201218Council File No. 201218- 0 rdinande Iqo. Original to -City Clerk, 11984 —By Robert F. Peterson- , ' r An ordinance relating to proto ' hs or and providing d ig ofPer Persons selling onli O R D I N Af ST' ing the sale of photographs and photo- - graphic accessories, providing penal- s4'D ties for violations, and repealing Sections 363.01 and 383.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neced- PRESENTED BY ; sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safe_ ty. ` •-� un41 ,4&�,t&YCi�ty of Sarin_t,l?8u1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHS AND ,,PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION" AND LICENSING OF PERSONS SELLING'OR ' *' SOLICITING'THE SALE _ OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES, PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 363.0i'AND 363.02 OP THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY'FOR THE PREtERVktION OF THE PbiZIC PEACE, HEALTH AND ' SAFETY. - THE COUNCIL bF•T& CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: WW W O W a N Section 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Chapter the following definitions shall apply:. •a. INDUSTRY MEMBER. Industry member shall mean any person, firm, corporation or organization engaged in the business of taking and selling photographs, including any solicitor as hereinafter defined. ' b. INDUSTRY PRODUCTS.. Industry products shall mean photographs, processed in black and white or color; duplicates, enlargements and reductions of such photographs; and frames and accessories for such photographs, when sold 'in' combination therewith. -c. SOLICTITOR. 8611eltor shall mean any person who goes._ from house to house, or from place to place, in the City of Saint Paul,, selling or taking orders for, or offering to > . sell or to take orders for all industry products as herein - -before defined, regardless of whether said solicitor demands, accepts, or receives payment or deposit of money in,,advance of final delivery. .Section 2._ EXCLUSION. This ordinance shall not al#y to pr's: photographers, - accredited representatives of news- - papers, magazines, and television broadcasting stations who take photographs for purposes of publication or broadcasting; employees of organizations, firms or companies who take and produce photographs-for the exclusive use of their employers and not for resale; operators of coin- operated photographic machines; persons on temporary assignment from outside the City of Saint Paul who take photographs upon specific request or assignment from any organization, firm, company or adver- tising agency within said City of Saint Paul; and persons en- gaged solely in the sale of photographic supplies, equipment and accessories. Yeas • Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President '(Vavoulis) Attest : ins 5-60 .mss City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst nwF Section 3. LICENSES. a. No person'shall'engage in the business of taking, selling or soliciting the taking or selling of industry prod- ucts from house to house, either in person or by telephone, or operate a photographic studio as an industry member to do business within the corporate limits of the.City of Saint Paul, without first securing a license from the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions hereof. b. Every applicant for a license to engage in such business as herein defined, shall first file with the City Clerk a written application for such license on a form to be provided, stating the name and home and business addresses of the applicant, the length of time the applicant has been a resident of the City of Saint Paul, the name and address of the person, firm or corporation which he represents, a statement as to the proprietorship of the business, the address where the taking, finishing, coloring or enlarging of portrait,photographs will be done and the proposed method of delivery, and whether or not the applicant has ever been "est�o, uicted for violation of any license, law or .regulation and if so, when and where. No license shall be (`approved) untli the moral character o h� plicant has been investiga ed and the application / r by the City - Mg. c or and the Chief of Police, and no license shall be issued without such approval. c. License Fee. The annual license fee for all in- dustry members, except solicitors, engaged in the.sale of industry products shall be Thirty Dollars ($30.00), and shall be payable for each separate place of.business operated by such licensee. There shall be no license fee for solici- tors who work only ad agents for others, and who do not have their own place of business, provided that said solicitors shall comply with the other provisions of this section and, if applicable to them, the provisions of Section 340.01 to 340.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 4. BOND. Before the issuance of any license as provided herein, the applicant for said license shall execute and deliver to the City-Clerk a bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), running to the City of Saint Paul. Such bond_phall be conditioned upon the making of final delivery of the goods ordered or services to be performed in accordance with the terms of such order to any person doing business with said licensee, or failing therein, that any ad- vance payment on such order be refunded. It shall further be conditioned upon the payment of all damages sustained by any person by reason of any fraud or misrepresentation of the licensee or any of his agents or servants. Any person injured or damaged by the act of any industry member, including any solicitor, shall,have a right of action on the bond for re- covery of moneys, damages or both. Section 5. PROHIBITED ACTS. It shall be unlawful for any industry member or.solicitor knowingly to make or cause to ;� 0 /,� / � be made any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement J( or representation, either orally or in writing, concern- ing any of the following: a. The size, quality, kind of finish, workmanship, price or terms of sale of any industry product; b. The experience or competency of the industry member or.his employees in the taking or processing of por- traits; c. The equipment and facilities used by the industry member in.the taking or processing of portraits; d. The nature, type, extent or volume of his business; e. The size or reputation of his business; f. His business status or affiliation; g. The training, skill or reputation of himself or any-of his employees; h. His membership in trade associations, photographic associations or clubs, or art associations; i. The equipment and methods used by him in the taking or processing of photographs; J. His use of photographs in exhibits or contests; k. The description, value or limitation of any so- called coupon; 1. The description or value of any so- called gift; m. The selectivity--or limitation of any offer relating to an industry product; n. Any guarantee of industry products; o. Any sample of industry products; p. The requirement of purchasing unusual or specially designed frames. Section 6. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. -_ Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 3 or 5 of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof ' be -punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred - Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days., Section 7. REVOCA91ON OF LICENSE. In the event any li- censee is convicted for ..a violation of Section 5 of this Chapter, the City Council may revoke his license. -3- Original to City Cleric . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. d / °2 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 8. Sections 363.01 and 363.02 of the .. Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the taking, making or selling of photographs, and providing fora license therefor, are hereby in all things repealed. Section 9. This ordinance shall be deemed part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate Chapter number and /or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. Section 10. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 11. in force from and cation. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss (7 Mortins= Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest'C� / V (1� City Clerk 1 1M 6 -60 8 rA This ordinance shall take effect and be after its passage, approval, and publi- - 4 - MAY 10 1961 Passed by the Council In Favor D Against Approved: 4 MAY 10 1961 Mayor NAJ 3 PUBLISHED--L- �� �� • • c, 6iitinal to City ;Clerk Il ORDINANCE 20,1218 v/ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. J W U) Z AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHS AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF PERSONS SELLING OR SOLICITING THE SALE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES, PRO - VIDINGNPENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS,363.01 AND 363.02, OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDI- NANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Chapter the following definitions shall apply: a. INDUST MEMBER. Industry member shall mean any person, irm, corporation or organization engaged in the bu pess of taking and selling photo- graphs of human beings, including any solicitor as hereinafter defi ed. b. INDUSTRY PR DU mean photographs of hA and ',white or color; du reductions of such pho cessories for such pho nation therewith. CTS. Industry products shall an beings, processed in black licates, enlargements and ?graphs; and frames and ac- ograDhs when sold in combi- c. SOLICITOR. Soli itor shall mean any per- son who goes from house to house, or from place to place, in the City of S t Paul, selling or taking orders for, or offer ng to sell or to take orders for all industry prod cts as hereinbefore defined, regardless of wheth r said solicitor de- mands, accepts, or receives p yment or deposit of money in advance of final del very. Section 2. EXCLUSION. This ordinance shall not apply to press photographers, accreAted representatives of newspapers, magazines, and television broadcasting sta- tions who take photographs.for purposes of publication or broadcasting; employees of organizations, firms or companies who take and produce photographs for the exclusive use of their employers and not for resale; operators of coin operated photographic machines; persons who take photographs of pedes- trians for the purpose of immediate dale and delivery to such pedestrians or other persons; persons -who take photo- graphs upon specific request or assignment from any organiza- tion, firm, company, or advertising agency; and persons engaged solely in the sale of photographic supplies, equip- ment and accessories. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 151 6 -60 a8 City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Tn Favor Against Mayor _ Q �c orlsin.l to CIty.Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - 4 - m. The selectivity or limitation of any offer relating to an industry product; n. Any guaranteeiof industry products; o. Any sample of industry products; p. The requirement of purchasing unusual or specially designed frames. Section 6. PENAL violating any of the provis ordinance shall upon convic fine not exceeding One Hund prisonment for not more tha Section 7. HEVOCA any licensee is convicted f o this Chapter, the City Counc Section 8. Sectio Saint Paul Legislative Code or selling of photographs, a for, are hereby in all thing Section 9. This o the Saint Paul Legislative C therein and given an appropr number at the time of the ne Code. FOR VIOLATION. Any person ,ns of Sections 3 or 5 of this on thereof be punished by a �d Dollars ($100.00)9 or by im- ninety ( 90) days. ION OF LICENSE. In the event a vi©lation of Section 5 of 1 may revoke his license. s 363.01 and 363.02 of the ertaining to the taking, makings` d providing for a license there - repealed. finance shall be deemed part of e and shall be incorporated to chapter number and /or section revision of the said Legislative Section 10. This or finance is hereby declared to bean emergency ordinance rend red necessary for the,'preserva- tion of the public peace, heal h, and safety. Section 11. This ord nance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas age, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 5 -00 ,8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against uri=lnal to City Clerk ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. _ ORDINANCE NO. 0 W O a. Q AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHS AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF PERSONS SELLING OR SOLICITING THE SALE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES, PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 363.01 AND 363.02, OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDI- NANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Chapter the following definitions shall apply: a. INDUSTRY MEMBER. Industry member shall mean any person, firm, corporation or organization engaged in the business of taking and selling photo- graphs of human beings, including any solicitor as hereinafter defined. b. INDUSTRY PRODUCTS. Industry products shall mean photographs of human beings, processed in black and white or color; duplicates, enlargements and reductions of such photographs; and frames and ac- cessories for such photographs when sold in combi- nation therewith. c. SOLICITOR. Solicitor shall mean any per- son who goes from house to house, or from place to place, in the City of Saint Paul, selling or taking orders for, or offering to sell or to take orders for all industry products as hereinbefore defined, regardless of whether said solicitor de- mands, accepts, or receives payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery. Section 2. EXCLUSION. This ordinance shall not apply to press photographers, accredited representatives of newspapers, magazines, and television broadcasting sta- tions who take photographs for purposes of publication or broadcasting; employees of organizations, firms or companies who take and produce photographs for the exclusive use of their employers and not for resale; operators of coin operated photographic machines; persons who take photographs of pedes- trians for the purpose of immediate dale and delivery to such pedestri&ns or other persons; persons who take photo- graphs upon specific request or assignment from any organiza- tion, firm, company, or advertising agency; and persons engaged solely in the sale of photographic supplies, equip- ment and accessories. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk I'M r, -ro 4.8 Passed by the Council Approved: 1 —_In Favor - -- Against Mayor Od(in.l to Utz Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO W1 m. The selectivity or limitation of any offer relating to an industry product; n. Any guarantee of industry products; o. Any sample of industry products; p. The requirement of purchasing unusual or specially designed frames. Section 6. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 3 or 5 of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)9 or by im- prisonment for not more than ninety (90) days. Section 7. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. In the event any licensee is convicted for a violation of Section 5 of this Chapter, the City Council may revoke his license. Section 8. Sections 363.01 and 363.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the taking, making or selling of photographs, and providing for a license there- for, are hereby in all things repealed. Section 9. This ordinance shall be deemed part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter number and /or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. Section 10. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinsoan Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk lei 6 -60 '@qW0,8 Passed by the Council Approved:- F 1 .a Mayor Tn Favor Against Duplicate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 201218 ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINAACE RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHS AND PROVIDING FqR THE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF PERSONS SELLI G OR SOLICITING THE SALE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND P 0TOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES, PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FRR VIOLATIONS, AIM REPEALING SECTIONS 363.01 AND,363.02,'OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. i�IS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDI- NANCE RENDERED NECES54RY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AIM SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Chapter the following definitions shall apply: a. INDUSTRY MErMER. Industry member shall mean any person, firm, corporation or organization engaged in the business of taking and selling photo- graphs of human beinge -9 including any solicitor as hereinaft- e-r-ff fined. be INDUSTRY PRODUCTS. I�dustry products shall mean photographs of human being$, processed in black and white or color; duplicates, " - .enlargements and reductions of such photographs; and frames and ac- cessories for such photographs wir sold in combi- nation therewith. c. SOLICITOR. Solicitor shEill son who goes from house to house, 'or to place, in the City of Saint Pau , taking orders for, or offering to s orders for all industry products as defined, regardless of whether said wands, accepts, or receives payment money in advance of final delivery. mean any per - from place selling or L1 or to take iereinbefore golicitor de- deposit of Section 2. EXCLUSION. This ordi nee shall not apply to press photographers, accredited rep esentatives of newspapers, magazines, and television broa casting sta- tions who take photographs for purposes of sta- r) ication or ' broadcasting; employees of organizations, firm or companies who take and produce photographs for the exclu ve use of their employers and not for resale; operators o coin operated photographic machines; parsons who take photogra hs of pedes- trians for th® purpose of immediate sale and del very to such pedestrians or other persons; persons who t e photo- graphs upon specific request or assignment from organize - tion, firm company, or advertising agency; and p rsons engaged solely in the sale of photographic supplie , equip- ; ment and accessories. