go 04 JOToo puaT ggseaT oq4 Ses off. IpTnom uoTsnTouT-,s!.T aouTs 6 aoueuTpao BuTpued pies moaj R�.aaT4ua sqT uT paqaTap aq C • gaS T961 `Lz a9gm9o9Q - z - Tned quTeS jo SgTO aq4 jo TTounoo aTquaOuog v Fsi •ty _ r tG -1 � .•1 -J 1� , ` j Y try ... .. ( •I • '' - s '� ,_, , r ' `, yY{ ;';i-� q ,�+ " , �• �. ` .c . `nd ,', i µi , - r,. ` . ' _ , .. •.frt �j. •' :f#.}{. .. aRtltC.'�+-/m' 0XV.6TV -\4 X ,4014U0b, . 'R �+v +i' {• �- .R�.at�. o6u, " 3 qT O Q !* o O t .p"M4h Ott "Pao -t:o r � '1,'� t �P+c•'�i{RS 1%u �i xi 'isM ©���� � N S ��1f l.G�'•�'�F. �'��. .'P'�M' Wi•�M�i�.. fA� h L� +�� - _ c ., - , MA IX ' '0 4 . ., - � .� p����• d� :�af.��. •� "l�R�� #��t �e���uritrt�f#�- :gu'�� ��'�at'�� #t��., � ' -• _ ;.' � �x�tt�p�� "+.�i�►?�• -�� �$,t�'►8c�'�c� `�'- a#'��,����,.,�tT�,r ktt[41�� �x�wao;�� � . . 1 *6TOAV -put - lvr*uotf 4a y a� .axc tttU l�#bi a Q 4vt Epl#3*tt a � � k °' 4#pu4s Ito 1a' voiati�WC_ ! c�►, � . a to o4,4'.,00 fto tr • � �►�t 4914 1 .. •'w�- •� .. � +.. iA �•��� •` •M . ' ,Eta •• iiy ' �' 'M� •4'�A+ic•,ry��t'�•L.iJ �x ".p sr x r 44 ro", !► 4pl' .4 i Ail s -- �V►1Hmi ' Ma j- Ott .. �UitoaWFp. p'UA -OTT" OTOUX, '.� Iva s is ST ot(* 3�tki' w.' � 1 d r Rt 7� -�' •aS f' p 1. \ . •[ r `'R •-rr � .4 -).�F� J � i.ilT�a �} •.� �, � - �r. y� . x�, .J 1 ti s I.r�- �ta�Y• f �. r �� f ?_. :. �' \• �!�i 4. .ii t. s�! ' � =!; ��' '� '� ;�. •� Y� - -kv } �•,�, �;-f `a J.��.rl..M. ��� ti♦�- '4F't�1 �.a y.\.Y + h�r� �. -ire' l � : a hJ.r'� gT _� _t: - � .mss. n•...:a`..'J':.'�aF .w:.m.�-�r_-.�:.tr- - _ ss�xaa� ano gllm aeduxiei Aaql pus lsoux ano elsloln ket '11ounoo, Al-Lo lnsd '1S agl, pus lnsa 411S ;° Allo aql ul . rte-•- •- • t= j ...,r_ �r�� -( 4 - r ,'Yt_ ,��j_ +, . rL pi 1 t x •t. 1 - K {� Ira, ..� \-! `.' w n �..fs ..ai. ♦ e .�.' _.- a �--- •- r.n."•.'/71�VV�7r� '�1..'G��"7y -. b�Y'Y�3!"!/ � _ • .+( • ., E • -� � � ''- - • ��' a� rid i��'�, J1 F « 'dlgsaom ;o slg2la gnolSllaa usolaacu� o uo sasdes eql Jo a0sllaaq slgsnls�, Olds pule gaanga ; 11 e of dllo l ale az a p s o ou o Cagl ao; anq 'senssl aslnoa sml �ulsolo (spun ealPaoddo aas (q paeodoad es p usaaP un eql 'aM `'(lunoo (asuxsg ;o sluaplsea aas ssaxaav 9 • . a Y V N 'dlgeaom ;o 8401a snolBllaa usalxau V ano gllm aadcusl deg; pus elsls pus goanga ;o uollsasdas agl ;o absllaaq algsnls� lsouz ano alsloln degl lnq seneel aslnoas of dllolale eaegp-e lou aeoddo aaE `llounoo Allo ln'ed '1S aql Aq Pasodoad we smsl �ulsolo lispung aql of P pus lnsa '1S 3o Allo aql ul Alunoo dasuxsg ;o sluapleaa gas 'pau2jsaapun aql 'aM ssaxaav awvN 'dlgeaom ;o slg2la sno12119a usolaacuV ano gllm aedmel. A9g4 pus 91,848 pus goango ;o uollsasde a aql ;o 92slla9q algrenlsA Isom ano 8113101A degl lnq 'Bengal aslnose of dllolale aaagps lou op dagl ao; 11lounoo Allo lnsd '19 9ql Aq Pasodoad es smsl 2ulsolo AvpunS aql of pasoddo gas pus lnsd '1S ;o Allo aql ul Alunoo Aesuxsg ;o sluaplsea aas 'pauSleaepun "I- a1N Statement to the Mayor- and City Council of St;- "Paul� and to the County Com- missioners of Rams Count the Rev. Terrence J. . -, ey y by Murphy, Dean of Students at the College of St. Thomas. St. Pauli Minnesota; I with to support th.e resolution in behalf of a Sunday closing ordi -. - nance. _ As recently as April 7, 1961, the late Archbishop_Brady in his column -in The Catholic Bulletin called fora "fully united- Christian front to de-. ._fend our Christian Sunday.n He, exhorted his own -flock to observe Sunday as a, -day of worship and to refrain- from engaging in businesa activities'on. Sunday,. and urged them to join with other people in promoting the