D001703C CrrY OF S�rr PAUi. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINI5TRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, �o� 1703 No: 62975 Date:04-22-99 Wf�REAS, the City will conduct its annual Manager's Conference on June 8, 1999 at the Sheraton Midway. WHEREAS, the conference, titled "Leading in Competitive Environment," will provide up to 150 City employees with an opportunity to attend lectures and workshops designed to prepare them for future management challenges. 8 WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resowces is responsible for providing the following costs: 9 - Room rental to the Sheraton Midway for the conference; 10 - Lunch, refreshments, and other miscellaneous supplies for up to 150 individuals. 11 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the Office of Huxnan Resources be authorized to • 12 reimburse various vendors for costs incurred, not to exceed Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000), 13 which will be paid out of the General Fund, Activity 00164. APPROVED AS TO FORM Assis ant City Attorney Date: � 1 S / �� I�� \`� .��w ,Ll — – - ent Head c,� ���,�, � � s j� `� � � IIEPARTMEc�'TIOFFICE/COUNCII.: PERS�N & PHONE: Michelle LeBow 266-6514 IDNST BE ON COINCIL AGRi3DA BY (DATE) As 5oon As Possibie TOTAL # OF SIGIATiSRE PAGES DATE �r`�.TE° 1 GREEN SHEET 4J22/99 D p� f 743 No.: 62975 p an•riAUDax� mirrAZma� AS5IGN I_DEPARTMENT D a Y CITY CALiNCIL .�'UMBEF Z CTTY ATTOIL'IEY CITY CLERK FOR BIIDCETDII2. _3_DIRECl'OROFFINANC _ R4UTING �YaR(ORASST.) _4_CTTYCLERK ORDER 'CLIP ALL LOCATION5 FOR SIGNATURE) :�crioN �ussTEn: The Qffice of Human Resources be authorized to reimburse appropriate vendors for costs incurred in conducting the 1994 Manager's Conference on June 8, 1999. RECOM4IENDATIONS: Approve {A) or Re}� (R) PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE CO2vLbfISSION CIB COMMSTTEE STAFF � DISTRICT COURT J SUPPORTS WFIICACOUNCILOBJECIZVE? PERSONAL SERVLCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIQNS: i. fias titis personlfirm ever worked under a coniract for this departmrnt? Yes No 2. Has tLis persodfirm evzrbeen a city employee? Yes No " 3. Does i3vs personl5rm possess a skill not normaSly possessed by aay currem. c,Ty employee? Yes No Exp]ain all pes answers on separate sheel and at8ach to green sheet INITdATING PROBLEi1R, TSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whaf, Wheq Nfiese, Why): The 1999 annual Manager's Conferance is titled "Leading in a Competitive EnvironmenP' and will be held 3une 8, 1949, at the Shezatoa Midway. Presentations thraughou# the day are designed to prepaze attendees for the � gement challenges they will face in the near future. Costs for room rental, materials, and refreshments will not ed $4,000. fDVANTAGES IF APPILOVED: 'ersonal and professional development as well as providang City managers critical in£ormation and netwarking for he future. S,AAVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. The con£erence has been budgeted for. 1ADVA7VTAGE5IF NOT APPROVTiD: ibility to provide this valuabie opportunzty for personal and professional development and for equipping City nagers with important information and networking needed for the future. az, aNlounT o� xx,u�sacriorr: $4000.00 �nvc souxcE: General Fund vcsnz, i�xo�ziaN: �xrLam� COSTlREVENUE$U]?GETED: YBS Ac1'avrrY �vumBEA: 00154 ��������� a?-��� 4 �,��=' MAY .� 11gS3 L�TY CLERK �� s - - `���' �.� 3 a � � a 'a. _ _ � n .. _ �