08-1318Substitute 12/17/08 Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .' SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION � z 3 a s s � a 9 io ii t2 73 14 15 1s t� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 WHEREAS, certain specific budgets of the City's 2008 budgets are projected to be out of balance, and Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, representatives of the departments and offices of the City have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Director of Financial Services has discussed these projections and adjustments for 2008 with the City Council during the budget workshop meeting on November 26th; and WHEREAS, as part of the City Council budget review, the City Council has discussed and reviewed a Revised Term Sheet between the City, RCVA and MSE dated December 77, 2008 concerning a Capital Allocation Agreement that includes an interest component to benefit the General Fund in the amount of $83,640 for the ne�ct 8 years; and WHEREAS, the Mayor is recommending the adjustments listed below to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $2,668,544 in general fund monies and $5,701,831 in special fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget, and in accordance with Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2008 Budget: Fund Activity Object Description GENERAL FUND SPENDING CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Ciri Attornev's Offiee 001 - 00200 - 0299 Other Services 100,000 290,000 390,000 Complete the ]mplementation of fhe MNCIS software package that will enable CAO to remain compatible with the State central database. CiN Council 001 - 00001 - 0299 Other Services 46,318 85,000 731,318 Accepts counci! contingency dollars from general government for general services use. GenerelGovernmentAccounts 001 - 09050 - 0565 TrensfertoCapiWlProjects 170,000 (50,000) 60,000 007 - 09060 - 0518 Mayor Contingency 150,000 (150,000) 0 007 - 09060 - 0548 CouneilContingency 408,781 (408,781) 0 001 - 09060 - 0558 Transfer to Special Rev Fund . 0 408,781 408,781 007 • 09061 - 0548 Council Contingency 85,000 (85,000) 0 007 - 09073 - 0218 Fees-Attorney 110,260 (90,000) 20,260 007 - 0912T - 0112 FuII Time 69,887 (35,000) 34,887 001 - 09127 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 55,300 (11,200) 44,100 Spending authority reduction in various activities inciuding Mayor and Council Contingency items, reductions in transfer to PIA, attorney fees in the CAO - Outside Counsel activiry, and reduced salary and fringe spending in IGR due to a partial year vacancy. TransferCouncil continency to funtl050 to contribute to funtl balance. Office of Technoloav & Communications 007 - 01020 - 0299 Other Serviees 30,721 20,000 50,721 Marketing serviees related to hasting the Republitan National Convention Council File # 08-1318 GreenSheet# 3064638 Council File # 08-1318 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: GreenSheet# 3064638 47 Page 2 of 4 4 $ CURRENT AMENDED 49 Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 50 57 SafeN & Inscections 52 001 - 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance 714,424 830,000 1,544,424 53 007 - 00257 - 0117 Full-Time Permanent 242,248 469,600 711,848 54 001 - 00257 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 80,909 150,400 237,309 55 /ncludes additional spending authority for summary abatement grounds maintenance, which is ofiset by increased revenue reeeived 56 from the abafed properties. Salary and fringe changes represent the proposed shifr of staH cosis from Fund 320 (License and Permit) 57 to the General Fund to support vacant building work, while mainfaining adequate fund balance in Fund 320 58 59 CiN-witle Frinaes 60 007 - 00256 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - DSI 371,870 39,439 351,309 61 001 - 00110 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - Financial Services 343,310 30,960 374,270 62 007 - 00152 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - Human Rights 129,138 12,739 141,277 63 007 - 00200 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - City Attorney 7,310,443 56,477 1,366,860 64 007 - 01001 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - Technology 39,361 67,172 106,533 65 001 - 04000 - 0439 Fringe Benefits - Police 1,539,217 612,721 2,151,938 66 001 - 0500� - 0439 Fringe Benefits - Fire 248,217 426,195 674,412 67 68 Addresses an expected shortage ol citywide allocated fringes in part due to RNC-related overtime and a cnange in cost projections relatii 69 to the 2008 adopted budget. 70 GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 2,668,844 71 72 GENERAL FUND FINANCING 73 Saferi & Insoeetions 74 007 - 00258 • 7306 Transfer from Capital Projects 821,834 830,000 1,651,834 75 00� - 00257 - 4078 VacantBuildingAegistration 765,000 438,844 603,844 76 Assessment revenue in summary abatement is correlated with summary abatement grounds maintenance spending. 77 This increase retlects the revenue expected from the higher than budgetetl grounds maintenance work (see above entry). 