20115519 r i o. 20155 /' q__:� An ordinance regulating installation and maintenance of litter containers or rubbish containers on the public streets and highways within the City of Saint Paul and. requiring permits therefor. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, install or maintain any litter container or rubbish container on any of the public streets and highways therein without first obtaining a permit so to do as hereinafter provided. It Sec. 26 Every person, firm or corporation desiring to obtain a permit to maintain a rubbish or litter container on any street or highway shall make application therefor to the mi commissioner of public corks of said city, and such application shall state the proposed location of such containers and shall be made in such form as prescribed by the Commissioner of public Works. Sec. 3. The application form shall provide that the appli- cant agrees to accept and be bound by all of the terms, condi- tions and provisions of this ordinance, and if accepted by the 8ommissioner of;,public Works and a permit be issued based upon such application; "said permit shall be subject to the following terms and condi "eons : a'. The permittee will furnish and install such litter 1 container or containers at his own expense, and such containers shall be of size, shape and dimen- sions acceptable to the Com ' sioner_of° "public - works. b. The permittee shall main ain and keep such containers at the outer edge of the �public_..,sidewalk unless otherwise directed by the Commissi, oner of public works. L Q The permittee shall maintain such containers in an orderly condition at locations approved by the com- < missioner of public works, and in the event it r•i becomes necessary to remove a container or containers from an Approved location, the permittee shall leave 41 or cause to be-left such location or locations'in a condition of neatness and good repair, free from surface irregularities or other hazards. d..,,The permittee shall be required to move any such 'container or containers at once whenever ordered to do so by the Commissioner of public works and Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: lu 5 -s0 s City Clerk Passed by the Council _ Approved: i Mayor Tn Favor A gainst Original do City Clerk !Council File No. 201155 —Ordin eanc No.i An in Milton Rosen— O I N J An regulating installation or ordinance and maintenance of litter containers' for rubbish containers on the public ' and highways within the City of Saint Paul and , requiring permits lance streets therefor. This is• an emergency ordi- rendered necessary for the prth PRESENTED BY servation of the public peace, health and, safety. _ The Council of the City of Saint Paul' DpeR • ordain: 19 r i o. 20155 /' q__:� An ordinance regulating installation and maintenance of litter containers or rubbish containers on the public streets and highways within the City of Saint Paul and. requiring permits therefor. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, install or maintain any litter container or rubbish container on any of the public streets and highways therein without first obtaining a permit so to do as hereinafter provided. It Sec. 26 Every person, firm or corporation desiring to obtain a permit to maintain a rubbish or litter container on any street or highway shall make application therefor to the mi commissioner of public corks of said city, and such application shall state the proposed location of such containers and shall be made in such form as prescribed by the Commissioner of public Works. Sec. 3. The application form shall provide that the appli- cant agrees to accept and be bound by all of the terms, condi- tions and provisions of this ordinance, and if accepted by the 8ommissioner of;,public Works and a permit be issued based upon such application; "said permit shall be subject to the following terms and condi "eons : a'. The permittee will furnish and install such litter 1 container or containers at his own expense, and such containers shall be of size, shape and dimen- sions acceptable to the Com ' sioner_of° "public - works. b. The permittee shall main ain and keep such containers at the outer edge of the �public_..,sidewalk unless otherwise directed by the Commissi, oner of public works. L Q The permittee shall maintain such containers in an orderly condition at locations approved by the com- < missioner of public works, and in the event it r•i becomes necessary to remove a container or containers from an Approved location, the permittee shall leave 41 or cause to be-left such location or locations'in a condition of neatness and good repair, free from surface irregularities or other hazards. d..,,The permittee shall be required to move any such 'container or containers at once whenever ordered to do so by the Commissioner of public works and Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: lu 5 -s0 s City Clerk Passed by the Council _ Approved: i Mayor Tn Favor A gainst Page 2. 