201924Council File No. 201921 —By Mrs. Donald M. on Roos n— Robert F. Peterson — � ( 4 Milton Rosen — +�.yf O rtGINAL TO CITY CLHRK TV Resolved, That licenses applied' for d CITY OF by the persons named on the list CIL NO attached to this resolution be and the OFFICE OF THE same are hereby granted, and the '-ICENSE COMMITTEE City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment 'into the COU•N IL RESOLUTIO City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council' May 2, 1961. PRESENTED BY Approved May 2, 1961. 1961 COMMISSIONE (May 6, 1961) r f That e licenses applI-e-cTfor by the following persons at e a resses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Prom Catering Co., Inc. 1170 University C atering App.13953Rene� " n 1V #1125 James G. Hathaway 323 Como Gas Sta. 5P " 841 If 11 Vend. Mach.Lo c . " " " St. Bernardts Recreation Center 197 W. Geranium On Sale Malt" 947 " 11 f 11 Bowling 8a " Cigarette " It " Stanley Blazic 865 Grand Grocery " 851 " II rI Butcher " " " Off Sale Malt" " " Cigarette If n n A. L. Schabacher 1338 Bayard Grocery " 960 " Butcher " Of f bSal e Malt" Cigarette .Alan H. Loux 254 N. Fairview Grocery " X64 " Off Sale Mait" " " Cigarette If " " Jens Christian Junge 1991 Stillwater Gas Sta. 3P " 953 " Vend. Mach.Loc. If " Cigarette it Sanitary Farm %Speed -O -Laq Products Co. 2386 Wycliff Vend. Mach.Loc. " 976 11 St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co.%" " " 11 995 " Vendall Co. %No. Central Publication Co. i84 w. College " " 996 u Leo Davis 1031 W. 7th Barber " 1016 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 3.60 2 In Favor A gainst Approved 19— Mayor 0 IGINAL TO CITY CLERK - 20,924 ll CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE . NCIL FILE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE May 2f 1961 Contd. Page 2 Lucy F. Kissinger 1339 Hewitt n u n n n n C. L. Law & 0. Edhlund 1176 N. Dale u tt n n u II Grocery App.1029 Renei Butcher " " n Off Sale Malt" Cigarette Gas Sta 2P " .030 " Gen. Rep. Garage" n n Vend. Mach.Loca." Cigarette " Cig. Oper. 2M" Eva Lapadat 956 Galtier Beauty Shop " Canteen %Montgomery Ward & Co. 744 Vandalia Vend.Mach.Loc." " %Ward Transfer Co. 2326 Hampden " " Pepsi Cola Bottling %Speed —O —Laq Products, Inc. " 2396 Wycliff Herbert Wong 980 N. Dale Restaurant " Vendall %National Cylinder Gas Co. 965 N. Lexington VM Loc." Robt. Kroiss %Child Guidance Clinic 670 Marshall Federal Stationery Co. 965 Vandalia Mary Ellen McQuillan 654 Selby Restaurant " " " Cigarette rr Archie Norgong 1286 University Barber " 1035 " 1038 1040 " 1043 tt 1055 It 1060 n 1068 " 1077 It 1079 " n tt 1085 n Deana Harris Hoffman 2001 Sargent Photographer " 1093 " National Cylinder Gas Co. 965 N. Lexington Vend.Mach.Loc." 1106 " Robt. Kroiss %St. Paul Union Depot Co.214 E.4th " " 1112 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis Sm a -SO OW 2 Tn Favor A gainst Approved 19— Mayor OlRiGINAL TO CITY CLERK 201 ,924 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ln10ENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May 2. 1961 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 3 Robt. Kroiss %Buthrin Sportswear Co. 366.Wacouta Vend.Mach.Loc.App.1113Ren I' %St. Bernardis Recreation Center 191 W. Geranium " %Kline Olds, Inc. 1471 — 91 University " App.1116Renew Rosenberg & Son Gaylord, Minn. Foods MPDW " 1126" It it 2V #� pho -49 II II If Florence M. Schmitz Jack N. Karter n Jeddi e Gaboury Socony Mobil Oil Co. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Peterson Rosen SM 5 - ®O ojo.2 45 N. Sneliing 777 University 11 1535 E. Minnehaha 606 Vandalia jj � n Favor 1 Against Beauty Shop " 1184 " 3 MAD " 1205" 1 MM II u " Cigarette " 1206° If " 1226" Adopted by the Council MAY 2 1,961 _19— MAY 2 1991 Approve 19— Mayor