RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of
St. Paul requests the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer
District of St. Paul, that the design memorandum plan be
revised and the flood barrier be extended in accordance with
the local plans of the Port Authority for development of
Riverview Industrial Park, the Port Authority of the City of
St. Paul having agreed to furnish to the United States all
funds over and above the estimated amount for the presently
approved Flood Protection Project in this area, including the
additional engineering costs involved, as well as to plan and
construct the revised interior drainage system for said
Riverview Industrial Park; and be it further
RESOLVED, That certified copies of this resolution
be filed with the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer
District of St. Paul.
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Vavoulis
5M E -80 2
- 2 -
,APR 5 196
Adopted by the Council 19—
APP 2 5 M .
386 City Hall and Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Mr. Robert J. Swords
Corporation Counsel
Dear Sir;
City Clerk
Council Recorder
April 20, 1961
APR 2 a_ 1961
,"01 ; '(51
The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached
application of Roberts Construction Co. for permit to install a 51-car private
off-street parking lot on the north side of St. Paul Ave. at Snelling Ave.
extended north, on the property described in the attached letter of the Zoning
Board,7,in connection with two 23 -unit apartment buildings to be erected on the
property at that location,)�in accordance with plans approved March 2, 1961.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
:iicii ,.
'::::`::::.0.:0;x; R D O F Z O N I N G, CITY O F
•••• .::itk'tf fl l'li .+ 231- 252 -253 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell
City Clerk
Dear Madam:
,_, April 20, 1961
This is in the matter of tbe` application of the Roberts Construction Company
for a permit to construct a 51 car private Off- street parking lot in con-
junction with two 23 unit apartment buildings to be erected on property
located on the north'side of St. Paul Avenue at Snelling Avenue extended north.
The property is described as Lots 11 tbru 15 and Lots 22 thru 26 and that part
of Lots 10 and 27 lying north of the north line of St. Paul Avenue, all being-
in Block 3, C. W. Youngman's 2nd Addition, together with vacated alley adjoin-
ing said lots; also that part of vacated Snelling Avenue adjoining Lots 10
thru 15, Block 3, C. W. Youngman's 2nd Addition and the west 21 feet of vacated
.Alcott Street adjoining lots 22 thru 27, Block 3, C. W. Youngman's 2nd Addition.
On April 11, 1959, this property was rezoned from "A" residence to commercial
as part of a larger tract (C.F. 191302). The original tract was rezoned for
the purpose of erecting a building for an insurance company. However, this
proposal was not carried out, and on December 26, 1959, an appeal was granted
to install and operate a nursing home on the east one -half of the site (C.F.195151).
The property under consideration has a frontage of 276 feet on St. Paul Avenue,
extending to a depth of about 210.6 feet which results in a total area of
approximately 57,960 square feet. The site is presently developed with a
single - family residence which is proposed to be removed. East and adjoining
is the site of the proposed nursing home; west and adjoining is unimproved
park land; south and across St. Paul Avenue are single- family residences front-
ing on said street; north and on top of the bluff are very substantial single -
family residences fronting on Lower St, Dennis Road. As determined by the
records in the Public Works Department, the street grade of St. Paul Avenue is
112 feet while the street grade of Lower St. Dennis Road is 232 feet, resulting
in a difference of 120 feet between the property under consideration and the
properties on Lower St, Dennis Road.
The Traffic Engineer has reviewed and recommends approval of the plans which
meet the standards for this type of facility. There will be retaining walls
constructed along the north and south limits of the parking lot as indicated
on the plan. The parking lot will have a catch basin to handle surface drain-
The Board feels that the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining
properties to the north due to the difference in elevation and the relation-
ship of the site to these adjoining properties. The proposed use appears
compatible with the other existing uses established on land at the same approxi-
mate elevation. The
proposed Land Use Plan indicates that multi-family residential
Council File No. 201800 —By Milton
Rosen —
Whereas, In connection with the
Flood Control Project on the Mississippi
River at St. Paul to be constructed
substantially in accordance with the
Iplaos and conditions originally m nerec-
omended by the Chief of Engineers, :•'
including certain requirements of local
cooperation, the City of St. Paul, by
Council File No. 199800, approved
November 25, 19tH- gave the required r'
assurances of lo( a �earerratinn, includ-
WHEMAS, In connection with the Flood Control Project
on the Mississippi River at St. Paul to be constructed substan-
tially in accordance with the plans and conditions originally
recommended by the Chief of Engineers, including certain re-
quirements of local cooperation, the City of St. Paul, by
Council File No. 199800, approved November 25, 1960, gave the
required assurances of local cooperation, including provision
for easements and right of way, changes in utilities, highways,
etc., the furnishing of cash or equivalent to 14.3 percent of
the first cost, together with other items; and
WHEREAS, Certain changes have become necessary from
the original design memorandum plan, including the widening
of the Harriet Island dike to carry a roadway, the provision
of a flood wall instead of a levee at the Pier Foundry, and
the development of a site on Harriet Island for borrow material
for the levee construction, said additional cost for these
items being presently estimated at $58,500, and
WHEREAS, The extension of the original flood control
district to the south and east entails an increase in the pro-
tected area of 53 acres in accordance with local plans of the
Port Authority of the City of St. Paul for development of
Riverview Industrial Park, together with rearranging of drain-
age facilities -in this area, and is deemed desirable; there-
fore, be it . -Z'
!~ RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of
St. Paul herein requests the District Engineer, U. S. Army
Engineer District of St. Paul, that the original design
memorandum plan be modified to the extent above outlined,
and the City agrees to furnish funds to the United States to
cover the added-cost for these items of $58,500, said amount
to be subject to adjustment on completion of the work; and
be it further
Yeas Nays
Mr. President, Vavoulis
SM E -60 u1qW 2
In Favor
A gainst
Adopted by the Council 19—
Approved 19—
Roberts Construction, Z.F. 4638
Page 2
development is the highest and best use for this land. The proposal very
generously meets the required standards for building ground coverage and
In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the
granting of the permit for a 51 car private off- street parking lot on the
above described property in accordance with plans approved March 2, 1961.
