08-1327RESOLUTION OF SAI�VT RAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # �,.�?j�� Green Sheet # 3060918 2�g 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparlment will enter into an agreement with the Intemal Revenue 2 Service, Criminal Investigation, US Department of Treasury, for ffie period of October 1, 2008 through 3 September 30, 2009; and 4 5 WFIEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to receive reimbursement of costs incurred by the Saint Paul Police 6 Department while providing resources in and azound the Saint Paul azea to the joint operation task force, 7"Operation Two Time Loser", MN 0178; a task force investigating drug h'afficking organizations; and WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has accepted this agreement; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a 2008 fmancing and spending plan needs to be established for this gcant; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 14 there aze available for appropriation funds of $20,000 in excess of those estunated in the 2008 budget; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addifion be made to the 2008 budget: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN: 34229 - IRS-Criminat Investigation 4398- Services - 5pecial Projects Total Changes to Financing SPENDYNG PLAN: 34229- IRS Criminal Investigation 0141- Overiime 0259- Other Travel 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0449 - Workers Compensation CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 20,000 20,000 0 2Q,OUQ 20,000 0 12,744 0 5,000 0 1,746 0 510 0 20,000 12,744 5,000 1,746 510 20,000 Requested by Department of: sr�rt Thune Adopted by Council: Date: �>�d��ddl Adoption Certitied by C� uncil Secretary: BY� �infZ7n��.� r� Approve y M yo � Date: � L ! 5 � U � { , l�t.�,Q�--PCJ�° 9 By: ` Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008VRS 75k Force Agreement with Fin and Spentling,xls Aooroval Recommended bv Fnancial Services: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �-�ha� � �epartmenUOfficelCouneil: ,� Date Inkiated: ; Pp _PO�,ceo�a��t ;,��T-0$ i Green Sheet NO: 3060918 Contact Pecson 8 Phone: Chief John Harrinqton 266-5588 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): �', Doa Type: RESOLUTION W/3 fl,/ TRANSACTION �.1T '� E-0ocumentRequired: Y ' DxumentConWCt: EvetteSCarver Cortact Phone: 266554'1 � � i Assign i ' Number For i Routing Otder � � � rson InitiaVDate 0 l 2 3 4 5 6 —� ' Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip AII Lowtions for Signature) __ �I Action Requested: � � Signariues on the attached council resolurion establishing a financing and spending plan fot the Intemal Revenue Service, Criminal i Invesrigation agreement. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Plannin9 Commission GB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a ci[y employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuvent city employee? Yes No Explain aIi yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . The IRS will zeimbusse the City of Saint Paul, Police Depactment foc overtime hours associated with the invesrigarion of the drug trafficking organizations specific to money laundering in and azound Saint Paul. A financing and spending plan needs to be established. AdvanWges If Approved: Opportunity to investigate and prosecute lazge scale drug ffafficking orgrauizations operating in and azound the Saint Paul azes. DisadvanWges If Approved: � None. I DisadvanWges 1f NotApproved: Lost opportunity to investigate large scalee drug trafficking organizations operating in and around the Saint Paul azea. Total Amount of $z0,00Q.00 Transaction: Funtling Source: 436 Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Butlgeted: Activity Number: �'ZZ � li`, ��I':'y,� ��:�3��� November 3, 2008 4:16 PM Page 1 64,�1��"1 AGREEMENT SETWEEN TREASIlRY LAW ENFORCEINENT AGENCIES and LOCAL, COUNTY AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES t,«.,.