201725PROPOSAL FOR and PRELIMINARY Council File No. 201725 -By Milton Rosen- A written proposal for the the following improvement, Opening, widening and extending �Winchell St. to a width of 60 feet from the north line of Lot 3, Block 6, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 to the south lines of Lots 9 and 12, Block 6, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 by taking and condemning the west 30 feet of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, all ,in Block 6, Rogers and -Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2, the east 30 feet of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17, all in Block 6, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 201I25 0 ......... ..... ..-_- The undersigned hereby roposesthemaldngof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul-,viz': .. - y v ?� I'(g�59' •�{T'',ig•j9,'�l _�_ --� t.f T� y 7777 `4l�`i^. =?r "•Y- • '! '. + 4 ; :f`y, •. y...:.:: :............ . ..- r "r'-in tom%• -_.` � •;r . Opening, widening and extending Winchell St. to a width of 60 feet from the nor,th,. l i na. -of. Lot..3, BI ock 6, Rogers -and Hendri cks -- -Acre -Lots - -No. 2 'to-the--south- --1 fnes °of -Lots 9 and 12, Block 6, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 by taking and condemni_ng'the went-' 30 -' feet of ... Lott i i .B1 ock ,6; Rogers arid", Hendr i cks Acre Lots No. 2, the east 30 feet of Lots_ 12,;.J.3., ..14,. J,5.-and,..1..7,-•,al,l.._ i n BI -ock., 6, Rog.ers.••and Hendricks Acre Lots No.. 2, the -east 30 feet ofiLot 6 in Bayards_Subt of .Lot-16,, Block 6, Rogers and Hendri cks - Acce•Slfots No. -•2; the east � 30•• feet of••Ames- Avenue as vacated under Council File No. 1753, approved September 23, 1914, that part,of�Lbfi;2;:,Block--6, Rogers .- .. .... . .................Jf ...:.. . .._ ........ and Hendricks Acre Lots No.' 2 lying westerly; of they east 30 feet df said 1.0-ah,6.easter- 1 y of the arc of a ci rcl a havi ng a radi us of,60. feet,�`'.fhe` center of said circle being on the east line of said Lot,12 and 63 feet north of the south_ line of said Lot 12,,B1ock 6,- Rogers -awd- 'Hendricks -'ire Lots No:Y2;: and tlia\ *' -part` of Lot 9, B1'xk •6,­ Rogers and' Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2 lying ie�esterltyj,ofA the }wes�t�T3Q feet of said Lot 9 and westerly of the arc`of a circle having a radi`tis of SOfeet; the center of said circle being on the west, l -ine - of&said ,Lots 9- .and��63��feet .north i�of i the- •south7sl-.i netofs ;sai d Lot 9, Block 6, Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2. s Al,so,', condemning .,andx:tek3:ng:anteasement:�for ;-the, purpose• -,of - :constructing ''and maintain - i;ng a� ��br CYs ed o � �ndela an oa rbssw a �stri p_.of hand •_2D feet �wi- de;r -i n L #dt.r12; 'Blbck= 6i \ tcen,;er� _ ne. o ; sair�,st�fip: bei; ng;; 63 _feet,+,ndrtherly':at�d',tparal l_e11 toy =the sou "t!i l' 4_ ' oi`_saiwd L'o,t;tl Z from the, east ,pI frje Zof �Bi -r_mi n_`gham iSt:ree.t'.i