observance of Sunday as -a day of rest and worship. ~ The campaign which he invited all men of-.this"'community`to join he - said, is "not a campaign against grocery stores, auto - salesrooms, or sub- +-urban shopping centers. It_is a campaign to keep one day in -seven .as a day- of honor for,God and a day 'of rest for God's' people. ", While insisting on ; the religious character, of Sunday, he pointed out -the benefits to be derived by the whole community in.keeping Sunday a day", of rest'. Said the Archbishop: ?'This is not -a mere religious matter, It is 'also an economic matter. It makes a difference to our community living. It is a matter-of human relation- ships. It involves unions and hours of work." It was these economic and social-ditensions of Sunday observance that prompted the Archbishop to urge'that the initiative for publie- regulations should be taken by the officials of labor unions, the leaders of business ' and civic organizations. In this he sh6ke4. ari insight into the nature,of ..the,Sunday closing ordinances and the - character'of_ our society. For only a` ew weeks after the Archbishop's column appeared,, the United Statse Supreme = -I ,i'urther move the►t`Sec:; 2 of . said peAdkng Ora4.- f`. be further' amended; as to i�o • 24"97b :. - narice co —File - } " unv of obi` t�4a ,#'c low ng langusge and � -�f orm s by str ik iug then ae Y.-- the ' vord "Suncley" , to-xit tion make i.;Eamediately '9Ucoeed .ng. emoral Day;_ I�ndepnnd+�nce Day add 4m 2 e�1 Year *$ Day'>, _ . 17anksgi�Qi Dd, enclhr�.stTnas D&►y`s� Labor day, 1 Ordt- e :tit sec; 3 - of .said, pending. l r thee' zov . ♦` ' ti be amended s :aa tq'f prm,. so aae Ctnci: File No• 2049' r ;a V�4/ js 1 read 40 tOl -OwsI . "fir ✓t � (7 ui�� - ' , ± .. M it 8ball +s fieient .defense to j r, pr ©eeauti ".n under this erd�inana , 'based t o ny Ball `gt�mptitsg to :�.all�oerchand eeg- the first bueir►eOa of selling nY knower and deeig'cated a$ i Of the week, c©nmonly j gray, th8t the. pleas of selling, at to t c, +sell or engaging in the bu l `tea, of is i r'egu :arty closed on the 'nth day ,Qf the calendar i k,% %cowmonl.y known, as Saturday." `. tAl 1 , 1 1 • JJ /� I 1 7 f R c7, ez-<, � 1 1 v w 1 I� A ' �r S .a 19 1 , ze) (408 .c� al6r-t-4- 1, . V 7 51 / J �el- 69� 7 d✓�lti���v��O ✓ fa ,use o -0- 4-1 /�Okl Ila' 4) j�- fr�Q�z v, P", � 0�4� 2-;4- 7 c L� <'ood j��. � � � r yy). . � 9 ,;� �,�, ✓a.�.� �d- Pte. -iI/(?- r - TP / .7 Ir F F ' i / / � �. Name of Store ., /� /� � • Location �� � � We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close:on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sunday. _ I A JL L_jool� ztzs .3 II �I `' l V •� . 1 • d i . �� �i.�ut, /tom 9 <.G�n.a a� � o" .� 3 //1� - �-✓v�� C71 it F � TI. r� oc i J i O .�1 f. . "54�;I I 41f� P-�, ,.__ vim„/ "/�/ /// �w � v �" `�✓ t 4t 1W tl N Name of Store._ Q Location $'�� �, �� ��_ x— r. We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two peoples We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sundays v�� � r _zd 451- ,o r� 1 tKv �y t. ti r G �r e � l r w 4 Ile � w• .7 J 1/ i1, p pi, M/I AA r k f Name of Store Location —2- - �'() We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sunday. tj e U Ep 11Z�L � Gjj�-� 4�4 t d�e' jaid t r r `1 � � i f Name of Store Location —2- - �'() We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sunday. tj e U Ep 11Z�L � Gjj�-� 4�4 t d�e' jaid a �e � ;?