201904ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK / 201 CITY OF ST. PAUL c 904 �ouNC� 'I No vvv 6 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -• ' Council File No. 201904 —By Milton NCIL R SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Whereas, yIteappears that in several / cases in the past, the City has acquired, PRESENTED BYr� privately-owned fvarius reeta openings or public COMMISSIONE DAT improvements and in certain instances these acquisitions were made consid- erably in advance of the actual con- struction of the contemplated improve - -+?Pn_t: and The City has certain of ,f -t ^tvtiLne WHEREAS, it appears that in several- cases in--,t;a past, the City has acquired privately -owned lands for the purposes of various street openings or public improvements and in certain instances these acquisitions were made con siderably in advance of the actual construction of the con- templated improvement; and, WHEREAS, the City has certain of these properties at the present time and will acquire others in the future; and WHEREAS, it appears further that certain of these properties could be rented for limited periods of time prior to the commencement of the use for which they we3m acquired, the City thereby deriving revenue therefrom; and WHEREAS,-the Comptroller has suggested that, where appropriate, such properties acquired by the City be devoted to the production of revenue for the City and that an appro- priate fund be set up for the purpose of depositing the rentals collected therefrom and against which expenditures in connection. therewith could be charged, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the Comptroller set up 'a special fund to be known as the Rental Properties Operating Fund, code 1045, procedures with respect thereto to be under the supervision of the Valuation Bureau 6B the Department of Finance, all receipts and rentals derived by the City to be deposited in said fund, and any charges or operating expenses in connection therewith to be paid out of such f und, By COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Colm 2 1 19— Yeas Nays DCcy our e —D eour Approve IRAPY 2 19— Loss In Favor r1-;n cg Peterson Mayor Mr Rosen Against 14(� ISM 5.60 OSW 2