H. C. Wieland
Board of Zoning
Z. F. 4638
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(Please print or type)
% the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
Z� PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
— UnHcate type)
Capacity of parking lot 51 Cars
To be used in connection with: Two (2) Apartment Buildings - 46 Units
(indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location :N.E. Corner St. Paul Ave. & Vacated Snelling Ave.
Legal Description Lot Block
(See Attached Plot Plan)
Home or Office Address: 175 Larpenteur Ave., W.
Phone Number : Hu. 8 -5166
Feb. 28 1 61
(Si a ure ) (date)
Address : 743 Selby Avenue - St. Paul, Minnesota
Phone No.: CA. 44834
When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of
the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z -3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. w
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
i - unp 172
Condemning and taking the following lands for the construction of flood walls,
dikes, pumping station sites, other structures and slopes for Flood Control
Purposes on the following described pro erty:
All Of Block 3, S -econd Addition W Brooks ; ST �'`}��, �r�y
Brooklynd., „#�, Paul,, I�i_ruto �
Lots 8 thru 16, Block 2, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn,
Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 19 Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn.
That part of Government Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 5, T -28N, R-22%., lying within
the following described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6,
Block 29, Durmell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing
South 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a dis-
tance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North 73000+ East a distance of 64.0 ft.;
thence bearing South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing
South 700491 East a distance of 243;5 ft.; thence bearing Southeasterly
to a point 20 ft. :7esterly from the :,esterly line of the Second Addition
to Brooklynd and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line-of
Tennessee St.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point being the inter-
section of the northerly line of Kentucky St. and the :7esterly line -of
Taft St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St; Paul$ Minn.,,
thence Northerly along said 'Westerly line of said Taft St. to the shore
line of the Mississippi River; thence bearing :Westerly along said shore
line to the intersection with the Northeasterly line of D=well and Spen-
cer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence besting South 280g0I.East along said
Northeasterly line to the point-of beginning"
All of Block 30 and that part of Lots 7 thru 123 Block 29, Dunwell and
Spenceros Addition to Brooklynd, lying North of a line running from the
Northwesterly corner of•said Lot 12 to the Southeasterly corner of said
Lot 7. Also Lots 3,5,6,7 and the Easterly 34 ft. of Lot 8, Block 16,
Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also except the Southwest-
erly-62 ft. of Lot 21 that part of Lots 1,2 and 4, Brock 16, in said Addi-
tion lying Northerly of the Old Levee Line which is a line from the North-
west corner of Block 29 to-the Northeast cbrner of Lot 6, Block 179 Darr- -
well and Spencerts Addition to Brooklynd.
That part of Lots 42 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying between the Old Levee Line and a line beginning at the
intersection of the Southeasterly line of said Block 16 and said Old
Levee Line; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Northwesterly
line pf Lot 1 at a distance of 62 ft. Northeasterly of the Southwesterly
line of said Block; thence bearing Northwesterly parallel to and 62 ft.
from the Southwesterly line of said Block'to the intersection with the
Old Levee Line.
That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencerls Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following described lines Beginning at the -
Southeasterly corner of said Lot 73 thence bearing -:7esterly, along ,a
line between said Southeasterly corner of Lot 7 to the Northwesterly
corner of Lot 12 of said Block 29, a distance of 85 ft.; thence at right
angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 of said
Block; thence bearing Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of
Lots 7 and 8 to the point of beginning. Also the Northerly 25 ft. of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd.
Lots 8 thru 16, Block 2, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn,
Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 19 Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn.
