D001705� U Approved Copies to: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINIS'TRATIVE ORDER - City Clerk (Origmal) h - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division No: �/ Q� 1�](�..�> - Requesting Dept. Date: 5-jy- 9� 1 WEIEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a 2 course on Street Safe Officer Survival in the 90's and, 4 WHEREAS, this course is scheduled for May 3-4, 6-7, 10-11, and 13-14, 1999, and will be conducted at 5 the Saint Paul Police Outdoor Range; 2621 Linwood Avenue; Maplewood, Minnesota. 6 7 BE IT ORDERED that pursuant to the 1999 City Budget, the proper City Officials aze hereby authorized 8 to remit an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 to Events by Design, located at 2236 Cypress Drive; Woodbury, 9 Minnesota 55125. This is to cover expenses for food service for the outside agencies participating in the Street 10 Safe Officer Survival course. This includes morning break, lunch, and snacks for this course. 1] 12 A copy of said arder is to be kept on file and of recard in the Office of Finance Services. 13 � 4 Funding source: 'S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Zn Account code #43 6-3 4 1 1 7-02 1 9-400 1 7. A roved b: i Attome Date PP t3' Y �- � � `f'3a� Appr o�ved by: inance Director Date � ., � Police Finney 292-3588 d+/27/99 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �V ,DDDI7Gt5 No 63172 u �*,u,�.�,a. u aTM�— a � -,� o �.�. ��_ ��,��� ���.,.�,� ❑��.�.� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Routing and approval of attached A�vi.nistrative Order for Street Safe Officer Survival in the 90's. a PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this perso�rm evervroAcetl untler s conVact fot this depaKmeM? YES NO Has th� pe�son/frtn ever been a city employee? YES NO Does Mis persoNfirm possess a sldll not nwmallypossessetl by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfirm a targetetl vendoY! YES NO aiW attach W areen sheeY The Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Deuelopment Institute (PDI� is spoxisoring a Street Safe: Officer Survival in the 90's course for outside agencies. Due to the length of the saninar, sustenance is needed to ensure the officers fran outside agencies are prepared for course instruction. Saint Paul Police persormel would attend at no cost to the depaztirent. �;:_ <'-. '+.��:i E � x> �.>'._. v > � `.: �,�HY e � 199� A �� �'� � ,.:�, 1KR�1G� _. %n ��� L�'C. ".�. -' W� 44. y a 1t�renty—four Saint Paul Police Department personnel would �t be able to attend without cost to the departr�ent. ��� •� SOURCE 43 Cr3 4117-0219 C)17 CO57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNIiY NUtABER �LC�� tl F�p MAY 141��9 YES NO