201752.r,._�— '• INTERMEDIARY ORDEM
Council File No. 201752 -
d In the matter of improving JEFFER-
SON AVENUE from Snelling Avenue
to Edgcumbe Road by regrading, curb-
ing and paving with asphaltic concrete
surfacing on new concrete base to a
roadbed width of 40 feet from Pascal,
Street to Edgcumbe Road; to a roadbed �-i 0
width of 32 feet from the alley approx-
imately 130 feet east of Snelling Avenue
to Pascal Street, and, to a roadbed
�i$b o? ti42 feet from Snelling Avenue
In the Matter of
improving. JEFFERSON AVENUE fro l "Sne]] rig` venue: tq..Edgc-gmpe' Road by'`Tegrading' • S
�= curbing and paving with- asphaltic' concre�,e surfacing on hewt on rei;e, base, to,
roadbed. width of _40 feet-_ f -om _Pascal Street -tad tl dgcumlie'-Road; to a�'roadbed width
of'32 feet from the alley approximately i30 feet east of Snelling Avenue to Pascal
Street, and to a roadbed width of 42 feet from Snelling Avenue to the above alley;
by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by grading and sodding
boulevard areas where new curb is constructed; by reconstructing sidewalks, curbs
and paving on' the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improve, -
rrle�> ;gbyhco„l,tr zcdpgi sew�wter and gas servicelxcoltignsL,fratn street mains
to the properly gaps • where necessary; y reconstructing the oxis�ikg tzaffib
conVPdli:6 �e'm� t2 ePe riece�s&rg?,-djjc - by_vd'oi'ng-!a11 tothes won$ whiciie}i$;ii�e:ee-s,sary Land ice
tip"aidentalottoi o`i i�.ete�ha53dimps?dYemen �cred said repent, hereby rese1ve!3.
1. That the said report and the same ig hereby approved and adopted, And the said improvement
is- hereby ordered to be proceeded -with: - " - - - - - - - - - -` -- -- - —
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
improve JEFFERSON AVETZ[iD xv»}. SYie n`j A en a to Edgcumbe �oad' by, rpgTading., L
` °, curbing and paving with a�p� al.t c'eoncrete urfagin onapew concrete base; t,o a
roadbed width of, 1+0 feet fro i, Pascal .�S e .t `to Edgaumbe, Road;." to . a roadbed 'width 2 '
Or ,32 feet from the alley approximateiy ,L O f ei � "t cif. Snelling Avenue to sea
gtreetp and to a roadbed width of 42 feet from Snelling Avenue to the above alley;
• by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by grading and sodding
boulevard areas where new curb is constructed; by reconstructing sidewalks, curbs
and paving on the intersecting streets where not in conformity wit1j said improve -
men�ti j,lbyaeolie "trrtict �s� vier.; iwater':ianacgas)csex+v Geg epnrieat oris.4from street mains
to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the existing traffic '
Sys were ec ssar d b d i all other work which is necessary and
s ?ea iuf��Fuhrrrer nlh -� ^ g 1nh % pnvl . �e I W on owd unprovement on the ,� e��rt� day of
incioenta� to complete said impr`ovemen�
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
- House -and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commi§sioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
APR 2 5194
File 15165 ;
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council
'APR 2 5 W
Tn Favor d
ainst f
g I