-"? r L -"df • P 1 bw� 1' tti 44 to cv cl,,Cv� WIL�ILJ�� 9,q a —�� c9 -7 !? „� 16-37 Al t � r a h2q) .. U a d .a e 7° .r I • 1 I Or Z�� jlplj� 144 L, 1_24 e, t�o Ao 7 :ry'4 r s , 1'. � ,, - � � �� .. /' � � . '� . �-. r � �, ' . �� � �- ;. i.' 1 � • ray ^� - �`e c, �•: � � � 1 � - 'i. t. 4 e ' r. . � � �� � .. ti... J'v,j S • F _ "i.I=,1 �`7ar'.'�ii.�;� "t i;. {� - � ups - # . ' C� ir�' t t .��'� �5; ' ' 1 dr - ,� ��n =�, r - ' • � A ' � 1 /, r 1 � � � - ' ' � � ;. (` ..�rY� , b � • ,• . f1 ' ' ` .. . ,. - ,� �, � � - r. . � � �� � .. ti... J'v,j S • F _ "i.I=,1 �`7ar'.'�ii.�;� "t i;. {� - � ups - # . ' C� ir�' t t .��'� �5; ' ' 1 dr - ,� ��n =�, r - ' • � A ' � 1 /, r 1 � � � - ' ' � � ;. (` ..�rY� , b � • ,• . f1 ' ' ` .. ;ia v s , �V/ Ae �L /� V7 �e . '- 1%r- aoLA20.3— U �e- • �Y s�%�.a al ryu`f d 1-1 4� F I -�/ �l 2,71 t#A, /� 6�-- I 10, 2 �, -;- / s i�'a z k- a - 77, XL 16.01 los R�- /0 ljlJ 6)) b2 7zG N. S-a 15 r 1(� "17 yj-p�� w 4 a '17 �, g:,t- -n4 y a F s� 17 4d' /9ti gz-, v / to ?1�7 1 4 %e-, ti /,4" .7° 0 �f I9 9 �3 0� Va Z;�� f r / -73 -7% JOHN L. WELCH, PRESIDENT GERALD HEGLAND,_IBT VICE PRES. HAROLD BENSON, 2ND VICE PRES. P�4 YNE ,4VENUE BUSINESS JSSO CI,4TION CARL R. PALM, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 985 PAYNE AVENUE RE C E� ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA SA1,y7' PAUL r- PR. 1 -8588 In PdAYpn.S� December 7, 1961 Aga DEC 8 - 1961 1 ��B�iQryy PRA Honorable George Vavoulis Mayor of the City of St. Paul Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Re: Proposed Ordinance- Council File Number 20.970 Honorable Mayor Vavoulis: I submit this letter on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Payne Avenue Business Association relative to the proposed ordinance pro- hibiting certain business activity on Sunday and certain holidays as specified in the ordinance. Kindly be advised that this Association has resolved to fully support the ordinance above referred to. Such an ordinance certainly indicates that the St. Paul City Council in- tends to adequately meet and enforce a situation which has been allowed to exist because of inadequate previous legislation. NORTH SECTION ROBERT LEAFGREN ROBERT BONNE WILLIAM BOOTH WARREN W. SCHABER HARRY BRUCKER REYNOLD AXNESS secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS CENTRAL SECTION GERALD HEGLAND JOHN WELCH JAMES HYLAND RUSSELL BOOGREN HAROLD BENSON MAYNARD ANDERSON SOUTH SECTION HAROLD C. ANDERSON HENNING CARLSON ROGER NELSON ROBERT OLSON HARVEY BINDER WALTER BLOMQUIST HARRY D. MUNSON, PAST PRESIDENT WALTER FOSNESS, CORPORATE SECRETARY CHARLES 0 OLSON, TREASURER O U SPORTING GOODS CA. 7 -6653 OUTBOARDS MERCURY BOATS CROSBY LONE STAR DORSETT CRUISERS TRAIL[RS MASTERCRAFT CHATTANOOGA RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS REMINGTON WINCHESTER BROWNING ITHACA MARLIN SAVAGE HANDGUNS COLT ROGER SMITH 3 WESSON +� HARRINGTON- RICHARDSON � r HUNTING SUPPLIES COMPLETE MARINE EQUIPMENT 600 WEST 7TH ST. December 29 1961 mr. George 'Vavolis Mayor Court House St. Pauly Minn. ST. PAUL 2• MINN: AJ C "-r 4 j "� YOUR h ?,�,.v 'D ` DEC 0�Fr 5 -1961 V VIP Dear Sir, Regarding restriction of Sunday business; I have operated a business in St. Paul for over thirty years. On Sundays our primary business is servicing fishermen and hunters who are out to enjoy their Sunday recreation. -I feel that if you are going to pass a law against Sunday business our line should be included in those which will be permitted to stay open. As you can well realize the majority of our bus- iness is done on weekends. Closing us on Sunday is like making all florists close the week before Easter. It may be necessary to legislate Discount Houses out of