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Oritinal to City Clea r ORDINJ PRESENTED BY Az'� O cc 0. 0. Cbuncil File No. 201254— Ordinance No: 11941 —By Milton Rosen — An ordinance amending Chapter 145+ ©�� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, bertaining to absolute parking restric- tions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and 'safety., The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: i• An ordinance amending Chapter 145 of the Saint Paul Legis- lative Code, pertaining to absolute parking restrictions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 145.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: STREET FROM TO SIDE Cretin Ave. Highland Pkwy. Goodrich Ave. East Cretin Ave. Goodrich Ave. Summit Ave. West Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Section 4. This ordinance is to be in 'effect upon erection of proper signing and traffic control measures. Yeas Couneilmen Nays DeCourcy / Holland Loss Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) /11 1 Attest: 167011 �6 1 City Clerk 1M 5 -60 8 I I - _ 3 �.pR 5199' Passed by the &uneil In Favor .against Approved: APR S19�� Mayor l f As OrO l ha'nw O 109 O"Or 11 of the Sel l "t $%U l L'eg i 0- 1e0#0 codep l "I to tbsaluta parking reatActlans. his is .64 *Wary Ordln+d ee r ro4 occossory fcw thm jw* rv*' - tion of V* pub) so VSM6s i ittj le�ty�. Iii MUCK Of TM CITY. OP SAIAT PA4L OM Owl "i 6ft;JOiw,f45-01 Of twselnt Now, mg jsla>,tive ow , l her K by Owing t1mr+ato then fol lcawojv trqktin, Awt. M101116nd i;! oV.. dr. �h Aver Cot 040a Ave. Awd iph Ave. qu i t Ayt�, 4#srst This ape die ia- to WO)f .40clarad wto ip OWOY Orldl+- r e+a r qrw micestAry for -04.orosarottaftof the pubt lc - paq�r beewtt� +putd sa�nty. - " ' erdlomVeo shell, toke effect and .bs to fob upon, its P&Ssftem, Oliprovof Ond p6l tratkin., l t14 4. 164 ord;rO000 it to be In affoct 0000 Of -calxa of propzr - stoning and to of flo t4mtral ± Sures. 2n y� a ?K' Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted. Yeas Nays Yeas Nays BeEvnrey DeCourcy Holland Holland Loss Loss Mortinson pe= mt Peterson i Rosen Rosen Mr. President ` Mr. President Yavoulis .QW8 201254 0/