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Loss `In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor IM a -so ,s N • Section 3 * _- LICENSES c a. , No' p 'erson shell, engage in. he business of f taking,, selling' or solialtix, the t king or selling of industry products, from house. to oWeet either ` -In person- or- by telep�igne; or opera a a, photographic studio,t$ an industry member to do business-within the corporate - limits of the City of Saint Paul, without first securing a° license fr m the City - Clerk, in accordance with the provisions Abre __of. b.. - Every applicant: for a -lic nee 'to 'engage In auch business as herein defined- shall .'first file with the Ci,ty..Clerk a written. application for- such license on a Form'to be prow edo stating the name -,and home and business addresges of-the appli_ - cant,. the length of time the applicant hap boen;-a resident of- -the City .of Saint Paul, the name and address of the parson, firm or oo poration which he represents, a statement as to th proprietorship of the busiiies$,-the address where a taking$- finishing, coloring or enlarging of portrai photographs' will h be done-and the proposed method f ,delivery and whether or not-the applicant has ever been.arrested or convicted for- violation ' of an license law_ or 'regulation and!- if so; when and here.- No license shall,be granted until the moral character of the applicant has been investigated ind the application . has-been approved by the City L,I ense Inspector and- - the'Chief of P olieo, and no, 11-c nse shall oe issued without such approval; n` a, License -Fee. The annua- - license,feelfor all industry members, except solicit rs$ :engaged -In the -sale- of industry products shall a Thirty Dollars _ ( 030 ,'00) ; _ and shall be payable-f- each separate , place of businese_operated by sue licensee. The annual license fee for solicitors who. work - only_ as agents ;for others-$ and who do not have their own pleas of Wiliness- shall.be Twenty Dolla s: ($20.00 No license .shall: be ;assignable., _ S®otior! 4. BOND..- B.e:'ore the , iasuaince =of any as 'provided herein the appl,iva t for said license- license I ` _ shall execute .and , deliver =to the City C1 rk -o bond in the sum of- -. One Thousand Dol=lar. s ($1,000:00 _�: r_ unAiiig to the City of Saint _-Paul,:.' Such- bond shall. be condit oned upon the making of final delivery, of --the goods ordered- or services" to be per- formed in accordance with -the terms of sue order .to any person doing business with said licensee, or-failing'therein, that, any advance payauent� on such order be re .undedi,. ' It shall further be conditioned upon the 'payme of all damages- sustained'by.any person by reason o anyy fraud or misrepresentation of the licensee or any of hiss agents Y- or servants.. Any, person Injured or damage by the act of any industry member,, including' any Bold itor, shall have a right -of aotion.on the bond for.reo very -of moneysg damages.or both, a.ectlon 50 'PROHIBITED - ACTS, 1 shall: be un- I Wfu�:, .for anry industry member or solloita knowingly . to - -make or cause to be made any 'else, .fict rtious or fraud4ent statement or reprosentation, eithor-oral y or in-writingj, aonaerning' any of the followings , U7 , :a.. The size, quality, kind o finl.sh, workw. tmariship j price or terms : of -sale of , any industry., prod.- ua t; _ b„ The experience or compet nay of the - duetry 'member or ;his emplcfyses in 'the taking br processing- of•p6krait o.. • The equipment and facil ties used by the _ industry member 'in the taking or processing of portraits; d, The nature, type$ extent or 'Volume; of his , business e+ The'size or reputotion of his business; t. His bUsiness Atatus or affillati lif . g. The training, skill or reputation of him, self _or any of hies employees; h: His membership in trade- aesociatlone, photo -, graphic-assooiations . or clubs, - r=art associations; i. 'The equipment_ and.- meth -do us0'd by him in the taking or proceotaing of photogr phs.I _ j.� 'His use, - of photographs 'in exhibits or eon- X. • X.. The � d.esoription, vain® r..i imitation or any sO- Qalled .edupon; ; _.3,y .The description or va ofaby .eo,.cal i3d girtl r DupHeate t. Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. MA ff -4- m. The selectivity or limitat70ducts; of any offer relating to an industry product; n. Any guarantee of industry o. Any sample of industry pr ducts; p. The requirement of'purc sing unusual or specially designed frames. Section 6. PENALTY FOR VTO ATION. Any person violating any of the provisions of S ctions 3 or 5 of this ordinance shall upon conviction ther of be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Doll rs ($100.00)0 or by im- prisonment for not more than ninety (90) days. Section 7. REVOCATION OP LICENSE. In the event any licensee is convicted for a v olation of Section 5 of this Chapter, the City Council may revoke his license. Section, S. Sections 3 3.01 and 363.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pert ining to the taking, making; or selling of photographs and p oviding for a license there- for, are hereby in all things r ealed. Section 9. This ordi ance shall be deemed part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriatp chapter number and /or section number at the time of the next evision of the said Legislative Code. Ir Section 10. This ord ance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rend red necessary for the,preserva- tion of the public peace, heal h, and safety. Section 11. This ordnance shall take effect and be in force from and after its p sage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im s -so s Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor rn Favor Against Trlplicate to the- Comptroller ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO, AN OBDINA�CE RELATING TO PHOTOGRAPHS AND PROVIDING O ?R TIDE REGULATION AND LICENSING OF PERSONS SELL NQ og SOLICITING THE SAIX OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND HOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES, PRO. VIDINGF PUALTIES OR VIOLATIONS, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 363.01 A 363.02, OV TIDE SAINT PAM LEGISLATIVE CODE, THIS IS AN EMEROLMY ORDI- NANCE RENDERED NEC SSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEAC HEALTH A14D SAFETY. TIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OV SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN! 2012.8 Section L, DEFIIITIONS. In this Chapter the following 0finitions shat applys a. INDUSTRY MEMB oc Industry member shall mean any porson, firm, rporation or organization engaged In tho WGIAesa df