That part of Government Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 5, T -28N, R-22%., lying within
the following described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6,
Block 29, Durmell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing
South 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a dis-
tance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North 73000+ East a distance of 64.0 ft.;
thence bearing South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing
South 700491 East a distance of 243;5 ft.; thence bearing Southeasterly
to a point 20 ft. :7esterly from the :,esterly line of the Second Addition
to Brooklynd and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line-of
Tennessee St.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point being the inter-
section of the northerly line of Kentucky St. and the :7esterly line -of
Taft St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St; Paul$ Minn.,,
thence Northerly along said 'Westerly line of said Taft St. to the shore
line of the Mississippi River; thence bearing :Westerly along said shore
line to the intersection with the Northeasterly line of D=well and Spen-
cer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence besting South 280g0I.East along said
Northeasterly line to the point-of beginning"
All of Block 30 and that part of Lots 7 thru 123 Block 29, Dunwell and
Spenceros Addition to Brooklynd, lying North of a line running from the
Northwesterly corner of•said Lot 12 to the Southeasterly corner of said
Lot 7. Also Lots 3,5,6,7 and the Easterly 34 ft. of Lot 8, Block 16,
Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also except the Southwest-
erly-62 ft. of Lot 21 that part of Lots 1,2 and 4, Brock 16, in said Addi-
tion lying Northerly of the Old Levee Line which is a line from the North-
west corner of Block 29 to-the Northeast cbrner of Lot 6, Block 179 Darr- -
well and Spencerts Addition to Brooklynd.
That part of Lots 42 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying between the Old Levee Line and a line beginning at the
intersection of the Southeasterly line of said Block 16 and said Old
Levee Line; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Northwesterly
line pf Lot 1 at a distance of 62 ft. Northeasterly of the Southwesterly
line of said Block; thence bearing Northwesterly parallel to and 62 ft.
from the Southwesterly line of said Block'to the intersection with the
Old Levee Line.
That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencerls Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following described lines Beginning at the -
Southeasterly corner of said Lot 73 thence bearing -:7esterly, along ,a
line between said Southeasterly corner of Lot 7 to the Northwesterly
corner of Lot 12 of said Block 29, a distance of 85 ft.; thence at right
angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 of said
Block; thence bearing Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of
Lots 7 and 8 to the point of beginning. Also the Northerly 25 ft. of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd.
i F
That part of Tots 8 thru 122 Block 299 Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following described line. Beginning at the
Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Easterly along a line
run b6tween said Northwest corner of Lot 12 and the Southeast corner of
Lot 7 of said Block 29 to a point 85 feet Westerly from said Southeant
corner of said Lot 7; thence at right angles bearing Southerly to the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence bearing Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 to the Southeest corner of said Lot 8;
thence bearing Westerly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot
10 at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said
Lot 10; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point on the Southwesterly line
of said Lot 12, at a distance of 20 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest
corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Northwesterly along the Southwest¢
erly line of said Lot 12 to the point of beginning. r
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for the construction and
maintenance of flood wall and appurtenant structures for flood control purposes
on the following described property:
That part of Lots 8 anu 9, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, and the vacated Wyandotte St. lying within the following described
line: Beginning -at the intersection of the Old Levee Line and the Southwesterly
line of said Dlodk 16; thence bearing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly
line of Block 16 to the Northwesterly line of Lot 2'of said Block 16; thence
bearing Southwesterly on said Northwesterly line extended to the center line
of Wyandotte St.; thence bearing Northwesterly on said center line 33' MOL
to the Old Levee Line; thence bearing Westerly on said levee line to the
intersection with the Northeasterly line of Block 179 Dunwell and Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd; thence Northwesterly along said Northwesterly line to
the shore line of the Mississippi River; thence bearing Northeasterly along
said shore line to the intersection with a line 62 ft. Northeasterly from and
parallel to the Southwesterly line of Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition
to Brooklynd; thence bearing; Southeasterly along said parallel line to the
intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2 of said Block 16; thence
bearing Southwesterly along said N- rthwesterly line of Lot 2 a distance of
20.0 fto ;thence at right Orgies bearing Northwesterly a distance of 10 ft.;
thence at right angles bearing Southwestnrld~ a distance of 15 ft/.;thence at
right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with the Old Levee
Line; thence bearing Northwesterly along said levee line to the point of
Also all public streets, alleys and ways contiguous to the hereinabove
described lands and upon which said hereinabove described lands or any of the
same abut, heretofore or hereafter vacated, tog6 then with all lands and
interests in lands r;hich embrace every such contiguous public street,alley
and way.
