Council File No ....... ............ __
PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i Council File -No. 204914 —By Milton
Whereas, A written proposal for the
and ; making of the following improvement,
Condemning and taking a permanent
easement for the purpose of construct-
ing and maintaining STORM
t sewer for the
und; ' ^
r and across Lots 12 thru -N
The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement h tt4s, .� :t'� :'�,,. c
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Condemni ng' and. ;taki^ng a> .permanent eiasement'ifor the purpose of constructi'ng' �"
d� ma ntai•n1 ng'a" b�l ic' ,storip sewer' f r -t}i "e •R VERY W`
an i r o ly S'f'OiiN WAl'ER 'RELi El' SEWER
_...:SYSY.EM�on�,, ,under: and across ";;Lo.ts.12'.;th °ru.:20 ,:D.awson!s. Add.ltioia 6overtimept tot, .Z,
Lots• 0, and 'iC,' 41 ivler!'s Addi.,ti.on; also''Cherokee 'Park -and Manomin Avenue' vacated;
�� on a° strip °o.f •- I'and••,0-•-:fee't 4 t'n � -iii dth the• eenterTi nei -of'•'s'ai d" easement�'bei n�g"a stra'i ght
1 -ine from 'a pol.iafi: that Js on:, thb,,i c'. drit6rIine:,,of= Dater. Street k;,�630s�-fee't, ;eas't'rof' the.'
s� . �_......,_ ..., F
cent.er;11 ne�' of tml'tl Avenue 'tti, ,a' ..p'o�i.iif ',tli'ati � s' the, , i nt,ersect'1 on of Qongress Street
and 'thee .east property Itne �of',Ohio�,ttredt� produced;.. 'sai.d,,per.`aianenfi'= 30__:foot 'wade,_..
strip ,of land being •be;tween, a1'evation r5.0 iCity Datum
el'.evatlon- +i5:0. City Datum
�_._.- �..-- .:.r. - -' ►:- '� «»- :,l..L....�1. —.i '01 L. �.....+��,- .;...- r.�.l:.i:,i:.« {: �.0 Lq,:..+,'- s=.---•- ^- == "- ,�.,:s:. +�i..._:.. --:-�. L� i..L _
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
... ....... ............................... .. ... ....,, - ; . �:......... ... -.:........_ _......,� -
Condemning and taking a pQrman¢nt easemea't foc the.pyrpose_.Qf constructing'
and maintafni`ng .a pub'1ioss orm' ewer for° the`R'lf�ixRvI�.W.! *A.b! ,ATER`'REirPi'F,-;S..•WW "
.......... SYSTFA on, under and across Lots 1;2` thru 2i); ,Dawson's _Addi,tlo 0_Aovernmer�t_,Lots
_. ..
Lots�D and C, 011vterls,Add ..tton; also i�harpke® Park and Manomin Avenue vacateds
.:on a.,stri,p af,•nand -, 0•.feet, in width >tha canterllha of said oaseniant being a straight
I Ina f rorb 'a' ' po.i t tth t i ns th canton i q if Miter Street, 630. feet east of the
tY.r �F i7.� IY 8J
car ter. 1 r `e of "5mi th'.Avdquq' 4t'Q. ;ai 'poi.nt that i s- 'th "e' "i iitar�ection' df" 4 Tigress" St "reed`
t'•1P4ilfd "Oiiti6ast property lane , .f %'Oh'iia,., tl'eet, produced; va.id permane.ri `30 feat wife
stir t p, 4 ;fand Lbg'i<! q9 kq 2arj"q j i t.i 4 ;' `5ati � � tY�aO:A.ts��A
a.levit i on ' +1'5,:,0 %'ty ',Dstu
1 O, �IcVC W41;nye � k2Ce„a,7•y Ui,' Ur �c ;tr,�al l y° pXI "io makir Ci :ai�1 impro+velaz °nf
u°-mvestiigaTeine- mature; exien- -anwestimazea- cost -oi- said - improvement, -and Tile ioiai coat thereof.
-- ..=3:,To furnisli a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance.
Adopted by the CounciL ..................................................... K p 2i_ESN
" r ' Councilman DeCou rcy
MR. PRESIDENT Vavou i i s
3000 7-54
,WQV 2 2 1981
Approved------- _ ----------------- _-------------------------------------- - -
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