taking end sell,nS phvtO - graphs of human beings, inoluding any solicitor as hereinafter defined. b, INDUSTRIt PRODUC Industry products shall mean photographs of humpan beings, processed In blank and white or color; dupli tear enlargements and reduotions of such photogr phal and frames and ac. cessories for such photogra hit whin sold in combi- nation therewith* o, SOLICITOR. Soliaitt�r son who gaes from house to hoI to plscse} in the City of Saint taking orders for, or offering carders for all industry�produa defined, regardless of wY�ether manda, aoccepte, or reoeives pA money in advance of final deli' shall mean suer per - e, or from place Paul, selling or to sell or to 'take as hereinbefore .d solicitor de- -m t or deposit of Seotloo 2t EXCLUSION. This rdin.an�ce shall not apply to ,rase photo aocaredited representatives of newspapers # mag4zInes t and television roadcasting sta- tions who take photographs for purports o ublio€�tion or broadcasting; employees of organizatic , Irma or companies who take and produoe photographs for the a lusive use of their employers and not for resale; opersto of coin operated photttgraphia �imohinas j. P ®ratans who take phut ephe of pedes- trians for the purpose of immediate sale and elivery to such pedestrians or other persona; persons wh take photo - graphs upon apeaifio request or assignment fro any orgaaisa.. tton, firm co al, Qr advertising agenoy; and persons j engaged 9Q sly 3n the sale of photographic suppl es equip - ment and accessories. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 6 -so 8 Passed by the Approved: Mayor Against 0 -1218 . Sooty on LICENSE$ aw ± ®teen. alb. engage ix the- business of engage ,. taking$,:s'ellixg or .,$ . i0iti:ng the taping ox' selling = of lndue try products om houe a to houso #- either in Person on teleph ne, .car operate a phatt raphio. studio a$ ara' induiatry_ m caber ,to do business within the corporate limits of the City oP Saint Pautle - without :f 1rat seourlXng a iiQenso from tho City Clerk, in sc oordance< with the p. viai,oi here- fv b.. Every applicant r a, - license. to engage t4 such bus.inoss as herei.n� defined #, shall first _ file with the City Cie r4 a itten. -.application for ` such license do a. form to provided f stating the name and 'home ,and, busine's . ddressee. of- the apAt eant�) the .jongth of tine th applioant ,hao' be.on `a resident, of the City of Sal4 - Paul$,. -the ynamie and " addrest of tha peroont firm or porporatioa which he repreeente -p .a 'stat tent ate. t �e_o the jpzro riot ship Of _ the Wsi,neiv# the ad& -*as th the takings' fini.ahi.ngp _ c+ .tiring or enlarging of portrait photographs will be dt�ute aid tha ,gropr ae4 method or dojivdry# and _ whether or- .not the a plioant had ever been arrested or oonv..ct�d i"or ;V_ 0 ati.on �f �:lo+ex*e: isw or reguiation aiidi: if 0 _when and whar&4 No 3.l�4ena'o • . shell be, grant" until the cord ahsraeter or the app'lioant bas baeu ixivastiga bad, and the- appliostion. has. been aotirtyved !Y the City tioehiae 'Ins li pectar and the Chief. of P oliaeo and -nth denee snap: be issued w thout ouch approvalii tt 0j, Lloo#0 Fee* - The annual i�,aenae. fool for all �ndtxstry inombere# exdopt sol -loitg s gaged in- the saie of irtduAtryy prt ucte - shall b hi.r Y - Dollars t OM) # and shall be payable fo each separate plaoe Qf. business - operated by suoh 13.oenoes# The annual license fee for solicit h0 work of :y as - agentwsfor others* - and who do not b ve their own plaoo of-business sha�11 bo, Tw®nty Dollar lioenao -shal be - asoignable+ SectlQri' , tomi tie ore theli uanoo of any 1, itoen,ae ee providdd hexieizi the applidant for te.ld ii4ense y shall execute and ei o the- City C" .eark a bona in the l sums of Ono xhouoana Dollara (��to od.pO 3.: rut�n to t?�e City of Uitt Patjj# Stroh boAd shall be - OW4 tinned upon the making of final dellvibry of the 048 , orde,red or serui 6bs to be per- formed in ec.oprdanae with, tho , tertits of such order to any P+eregm do.i'ng business With said llcensee Or ff Fling thereinx . that W edvanoa� Paymoiat on such order he rel ded, It $hall further bo oonaitivnsd upon the payiopnt a1$ r = data a `eo :euat fined r�ny person by Treason of , f`raud' or ereprogootetion of - the Ucen, she or azXy o is agents br' - oerven.to # W. person • to Jured car damall% the act v of any Induetry, membor_$ including any soliol tai # — oha�i haves -a right ,of action -on the 'band for ftdov ry Of - Moneyo,# 4601ageo or� both* = _ . SQation PROHIBITED .. 'It hall be {m- ,w:'ul for ady Indust", 'mdmb6r or 'ovliaitor knoviltg )y to e made a falee�. f otit ouo or fraudulent make or oauee .ta statement or repa�esientatit�n ti .t3 er ira31 ,ter, in, writing, 4onaefting an cif, the f ollow,.ngs a The 61,Zoi, "quality.# kind of fiolsh# work,*- menship price or termn Of sale of ny industry prod.., ►,� TYte 'experlehad dr Oompete or- of . the to,* dna.try, cumber or hko "emplc�yeee to Vie' takiug or . probo'Ol ng or portratto f The equipitaht and f6OVL1 ie'g use4 by the induiatry- membor in-the taktft or rooesaing of partraitA _ d,r The nature; type# ezteni' r pro uma of hid e1'' The sire or` reputation hio bus r esBg f':. ffia boistnoso status or fri lia►tionf. & The trairi,iug nki1l, or r utation dt M ,mom self or any of hip 't 41 H o in trade osoaiation phota�» graphic: astoci,.AtI --or. tilub$ or a`rt,,a. oodi:a f.ona; # The equi iaeritT and Method aced day ;dim In the taking on pr+oop , , ng of phOograp s� 5 usE! . *tog, rapha� in exhi H' _or . 