Condemning and taking a temporary easement required for construction of flood
walls, dikes, pumping; station sites and other structures for flood control purposes
on the following described property along the "lest side of the Mississippi River
in the NE 1/4, Sec.5, T -28 r!, 11--22: '
Temporary easements to remain in effect for either a three year duration
or upon the completion of consttruction whichever comes first. The District
Engineer of the U. S. Corps of engineers shall determine the completion of
constnmticn date. r
e- e- CI /,d-dJ �`f�or �i-u d /� �c� h vll sT, /r9
The :; esterly 30 ft. of Lot 8, Block 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd,
"t. Paul, Einnesota. L
That part of Government Lot 5, Sec. 5, T -28% P-2277.. lying; within the
following described line: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence
bearing south 28000+ East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition
a distance of 25 ft. to the point of beginning,; thence bearing, North
73000' Fast r distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing Southwesterly to a
point on the Northeasterly line of Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd at a distance of 50 ft. from.said Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6; thence bearing.Northwesterly along said Northeasterly line of
Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd a distance of-25 ft. to the
point of beginning.
That part of Government Lot 5; Sec. 5, T -28N, R -2272 lying within the
following described lime: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bear-
ing South 280009 hest along the Northeasterly line of said rddition a
distance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North 730009 East a distance of 64.0
fto; thence bearing South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft. to the
point of beginning; thence bearing South 700499 East a distance of
243.5 ft.; thence bearing South 80000r a distance of 60 ft.;
thence bearing North 700499 Weat a diatariee of 170 ft.; thence bearing
North 1603719 Nest a distance,of 36 ft. tb the point of beginning.
That part of Government Lots 4 and 5 lying within the following de-,
scribed lirie: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Iqt 6, Block
29 Dunwell & Spencer'$ Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing South.
28600+ East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a distance of
25.0 ft.; thence - bearing North 730009 Eaet a distance of 64 ft.; thence
bearing South 770449 East a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing South
7OP491 East a distance of 243,5 ft. to the point,of beginning of the
property to be described; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point "20
ft. :lesterly from the'Nesterly line of Taft St. as platted in the Sec-
ond Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn., and 65 ft. Southerly from
the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St.;-thence bearing southeast-
erly to a point being the intersection of the•Northerly line of Ken-
tucky St. and the lesterly line of Taft St, as platted in the Second
Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn.; thence bearing Southerly along
said :lesterly line of Taft Stb to the intersection with the extended
Northerly line Lot 12, Block 3, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St.,Paul,
Minnesota; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point 90 ft. Southerly
from the extended Southerly line bf Tennessee St. and 55 ft. "lesterly
from the lesterly line of said Taft St.; thence bearing 1,,esterly along
a line 90 ft. Southerly from and parallel to the Southerly line of
Tennessee St. a distance of 85 fto; thence bearing'Northwdsterly to
the point of beginning being part of the NE, See. 5, T -28, I22.
Except the Northerly 25 fto of Lot 6; that part of Lots 5 and 6 all in
Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Northerly of
a line beginning at the No rthweat corner of said Lot 5; thence bearing
Easterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 6 at a dis-
tance of 50 ft. Southeasterly from the Northeast corner of said lot.
That part of Lots 9 thru 12, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following described line; Commencing at the
Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 in said Block 29; thence bearing South-
easterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 12 a distance of 20
fto to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence
bearing Easterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 10
at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwesterly corner of
said lot; thence bearinC Easterly to the Southeasterly corner of said
Lot 9; thence beer3,ng soutluiesterly to the Southwest corner of said,
Lot 9; thence bearing P ;orthwesterly to the point of beginning.
That part of Lot 91 Mock.16,'Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd,
lying South of the Old Levee Line.
That part of the Northwesterly 25 ft. of the Southwesterly 62 ft. of
Lot 2, Block 16, Dum ell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South
of the Old Levee Line.
That part of Lot 2 and Lot 9, Block, 16, Diumell & Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying 'Between the Old Levee Line and the following described
line: Beginning at the intersection of said Old Levee Line and a line
62 ft. Northees"„erly from and parallel to the Southwesterly line of
said Block 16; thence bearing Northwesterly along said parallel line
to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2; thence bear-
ing Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line of Lot 2 a distance of
20 ft.; thence at "right angles bearing Northwesterly a distance of 10
ft.; thence at right angles bearing Southwesterly a distance of 15 ft.j
thence at :right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with
the old Levee amine.'
That part of the Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lots 31 and 123, Block 289
Dunwell & Srencerl s Addition -to' Brooklynd, lying Westerly of a line
674.33 ft. Westerly from and. parallel to the Easterly line of 10overn-
went Lot ;, being part of the NE 1- Sec. 5, T -28, A =22b
The Nortt esterly lbO ft. of Lots 9 Ord 10 and that part of the North=-
westerly 100 ft. of Lots 11 and 12, all in Block 28, Dunwell & Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd, lying Easterly of a line 67443 ft. "Westerly from
and parallel to the Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being part. of the
NE 1, 8ec o 5, T -28, R -22,
The Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lot 8 and that part of the Northwesterly
100. ft. of L,)t 7,. all in Block 28, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Btook-
lynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 30 ft. Southwesterly from and paral-
lel to the center line of the C.R.I. & P.*4 main track.