78 Vacant Building Regishation revenue is atljusted to refleet higher than budgeted colleetions due to a mid-year fee increase. 79 80 Non-DepartmentRevenue 81 00� - 00000 - 7305 Trensfer from Special Revenue Fund 3,683,907 1,400,000 5,083,907 82 Transfer f�om Fund 050 to cover RNC atlministretive overhead expenses 83 84 GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE 2,668,844 85 86 TOTAL GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE 2,668,844 87 TOTAL GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 2,668,844 " 88 SPECIAL FUNDS 89 90 Financial Services 91 Funtl 050 - Special Projects 92 PINANqNG 93 O50 - 30717 - 4357 IndirectCostRecovery 5,597,766 7,400,000 6,991,766 94 This includes expected resources from the Federal goveinment to cover police staff planning expenses for fhe Republican 95 NationalConvention. ' 96 97 050 - 30101 - 7299 Trensfer from General Fund 408,781 98 050 - 30101 - 9831 Contribution to Funtl Balance (408,781) 99 Reeognizes transfer of council contingeney from general government accounts and places it in reserve. 100 101 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 7,400,000 Council File # 08-1318 GreestSneet# 3064638 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: 702 Page 3 of 4 703 CURRENT AMENDED 704 Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 105 SPENOING 706 O50 - 30117 - 0557 Transfer to General Fund 0 1,400,000 107 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 7,400,000 708 This includes police staff planning expenses for the Republican National Convention. 109 170 Fund 149 - Downtown Capitaf 111 FINANCING 172 749 - 76902 9830 Undesignatetl fund balance 0 3,769,579 3,769,579 113 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 3,769,579 114 SPENDING 115 149 - 76901 0299 Projectatlministretion 0 7,000,000 1,000,000 116 149 - 76907 0547 LoCal Match Bloek 4 0 75,500 75,500 177 149 - 76902 0558 Transfer to HRA General Fund Balance for 118 PED Future Operetions 0 2,694,079 2,694,079 179 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 3,769,579 120 To correct 2008 fechnical butlget error, provide local match antl money for fufure PED operations. 127 122 Fund 602 - CPL Operating Fund 123 SPENDING 124 802 - 60002 - 0557 Trensfer to General Fund 1,300,000 830,000 2,730,000 725 802 - 60002 - 0547 TransferOut-Intrafuntl 2,000,000 (830,000) 1,170,000 126 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 0 127 Increases spentling authority to frensfer assessment revenue to the general fund tor OS/ grounds maintenance, and decreases an equal 128 amoun! of spending authariry from the downtown faqade improvement program, which wil! spend /ess than originally expeeted. 129 130 Fund 930 - Capital Projects Fund antl Fund 900 - Rivercentre 131 Soentlina 132 930 - 90309 - 0566 Trensfer to Enterprise Funtl 0 231,126 237,126 733 900 - 20708 - 0538 RepaymentofAdvance 0 237,726 231,126 134 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 462,252 135 Financinq � 136 930 - 90309 - 6922 Repayment of Ativance 44,000 237,126 275,126 137 900 - 20708 • 7306 Transferin 0 231,126 231,726 738 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 462,252 139 Forgives the receivable far improvements fo Wilkins to assist the RCVA managemeM ot the Rivercentre comp�ex 140 as a part o/ the City's assistance to the Minnesota Event Districf. 741 742 Parks & Recreation 143 Fund 860 - Parks Grents & Aids 144 F1NANqNG 745 860 - 33795 - 3400 State Direct Grants in Aitl 197,940 70,000 267,940 746 747 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 70,000 146 Council File # 08-1318 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAiNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Presented By: Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET SPENDING 860 - 33795 - 0219 Fees - Other Professional Services 0 70,000 70,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 70,000 Technical Atljustment: Parks and Recreatian has been awarded (and City Cauncil previously accepied) a mulil-yea� grant for the periad of October 1, 2008 fMough September 30, 2009. PaYks estimates a need to ezpend $7Q000 of the $225,404 award in 2008. A technical adjustment reducing a like amount will be coming forwavd as a propased change to the 2009 budgef. 749 Page 4 of 4 750 CURRENT AMENDED 757 149 150 151 752 153 754 155 156 157 158 159 iso 161 162 163 164 765 iss Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� // //1✓li�//.i/1S�74J Approved by Mayor. D te �� Bv� �:� �!'vtS�� �`� Q TOTAL SPEqAL FUND FIIdANCITIG CHANGE TOTAL SPECIAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Greensheet# 3064638 5,70�,837 5,707,831 now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the CiTy Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2008 budget; and be it further RESOLVED, that the appropriate City officials are authorized to execute a Capital Allocation Agreement between the City, RCVA and MSE, which will be drafted by outside legal counsel to the City, Briggs and Morgan, consistent with the Revised Term Sheet dated December 17, 2008 and reviewed by the City Attorney's Office. Requestetl by Department of: Office of the Mayor, Financial Services ey: I � ' Approval Recommentled by Director of Financial Services: By: ! % 1 V 4%-'(/` z7 Form Approvetl by City Attorney: sy: Approved by May or S miss n to Coun '� By: Prepared y the Office of Financial Ser ices AdoptedbyCouncil:Date � /'J�a/�Q� 08-318 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERALFUND-Summary For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008 Est based on actual spending thru 835-08 and revenues thru 10/3t108 Amended Budget Projected Actuai Financing Taxes Property Taxes Excess Tax Increment Gross Earnings Franchise Fees Hotel-Motel Tax OtherTaxes Total Taxes 54,410,201 7,420,000 22,251,50� 1,102,760 121,000 79,305,461 54,173,892 1,657,761 22,593,434 1,103,079 8,069 79,536,235 License and Permits Intergovemmental Revenue LGA Market Vaiue Homestead Credit Pension Aids Other Fees, Sales, and Services Paremedic Fees Continance for Dismissai Vacant Building Fees Other Interest Earned On Inves[ments Miscellaneous Revenue - Other CAO Settlemen[ Total Revenues Transfers In Parking Meters and Fines Central Service DSI Summary Nusiance Other Capital Lease 928,200 54,261,998 2,138,272 6,736,230 388,944 10,621,856 1,262,640 165,000 4,879,102 3,520,500 499,557 764,707,760 3,683,907 5,352,442 1,273,506 7,420,838 2,091,000 727,040 54,262,015 2.086,721 6,174,966 357,974 17,074,792 936,654 795,000 4,961,395 2,843,583 1,565,442 475,000 165,826,817 3,068,967 6,802,442 2,103,506 7,205,901 2,091,000 Projected Encumbrances Variance with Budget (236,309) 237,761 341,934 319 (112,931) 230,774 (201,160) 17 (51,551) (561,264) (970) 452,936 (325,986) 630,000 82,293 (676,917) 7,065,585 475,000 1,119,057 (614.940) 1,450,000 830,000 (214.937) 0 ToWI Financing 184,529,453 187,098,633 2,569,180 �ID Spending City Council Mayor City Clerk City Attorney Pinanaal Services Human Resources Human Rights Technology Generel Government Police Fue and Safety Services Safety and Inspedion Emergency Management Public Safety Public Works Highways and Streets Parks and Recreation Culture and Recreation Contingent Reserve Other Miscellaneous Miscellaneous - Other Debt Service Transfers Out ToWI Spending Net Change Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 2,798,414 2.799."162 (748) 1 481.120 1.399.552 81.568 2.250 (2,250) 6,015,776 6,364,852 (349.076) 2,050,716 2,029,431 58,000 (36,715) 3,203,681 3,112,694 25,890 65,097 574,414 591,866 (�7,452) 8,873.669 8.672.686 310.354 (109.371) 24,997,790 24,972,493 394,244 (368,9A7) 71,925,075 72,477,793 100,000 (652,718) 47,089,626 47,458,574 301,534 (670,482) 5,253.497 6,041,582 33,600 (821.69�) 'I82,181 189.015 (6,834) 124,450,373 126,'166,963 435,134 (2,151,724) 7,670,101 1.622.087 0 48,014 7,670,101 1,622,087 0 48,074 25,214,556 25,283,703 226,566 (295,713) 25.214,556 25,283,703 226,566 (295,713) 643,781 0 6,539,809 5,929,249 7,'183,590 5,929,249 1,055,618 1,055,61 S 1,563,833 1,A48,50d 186,135,861 (1,606,408) 34,979,592 33,373,184 186,478,617 620,016 34,979,592 35,599,608 408,000 235,781 137,999 472,561 545,999 708,342 0 9 1,601,943 (1,601,943) 0 115,329 (1,944,699) � Green Sheet Green Sheet 08-1318 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � oe,��,e�ti�;�,�o��u�. oa����tta�d. Green Sheet NO: 3064638 FS _ Financial Services z¢NOV-08 Contact Person & Pfione: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiallDate I SCAtiCAfdes 0 inancialServices 0 266-8833 1 "nancial Services De artmeut D"uector �(� A55ign 2 i Attorne 0_�y—_— Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 03-DEGOS For 3 or's Otfice Ma ar/Assishant Routing 4 ouncil � Doc.Type:PUBLICHEARING Ortler 5 iriderk i Ci Clerk (RESOLUTION) E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages ` (Ciip Ail Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached 2008 yeaz-end budget adjustrnent resolution. Recommendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service ContreMs Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a wntract for this tlepartment? CIB Committee Ye5 No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firrn possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuttent city employee? Ye5 No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges HApproved: The 2008 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DisadvanWges If Approvetl: None. DisadvanWges If NotApproved: The 2008 budget will not balance. Total Amount of CostlRevenue Bud eted: Transaction: 9 Funding Source: VBfioUS Activity Number: Financial Information: (Expiain) November 24, 2008 4:15 PM Page 1 Substitute 12/17/08 RESOLUTION CITY O�} SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # 08-1318 GreenSheet# 3064638 SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION � 2 3 a s 6 � a s io ii iz 73 ia is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 WHEREAS, cestain specific budgets of the City's 2008 budgets are projected to WHEREAS, representatives of the departments and offices of the City have budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Director of Financial Services has discussed these City Council during the budget workshop meeting