302 • 1 , a. ri ka -The deooript one Value or f.m9,tation or .any so.,odlled oouponj , w ' � The deaari101on or valus,, ork a ?kY sq4_aa1l:ed glft l Trlpllnte tp .the Comptroller ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 211218 M" The 80100tivity or limitation or n offer r63.ati,ng to an Industry produott u, Atr guarantee of industry produ to i o4 Any sample of industry produc3t. ;, P4 The requiremont of purchasing nusuaal or speeia lly deol ed frames* Section 6. PENALTY FOR VIOLAT101 . Arai perajon violating any of they provisions of Section 3 or 5 of this ordinanoe shall upon oonviotion therreof pt�ntshed by a flno not exceeding one Hundred, Dollars ($100q,00)# or by im- prisonment for not more than ninety (90) ASYS6 Section 7« MOCATION OF "CEiM. In the event any liaousee, ie oonvi cted for a viblati o of Section 3 of this Chapt #ro the City Couneil may revok hip licen0a# Section S. 5ooti.onslr 363 *01 a d 363*02 of the Saint Paul Legislative node pert€ kolk Q the ta�ings making; or' selling of photographs and providi for a lice-use there- fort are hereby in an thugs repealea�. Section 9« This ordinanco sh 11 be doomed, pert of the Saint PaUl Legislative Code and ahe �, be i`aoorporaated therein and given an appropriate ahapt numb®r and/or section aumbe r at the time of the next revi.sisa of than said LeSiss�laativo Code, Section 18. This ordinaanoe i be ari emergency ordinnance rendered nee ti.on of the public pence* healtht and Sootlon 11. This ordinance a in force from and after its paaassagep a Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk im s-so 8 hereby declarod to saryr for trio . prese'rve foty. tape effect and be alt and publi oaation. Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Qaadraplleate to Department' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE AN ORDIXASCR 3' AND PROVID W R T. OP P3ox SELLIND PROTWUPHS AND PROT VIDW PENALTIES Fort UCTI NS 363,01 MM LWXSXATIVU COM T SAUCE RMRRMD N==ES OF THS RMLIG Mat COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. ATISG TO PHMOGRAPHS RZOULATION AUD LXCMIIVG SOUCT-T THE or GRAPHIC ACCESSORISE FROG► VIOUT10 A RRF�ALING 633. 2, aF RR PAUL S IS AN MEW= 001— RY FOR THE fiWERVATION AL AM SA* THE COUSCIL OF TEE CITI 00 $00tion It DEFIX following 4efinitlone shall eo INDUST xT NEW mean VAY par fl ougagod In the ���►os apXt Of art bat s f ee b �er er*lwft de IVAdl PAUL DOES ORVAlffI So In two chapter the ys industry xesbfr *bell oration or off' i tioo taking a te� p t� 1uding air iolt art *son hotogrmphs of �>� and white or oolori duplloal ar otloa* of Iuoh phot w1; oe sdories for such phot Ws tlon th erowitht Wustry produoto *bell 1nS! e �s In b%aok ae �ar&V%*nt$ and of and fraeee and 41040 Aft eold in ooabtoo� ow SOLICITOR. Solioito stp 1 mean fior por.. e who goes fros i ouso to hots 0 or fro* plea* to p�,eo+j) in the City cif St. t cuts falling or toki>� o srs for, or offorl'a t . tell to t"Ice ordore for all l�try pr uota as boreUibefara il�r inado regar ess of Atther as d. s4latter ds.. aends# aoaopts# or reo*lvos �aF t or deposit of ay in advance of fi l delivery tift 2, CWSION. VMS dt*0ng0 rll. not apps'' to prtss per" ' Aphe" r- coroditea p7"*tativos of UOW'Spaverso pOnest and Wavle ion ndoaeti uta.� dons take phatographs for pur son o ublionti or b�roadaasti ; employees of or,�� izations r ms or 0051anies who tike � ;ireduo+� 7hotog�r� pha for the a lusi re a of their otployars And not for revolt; operatte of coin ojarafied photogriaphiq ohiuoz;, porn ws *ft tpko phot phs of pedts- trians, for tho pie of i diate eel* clad elivory to such pea eats or othax' pet and 0 tau* ph4itoW frophs upon, if1+a raquowt or eee�nt fr any erganixo -* on fir oo�t� -jany or ndyertiei�g ag+�>«to�rt a�ad `�ersoxu� e ageEd Leo e . in tae sass of V `AVfto su�a w, *quip,* t etld aaoossorlelso Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1311 6 -60 `S Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst QuadrupHcatn to $epa"em 41 ��- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY 4 Yeas Attest: ORDINANCE NO 401� 4. Aw vo The "160tivity or 11MAtation 0 nny offer r4atlug to an Iii&mtry rwoduot; tl u# Puy Suarentoo of industry pd%0te,j Q# Any $01VIO Of t0ftbtry VrW t #j ps The teat of purebasi1��i or #Wlal y d"Ignod trwov saetion 6, VBNAWY "FOR V10 gi9xv Any person y1 att my Qf tho p viol of � fir° s of Mo OrdWnof s it upon a viation b oar p�� b a fine not oxoo ir4g s drad D*Uw � � loo. . o� y iw p�►io�t fer t >ore then ni ( ayeo 300tiOn J, TIEVOCATION OV L FNSZ. in the svOnt tiffs c F * tho City -C oil may r Qke his iioo>seo Seetion $� . rtio 3*1 and 36)4+x" of the tat Paul L#Xilf lattve Q'Qde ,pe�iu to the takki t lnki "a>� or a�iai of p t�P and prov fl�� a ��►a+1��ts rt � Seed Z`I~►ie 0 a shall be d09"d part Of tbo S.e lut .haul Logislativo an iii b* idoorppra rd thoroiu ald ,$Lv ru m appropriate tsar wmbor #Wdr e+otit mabor at the tine of tbo next rs taim of the said Leglelntltvo Cede* a0010 100 Thit :,�d * 11e Y1r' dia>d be 4114 rgenoy �'"dinance 17 e_ �e�esa ' for t Proso, vea.R tion of t lio pancol, alth rind saroty* Section 11s This a 14 force frm and after its Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) City Clerk 116 -60 °s e Owl take of tent MA 'be # appror►`alt and VUM1,*xU00# Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst _ 20121 {n= ate _ ersot X11.- on$ago ire the te�0i +��i Q�' vg or olio t .n ; t t�kirig ? selling Of Induotry, oroduote fro* house to houl�ee. i,ther or I oA or : fir �tolaphofte or - c ®z�ate in to,grsphlc� stun. nr indet xsr to do "bu49.n+�s, r�#thix t&e •oo rate Itatts of the City 6f Saint'Pau1,:. . l ri h*ut first socuri ; o, ivez ca f c' t t ia�, ty C arki. t in e+acordarioa vith the provipku6.ht3r�oi�f v ,r "�►pp .icenx for : ifi 1ive o' to ongalra in such bmsiness oe horain- definedo ihall i'i- file. with the City Clark 6 writtenoapplioaticn for suoh license on. n fora to be providedt,,+ ,tatirg the name ana , hom and •'business: addressor , the apPli,- cant the length of, time the applicant ham. boon a r�esiaint , the City of Saint $_jjUlo the oaloe and dddras r of the pe et #,' firm v aorporbtion. whiob ho I, repireselntat a staton6itt as to tide pr riestortship of l the 'busirisosi they address vhero the aklogi finishlY160 coloring- or sularging, of portrait tograpb4 will be dons7td tTaeird►pot4d method of eliveryt; and 'whether _fir not , the aplioant her ov r been_ a�ri +ostsd or + onvioted i'�r �vL ion Or any ie+enae- law or aregulatign td If so Wh0n- a04 w. re# -' .l�0 11oOnea ;shall he grantod unt3.,; the ral . o araoter• +of the applicant. ha ,4_ been , 9:x�veestigated an the ap .livation rtes 10e4n appr6y6d by tho City` Lio $a Innpootor •tend tho Chiat of P +olioe -. a4d .'no 11oa 4e � shall "be. - i��ued witb4ut ouoh approva �; iaenso ve# a aunty license foie.for-. aid. - industrrtembe*e 0.0tsptl,ait egged in the Ole- of todustry prodgats shall Ntr y i�ollars _ : 030.« and SWI 'Pe payable t r each ,deparat�e �► . plaab of business ,operated h licaniia# IM4 - amual Uoe o :60 for soli_ a for - who pork only as ege'At�t; for .others f, and v'ho! do .. have their qxn place of 'business : shall" Twenty X11 �� i $�r��00i � Vie► W loetse- shall be a.