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201994 r COUNCIL FILE N0_________________________ _ r ryJ t -u FINAL ORDER a; In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Third St. to Seventh St. Council File No. 201994 — In the matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Third St. to Seventh St., under Preliminary Order 200362, 'approved January 10, 1961.• A public hearing having been had nuop, the above improvarnen+ A_tpon the r! ...15 under Preliminary Order --------- 00362 _______________________approved ______________ January lo, 1961 IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Third St. to Seventh St.,, except where good and sufficient sidewalks n exist and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement tnecordance therewith. MAY 9 a Adopted by the Council------------------------------------------- - - - - -- r Approved_ File S6448 Councilman Lle .niir .v Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mortmson Councilman P-eWFSen Councilman —Regea Mayor vavoulis 2.55 2M 2 "W MAY 9 M' ---------------- -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- J ------------ City Clerk. -------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- Mayor. PUBLISHED K. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'i/ In the matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Third St. to 1 Seventh St. 20-156f; 0 -156f; under Preliminary Order approved January 10,, 1961 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - for mono.l The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - x.52 per sq. ft. (Extra work at extra cost.) The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuati n of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION Oi I LANOVALUAT BLDG. II Ex NWly 14 ft for St Lots 24 and 1 25 I 1 Willius Addition No. 2 11$1000 $ 5500 II Vac alleys in and all of Geo. B. I I I II I li Nienabers Subd and in sd Willius 1 I I II I II Add No 2 Lot 1 and all of Lots 26 I I I II 11 thru 30 subj to Blvd and Hwy 392 1 1 1 do 16400 932000, 11 1 1 1 3 1 Auditors Subdivision No 73 775 1 2 ( 3 1 do 11 650 46001 11 13 13 1 do II 6�5 43501 II I4 I3I do II 8 �5 50501 II Ex Nally 14 ft for 7th St the Sally I I I I II 50 ft of 1 2 Auditors Subdivision No 19 1100 6100 Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 S � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATIO�NBLDG. 11 12 12 I Auditors Subdivision No 19 II$28W $5100 II I 1 1 Reeds Place 11 700 2550 II 12 I I do I1 600 2050 �! 13 I I do II 600 2450 II 14 I I do II 600 255? !I I5 1 I do 600 285Q II I6 I I do 600 2550 IIEx Nally 48.95 ft Lots 1 and 2 and I I I 1 II Ex SWly 10 ft and Ex N al l y 48.95 ft 13 1 181 Lyman Dayton's Addition II 1800 5800 11 Nwly 48.95 ft of Lots 1 2 and 3 I 1 11 1 IIEx SWly 10 ft of ad 1 3 1 181 do 825 4000 IINwly 60 ft of Lot 27 and the SEly I I I I1 I122 ft of the NWly 60 ft of 1 28 1 181 do 11 700 4600 IINWly 38 ft of 1 28 1 181 do 11 600 2850 11 SEly 40 ft of the NWly 100 ft of I I I II II Lots 27 and 1 28 1 181 do II 550 14001 II SEly 50 ft of Lots 26, 27 and 1 28 1 181 do 875 18001 Lot 9 and part of Lot 10 lying . I I II SEly of A L 50 ft from and par witY I I II 1 II the NWly L of 5th St in I 1 191 do II 975 120001 IIPart of Lot 10 lying NWly of A L I 1 I II I II 50 ft from and par with the NWly I I I L IIL of 5th St Lot 11 and Ex NWly 1 II 30 ft 1 12 1 19 1 do 11 1050 1400 II Nwly 30 ft of Lot 12 and SEly 1 I I II II10 ft of 1 13 1 191 do II 700 23001 1 1 I I TOTAL 11 1 �OiiN �. ■.11 �o0 7•�� 8 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) FORM 7.3.11 goo ] -t! 8 DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND I BLDG. I! That part of Lot 13 lying Nally of 1 1 1 11 1 IIA L 150 ft