on November WHEREAS, the Mayor is recommending the adjustments listed of balance, and Page 7 of 4 that the following and adjustments for 2008 with the to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the ity Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $2,668,844 in general fund monies and $5,701, 1 in special fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget, and in accordance with Secti ns 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2008 Budget: Fund Activiry Object Description GENERAL FUND SPENDING Ciri AttorneYS Offiee 001 - 00200 - 0299 OtherServices Compfete the implementation o/ the MNCIS software Ciri Couneil 001 - 00007 - 0299 Other Accepts council contingency dollars fron CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 100,000 290,000 390,000 that will enable CAO to remain compatible with the State eentrel data6ase. 46,318 85,000 131,318 for general services use. GeneralGovernmentAccounu 007 - 09050 - 0565 Trans r to Capital Projeets 110,000 (50,000) 60,000 001 - 09060 - 0518 May Contingency 750,000 (150,000) 0 007 - 09060 - 0548 Co ncil Contingency 408,781 (408,781) 0 001 - 09060 - 0558 T nsfer to Special Rev Fund 0 408,781 408,787 007 - 09061 - 0548 ouncil Contingency 85,000 (85,000) 0 001 - 09073 - 0278 Fees-Attorney 110,260 (90,000) 20,260 007 - 09127 - 0112 Full Time 69,887 (35,000) 34,887 001 - 09127 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 55,300 (17,200) 44,700 Spending authoriry reductio in various activities induding Mayor and Council Confingency items, retluctions in transfer to P/A, attorney fees in the CAO - Outside unsel activity, and retluced salary and fringe spending in IGR due to a partial year vacancy. Transfer Cauncil contine y to fund O50 to contribute to fund balance. 001 - 07020 -/ 0299 Other Services 30,721 20,000 50,721 Marketing services �latetl to bosfing the Republican National Canvention Saferi& Insoeetions 007 - 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance 714,424 830,000 1,544,424 007 - 00257 - 0777 Full-Time Permanent 242,248 469,600 711,848 007 - 00257 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 80,909 150,400 23�,309 Inc/udes additional spending authority for summary abatement grounds maintenance, which is oNset by inereased revenue received f�om the abated properties. Sa/ary and fringe changes represent the proposetl shi(t of staff costs lrom Funtl320 (License and Permit) to the General Funtl to support vacant building work, while maintaining adequate fund balance in Fund 320 CouneilPile # OS-1318 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: 57 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 701 102 103 104 105 CURRENT Fund Activity Object Description Ciri-wide Frinoes 001 - 00256 007 - 00110 001 - 00752 001 - 00200 001 - 01007 091 - 04000 001 - 05001 0439 OA39 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 Fringe Benefiu - DSI Fringe Benefits - Financial Services Fringe Benefits - Human Rights Fringe Benefits - City Attorney Fringe Benefits - Technology Fringe Benefits - Potice Fringe Benefits - Fire Addresses an ezpected shortage of citywide allocafed /ringes in part to the 2008 adopted 6udget. GENERAL FUND SPENDING GENERAL FUND FINANCING FUND FINANCING CHANGE FUND SPENDING CHANGE Safetv & Inspections � 007 - 00258 - 7306 TransferfromCapital ojects 827,834 830,000 1,651,834 007 - 00257 - 4078 Vacant Building Reg' tration 165,OOU 438,844 603,844 Assessment revenue in summary abatement is correla, � d with summary abatemeni grounds maintenance spending. This increase reflects the revenue expected from the igher than 6udgeted grounds mainfenance work (see above entry). Vacant Building Registretion revenue is ad%usted to flect higher tnan budgeted collections due to a mid-year fee increase. Nan-DeoartmentRevenue 001 - 00000 - 7305 Transfer fr Special Revenue Fund 3,683,907 1,400,000 5,083,907 Trensfer from Fund 050 to cover RNC atlmini�ative overhead expenses FUND FINANCING CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS Financial Services Funtl O50 - Speeial Projects FINANCING O50 - 30717 - This includes expectetl rg National Convention. ` 2,668,844 2,668,844 2,668,644 2,668,644 IntlirectCostRecovery 5,591,766 7,400,000 6,991,766 from the Fetlerai government to cover police sta/f planning expenses for the Republican O50 • 30101 7299 Trensfer from General Funtl 408,78� 050 - 30101 - 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance (408,781) Recognizes ba fer af councfl contingency from general government aecounts and places if in reserve. FUND FINANCING CHANGE 7,400,000 SPENDING O50 - 30177 - 0557 7rensfer to General Fund 0 7,400,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 1,400,000 This ineludes police staff planning expenses for the Republican National Convenfion. TOTAL TOTAL 317^$70 �310 29,738 310,443 39,361 'f,539,217 248,217 GreenSheetl� 3064638 y Page 2 of 4 / AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 39,439 30,960 12,139 56,417 67,172 6'12,721 426,195 357,309 374,270 141,277 7,366,860 106,533 2,151,936 674,412 to RNPrelated overtime and a change in