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v d l 1 Council File No. 202382— In the matter of condemning and taking a permanent easement 20.0 feet In width for the purpose of construct- Ing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, and across a strip of land 20.0 feet in width in the Southeast % of the Southeast 1,4 of Sec. 34, T -29, R -22, the centerline of said easement being 870.0 feet west of the Centerline of White Bear Avenue as measured along the centerline of Burns Ave-fi.�� r " right angles to said c¢' iil7l1V Cillia[I�v,' OA INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking 20232 NO. a permanent easement 20..0 feet, in width_ for the purpose, of con -t u iiag. d _ _ ... tit_ #� � h��.`�f ,� ,.. + main taining a `public - sewer on, under,. and across a strip ,of,, l,.�ndj �Q:, 0,feet 34. ;= ir�width in the Southeast 1/4 of, the, Soiztheast'1/�+ -of Sec'.;�`�T- �2��= 22,'`_ the centerline' of.:_said easement.-being 6%. -0 - fee't�,west`of the centerline' of White Bear Avenue as measured along the centerline 0f Burns Avenuie_ and at right angles to said centerline of Burns Avenue beginning at a point that is op,, the .north roperty line ,of6 ,Burns Avenue and to a.point it is 59o.0'�f�eet Under Fg_gYbin t pfigr sL t224 r- abvroven mat r 9 2- _ nortih of the o"rth property 1i rie of"°Bu�ris Avenue . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanue upon the zAlso,ir ctoSdemnixig talidhtaki ngxastemporata .egseigehtr<dvei7cao ?strip of land 10., feet in width, excepting buildings for p see of� constructin ubiic•• qh1 tM1B.p'tl rr±rl�„�t A�`CF Lh� R,+ tA nr��r +fir �c►nx ,�et1 � �1ui' Po and tn,% FUige 1PniJTtrvu Yiellt i, heIPhv r's" , sai d�t�emporarytn eas�e�� li being easterltik of a�ld adjacent to the above, . described per>i'anent ea "semei�`t; said temporary construction easement to expire one �,(.1') ¢yeaT+{l;a 'te ' rcorpplet qn Qf~t tMe=�sewerL,une,] rc,:'Om l r:;?s :ai to c:�r_d° d take Also, condemning and taking a, temporary easement over a strip of land 10.Otfeet in width, excepting buildings, for purposes of constructing public sewers., said temporary, easement�`being westerly of and adjacent to the above dperibed� permanent easementai said t6m or�ryweasement1to -expir'e} one (l) year after'�d ' ldtio IA" n.:of, the- sieve"r.- - k? f'�" C° `'- "' 'F- ='. v" .S`a a e�i a- I• .�Oo 3�.ti .y yy�},,./. �+���.�yyy{a ��F { h� jQ y,�,J:�. /�; *:. X y�;,`_, V-10. Ci YJ.it *l „{x.7.1115 t I� aU a a_-- om�1.�'1..4 4__�.Lno �lV t0 f # r d'!. t` •1•- 'C .y� _ _ _ 1_"i.'JL vc� -4+_ C Liw_ IFS 4 `.L`�..e.�:':.�f o1 Wlii�e Bear Avenue -as measured along, the centerline of Burns right angles to said centerline of w.ris,Avenue beginning at a point that is' on the north ne. s ve tolae]'0141s that is 590.0 feet I__nc►_ ��tPr�at;ves. Ar. tit tih�'t zFie . es�+.af'ma-ri:�" Aso �ttec2"F� .• - Resold sci :;r{deali a msingr�azt�c k hg`s c{ -ft6d easdffi€�h�eb�rap 16hes^trip o ?_1=d -day' of 10.0 f e 1dth, e2cdp i i u Zr' P,uz ?° s1l fC oi? t ct ng: p.VtbUeCourt sewe s is`4�1 porar ► eias� u� �asr'N 13t of �i�l' AJA9e't AgAb@ b09g ntice; of Iiou�e_�r��itbl�� ��l��ea��smen�� t' ��►ue. ra�eh,; � w_ said �a r rs n �n r e'rr T�ux�$��. alt ©4�r�ice of o' ey ea .' tft�'s cam letioon o uh wM.00st thereof as estimated. hearing, the atur ,.p one itnrrovemUni t;pu' �� u Also, aondemw.ng and taking a t6*orary easement over a, strip of land 10.0 feet in width, excepting buildings, for purposes of constructing public k i ise era., said temporary eassemar<t being westerly of and a� jaeent Uoftlhe' - 41;6x! CO a n&permanent .easement, said temporarA a �e o & l t C ?�_ G l).,.yea completion of -the sever. t�f Yeas App v Tn Favor. Mayor Acting _ gainst USEOEn