�spign'ble - - - Section 4# BOND:* • ref ore th e isav no# of any license as provided heroin the appli - ant for z6ld liaeuse � thall exeautd and deliver t .0 City Berk, a t ai in. the s of {one Y ►00nd Doilars_ ( 1 *00000) runner tta the City of - nt. 'Pau l- # $uoh tad sh6 l bo. o *Ittoned 'upon the satala�. I of final deltvary of the .goods ordore d-, or terviots . to he Dar" formed in a oordana4 with , tho te7ris - of r suoh +odder to tiny person doing -businenx with said lioeusget ;or fik-JIlng therotnw that" any g_dvano0,, ay.ment, on siuoh order. bo r�fr� as44 it s 7 she�1 further 'bs conaitiorted -upon the � ��� �� s1i: da4u os age .81t6d. ony person y x�e, tQn of fraud, - ` or vierepro ai%tatiod Of the 1.�.00t�soe or. a f�s o$enta Or aorvaUto# AxW psx'sf injured' or AmM& I � the aat stay indtiatrg members - ;inalUding' any Soli, tmrt, shall rt have- a right of a6tidn ou the, bond for ryohalvl�� very of Zonoya f damogos, or. bath, Seatlon � PROHIBITED ACTg #, un-. ]awra rox . a ioduat ` l Mber or solioit 'r -kn+�t�. 33` to lAske or 0nu$0 to be do . any faloot fit tloUs Or trauduiant . stater t .-or repraebutat oar . elthor car 1sr• ±fir iu` vrttiug #, ooxl¢!kl'Xiing a, y of 't)vo t+o,11 In- a ; zan,ahip# prioe�or�Urmdi i s indhu,storkpr * tot ;. b* 'The sipor iouoo or o tena,r br tho �..n% cunt m r.. or his.p�aeoa tx tho tsk 4,4g or prooesslug Or vortraost o; The eijUipment and foo iities usid. by tho - iufuiitry mopbor _iii tho taking . r praoosxing of portraitst 4f., The naturo # . typo, txt zit Or volvt w of his - buoinoso o Tho vise or reputat ft �,3i` %Sid rksiuelhsl f. Skis 1aoolftess otatua or affiiiQ i . &0 'rho traintrigv 0 ally; t� ropqtatioxv of him- se3f eri i ,t7t' :his Q3:t�oe. - �i fie 10mbex`ehip in . raft aseroo ations. photo. grapiaia ai�eo 9.at .er i ,or l t $I. or art seoft aha ; i. the quip�eut ark ethods ' usod by him in the t4b* flr orooesai or pho egropust Ris :.i as of photogriLphe In exhihitd a►r ton- = tooto; - k'i The ddw'�ptiou* v. iue bra limitation or and 1 � The. �dogorip t1,6n +or r�! of an soweal iad gift l kr 2 -01218 -12 - Section 3. LICENSES. a. No person shall engage in the business of taking, sel ing or soliciting the taking or selling of industry roducts from house to house, either in person or by telephone, or operate a photographic studio as an ndustry member to do business within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, without first securing a license from the City Clerk, in accordance ith the provisions hereof. b. Every 'pplicant for a license to engage in such business as herein defined, shall first file with the Ci y Clerk a written-.application for such license on a form to be provided, stating the name and home and business addresses of the appli- cant, the length time the applicant has been a resident of the Ci y of Saint Paul, the name and address of the per on, firm or corporation which he represents, a state ent as to the proprietorship of the business, the a ress where the taking, finishing, coloring or enlargin� of portrait photographs will be done and the proposed method of delivery, and whether or not the app�licant has ever been arrested or convicted for violation of any license law or regulation and, if so, when and where. No license shall be granted until he moral character of the applicant has been inve tigated and the application has been approved by the City License Inspector and the Chief of P olice, andlno license shall be issued without such approval. c. License Fee. The annual license fee-for all industry members, except solicitors, engaged in the sale of industry products shall be Thirty Dollars ($30.00), and shall be payab�e for each separate place of business operated by such licensee. The annual license fee for solicitors who work only as agents for others, and who do not have their own place of business shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00). No license shall be assignable. Section 4. BOND. Before the issuance of any license as provided herein, the applicant for said license shall execute and deliver to the City Clerk a bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), xunning to the City of Saint Paul. Such bond shall be conditioned upon the making of final delivery of the goods ordered or services to be per- formed in accordance with the terms of such\order to any person doing business with said licensee, or, failing therein, i 2U28 MM that any ad nce payment on such order be refunded. It shall furthe be conditioned upon the payment of all damages susta ed by any person by reason of any fraud or misrepresen ation of the licensee or any of his agents or servants. A.y person injured or damaged by the act of any industry member, including any solicitor, shall have a right of ction on the bond for recovery of moneys, damages or both. Section . PROHIBITED ACTS. It shall be un- lawful for any indu try member or solicitor knowingly to make or cause to be made any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation, either orally or in writing, concerning any of the following: a. The size, quality, kind of finish, work- manship, price or terms of sale of any industry prod- uct; 1 b. The experience or competency of the in- dustry member or his employees in the taking or processing of portr` its; c. The equipment and facilities used by the industry member in the taking or processing of portraits; d. The nature, type, extent or volume of his business; e. The size or reputation of his business; f. His business status or affiliation; g. The training, skill or reputation of him- self or any of his employees; h. His membership in \trade associations, photo- graphic associations or clubs, or art associations; i. The equipment and taking or processing of pho J. His use of photograph tests; k. The description, value so- called coupon; ds used by him in the phs; in exhibits or con- limitation or any 1. The description or value of any so- called gift; l 1 PHOTOGRAPHER 1709 WELLESLEY AVENUE MLdway 9 -7105 April 29 1961 St. Paul City Council Gentlemen: Regarding the proposed Photographers' Ordinance. SAINT PAUL 5, MINNESOTA There are a few important points I would like to make as a photographer and member of the Chamber of Commerce. My position is unbiased, as my studio is held to a professional level; neither advertising -or soliciting business. Much of my business is making charcoal and pastel portraits from photographs.