That 'part of Lots 2,3,1 and 5, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition
to Brooklynd, lyirig wit ~iin the following described line: Beginning At
the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 4; thence bearing Northeasterly
along Lhe Southeasterly line of said Block 29 to the intersection with
a 1�de 30 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the
C�&T. & P. Ry main track; thence bearing Northwesterly along said paral-
lel line to the Intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 3 of said
Block 29; thence bearing South-- vsterly along said Northwesterly line to
the intersection with a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to
the center line of the C.I.I. & P„ Ry main track; thence bearing South-
easterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the South -
ltesterly line of said Lot 4; thence bearing Southeasterly-along said
Southwesterly line of Lot 4 to the Point of beginning.
That part of Lot 3, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd,
lying Easterly of a line 649.75 ft. .Westerly from and parallel to the
Easterly line of Government Lot 5, -being part of the NE 4, Sec. 5, T -2$0 N -22,
Lot 1 and that part of Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 50 ft. Southwesterly
from and parallel to the center line of the C.R.I. & P. 1y main track and
Westerly of a line b49.75 ft. Westerly from and parallel to the Easterly
line of Government Lot 5, being a part of the NE -, Seca 5, T -28, �.?_
- -
Council File No. 201806— I �0�.8/�6
4 r ,�. fh, i�..
1 - .
Inthe matter of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
under Preliminary Order --------- 200207 ............................... , approved---------- - - - - -- December 27x 19 ,
Intermediary Order------------ - - - - -- 200 + 97------------------------- - - - - -, approved _------- - - - - -- Jan?, Ar_V -_1q.- _1861-------------- - - - - --
200881' February "28," 1961
Final Order , approved ----- - - - - --
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein,
for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits
therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll,
be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,
and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
$e4 - # *r#,kel= -Resolved,- that -4 .- said._ assessment _lae._aud.it�.s_heteb$ tleter�ined.�_bE_pay�hla
- ia----.---- �-_ t- ec} u�. iasta] luzeu# s. a, c. to. a�,ch.garcel.ofland.rlescrihed. therein.
File 15159 Adopted by the Council______aPR__2 6 1g�
Councilman DeCourcy AC.. L��� Councilman Holland City Clerk
Councilman Loss
Councilman Mortinson Appro e ..... __....�_ 2_ s__��p��_
Councilman Peterson
Councilman Rosen r
Wor Vavoulis - - -- - -------- - - - - -` ----- - - - - -
- a --- ------- - - - - -.
In Favor
...... _...Against ISHEIS �� l�I LPG
2M 10-55
CAPITAL 4 -7461
April 26, 1961
The Honorable City Council
City of St. Paul
Ramsey County Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Gentlemen and Madam:
The undersigned is the attorney for the Northern Valley Co.,
whose lands are being taken pursiiaat`to'.condemnation proceedings for the
use of the Port Authority of the'City of St. Paul.
It is the requestof_ the Northern Valley Co. that all of the
following described lands beQincluded in the said taking, to -wit:
✓ Lots 9 thru 11 inclusive, Block 2
,i Lots 1 thru 22 inclusive, Block 3
,✓ Lots 2 thru 11 inclusive, Block 4
all in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, according to the plat thereof of
record and on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the
County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota.
However, the Northern Valley Co. does renew its objection to -the
amount of the proposed award and intends to have the determination thereof
made upon appeal as provided by the Charter of the City .of St. Paul.
Respectfull submitted,
I A " .,. L
ttor y for Northern Valley
JED :cd
CC: Jack Lambert
April 25, 1961
Common Council
City of Saint Paul
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Please be advised that I am the owner of the below
described property:
Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block 4,
Brooklynd Second Addition
which property is presently under condemnation by
your body pursuant to request of the United States
Corps of Engineers. Under authority of the City
Charter of the City of Saint Paul, Sec. 270, I
hereby serve notice that I object to the award on
the grounds that it is insufficient, inadequate and
deprives me of due process of law.
John J. Remachel
1087 Edgerton Street
Saint Paul 1, Minn.
To-The-Hoxwrable City Council
City of 9,aint Paul-
Ramsey County Court House
St..,Paul 2., Xinnesota
Gentlemen, Madam:
.'Please be- advised. that the, undersigned is the
attorney for Northern Vallpy..Comp8my,.-the owner of certain
properties- in -Blocks 2,,, 3 _ and
- . ,;..,in the. Second Addition'
to. ,Brboklqndl,'ai,i,,�adc7.ir�tio,n,toy Ramsoy_ QoUUt.y,,-.,&innePota.,.
which area, isVpresently before your:H9norab3,e- Bpdy_,ptxtsuant
to recluest of the 'Post -Authority- in condemnation proceedings
pursuant. to, the charter -,of *.the,, Qfty, of Saint Paul.