business but please dontt break the back of your 1 cal merchants while doing it. H. Dolan Owner FISHING EQUIPM[NT SHAKESPEARE Aft" SOUTH BEND GARCIA PFLUEGEJ JOHN L. WELCH, PRESIDENT GERALD HEGLAND, IST VICE PRES. HAROLD BENSON, 2ND VICE PRES 1 R4YNE _VENUE BUSINESS JSSOCIJTION CARL R. PALM, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 965 PAYNE AVENUE ST. PAUL 1, MINNESOTA PR. 1-85aa December 7, 1961 = '4 in iA7' V0 1i' � Honorable George Vavoulis ac Mayor of the City of St. Paul Ramsey County Court House Saint Paul 1, Minnesota Re: Proposed Ordinance - Council File Number 201970 Honorable Mayor Vavoulis: I submit this letter on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Payne Avenue Business Association relative to the proposed ordinance pro- hibiting certain business activity on Sunday and certain holidays as specified in the ordinance. Kindly be advised that this Association has resolved to fully support the ordinance above referred to. Such an ordinance certainly indicates that the St. Paul City Council in- tends to adequately meet and enforce a situation which has been allowed to exist because of inadequate previous legislation. NORTH SECTION ROBERT LEAFGREN ROBERT BONNE WILLIAM BOOTH WARREN W. SCHABER HARRY BRUCKER REYNOLD AXNESS BOARD O F DIRECTORS CENTRAL SECTION GERALD HEGLAND JOHN WELCH JAMES HYLAND RUSSELL BOOGREN HAROLD BENSON MAYNARD ANDERSON HARRY D. MUNSON, PAST PRESIDENT WALTER FOSNESS, CORPORATE SECRETARY :f Very :trulyyou Car R. alms secretary SOUTH SECTION HAROLD C. ANDERSON HENNING CARLSON ROGER NELSON ROBERT OLSON HARVEY BINDER WALTER BLOMQUIST CHARLES O. OLSON, TREASURER Mr. MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL---OF,THE.CITY OF ST. PAUL,'MINNESOTA P - �, HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: IN BEHALF OF THE MINNESOTA CONFERENCE'OF- SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTISTS, WHOSE EXECUTIVE - OFFICES.ARE LOCATED AT 1854 ROBLYN AVENUE IN SAINT PAUL, AND THE SEVENTH -DAY ADVENTIST CHURCHES -OF THIS CITY, I WISH TO SPEAK TO THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE WHICH ; WOULD•AMEND.THE LEGISLATIVE CODE OF THE'CITY OF _SANNT PAUL BY INSERTING THEREIN , IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CHAPTER 447 AN ADDITIONAL CHAPTER KNOWN AS 447 A,,CONTAINING PROVISIONS PROHIBITING CERTAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ON SUNDAY AND CERTAIN HOLIDAYS HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: Se'ven'th -day 4dventists are opposed to all Sunday closing legislation because such laws in reality•are religious laws. It has only 1 been in recent years that there has been an effort to justify compulsory Sunday closing laws as- health and welfare measures rather than religious legislation. We recognize and appreciate the fact that the proposed amendment under section three has an exemption for those who are regularly closed on the seventh day of the calendar week, commonly called Saturday. i But we believe that every citizen of the United States has a priceless heritage in ` the enjoyment of the.