08-1317Council File # l�° f 7 f'/ Green Sheet # 3060138 RESOLUTION O�SAINT PAUL, MINIVESOTA aI Presented WF3EREAS, that the proper city officials aze hereby authorized and directed to request SCORE state recycling grant funds from Ramsey County in the amount of $590,394 in 2009, for support of the citywide curbside and multi-family recycling collection programs conducted under contract with Eureka Recycling; and 6 BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to continue service in 2009 for weekly two-stream collection of 7 recyclables with plastic bottles (all fibers in one bin and all rigid containers in another bin), plus textiles, 8 the City Recycling Service Fee in 2009 shall be $27.04 per unit in residential buildings with one to three 9 units, and condominiums; and $16.24 per unit in residential buildings with four or more units, for support 10 of the citywide curbside and multi-family/city buildings recycling collection programs conducted under 11 contract with Eureka Recycling; 12 and 13 14 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, this action does not reflect our work and intent to move forward with 15 curbside organic coilection. That initiative will follow on a separate resolution. Requested by Department of: Public Wor Direct By: J � Form By: Date I��9��p1lf� Form Adoption Ce�r[ified by Cound Secretary B BY �� /�l ` ,[� o/ Form Approved M�o Date ; r �� gy� By: Adopted by Council: C fv � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b$���i�7 PW _ Public Works 30SEP-08 Green Sheet NO: 3060138 Contact Person & Phone: Rick Person 266-6122 Must Be on Council Agenda by (D�te): —�rt6V=OS' /2(,� l.r'�, Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: Y Document Contact: �ulia Sobania � Assign Number Fa. Routing Order ConWCt Phone: 266-6062 I I Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature) 0'�PubGc Works II ftecvclinE Mana¢er i 1� btic Works DeoarhnentAccountant , 16 Resolution setting Recycling Service Fee in 2009 at $27.04 per unit in residential buildings with one to three units, and condominiums; and $1624 per unit in residential building with four or more units; and reques[ing $59Q394 SCORE grant funds; for support of curbside and multi-family/city building recycling programs under contract with Eureka Recycling. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skiil not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Jomt Powers agreements between City and Ramsey County for county collection of recycling service fee on behalf of city and SCORE funds are in place. NOTE: This does not reflect our work and intent to move foiward with curbside organic collection. That initiative will follow on a separate resolution if enacted. Advantages If Approved: City and Eureka will continue service in 2009 of weekly two-stream collection of recyclables with plastic bottles (all paper in one bin and all rigid containers in another bin), resulting in an increase of 900-1000 tons collected. DisadvaMages H Approved: None ` -- �„';����� Disadvantages It Not Approved: --' ^' v il3U0 City could not continue recycling services in 2009. (� � � C�G��'tN G��:'6'B�Y�� Total Amaunt of Transaction: $590,394.00 CostlRevenue eudgeted: , wnainy source: Solid Waste and Recycling Fund Activity Number: 232-32401-3699 232 Financiai information: Joint Powers Agreements wich Ramsey County covers 100 percent of the cosis of the recycling program. (Explain) October 27, 2008 3:18 PM Page 1