���� 7his agreement is entered into by the St. Paui Police Dept. and lnternaf Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation, for the purpose of receiving reimbursab{e costs incurred by the St. Paul Pofice Dept. in providing resources to joint operations/task forces. Payments may be made to tfie extent they are included in the Treasury law enforcement agency's Fiscal Year Plan, and the monies are available within the Treasury Forfeiture Fund to satisfy the request(s) for reimbursable overtime expenses. LIFE OF THIS AGREEMENT This agreement is effective on the date it is signed by both parties and terminates on the last day of the current Fiscal Year. Agreements are required on a Fiscal Year basis and must be renewed, if appropriate, by September 30th ofi each Fiscal Year fior the following Fiscal Year. II. AUTHORITY This agreement is established pursuant to the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 9703, the Treasury ForFeiture Fund Act ofi 1992, which provides fior the reimbursement of certain expenses of local, county, and state (aw enforcement agencies ineurred as paRicipants in joint operations/task forces with a Department of the Treasury Iaw enforcement agency. III. PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT This agreement establishes the procedures and responsibifities of botfi the St. Paul Police Dept. and the Criminal Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, for the reimbursement of certain overtime and other expenses pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9703. �orm 9975 (Rev. 2-95) Cat. No. 22456K Department of the Treasury — Intemal Revenue Service Page 1 ��'13� IV. NAME OF TASK FORCE(JOINT OPERATidN ({f Appticabfe) Tfie Name of fhis Task Force is Operation Two Time Loser MN 0178. Projected Dates of Remaining Operation: 10(01l2�08 to �9l3�/2009. V. CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES A. Assianment of St. Paul Police Dept. Officers To the maximum extent possibfe, Si. Paul Pofice Dept. shall assign dedicated officer(s) to the Task Force/.Joint Operatio�s. The St. Paul Police Dept. shall provide the Criminal Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, with the names, titles, badge or Ip numbers of the o�cer(s) assigned to the Task Force/joint Operation in an attachment to this agreeme�t. B. Reauests for Reimbursement of Overtime Exnenses 1. The St. Paul Police Dept. may request reimbursement for payment of overtime expenses directly related to work performed by its officer(s) assigned as members of a Joint Task ForcelOperation with the Criminal fnvestigation, fnternaf Revenue Service, for the purpose of conducting official Treasury investigations. 2. The St. Paul Poiice Dept. shall provide the Criminal Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, within 10 days of the signing of this agreement, a mandatory ACH Vendor Payment Enrollment Form for Electronic Funds Transfer. 3. Invoices submitted for the payment of overtime to St. Paul Police Dept. officer(s) sha{f be submitted on the agency's letterhead. Tfie invoice sfiaf{ be signed by an authorized representative of that agency. 4. The St. Paul Police Dept. will submit all requests for reimbursable payments together w+th appropriate documentation to the Crimina{ Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, , ATTN: S/A Shauna Snider 30 E. 7 St., Suite 1004, St. Paul, MN 55101, Tel 651-312-8015 The St. Paul Police Dept. shall certify that the request is for overtime expenses incurred by the St. Paul Police Dept. for Participation with a joint operation conducted with the Criminal Investigatio�, Internal Revenue Service. The St. Paul Police Dept. shaii aiso cert'rfy that requests for reimbursement of overtime expenses have not been made to othet Federa! law enforcement agencies who may also be participating with the task forcefjoint operation. Form 9975 (Rev. 2-OS) Cat. No. 22456K Department of the Treasury — Intemal Revenue Service Page 2 pb�l��� The St. Paui Potice Dept. acknowledges that they remain fully responsible for their obligations as Yhe employer of the officer(s) assigned to the task forceljoint operation and are responsible for the payment of overtime earnings, withhofdings, insurance coverage and alf other requirements by faw, regulation, ordinance or contract regardless of the reimbursable overtime charges incurced. 5. Ali requests for reimbursement of costs incurred by the St. Paul Police Dept. must be approved and certified by the Criminaf investigation, {nternal Revenue Service. The Treasury law enforcement agency shafl countersign the invoices for payment. 6. AIi requests for reimbursement of costs are to be received by Criminaf I�vestigation, Internal revenue Service no later than 15 days after the previous month end. These requests for reimbursement are to be for a full month time period, from the first day to the last day of the month. There should not be invoices covering oniy part of the month, as in 1/10I�4 — 1/25/04. 