•greatest of -all human freedoms- -the freedom to worship or not to worship on any day he' pleases.' In recognition of these guarantees of religious freedom as set forth in the First and the Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights of the various states in the Union, the Seventh -day Adventist Church is opposed to all Sunday legislation on the grounds that it is in effect ; religious legislation_ -and an infraction of the American - principle of the Separation of Church and State; and is in violation of one of the richest heritages of our society as expressed so well by that great patriot, James Madison, when he said, "Religion is essentially distinct from civil government and exempt from its cognizance; a connection between them is injurious to both." Letter to Edward Everett, March 19,, �►--� 1823, in Writings of James Madison, edited by G. Munt, vol. 9, page 126. The origin of Sunday legislation is incontrovertibly religious dating all the way back.,to the Edict of Constantine in AD 321. The law making bodies of our states and municipal councils have never evidenced `any intent to change the religious motivation �`- of -such measures. Many of them use terminology that infers religious intent, e.g., "Lord's Day," "reverence the Sabbath;" "profane•the Sabbath," "worldly employment," �. "secular business, "•"holy time," etc. "The old colonial "blue laws" have not yet been repealed and replaced based upon the'fact that "a day of rest is necessary for reasons of health and welfare. Even in our -own state, the Supreme Court of Minnesota, when considering its Sunday enactment,"declared: "The law is not enforced for the benefit -of either,. -but to prevent a- desecration -of the day." Brackett v. Edgerton,` -14, Min. 134. We recognize a growing tendency toward the enactment and enforcement of Sunday .closing laws as pertaining to social, - welfare, and health interests, by naming a specific day which historically has, been known -as a religious day, thus making it religious in nature. Ministerial Associations, Boman Catholics, and the Lord's Day; Alliance favor blue laws for religious reasons,-and Orthodox Jews, Seventh-day' i �.� Adventists, and Seventh Baptista argue against them purely on a religious liberti basis. To appoint the religious holiday of•one-religion as a national holiday favors that religion above others and isztantamount to the establishment of a 'religion. Carried to their ultimatd,donclusion�Sunday laws could set neighbor against neighbor, creating "informe'rs!'_and service.to divdde this nation rather than unite it. The selling of intoxicating beverages, tobacco, and candy', to the- exclusion of milk,, bread, and baby food "ruins the argument that Sunday laws ar a health and welfare measure. ` -� �t Name of Store Location z2e7 We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City'Council, which will close on Sunday \ all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to- -five employees to permit this store to remain open on Su"n"day. Q 4u e )J�" '�f " 1 15 9' ,ta. G; f� �at 06arce, Sec. 2. On the first day of the week, commonly known and designated as Sunday, and on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, attempt to sell, nr engage in the business of selling clothing and wearing apparel, clothing accessories, footwear, furniture, furs, housewares, household or business or office furishings and appliances, hardware, tools, paints, building materials and supplies, jewelry, cameras, silverware, watches, clocks, luggage, musical instruments, musical recordings, radio receivers, television receivers, phonographs and record and tape players, lawn mowers, boats, outboard motors, automobile parts, automobile accessories, toys other than novelties and souvenirs, and groceries, dairy products, meats and foods not prepared and served on the premises or served elsewhere by-food caterers; provided, however, that is shall not be unlawful to sell groceries, dairy products, meats, and other foods in any place not regularly employing more than two persons, one of whom shall be the owner of or partner in such place or a member of his immediate family, or is such selling place is owned by a corporation, an officer of such corporation; provided that is shall not be unlawful to sell automobile parts or automobile accessories in any isolated transaction constituting an emergency. p'- -.