cost projections relafiv Council file # 08-1318 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: GreenSheet# 3064638 706 707 708 �09 110 111 712 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 720 121 122 723 124 125 126 127 128 t29 130 131 132 133 134 735 736 737 138 739 140 141 142 743 144 145 10.6 747 148 149 750 751 152 153 154 155 756 757 758 159 CURRENT Funtl Activ'�ty Object Description BUDGET Fund 749 - Downtown Capital FINANCING 749 - 76902 9830 Undesignatedfundbatance O�f FUND FINANCING CHANGE ��� SPENDING 749 - 76901 0299 Projectadministration 149 - 76901 0547 Local Match Block 4 749 - 76902 0556 Transfer to HRA Generel Funtl Balance for PED Future Operetions FUND SPENDING CNANGE To correct 2008 technical budgef error, provide local match and money tor futy� Fund 802 - CP� Operating Fund SPENDING 802 - 60002 - 0557 Transferto GenerelFund 802 - 60002 - 0547 Transfer Out - Intrafund FUND SPENDING Increases spending authority to transfer assessmenf revenue t� amount of spending authoriry hom the dawntown tagade impro �, 3,769,579 3,769,579 Page 3 of 4 AMENDED BUDGET 3,769,579 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 75,500 75,500 � 0 2,694,079 2,694,079 3,769,579 PED operetions. � 1,300,000 830,000 2,730,000 2,000,000 (830,000) 1,170,000 1NGE 0 general fund for DS/ grounds malntenance, and decreases an equal ! program, whieh will spend less than originally expecied. Fund 930 - Capital Projects Fund and Fund 900 - Rivereentre Soendina 930 - 90309 - 0566 Transferto Enterpr' e Fund 0 231,126 900 - 20708 - 0538 RepaymentofAtl nce 0 231,726 FUN PENDING CHANGE 462,252 Financino 930 - 90309 - 6922 Repayment Advance 44,000 231,126 900 - 20708 - 7306 Transferl 0 231,726 FUND FINANCING CHANGE 462,252 Forgives the receivable for improvements t Wilkins ta assist the RCVA management of the Rivercentre complex as a part of the City's assistance ta the Min sota Event District. Parks & RecYeation Fund 860 - Parks Grants & Aids FINANCING 860 - 33195 - 3400 State Direct Grenu in Aid FUND FINANCING CHANGE 237,126 237,126 275,726 231,126 197,940 70,000 267,940 70,000 SPENDINQ 860 - 33195 0219 Fees - Other Professional Services 0 70,000 70,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 70,000 Teehnical Ad�ustmen : Parks and Recreation has been awardetl (and Ciry Council previousty aceepted) a multi-year grant for the period of October 1, 2008 through Septem6er 30, 2009. Parks estimates a need to expend $70,000 of the $225,404 awartl in 2008. A technical adjustment retlucing a like amount will be coming forwartl as a proposetl ehange ta the 2009 budget. TOTAL SPECIAL FUND F1NAPlC{NG CHANGE TOTAL SPECIAL FUND SPENDING CFiANGE 5,701,831 5,701,637 Be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amentled budgets as indicated above, and atlopts the revisions to the 2008 budget. Presentetl By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requestetl by Department of: 08-1318 3064638 Page 4 of 4 Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approvetl by Mayor: Date By: Absent Council File # Green Sheet R Office of the Mayoq Finaneial Services ey: ` !" /'V (/9�C Approval Reeommended by Director of Financial Services: ey: Form Approved by City Attorney: sy: Approved by Ma rfor Su � iission t uncil: � \ By: Prepared by the Office of Financial Services �ID City of Saint Paul, Minnesota SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN PUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL GENERALFUND-Summary For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008 Est based on actual spending thru 837-08 and revenues thru 70/31/08 Amended Budget Financing Taxes Property Taxes Excess Tax Increment Gross Earnings Frenchise Fees Hotel-Motel Tax OtherTaxes ToWlTaxes 54,410,201 1,420,000 22,251,500 1,102,760 121,000 79,305,461 License and Permits Intergovemmental Revenue LGA Market Value Homestead Credit Pension Aids Other Fees, Sales, and Services Parametlic Fees Continance for Dismissal Vacant Building Fees Other Interest Earned On InvesUnents Miscellaneous Revenue - Other CAO Settlement Total Revenues Tre�fers In Parking Meters and Fines Central Service DSI Summary Nusiance Other Capital Lease ToWI Financing 928,200 54,261,998 2,138,272 6,736,230 388.944 10,621,856 1,262.640 P64,707,760 3,683,907 5,352,442 1,273,506 7,420,838 2,091,000 784,529,453 Projected Actual 54,173,892 1,657,761 22,593,43� 1,103,0 8, 9 79,53 ,235 27,040 54,262,015 2,086,721 6,174,966 387.s7a 11,074,792 936,654 795,000 4,961,395 2,843,583 1,565,442 475,000 165,826,817 3,068,967 6,802,442 2,103,506 7,205,901 2,091,000 187,098,633 Variance with Budget (236,309) 237,761 341,934 319 (N 2.931) 230,774 (201,160) 17 (51,555) (561,264) (970) 452,936 (325,986) 630,000 82,293 (676,917) 1,065,885 475,000 1,119,057 (614,940) 1,450,000 830,000 (214,937) 0 2,569,180 � Spending City Council Mayor City Clerk Ciry Attomey Financial Services Human Resources Human Rights Technology Generel Govemment Police Fire and Safety Services Safety and Inspection Emergency Management Public Safety Public Works Highways artd Streets Parks and Recreation Culture