7. . The St. Paul Police Dept. is limited to a maximum reimbursement for all overtime expenses in connection with this operation of $15,000.00 per year under this agreement. By statute, no single ofFicer may earn more than $15,000.00 per fiscal year in overtime regardless of the number of agreements helshe is authorized on. Travel and related expenses should not exceed a maximum of 5 OOO.00for this task force/joint operation for the Fiscal Year period. 8. The total dollar vafue of this agreement may be ad'}usted at anytime by Criminal Investigation, Internal Revenue Service based upon the following: A) The Criminal Investigation, Internal Revenue Service may modify the totaf dollar obligatio�, resulYing in an increase or decrease, if they determine that the original obligated amount is not commensurate with the rafe of reimbursable requests, based on their analysis of submitted reimbursement requests. B) The ad'}ustments to the total dollar value of this agreement may result in a partial and/or total reduction of reimbursement funds requested. Any modification made to an authorized agreement will be documented in writing and immediately provided to the impacted state and local agency. C, PROGRAM AUpIT This agreement and its procedures are subject to audit by the Criminal tnvestigation, Intemal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, O�ce of Inspecto� Generaf, the General Accounting Office, and other government designated auditors. The St. Paul Police Dept. agrees to permit such audits and agrees to maintain all records relating to these transactions for a period of not fess than three years; and in the event of an on- going audit, until the audit is completed. These audits may include reviews of any and ail records, documents, reports, accounts, invoices, receipts or expenditures relating 10 this agreement; as wefl as the interview of any and alf personnel irtvolved in these transactfons. Form 9975 (Rev. 2-05) Cat No. 22456K Department of the Treasury — Intemal Revenue Service Page 3 n�-t 3a� D, REVISfONS The terms of this agreement may be amended upon the written approval of both the St. Paui Police Dept. and the Criminal Investigation, )nternal Revenue Service. The revision becomes effective upon the date of approval. E. NO PRIVATE RIGHT CREATED This is an internal government agreement between a Treasury Law Enforcement Age�cy and the St. Paul Police Dept., a Local/County/State Law Enforcement Agency, and is not intended to confer any right or benefit to a�y private person or party. �., ��.. � t.� Agent in Printed Name Chief of Po{ice St. Paul Police Dept. � Printed Name Crim inal I nvestigation St. Pauil Field Office Internai Revenue Ser` Date: Date: Signature �_ � Print�Name Chief inancialOfficer City o aint Paul Date: Printed Name 6ciminal In� Internal Revei Washington, [ Date: ,/ Signature Printed Name St. Paul City Attorney's Date Form 9975 (Rev. 2•05j Cat No.�22456K �_ Department of the Treasury — Intemai �8-1�� REQUEST TO ESTABLISH REIMBL3RSEMENT FOR LOCAL, COUNTY, AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEI4CIES PARTICTPATING IN SOINT LAW ENFORCEMEI�TT OPERATIONS WITH TREASURY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES RY AGENCY: OCDETF CASE: � YES ❑ NO TEOAF �I�RACKING NUMBER Revenue Service- CID �vn.�, sE assic� sr reo,er� s ADDRESS: OCDETF CASE,�: 2-0$-41-2196 30 E. 7m Street Suite 1004 St Paul, MN 55101 Shauna Snider APPROVAL (NAME & SIGNATURE) Francine L. Evans FOR OVERTIME: FOR OTAER: � YE$ Q NO 651-312-8015 REQUEST DATE: 10/Ol/2008 'CREASURYAGENCYHEADQUARTERS APPROVAL (NAME & SIGNATIIRE & DATE) FULL NAME, ADDRESS, 7'ELEPHONE EXPENSES 7'O BE REIMBURSED ESTIMATED COSTS AND TAXPAYER IDEN'I'IFICATION NUMBER OF LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE AGENCY St Paul Police Department Overttme FY 09 $15,000.00 Other ! Travel $5,000.00 TFF APPROVAL AND DATE TOTAL EST3NtATED COSTS $20,000.00 ACCOUNTING DATA: BFYS: FUND: BUDPLN: ORG: PROGRAM: pCC �am, 9974 (ttev. 5-96) Cat No. 224552 Depariment of the Treasury -{ntemai Revenue Service l�-J3a7 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY LOCAL, COUNTY, AND STATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FOR OVERTJME COSTS ANQ AUTHORIZED EXPENSES ' ATTACHMENT TO AGREEMENT TO: ❑ ATF� IRS ❑ USCS ❑ USSS NAME OFAGENCY: St. Paul Police Deparfinent DATE Of REQUEST: 10/01/2008 AD�RESS: 367 Grove Street OCDET� CASE: � YES ❑ NO St. Paul, MN 55101 OCDETF CASE i�: MN 0178 TAX lDENT{FICATION #: 41-6005529 TEOAF 7RACKING #: CONTACT PERSON: Angela Anderson 7ITLE: Payroli TELEPHONE: (651) 266-5537 Form 9973 (Rev. 6-96j Cat. No. 22453D Deparhaent of the Treasury - Intemal Revenue Service ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON OFFICER(S)