� C ' �� pA A V DEC 1 g 198) � r � , v a _ y o �1,� MOTION FOR AMENDMENT OF FORM OF.. A PENDING ORDINANCE, COUNCIL FILE - 204070, -BY gommISSION uk ROSEN- ' I move for the amendment of the form of pending Ordinance,*Council File 204970, in the following particulars, to -wit: that Section 2 of the same be amended to read as follows; 'Sec. 2. On the first day of the week, commonly known and designated as Sunday, and on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day,_ Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, within the corporate limits of'the City of Saint Paul.-it 'shall be unlawful for any person "to sell, attempt to sell, or engage in the business of selling clothing and wearing apparel, clothing accessories, footwear, furniture, furs, housewares, household or business or office furnishings and appliances, hardware, tools, paints, building materials and supplies, jewelry, cameras, silverware, watches, clocks, luggage, musical instruments, musical recordings, radio receivers, television receivers, phonographs, records, tape players, lawn mowers, O boats, outboard motors, automobile parts, auto- mobile accessories, toys other than novelties and Souvenirs, groceries, dairy products, meats or other foods not prepared and served on the remises or served elsewhere by food caterers, provided, however, that it shall not be unlawful to sell groceries, dairy products, meats or other foods in any place not regularly employing more than four persons, one of whom shall be the owner of or partner in such place or a member of his Immediate family, or if such selling place is owned by a corporation, an officer of such corpor- ation; and provided further, that it shall not be unlawful to sell automobile parts or automobile accessories in any isolated transactio}� constitut- ing an emergency.' I MOTION FOR AMENDMENT OF FORM OF PENDING ORDINANCE, COUNCIL FILE 2049700 BY COMMISSIONER I move for the amendment'of the form of ,pending Ordinance, Council File 204970, in the following partie,dars, to -wit; that there be added to Section 2 of the same the f following paragraph; s "Nevertheless, no provision of this Ordinanc6 shall be construed to prohibit the retail sale at any such public place of merchandise essen- tial to, customarily sold at, or incidental to the oper4tion of any public auditorium, bathing beach, amusement park, or sports arena,nor to prohibit the dispensing of any coupon, stamp or merchandise premium in conjunction and simul- taneously with the sale of any merchandise not prohibited by this Ordinance nor to prohibit. any advertisements for sale of any merchandise by any newspaper or other established advertising medium nor to prohibit any occasional or isolated sale of merchandise in any transaction conducted on any private premises and disassociated with any regularly established business." i� Name of Store cAh.A=r•'9 - c- �,r ---. 764 W. 7th St. Location ST e 1241 ° " "' "' "' a . We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor�of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain o en on Sunda . 