and Recreation Contingent Reserve Other Miscellaneous Miscellaneous • Other Debt Service Transfers Out ToW I Spending NetChange Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 2,798,4'14 2,799,162 1,48'1,120 1,399,552 - 2,250 6,015,776 6,364,852 2,050,716 2,029,431 3,203,681 3,112,694 574.414 591,866 8,873,669 5,672.686 24,997,790 24,972,493 71,925,075 72,477,793, 47,089,626 47,458,57 5,253,491 6,041, 2 182,181 18 ,015 124,450,373 126, 6,963 1,670,101 1,670,101 25,214,556 25,214,556 643,781 6,539,809 7,183,59 1,05 _ 18 1 3,833 86,135,861 (1,606,408) 34,979,592 33,373,184 25,283,703 226,566 (295,713) 25,283,703 226,566 (295,713) (748) 81,568 (2,250) (349,076) 58,000 (36,715) 25,890 65,097 (17,452) A 370,354 (109.371) y � 394,244 (368,947) 100,000 (652,718) 301,534 (670,482) 33,600 (821,691) � 435,134 (2,151,724) 0 48,014 0 48,014 0 � 408,000 235,781 5,929,249 137,999 472.561 5,929,249 545,999 708,342 7,055,618 0 0 1,448,504 0 115,329 186,478,617 1,601,943 (1,944,699) 620,016 34,979,592 35,599,608 (1,601,943) Substitute 12/03/08 Council File # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: WHEREAS, certain specific budgets of the City's 2008 budgets are SUBSTiTUTE RESOLUTION � z 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 37 36 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 be out of balance, and Page t of 3 WHEREAS, representatives of the departments and offices of the City h e recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Director of Financial Services has discussed thes rojections and adjustments for 2008 with the City Council during the budget workshop meeting on Novemb r 26th; and WHEREAS, the Mayor is recommending the adjustments lis d below to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07. of the City Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $2,668,844 in general fund monies and 1,470,000 in special fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget, and in accordance w' Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2008 Budget: Fund Activity Object GENERAL FUND SPENDING Green Sheet # 08-1318 3064638 l� CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET CiN AHorneYs Office 001 • 00200 - 0299 Other ervices 100,000 290,000 390,000 Complete the implementation of the MN S wftware package that will enable CAO to remain compatible with ihe State central data6ase. CiN Council 001 - 00001 - 0111 Full-Time Permanent 597,117 64,000 661,117 001 00001 0439 Fringe Benefiks 539,429 21,000 560,429 Spending authority for Distri ouncil Coordinato� posifion, offset by a like reduction of Council Contingency in General Government. 001 - 001 - 001 - 001 - 001 - 00'I - Spending: fees in the 09050 - 565 Transferto Capital Projects 1�Q000 (50,000) . 60,q00 09060 0518 Mayor Contingency 150,000 (150,000) , 0 09067 0548 CouncilContingency 85,000 (85,000) ,0 09073 0218 Fees-Attorney 110,260 (90,000) 20,260 09127 - 0172 FuII Time 69,887 (35,000) 34,887 091 - 0439 FringeBene£ts 55,300 (1�,200) 44,�00 u rity reduction in various activities including Mayor and Council Contingency items, reductions in transfer to PIA, attorney O- Outside Counsel activity, and reduced salary and iringe spending in IGR due to a partial year vacancy. 001 • 07020 - 0299 OtherServices 30,721 20,000 50,721 Marketing services re/ated to hosting the Repu6lican National Convenfion , SafeN & Inspections 00'1 • 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance 714,424 830,000 1,544,424 001 - 00257 - 0111 Full-Time Permanent 242,248 469,600 711,948 001 - 00257 - 0439 Fringe Bene£ts 80,909 150,400 231,309 Includes additional spentling authority for summary abatement grounds maintenance, which is oflset by increased revenue received irom the abatetl properties. Salary and fringe changes represent the proposetl shift ofsWff costs from Funtl 320 (License and Permit) to the General Fund to support vacant building wor/S while maintaining adequate fund 6alance in Fund 320 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 317,870 343,310 129,138 1,370,443 39,361 1,539,217 248,217 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 97 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Council File # Fund Activity Object Description Ciri-witle Frinqes 001 - 00256 001 - 00110 001 - 00152 001 - 00200 001 - 01001 001 - 04000 001 - 05007 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 Fringe Benefits - DSI Fringe Benefits - Financial Services Fringe Benefits - Human Rights Fringe Benefits - City Attome� Fringe Benefits - Technology Fringe Benefits - Police Fringe Benefits - Fire Addresses an expectetl shortage of citywide allocated to the 2008 adopted budget. GENERALFUND GENERAL FUND FINANCING 2,668,844 Green Sheet# Committee Date: CMANGES 39,439 30,960 72,139 56,417 67,772 612,721 426,195 OS-1318 3064638 Page 2 of 3 AMENDED BUDGET 351,309 374,270 14�,277 7,366,860 106,533 2,151,938 674,412 part due io RNC-related overtime and a change in cost projections relativ CHANGE SafeN & Insoections 007 - 00258 - 7306 Trensferfro CapitalPrqects 827,834 830,000 7,651,834 001 - 00257 - 4078 Vacant Bu' ing Registration 