Please be further that the Northern. Valley
Company does. by this-, letter object. to the `award .off' damages,
for * the area., being, taken and- alleges its damagei3• therefot'
to: be in the atui of $75.,000-00,-
Respectfully, sybmittedj
JO "E. DAUBNET 61-01,
Atorney for- Northern Valley
CC -Twin City Bpxge &_'Towingg_�
00-14r.Eltor Dehn.,.-Department of Finance
CC--14r.J,oseph -Bette.ndorf
CAPITAL 4-7461
April 19L 1. 1961
To-The-Hoxwrable City Council
City of 9,aint Paul-
Ramsey County Court House
St..,Paul 2., Xinnesota
Gentlemen, Madam:
.'Please be- advised. that the, undersigned is the
attorney for Northern Vallpy..Comp8my,.-the owner of certain
properties- in -Blocks 2,,, 3 _ and
- . ,;..,in the. Second Addition'
to. ,Brboklqndl,'ai,i,,�adc7.ir�tio,n,toy Ramsoy_ QoUUt.y,,-.,&innePota.,.
which area, isVpresently before your:H9norab3,e- Bpdy_,ptxtsuant
to recluest of the 'Post -Authority- in condemnation proceedings
pursuant. to, the charter -,of *.the,, Qfty, of Saint Paul.
Please be further that the Northern. Valley
Company does. by this-, letter object. to the `award .off' damages,
for * the area., being, taken and- alleges its damagei3• therefot'
to: be in the atui of $75.,000-00,-
Respectfully, sybmittedj
JO "E. DAUBNET 61-01,
Atorney for- Northern Valley
CC -Twin City Bpxge &_'Towingg_�
00-14r.Eltor Dehn.,.-Department of Finance
CC--14r.J,oseph -Bette.ndorf
HONNEN WEISS April 11, 1961
Honorable City Council
City of Saint Paul
Court House
Saint Paul; Minnesota
The undersigned, attorneys and agents, for the St. Paul Fire and Marine
Insurance Company who are the owners of the property hereinafter des -
cribed, do hereby give notice that the said St. Paul Fire. and Marine In-
surance .Company object to the amount of the award of damages, for the
taking by the City of St. Paul for flood control purposes, which property,
is described as follows:
Lots Nine (9)' through Eleven (11) and part of Lot
Eight •(8) , -Block One (1) , Second Addition to
'Said St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company has been notified. by
Eltor Dehn, Valuation Engineer, that the damages for the taking, of their
property has, been, appraised at $1,900.00. The•St. Paul Fire & Marine
Insurance Company.etales• -that this • 1,;3• 4t61uable'siner shore property and
. .that the value of thel-and -taken and, damages-to the remainder as a result
of taking far exceed the amount of the appraisal of Mr. Dehn.
_ - - Respectfully submitted,
B ¢�
Robert B. McCarthy
RAM: msw
5.6I APR 11 PH 12 11
�. nap !12
Condemning and taking the following lands for the cunstruction of flood walls,
dikes, pumping; station sites,.other structures and sloped for Flood Control
Purposes on the following described property:
All poi- Block 4, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Him.
A11 of Block 3, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St, Pauly Ulm.
Lots 8 thru 16, Block 2, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn.
Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd, 5t. Paul, Minn.
That part of Government Lots 4 and 5, .":ec. 5, T -28N, R -22•:, lying; within
the'following described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6,
Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing
South 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a dis-
tance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North ?3000' East a distance of 61.0 ft.;
thence bearing South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing
South 70049' East a distance of 24305 ft.; thence bearing; Southeasterly
to a' point 20 ft. :7esterly from the 75esterly line of the Second Addition
to Brooklynd and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line-of
Tenn4ssee St.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point being the inter-
section of the Northerly line of Kentucky St. and the :7esterly line•of
Taft�St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paula Minn.,
thence Northerly along said Westerly line of said Taft St. to the shore
line ,of the Mississippi River; thence bearing Westerly along said shore
line to the intersection with the Northeasterly line of Dunwell and Spence
cer 4,fi ddition to Brooklynd; thence bearing South 28000'.East along said
Northeasterly line to the point of beginning.
All of Block 30 and that part of Lots 7 thru 12, Block 29, Dunwell and
Spence�rls Addition to Brooklynd, lying North of a line running from the
Northwesterly corner of said Lot 12 to the Southeasterly corner of said
Lot 7.I Also Lots 3,5,6,7 and the Easterly 34 ft. of Lot 8, Block 16,
Dunwel and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also except the Southwest-
arly "6� ft. of Lot 2, that part of Lots 1,2 and 4. Block 16, in said Addi-
tion lying Northerly of the Old Levee Line which is a line from the North-
west corner of Block 29 to-the-Northeast corner of Lot 61, Block 17, Dunn -
well and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd.