1 � r, Gz�: /LG -a�i L 055 / �� Statement to the Mayor and City Council of St,, Paul, . and to the.County -Com- missioners of Ramsey County by the, Rev. Terrence J. Mii� De- w' of. Students at the College of St. - Thomas! St4 -Paul.., Minnesota. I - wish to support,' the resolution in behalf of a Sunday closing ordi- nance., As recently as April 7s 1961s the late Archbishop Brady in his column in The Catholic B` called fora "fully united Christian front to de- fend -our Christian Sunday.:" He exhorted his own flock to observe Sunday as a day of-mrship and -to refrain from engaging in business activities on Sunday, and urged them to join With other people in promoting the observance of Sunday as a dap of rest and worship*,., The campaign which he invited all men of this community -to joins he said,,- is - ".not a 'emnpai.ga against, grocery stores, auto salesrooms or sub- urban shopping centers,. .'It is a campaign to keep one day in -seven as_a day of honor for God and a day of rest. for (hod.! a people. ". While - insisting on the religious characiei�of Sunday, he pointed out the benefits -to ba derived by the whole .comity, in -keeping Sunday .a day of rest. Said the Archbishop, "This is, not a mere religious matter., It is'also°an economic - matter. It makes a difference to our community living. Its; is a matter of human relation' ships. It involves unions and hours of work,"'-, It was these economic and social dimensions, of Sunday observance that prompted the Archbishop to urge that the initiative for'puhlic regulations should be by the officials of labor unions, the leaders of business r and civic organizations.'; In this he showed an insight( into- the nature ,of the Sunday closing ordinances. and the, character of our - society.. For only- . ' •_ ^-- % r ' a few weeks after the Archbishop=s column appearedi the United States Supreme a r i 1 Court in upholding the constitutionality ;of Sunday - closing laws. pointed < < out that tithe `first °day yof the-week has come-to have special .significance . as a rest day in this, country*, `People of all religions and people with no religion regard Sunday, as a time for family activityt for visiting _ friends and relatives for late - sleeping; for passive -and active enter- t tainmeats,, for dining,tqut and the a ikea MdGow&n v o - Maryland,, 6 L. ea ; 2d 393). An ordinance 'such 'as the one Which T verge you to support to- ', + _ _day recognizes the social and religious customs -of our people mid, is,di- rected to their econcmic, physical, and spiritual protection and better- went. 4 7r t�- ;W. d � n'i r- H -r -� r9 // )qL , G i r I 71XAZ -g I e(pa-"e�� A� 7-ol .� C 33 2ZI 7-A(-u- .n 6 (� �3. C J- l/yiC �rR ,4 1 1 ins s�,fb,� �,•� +7"L c/,& - �- Z-VLT� /(Lo l� a to �/ M4 we r �" Cam, J � 1) s. Name of Store�`�` Location We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We.are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sunday. i .l- QAI�v /C- lot Call O-AAJ A Lj n �. D, v 9_ez��� SA Y _ Y cV,l � �147 dog- i6_fv�j p le�"6 %73 wis S; 6. /6 '�-' (a ZL dc i X73 i 9, FRI 044 ll /.2 3 z -) q pi ttll� `� /!� IC17 I?"Ie--- �j'o 3 p j S� A -J-� ao&, � r v' i/��. 4 .n- • • / �111 /,71 Location AVI We understand that a new proposed ordinance is before the Saint Paul City Council, which will close on Sunday all neighborhood grocery and dairy stores of this type employing more than two people. We are in favor of in- creasing the limitation to five employees to permit this store to remain open on Sunday. —� e5~ - Cr�'VC a� V 1 1 f 1 1 f i I 1' I �l I el a00, {�-�f 1, %� jl...i,C/, /L ✓/Jc A/ �G n.. v ,. 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