165,000 438,844 603,844 Assessmeni revenue in summary abatement s correlated with summary a6atement grountls maintenance spending. This increase reflects the revenue ezpecte from the higher than budgeted grountls maintenance work (see above entry). Vacanf Building Registration revenue is a justetl to refleet higher than butlgeted collections due to a mid-year fee increase. Non-DeoartmentRevenue 001 - 00000 - 7305 T ansfer from Special Revenue Funtl 3,683,907 1,400,000 5,083,907 Transfer from F�nd 050 to cover R adminisfrative overhead expenses GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS Financial Services Fund 050 - Special F FINANCING O50 - 30117 This includes ex NationalConv 0 2,668,844 2,668,844 2,668,844 - 4357 Indirect Cost Recovery 5,591,766 1,400,000 6,997,766 etl resources from the Fetleral government fo eover police staff planning expenses for the Repu6lican FUND FINANCING CHANGE 1,400,000 SPENDING 050 - 30117 - 0557 Trensfer to Generel Fund 0 7,400,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 1,400,000 This includes police staN planning expenses for fhe Republican National Convention. Council File # OS-1318 Presentetl By: Referred To: CURRENT Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET 100 101 702 703 104 705 106 107 708 109 770 711 712 113 114 115 116 177 1�8 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Fund 802 - CPl Operating Fund SPENDING 802 - 60002 - 0557 Trensfer to General Funtl 1,300,000 802 - 60002 - 0547 Transfer Out - Intrafund 2,000,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE � lncreases spentling authorify to trensfer assessment revenue to the genere/ fund for DSI gri amount of spending a�thority from the downtown faqade improvement program, which wyu sp Parks & Recreation Fund 860 - Parks Grants & Aitls FINANCING 860 - 33195 - 3400 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA State Direct Grants in Aid FUND FINANCING 797,940 Greensheet# 3064638 Committee Date: Page 3 of 3 AMENDED BUDGE7 �' 830,000 2,130,000 (630,000) 1,170,000 0 is maintenance, and decreases an equal less than originally expected. 70,000 267,940 70,000 SPENDING 860 - 33195 - 0219 Fees - Other Professional Serv' es 0 70,000 70,000 FUND SPENDING ANGE 70,000 Technical Adjustment: Parks and Recreation has been awarde (and City Council previously accepted) a multi-year grant for the period of October 7, 2008 thraugh September 30, 2009 Parks estimates a neetl to expend $70,000 of the $225,404 awartl in 2008. A technical adjustment reducing a like amount will caming forward as a proposed change to the 2009 budget. TOTAL SPECIAL FUND FIN CING CHANGE 1,470,000 TOTAL SPECIAL FUND ENDING CHANGE 1,470,000 Be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the a nded budgets as intlicatetl above, and adopts the revisions to the 2008 budget. Yeas Bostrom Ca�ter Harris Hel en Cant Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Atloption Certified by Council : By: Approved by Mayor. Date ey: Requested by Department of: By: Approval Recommended b�or of Financial Services: ey: Form Approved by City Attorney: sy: Approved by Mayor r Submi si� to Cou ' � By: Preparetl y the Office of Financial Service Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF,$AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 a s 6 7 8 9 10 �1 12 13 �a '15 16 '17 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4'I 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 WHEREAS, certain specific budgets of the City's 2008 budgets are projected to be WHEREAS, representatives of the departments and o�ces of the City have budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Director of Financial Services has discussed these projE City Council during the budget workshop meeting on November 26th; WHEREAS, the Mayor is recommending the adjustments listed below 08-1318 3064638 it�e Date: � Page 1 of 3 balance, and i that the following and adjustments for 2008 with the the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 of the Ci Charter, certifies that there are available for appropriation $2,668,844 in general fund monies and $1,470,000 special fund monies in excess of those estimated in the 2008 budget, and in accordance with Section - 0.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2008 Budget: Fund Activity Object Description GENERAL FUND SPENDING City ANomev's Office 00� - 00200 - 0299 Other Services Complete the implementation ofthe MNCIS softwa CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 100,000 290,000 390,000 fhaf will enable CAO to remain compatible with the State central database. CiN Council 009 - 00001 - 0111 FWI-Time Pe anent 597,117 64,000 667,117 001 00001 0439 Fringe Ben its 539,429 27,000 560,429 Spending authorify for Disfrict Council Coor nafor position, offset by a like reduction of Council Contingency in General Govemment. General Government Accounts 001 - 09050 - 0565 001 - 09060 - 0518 001 - 09061 - 0548 001 - 09073 - 02�8 00'I - 09127 - 0112 001 • 09127 - 0� Spending authorify reducti i fees in the CAO - Outside ou Tre - fer to CapiWl Projects 110,000 (50,000) 60,000 M orContingency 150,000 (150,000) 0 ouncil Contingency 85,000 (85,000) 0 Fees-Attorney 1�0,260 (90,000) 20,260 Full Time 69,887 (35,000) 34,887 Fringe Benefits 55,300 (71,200) 44,100 various activities inGuding Mayor and Council Contingency items, reductions in 6ansfer to PIA, attomey �el activity, and reduced salary and f�inge spending in IGR due to a partial year vawncy. 