- May I quote from the book... PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE THAW by Chernoff and Sarbin published by Amphoto, New York "licensing of- photographers has been declared illegal as an attempt by some photographers to keep others from practicing their trade. The basis on which licensing statutes were invalidated was that such statutes are an unconstitutional encroachment upon the liberty of a citizen to choose and pursue an innocent occupation, it being beyond the police power of the state to regulate the practice of a trade which is harmless and without detriment to public welfare." Recently such statutes were found to be unconstitutional by the courts of New York and Montana. In general it can be said that we can,all make a good living from our work, if we can provide real quality. Such.a law would provide hardship to some far in excess of the question- able effect it may have on some of the evils in the business. To cite a few examples: - The youngster, working his way through school, doing in some cases, a high grade business. Photographers working for large companies such as Brown & Bigelow, =f The newspapers, etc., who may have a need to augment their income. LMAA"Chwo PHOTOGRAPHER 1709 WELLESLEY AVENUE SAINT PAUL 5, MINNESOTA M1 ducy 9 -7105 The teacher of photography in high school or college often has a need to do work "on his own ". and... what of the photographer not involved in the general studio type operation such as, the freelance magazine photographer, writer, the litho plate maker, the photo- ' grapher working through a picture or advertising agency, etc. In conclusion, my personal opinion is that an attempt to regulate or restrict any of the artistic professions is a dastardly thing, and the instigators of such a selfish move should be-made to see the errors of their ways. S ncerely yours, Leo A. Simmer ` � t - 2 - Section 3. LICENSES. a. No person shall engage in the business of taking, selling or soliciting the taking or selling of industry products from house to house, either in person or by telephone, or operate a photographic studio as an industry member to do business within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, without first securing a license from the City Clerk, in accordance with the provisions hereof. b. Every applicant for a license to engage in such business as herein defined, shall first file with the City Clerk a written-application for such license on a Dorm to be provided, stating the name and home and business addresses of the appli- cant, the length of time the applicant has been a resident of the City of Saint Paul, the name and address of the person, firm or corporation which he represents, a statement as to the proprietorship of the business, the address where the taking, finishing, coloring or enlarging of portrait photographs will be done and the proposed method of delivery, and whether or not the applicant has ever been arrested or convicted for violation of any license law or regulation and, if so, when and where. No license shall be granted until the moral character of the applicant has been investigated and the application has been approved by the City License Inspector and the Chief of Police, and no license shall be issued without such approval. c. License Fee. The annual license fee.for all industry members, except solicitors, engaged in the sale of industry products shall be Thirty Dollars (30.00), and shall be payable for each separate place of business operated by such licensee. The annual license fee for solicitors who work only as agents'for others, and who do not have their own place of business shall be Twenty Dollars ($20.00). No license shall be assignable. Section 4. BOND. Before the issuance of any license as provided herein, the applicant for said license shall execute and deliver to the City Clerk a bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), running to the City of Saint Paul. Such bond shall be conditioned upon the making of final delivery of the goods ordered or services to be per- formed in accordance with the terms of such order to any person doing business with said licensee, or failing therein, f MM - 3 - that any advance payment•on such order be refunded. It shall further be conditioned upon the payment of all damages sustained by any person by reason of any fraud or misrepresentation of the licensee or any of his agents or servants. Any person injured or damaged by the act of any ludustry member, including any solicitor, shall have a right of action on the bond for recovery of moneys, damages or both. Section 5. PROHIBITED ACTS. It shall be un- ]awful for any industry member 'or solicitor knowingly to make or cause to be made any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation, either orally or in writing, concerning any of the followings a. The size, quality, kind of finish, work- manship, price or terms of sale of any industry prod- uct; b. The experience or competency of the in- dustry member or his employees in the taking or processing of portraits; c. The equipment and facilities used by the industry member in the taking or processing of portraits; d. The nature, type, extent or volume of his business; e. The size or reputation of his business; f. His business status or affiliation; g. The training, skill or reputation of him- self or any of his employees; h. His membership in trade associations, photo- graphic associations or clubs, or art associations; I. The equipment and methods used by him in the taking or processing of photographs; J. His use of photographs in exhibits or con- tests; k. The description, value or limitation or any so- called coupon; 1. The description or value of any so- called gift; At r� ONE -DAY JAY P. O'CONNOR CA. 2.7127 ABSTRACT SERVICE COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK CA. 4-4612 - Ex. 200 Adopted by the Council 79 VYeas Nays — DeCOURCY HOLLAND JD }� LOSS \ MORTINSON PETERSON c�c�r�11 'S U `J V ROSEN MR. PRESIDENT (VAVOULIS) 8 to a 7 d r \ y O r� I