NWly from par with the I 1 II 1 I1Nally L of 5th St and SEly 5 ft of 114 1 19 ] Lyman-Dayton's Addition 11$ 600 $2050 11 !!Ally 35 ft of 1 14 1 191 do 11 600 14 0 II That part of Nally 90 ft of Lot 1$ I 1 II �I lying SEly of A L par with and 47.16 1 11 ft SEly from SEly L of 6th St in 1 1 191 do 400 1850 11 That part of NWly 90 ft of Lot 15 1 1 1 11 lying NWly of A L par with and 47.16 I 1 II 1 11 ft SEly . Prom SEly L of 6th St and I I 1 II II Nally 90 ft of 1 16 1 191 do 1300 7400 II Ex Uly 8 ft Lots 9 and 1 10 1 251 do 11 1100 2600 III ll 1 251 do 11 700 2800 II 1 12 1 251 do 11 700 1350 II Ex Triangular strip beg at NWly cox I I II 1 1I of .Lot 13 th IYEly to NEl.y cor th I I I II f II SEly 3,10/12 ft th to pt of beg 1 13 1 251 do 11 700 1550 II That part of Lot 13 lying NWly of I I I 1 A L run from a pt on Ely L of sd Lc�t I I II 1 11 3 10/12 ft SEly from NE cor of sd I I ( II 11 Lot to the NW cor of sd Lot 13 and I I I 1I 11 all of 1 14 1 251 do 800 2350 II86 1 ft of Lots 1 and I I 261 do 100 245 ©.: 11 Beg at pt on NEly L of Blk 26 and I I I II ,1 86 1/3 ft NW ly from SE cor of sd IlBlk th NWlY 54 2 ft the SW3,v pal I I 1I I 1 TOTAL 1I 1 FORM 7.3.11 goo ] -t! 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LANDVALUATIO�BLOG. II With SEly L of ad Blk 120 ft th I I I II IISEly 54 212 ft the NEly to beg I I I II IIpart 110 I 11$ of Lots 1, 22 32 82 9 and 261 Lyman Dayton's Addition 925 $2400 ;I Part NWly of A L 140.5 ft NWly fro I I II II and par with NWly L of 4th St I I I II 0,l measured on Maria Ave of Lots 8, 110 I ,I 9 and 261 do 1400 18000,, IILots 12 2 and I 3 I 321- do 4200 8900 II Lots 24 and 1.25 132 I do II 1650 8200 II l, Beg at a pt on NEly L of Maria Ave I I II i II th•SEly to ad cor th NEly 80.61 ft r i i a Pt on Or ird SCL p IIo being 40 ft SWly from SE cor of Lott 9 I I II II1056-52 ft th SWly 80.16 ft to beo I I II part of s 9 an IIWing 6 133 I do 111800 1075 II Beg at pt on SWly L of Blk 33 120 f�t I I II NW cur of 5d Blk -6a 0"`ij-JV II along NEly L of Maria Ave 40 ft th I I I II par with Maria Ave 40 ft Th SWly t II 133 0, do 550 1150 Sub j to esmt beg at a pt on SWly L I I I II IIad Blk th SEly along NEly L of Mari II120 ft th NWly par with Maria Ave II of Lots 11 and 133 I do 800 3100 TOTAL II %.,, r ur A,. mmuL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION' BLDG. II Beg at pt` on PEly L of Maria Ave I I I II II ,i 40 ft SEly from cor o th SEly along sd NEly 40 ft th I I I II II NEly par w Pally par with. Maria Ave 40 ft th I I I li II II Lots 12 and g par o 113 1 331 Lyman Dayton's Addition 11$ 700 $21+501 II Pwly 40 ft of Swly 120 ft of Blk 3� I I II II IIbeing part of Lot 13 and all of 114 1 331 do � 800 22501 .I I I I II if I! I I I II II II I I I II II 11 I I I II II I I I II 11 II I I I 11 .Jh ., The Commissioner f Fnrini,fI . ..r_ .,_ — - �►�-- ---R =* 11"a 111ve8tiigA1;ec1 all of the aforesaid matters, to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.n�~f Date F � Commissioner of Finance. � !Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 8 o Dist. No. . 4 Maria we Third to Seventh — both sides Y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Jan. l7th. , l9 61 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 200362 , approved Jan. 10th. , i9 61 , relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Maria Ave. from Third St. to Seventh St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $0.52 per sq. ft. for mpno�2 cone. walls !gin thick. Extra work(excay., fill, cons. rem'd, root cutting, drive crossines.e^ te.) at extra cost. 2.. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Worcs x 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition n4�,V-OE`�7 Commissioner of Public Works co `