001 - 0�020 f 0299 OtherServices 30,721 20,000 50,721 Markefing servicej re/afed to hosting fhe Republican National Convention SafeN 8 Insoections � 001 - 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance 714,424 530,000 1,544,424 00'I - 00257 - 0'111 Full-TimePermanent 242,248 469,600 77�,848 00'I - 00257 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 80,909 150,400 231,309 lnclutles adtlitional spending authority for summary abatement grounds maintenance, which is ofisef by increased revenue received fiom tlie abated properties. Salary and fiinge changes represent the proposed shifr ofstaff casfs from F�nd 320 (License and Permif) to fhe General Fund fo suppoK vacanf building work, while maintaining adequafe fund ba/ance in Fund 320 Council File # 08-1318 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Fund Activity Object Description 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6'I 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 CiN-wide Frinqes 007 - 00256 00'1 - 001'10 00'I - 00752 001 - 00200 001 - 0'1001 001 - 04000 001 - 05001 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 0439 TOT� GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE TO AL GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Fringe Benefits - DSI Fringe Benefits - Financial Services Fringe Benefits - Human Rights Fringe Benefits - City Attorney Fringe Benefits - Technology � Fringe Benefits - Police Fringe Benefit5 - Fire 31'1,870 343,370 129,138 1,310,443 39,361 7,539,217 248,217 Page 2 of 3 AMENDED BUDGET 351,309 374,270 147,277 7,366,860 106,533 2,151,938 674,412 Addresses an ezpected shortage of citywide allocated fringes jy( part due to RNGrelated oveKime and a change in cast projections relafiv� to the 2008 adopfed budget. �� GENERAL FUND SPEN1bING CHANGE GENERAL FUND FINANCING Green Sheet# Committee Date: P3:/_1�[H�9 39,439 30,960 12,139 56,4'17 67,172 6'12,721 426,195 2,668,844 Safetv 8lnspections 001 - 00258 - 7306 Transferfrom �piWlProjects 821,834 830,000 1,651,834 001 - 00257 - 4078 Vacant Build' � g Registration 165,000 438,844 603,844 Assessment revenue in summaryabafement is orrelated with summary abafemenf grounds mainfenance spending. This increase reflects fhe revenue ezpected fr �m the higher than budgeted grounds maintenance work (see above enfry). Vacant Building Registration revenue is adj � ted to reflect higher than budgeted collections due to a mid-year fee increase. Non-Department Revenue 001 - 00000 - 7305 Tre fer from Special Revenue Fund 3,683,907 1,400,000 5,083,907 Transfer from Fund O50 to cover RNC ministrefive overhead racpenses FUND FINANqNG CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS Financial Services Funtl O50 - Special Projf FINANCING O50 - 30'117 This includes ezpe � National Convenfion. 2,668,844 2,668,844 2,668,544 4357 IndirectCostRecovery 5,591,766 7,400,000 6,991,766 resources from fhe Federel governmenf to cove� police staff planning ezpenses for fhe Republican FUND FINANCWG CHANGE 1,40Q000 SPENDING O50 - 30117 - 0557 Trensfer to General Fund 0 1,400,000 FUND SPENDING CHANGE 1,400,000 This includes police sWK planning expenses for fhe Republican National Convention. Council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 100 '101 '102 103 104 105 106 107 708 109 '170 111 '112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Fund Activity Object Description Parks & Recreation Fund 860 - Parks Grants & Aids FINANCING 860 • 33195 - 3400 State Direct Grants in Aid FUND FINANCING Green Sheet # ��� Committee Date: Page 3 of 3 NT AMENDED �GET CHANGES BUDGET 197,940 70,000 267,940 70,000 SPENDING 860 - 33195 - 02'19 Fees - Other Professional S ices 0 70,000 70,000 FUND SPENDI CHANGE 70,000 Technical Adjusfinent: Parks and Recreation has been aw ded (and City Council previously accepted) a multi-year grant for the period of Octo6er �, 2008 fhrough Sepfember 30, 09. Parks estimafes a need to erpend $70,000 of the $225,404 award in 2008. A technical adjustment reducing a like amount ill be coming forward as a proposed change to fhe 2009 budgef. TOTAL SPECIAL I TOTAL SPECIAL Be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves =1NANCWG CHANGE SPENDING CHANGE 1,470,000 1,470,000 budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2008 budget. Requested by Department of: Office of the Mayor, Financial Services Sfark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Councii By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: BY: '���1/�,�-�/ Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services: BY: ° //L//__ /�/f � ' / /I/ (�' F� Form Approved by City Attomey: BY: �� �7�iL' ' �� Approved by Mayor f� ibmission to Council: ! By: Prepared by the Office of Financial Services