201797ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2017,97 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CI ESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONS eL � DATE RESOLD, that Marguerite S. Shay be permitted to construct a six —foot high basket weave fence on her property atL,21$g_ Fairmount I Avenue, at the location indicated on the attached-plat, said fence to be constructed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis am s•ao 2 Council File No. 201797 —By Frank L. Loss — Resolved That Marguerite S. Shay be permitted to construct a six -foot high basket weave fence on her prop- erty at 2186 Fairmount Avenue, at the location indicated on the attached plat, said fence to be constructed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council April 25, 1961. Approved April 25, 1961. (April 29, 1961) APR 25M Adopted by the Council 19— APR 2 5151 A proved 19— Favor Mayor Against CIT OF SAINT Capital of Minnesota PAUL BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 Ext. 361 April 21, 1961 Hon. City Council City of Saint Paul Dear Council Members: I am in receipt of a letter addressed to Ae City Council by Mrs. Marguerite S. Shay, who is applying for permission to build a basket weave fence, 616" to 7 t high on her property at 2188 Fairmount Avenue. Our inspector has made an investigation of the premises and can see no objection to the erection of a six foot high fence. We therefore recommend that the Council auth- orize this Department to issue a permit for a six foot basket weave fence at this location. Yours truly, Alf H. Schroeder CIr ,Y. ARCHITECT AHS..A E t. -ILL- 7 e ail 49 Ap, 4L A-e <,,f, 2188 Faiimount Ave. St. Paul 5, Minnesota Apri TIgRI REA CITY ARCHITECT _ _ 9N�pECYlCi9A _ St. Paul City Council 445 Court House x�Rar ;; ROOM DD _ St. Paul, Minnesota �� CLERICAL i rILE _ Attentions Mr. Schroei er Gentlemen: REMAR I want to apply for a permit to have a fence built around----- part of Lot 2 Block 4, Kings Maple Wood Addition. This fence is to be 6J feet to 7 feet high. The enclosed sketch shows where the fence will be erected. This fence is badly needed, so that we can have privacy in order to enjoy our back yard. ,; I intend tojhave the fence built either by the,National Lumber Company, or by a student at the University of Minnesota, School of Forestry, who is very eager to build,the fence for me. Very truly yours,` L NrA. Marguerite §. Shay of home at 2188 Fairmount Ave. St Paul 59 Minnesota Encl. i4 i t of P. P. & P. D.