That pat. of Lots 1, rac
2 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, bring between the Old Levee Line and a line beginning at the
intersection of the Southeasterly line of said Block 16 and said Old
Levee Line; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Northwesterly
line pf '`Lot 1 at a distance of 62 ft. Northeasterly of the Southwesterly
line of paid Block; thence bearing Northwesterly parallel to and 62 ft.
from the S3outhwesterly line of said Block'to the intersection with the
Old Levee Line.
That part of Lots 7 and 81 Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following described line: Beginning at the -
Southeasterly corner of said Lot 7; thence bearing "testerly, along.a
line between said Southeasterly corner of Lot 7 to the Northeasterly
corner of Lot 12 of said Block 29, a distance of 85 ft.; thence at right
angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 of said
Block; thence bearing Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of
Lots 7 and 8 to the point of beginning. Also the Northerly 25 ft. of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd.
That part of hots 8 thru 12, Block 299 Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
r Brooklynd, lying within the following described line. Beginning at the
Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Easterly along a line
run b6tween said Northwest corner of Lot 12 and the Southeast corner of
Lot 7 of said Block 29 to a point 85 feet Westerly from said Southeawt
corner of said Lot 7; thence at right angles bearing Southerly to the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence bearing Southwesterly along the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8;
thence bearing Westerly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot
10 at a distance of 80 ft, Southeasterly from the Northwest corn r of said
Lot 10; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point on the Southwesterly line
of said Lot 12 at a distance of 20 ft, Southeasterly from the Northwest
corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Northwesterly along the SouthwestR.
erly line of said Lot 12 to the point of beginning.
Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for the construction and
maintenance of flood wall and appurtenant structures for flood control purposes
on the following described property:
That part of Lots 8 anu 9. Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, and the vacated Wyandotte St, lying within the following described
line: Beginning at the intersection of the Old Levee Line and the Southwesterly
line of said Block 16; thence bearing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly
line of Block 16 to the Northwesterly line of Lot 2 of said Block 16; thence
bearing Southwesterly on said Northwesterly line extended to the center line
of Wyandotte St,; thence bearing Northwesterly on said center line 33' MOL
to the Old Levee Line; thence bearing Westerly on said levee line to the
intersection with the Northeasterly line of Block 17, Dunwell and Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd; thence Northwesterly along said Northwesterly line to
the shore line of the Mississippi River; thence bee ring Northeastorly along
said shore line*to the intersection with a line 62 ft, Northeasterly from and
parallel to the Southwesterly line rf Block 16, Dunwell and fpencer's Addition
to Brooklynd; thence bearing; Southeasterly along said parallel line to the
intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2 of said Block 16; thence
bearing Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line of Lot 2 a distance of
20,0 ft,;thence at right =C,'es bearing Northwesterly a distance of 10 ft,;
thence at ri §ht angles bearing Southwesterly a distance of 15 ft.;thence at
right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with the Old Levee
Line; thence bearing Northwesterly along said levee line to the point of
Also all public streets, alleys and ways contiguous to the hereinabove
described lands and upon which said hereinabove described lands or any of the
sa!m.abut, heretofore or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and
interests in lands xhich embrace every such contiguous public street,alley
and way.
Condemning and taking a temporary easement required for construction of flood
walls, dikes, pumping; station sites and other structures for flood control purposes
on the following described property along the ?Pest side of the Mississippi River
in the NE 1/4, Sec, 5, T -28 Pd, I -22:
Temporary easements to remain in effect for either a three year duration
or upon the completion of cons+ruction whichever comes first, The District
Engi:,eer of the Uo S„•1orps of rhgineers shall determine the completion of
construotirm date,
The :7esterly 30 ft. of Lot 8, Block 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd,
Pt. Paul, Minnesota.
That part of Government Lot 5, Sec. 5, T -28% 1 -227, lying within the
following described lines Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence
bearing south 28000' East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition
a distance of 25 ft. to the point of beginning; thence bearing, North
73000' Fast r distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing Southwesterly to a
point on the Northeasterly line of Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd at a distance of 50 ft. from.said Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6; thence bearing_Northwesterly along said northeasterly line of
Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd a distance of 25 ft. to the
point of beginning.
That part of Government Lot 5; Sec. 5, T -28N, n-22?.. lying within the
following described line: Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of
Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bear-
ing South 28000' Fast along the Northeasterly line of said rddition a
distance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North 73000' East a distance of 61.0
ft.; thence bearing; South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft. to the
point of beginning; thence bearing South 70019' East a distance of
243.5 ft.; thence bearing South 80000►' 71est a distance of 60 ft.;
thence bearing North 7CP49' West a distance of 170 ft.; thence bearing
North 16037 ,1' :Test a distance of 36 ft. to the point of beginning.