201115 to remove all of the containers whenever the permit therefor has been cancelled. e. The permittee shall at his or its own expense remove litter and other contents of such con- tainers at reasonable times, which shall be at least once every three days and more frequently should circumstances require at specific locations. f. The permittee shall be permitted to inscribe on the exterior surface of such containers advertising sold by said permittee, providing such advertising be acceptable to the Commissioner of Public works. g. The permittee shall bear all expense for the instal- lation, maintenance and removal of any,such container or containers as.well as any expense necessary to restore any location or locations to a condition of neatness and good repair. Sec. 4. Wherever applications are made by more than one applicant for the same location, the 6ommissioner of Public works shall report that fact to the city Council at the time of making his recommendation hereinafter provided for. Sec. 5. The Commissioner of Public works shall examine or cause to be examined, the proposed location of each and every site or,-,sites for such containers, and if satisfied that the maintenance of a container or containers at such proposed site or sites will not constitute a serious hazard or obstruction to traffic, shall refer the application to the City council together,,,nvith his recommendation whether such permit should or should not be granted, and thereafter the council shall by resolution grant or deny the permit or permits sought, and if granted, shall instruct the Commissioner of ;Public works to issue such permit._ Sec. 6. The permittee shall furnish policy of public liability insurance to the City of Saint Paul with the City of Saint Paul named as a joint or co- insured under the pro- visions of such policy, which policy of insurance shall specify as minimum amounts of such public liability coverage a. bodily4ainjury insurance including death in an amount -of not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars, ($100,000) for damages arising out of bodily injury-to or death of one person, and subject to the.same limit for each person in a total amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) on account of any one accident; b. property damage insurance in an amount of not less than Twenty -five Thousand Dollars ($259000) for all damages or destruction of property in any one accident and subject to a total of not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) for all damages to or destruction of property during the policy period; c. Such policy of insurance shall provide that the same shall be non - cancellable except upon ten days' written notice given to the city next prior to such cancellation date. O¢Einal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE Page 3. COUNCIL FILE NO. 011155 ORDINANCE NO. � Sec. 7. The permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each container location applied for, provided that where application is made for more than one container location, such bond shall be deemed to cover all such locations for which a permit or permits are given. Each bond shall be conditioned to save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all liability, judgments, damages or expense that may arise or grow out of the installation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of such container or containers and shall include the obligation on the part of the permittee to save harmless and indemnify the City against any loss occasioned by the city, its officers or employees, arising out of neglect on the part of the city, its officers or employees, through neglect with respect to supervision of the installation, maintenance, use or removal of such containers or failure to take precautions with respect to such installations or restoration of an area after removal of any such container. Such bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Zorporation Gbunsel and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Pinance of said city. Until such bond has been approved -by the Corporation Counsel and the Commissioner of Finance, no permit herein provided• for shall be granted by the Council. Sec. 8. All by the CDuncil at issued hereunder permits granted hereunder may be revoked ' any time in its discretion, and all permits are subject to !this provision.' Sec. 9. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary,,-y; ' -, for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,,'' Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be -in. force � from and after its passage, approval and publication.-_* Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Los-Afartinson —• D Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 5 -00 8 Passed by the Co cil APR 5 1981 -In Favor D A gainst Approve APR 5 01 ____7&ZL ' Mayor PUBLISHED Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 201 -155 PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance regulating installation and maintenance of litter containers or rubbish containers on the public streets and highways within the City of Saint Paul and requiring permits therefor. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, f irm or corporation shall, within the limits of the City of Saint Paul, install or maintain any litter container or rubbish container on any of the public streets and highways therein without first obtaining a permit so to do as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Every person, firm or corporation desiring to obtain a permit to maintain a rubbish or litter container on any street or highway shall make application therefor to the commissioner of public works of said city, and such application shall state the proposed location of such containers and shall be made in such form as prescribed by the commissioner of public works. Sec. 3. The application f arm shall provide that the appli- cant agrees to accept and be bound by all of the terms, condi- tions and provisions of this ordinance, and if accepted by the commissioner of public works and a permit be issued based upon such application, said permit shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The permittee will furnish and install such litter container or containers at his own expense, and such containers shall be of size, shape and dimen- sions acceptable to,the commissioner of public works. b. The permittee shall maintain and keep such containers at the outer edge of the public sidewalk unless otherwise directed by the commissioner of public works. c. The permittee shall,maintain such containers in an orderly condition at locations approved by the com- missioner of public works, and in the event it becomes necessary to remove a container or containers from an approved location, the permittee shall leave or cause to be left such location or locations in a condition of neatne s and good repair, free from surface irregularities or other hazards. d. The permittee shall;be required to move any such container or containers at once whenever ordered to do so by the commissioner of public works and Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) t Attest )VI _ ity Clerk 1M 5-60 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against ' :r .1 - ,F \ �`. ,r` ' + ,•, '''' T •• i.,�`i °• - •1 -, -.ter' -'I Y'• ! •r-... '� ^�' ` ' - 'S' h � ~, 4. j, ._ ,' •. 1 _Y, t IIY 1. • Y� ^•il `to.. remove. a 11 'o f,: the • containers 5whe►never tYaep'aiini.t „theref ©r;,,he$ :been: cancelled „ `• _' - 1, ":' The p- etmit`ti ' � al_l ..at h,is or .its owh ,expe ise ._ :;remQve� litter; 'and' other'' Gonter�ts ;of, such ,con- f tasiner.s- at- reasonable timeas; -_ whic'h its �11 be At ,. t " c every, ' .three, da. $and more "frequently`` '4 leash on a, yy ,•� ^ • ' - • shout. &. circutnetance$ 'raquire at specif ic:' locations itte® .shall' 'be- petmitted to inscribe on�'. ` the extbrior surface' of such'• cont•ners `advertising t ' -. ,, .`5~• 'sole ..h °y d.- per..mittee, providing s'uch"'_advertiai,ng : be a ceptabla' to` the �co�>mi.ssioner of 'public woks ;lr. t `, ," • } .. \ ` r' ` .'',,.`'K' d<', .:•.,',k •'i ,, �' 1 - _ • / ' . , �' ' '. ;' i •. , . d _.._ it ''''• S .. -9: T`he= permittee sha'11- boar a1T expense' f`or "the- instal- cation;- :`rn'aintenance' and re�nova'l' of -:any such co+htakner. or 'containers.° as` ,well' `as any; expense necessary to -' _ �'•'tirestore ?�y , location•,o jocations to a condition of > neatnes s-r-and 'good tepa'ir; ,, .: ' . `, =• . r '' - - Sec..;4.; -` wherever;'.applicatians' are -made' by :more than one t' { 'applicant for the�asme:.`locati:on; the commiasiorier''o# public ;• J' . ' +forks eha11 +report, 'that' : #a:ct ,- to,; they 'city, caunc it at', the time' • of 'making, ='raeotnmerdation-here_ : of er` provid ed f'or, ., - .