D001706� City of Saint Pau1 Office of the Mayor ADMIl�TISTRATIVE ORDER I_\ 7��1►�`1I�1:7V Ii►�I ��T;7 �� �l�l i���j i • i � Date: 5 °/ 9 q9 Joseph Reid is hereby delegated the authority to sign tentative collective barga.inivg agreements • and memoranda of understanding on behalf of the Administration of the City of Saint Paul until a new Director of Labor Relations is appointed. Pursuant to the Saint Paul City Charter, all such collective bargaining agreements and memoranda are subject to final approval by the Mayor and City Council. APPROVED AS TO FORM � ��/�-` � s�T Assistant City Attorney Departmen irector Mayor/Financ Director S-rL-`T l �•. vA+.�srnsNTro�cECO�cu. na�eann,vso ��� t l��ij " Bxecuavenaminisvation 05-17-99 GREEN SHEET NO. 61166 veux�ioa�e i��oa�e COMACLPERSON&PH01� ��Y �D6PnnTMEN]'O�tECfOR � 4'fYCOUNm. SusanKimberley 266-8510 �,� �—crrrwnonr�v Q crrca.mx MUS[BEONWiMm,AGFNUABY�A"P� y � � FAANOA[.SEINI�'SDIIt � FPI.SERVSCESOf£/ACCiG �. O MAYOA<ORAS5I5[AN�_ O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOlt SIGNATURE) ACRON P.FJjUES[m Delegating signariue authority on tentarive collective bazgaining agreements. RECOMMEN�AtiONS Approve(A)orRrya[(P� PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS M[7ST eWSWER'CEIE FOLLOWING QUESTlO1V5: _PLANNWGCDA4ASSION 1. Has this persoWfi�m evet worked uadu a coutrect for tLis �eparbnent? c�co�nvrr� YES NO c[vasFacvtcemt�mss[ma 2. Hu Nis peisod5rmeve[ been acity emptoyee? YES NO 3. Does tLis persod6*m possrss a sklt not normallypossessedby any c�tteut city employee? YFS NO A Is tLis pttson / fum a tazgeted veudoY.� YES NO (E�lain all yes anawers on sepaza[e sLeet and attach to green sDeek) WIl1A]ING PROSLEM LSSUE, OPPORTUMiY(V/ho. Nhat R3e4 v1La5 �l')� Delegating the authority to si� [entarive wllecrive bazgaining ageements to Joseph Reid und] a new Director of I,abor Relations is appointed. ADVANtAGESIFAPPROVCD Tt will enable fhe collecrive bargaining process ro continue. DISADVANTAGES IP APPItO�'SD. None DISADVAN[AGE60PxpTAPPaOVbD It will dramarically affect the timeliness of the collecflve bazgaa�ing process. TOSALAMOUNTOFTRANSACCIO�iI COSSIA%VFHIIEHUOG6lED(CLLtdEONE) YFS NO � INNDIttGSOUHCE _ ACPM1YNUh3RER _ FINANCIAGQJFOItMAT10N (EXPLAII� . SaIhtP2W 8udyet� e ff:S11134eso111899siylbr .WK41 OSt].89