That part of Government Lots 4 and 5 lying within the following de-,
scribed lines Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block
29 Durwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing South,
28600' East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a distance of
25.0 ft.; thence bearing North 73000' goet a distance of 64 ft.; thence
bearing South 77P14' East a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing South
70049' East a distance of 24305 ft. to the point of ,beginning of the
property to be described; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point 20
ft. :7esterly from the Westerly line of Taft St. as platted in the Sec-
ond Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn., and 65 ft. Southerly from
the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St.;•thenee bearing Southeast-
erly to a point being the intersection of the-Northerly line of Ken-
tucky St. and the 7esterly line of Taft St. as platted in the Second
Addition to Brooklynd, St. Pau1,�Minn.; thence bearing Southerly along
said :7esterly line of Taft Stb to the intersection with the extended
Northerly line Lot 12, Block 3, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St..Paul,
Minnesota; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point 90 ft. Southerly
from the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St. and 55 ft. 7testerly
from the :7esterly line of said Taft St.; thence bearing.:lesterly along
a line 90 ft. Southerly from and parallel to the Southerly line of
Tennessee St. a distance of 85 ft.; thence bearing Northwesterly to
the point of beginning being part of the-NE f, Sec. 5, T -28, R-,22.
Except the Northerly 25 ft; of Lot 6; that part of Lots 5 and 6 all in
Block 29, Duriffell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Northerly of
a line beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence bearing
Easterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of said lot 6 at a dis-
tance of 50 ft. Southeasterly from the Northeast corner of said lot.
That part of Lots 9 thru 12, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying within the following; described line; Commencing at the
Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 in said Block 29; thence bearing South-
easterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 12 a distance of 20
fto to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence
bearing Easterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 10
at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Xorthwesterly corner of
said lot; thence bearinC Easterly to the Southeasterly corner of said
Lot 9; thence besrinr; Sout!uvesterly to the ,Southwest corner of said
Lot 9; thence bearing 'Northwesterly to the point of beginning.
That part of Lot 9, Block. 16, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd,
lying South of the Old Levee Line.
That part of the Northwesterly 25 ft. of the Southwesterly 62 ft. of
Lot 2, Block 16, Durmell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South
of the Old Levee Lire.
That part of Lot 2 and Lot 9, Block 16, Dunxell do Spencer's Addition to
Brooklynd, lying 'jetween the Old Levee Line and the following described
line: Beginning at the intersection of said Old Levied Line and a line
62 ft. Northeasterly from and parallel to the Southwesterly line of
said Block 16; thence bearing Northwesterly along said parallel line
to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2; thence bear-
ing Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line of Lot 2 a distance of
20 ft.; thence at right angles bearing* Northwesterly a distance of 10
ft.; thence at right angles bearing Southwesterly a distance of 15 ft.;
thence at .right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with
the Old Levee Line.'
That part of the Northwesterly' 100 ft. of Lots 11 and 129 Block 289
Dunwell & Spencer's Addition-to Brooklynd, lying :?esterly of a line
674.33 ft. Westerly from and. parallel to the Easterly line of Govern-
ment Lot !i, being part of the NE 4, Sec. 5, T -28, R-22;
The Northwesterly lbb ft. of Lots 9 and 10 and that part of the North-
westerly 100 ft. of Lots 11 and 12, all in Block 28, Dunwell & Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd, lying Easterly of a line 674,33 ft. Westerly from
and parallel to the Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being part of the
NL� See. 5, T -282 It-22.
The Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lot 8 and that part of the Northwesterly
100. f". of Lot 7, all in Block 28, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to BVbok-
lynd, lying.Southwesterlyof a line 30 ft. Southwesterly from and para -.L-
le1 to the center line of the C.R.I. & P. Ry main track.
That part of Lots 20,4 and 5, Block 29, Dwwell and Spencer's Addition
to Brooklynd, lying within the following described line: Beginning at
the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 4; thence bearing Northeasterly
along Lhe Southeasterly line of said Block 29 to the intersection with
a lliie 30 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the
C,K.Z. & P. Icy main track; thence bearing Northwesterly along said paral-
lel line to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 3 of said
Block 29; thence bearing SoutheVsterly along said Northwesterly line to
the intersection with a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to
the center line of the C.:t.?. & P., Icy main track; thence bearing South-
easterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the South -
,esterly line of sPid Lot 4; thence bearing Southeasterly along said
Southwesterly line of Lot 4 to the Point of beginning.
That part of Lot 3, 'Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd,
lying Easterly of a line 649. 75 ft. Westerly from and parallel to the
Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being part of the NE ^, Sec. 5, T -289 R-22.
Lot 1 and that part of Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's
Addition to Brooklynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 50 ft. Southwesterly
from and parallel to the center line of the C.R.I. & P. Ry main track and
Westerly of a line 649.75 ft. 'Westerly from and parallel to the Easterly
line of Government Lot 5, being a apart of the NE J, Sec. 5, T -28, Ft-22.