�.• 5 • i,y :may .' =• r °. •'• ' ,.i S ' _ \.4.'. l''" ' •' 4.•F' '' '. .•' 1 of public '• .. ." .. -. sha .. .. •_ #•. `• '`_ . •y $ ' - •t •-' • /k s .. . oommission6i. } works, ll • examine " . or•:;cauae',:to; be examined :ahe proposed 166a•tion "'o# each and.: >every` =si.t.evor s.i.te$for.s.uch'•cor�tainers, <ard if satisfied•, that he'mafhf,' nance� :of,•a '{coritai.r�er .or containers' at proposed.- site`�or` -: °sites:, 41.1'lanot' constitute- -a- ,serious' haz'ard's or obstructon,to traffic ;._:shelf "refer the application to the c'ity: cQun i]. ''toga h :u�t h, nd *h ether, such L =• " c t ei i his' :ricomnie atio n aNr i s - :1 permit should -� -or should: ;'nQt be ,'granted', and thireAf t.er the - "s council. 'shall Icy 'resglut.,ori grant. or',deny.: the- 'pevmit or pe inits° sought ;y ,end, ±if,�$rar�ted,':4shali - instinct• .the. omm s.41oner of�`' ". publw.orks.to ia>sue�uch' ermit. .. -_ Sec. 6. The permiitee'Ahaaif .f urniSh policy.•of ,public. .; '' lieb`ility; insurance, i�,o the' "City .of' Saint Paul °;with• th.e City--;1. +- ' of 'Sai'nt' Paul'; Hamad aye 'a: jai nt, or' co- insured- under 'the' 'pro -:. - - �risioras -of. such pplicy ;,_•which :po13: X . Qf insur4nee shill, spaeify. as min3i ainourits ";of .-such',public liability coverage. a.. :badily-'i jury' - insurance i'rtc'LunQ cfeath,'_1..n an '_amount -'cif. not ° less thah,Qrie' �uindred T ioussnd ` �`� F Dollars . ;. iorr_damage.s `arising. ;out of 14, _ `„ bodiljr, njur to or }death' ofL;on® ieicson, .and Y:... pp subject .to' the same peach. persbri In ` total) �auiount` of not'' less 'than `Three :Hundred . J Thousa'r��}` Doilas` '($300; 000 - _Qn,sccount" of one ac ident; :: °.. �• , _ _ 't' ''; : b; property {damage'4hsurancez'In,'ari do6unt =`:of not less - t an Twenty = five' "Thousand Dollar`s' r(i2b400) f or,`al�', �dimagesv 'r destruction` of. propert in • " �= ' ` , ° a.ny ode' accident and `'sub,j act r to a .total -of not a :f: 'leas -than pif -t Thousand :Dcsllars" {,$°i0; 000.} f,or.. fY:: z�11•' d Magus to, or -destruction of l property • daring ` • . r the p�l cy period ,,!policy _ of - ins•urainc.e' ..shiil provide that th`e :same, shall be,'hon - cancellable -'except 'upon, ten days � -'' wriaten' not ce given• to th.e: city next° prior to such..cancellat3.on r. Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE . X01155 COUNCIL FILE NC PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 3. Sec. 7. The permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each container location applied for, provided that where application is made for more than one container location, such bond shall be deemed to cover all such locations for which a permit or permits ate given. Each bond shall be conditioned to save the City of Saint Paul harmless from all liability, judgments, damages or expense that may arise or grow out of the installation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of such container or containers and shall include the obligation on the part of the permittee to save harmless and indemnify the City against any loss occasioned by the city, its officers or employees, arising out of neglect on the part of the city, its officers or employees, through neglect with respect to supervision of the installation, maintenance, use or removal of such containers or failure to take precautions with respect to such installations or restoration of an area after removal of any such container. Such bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the corporation counsel and shall have such suret y. as may be satisfactory to the commissioner of finance of said city. Until such bond has been approved by the corporation counsel and the commissioner of finance, no permit herein provided for shall be granted by the council. V Sec. 8. All permits granted hereunder may be revoked sP by the council at any time in its discretion, and all permits issued hereunder are subject to '.this provision. Sec. 9. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of:the public peace, health and safety. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. 5 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the i /� �ncil APR 198f DeCourcy Holland Loss -In Favor Peterson Against Rosen AQR •s Mr. President (Vavo`lis) A PP roved: r City Clerk Mayor IM s -so s r o9 e ;uappaid -jw sllnoes.& ;uapisaid -JW uasog uasog BAUM sea.& BAUM seaA ajdopy dd pus pig / Z � uZ osaa3ad uosialad on MUN /'001 uosutljow ssoZ ssoj 'uelloH PuelloH anooaa SainoaaQ BAUM sea.& BAUM seaA ajdopy dd pus pig / Z � uZ