Council File No. 202318 —By' Robert F.
Peterson — George J. Vavoulis,
mayor —
Resolved, That the Council of the
City of Saint Paul hereby takes cog-
nizance of the pendency of proposed
legislation for enactment by the Min-
nesota Legislature which would pro-
vide for increased powers of the
Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary District,
amoregg other things permitting con -,
struction of facilities to treat sewage'
of territories and municipalities not
within the .boundaries of the district
to be Maid for by such territories and
mu�'a ^itiasrul permitting installa-
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
''hereby takes cognizance of the pendency of proposed legislation
for enactment by the Minnesota Legislature which would provide
for increased powers of the Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary
District, among other things permitting construction of
facilities to treat sewage of territories and municipalities
not within the boundaries of the district to be paid for by
such territories and municipalities, and permitting installa-
tion of sewage metering stations, such legislation being
encompassed in H.F. No. 236, entitled:
445.099 445.159 445.16 AND 445.17, SUBDIVISION 9.11
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of
Saint Paul hereby requests the legislature to enact and adopt
such legislation and respectfully requests the members of the
Ramsey County Delegation to support enactment into law of the
provisions of the aforesaid H.F. No. 236.
Yeas Nays
�wLl�nri _�
Rosen ,
Mr. President, Vavoulis
ISM 5.60 QP.2
Tn Favor
' ✓ Against
MAY 2 4 1MN
Adopted by the Council 19—
Approved MAY 2 4 I)
tra See'sion 1961
intro8aoed by Nosniak
may 12, 1961
Ref. tQ Come on W"
• :h;
He F. go- 236 ti
Companion '3.1ft „
Ref. to s. COM
SAAII'i'l�rY U7SiRTCT; !'a• ati'TtI.10 FJILI -Z OTA
8Tp TLjTL.S 1957 SBCTIO14S X5., SUB-
' DIVISION ho "5.09, 41'-5.35 055.16
AYD 445,17t -SMDTVISION go
section 1• ximeso',:a► statues 1957, Section 44545r Sub-
division 1+,0 is mended to reset
Subd. 4. Each ,t►rustue shall, be reizznbu-rsed, the actual and'
necessary oxpc=e incurre3 by bit in the poafor -u=o of his duty*
ruach trusteo shall recsive as compere 'sution for U's servicen the
a= of 425 ,E per diems t3r part thezaof0 spent in attendLIF,
meetings of the bourn, bat no s=h hasten shall reaelve more
than the ntua of 680 I O0 in =7 one 7esr, ezaept that the
trustee 4eleetod by the governor shall receive *aT509 *1 *826
per year.
Sec. 2.
amended to rej
poirers ♦psted
1►Linr�oaots Statutas 195410 Eeation 1 *009s is
The admit diatriat;; , 3.n a3d1tion to the other
in its is empo�.-argds
(Y) To rogulate and control the disaitprge of so- called
factory or industrial wastes into the jo34tly used sewors or
works of the sanitary diatrictj
(2) To gLuter Into eontraeto with the industry or industries
wastes for the puz -pose of determining Let a==t of
producing =
treatmanti that aaeh industry or industries shall give the wastes
}t tba point of origin, snd to eater intro eontracta with such
industry or industries providing for oharge.to be made annnnlly
or otherwise for the treatmsnt xhtch may be given euah VAste•
it the %arks of the sanitary district;
( ) To require say oeeupant of any industrial promises
inside or outside of the boundaries of any established nuniai-
pality Within the area of the sanitary district engaged $.n
• fly, f'
• � •.t'a�staarf or iud�is�s1 �ast;� diarsot�► er iedYsyst�lT
Into any ritnar, *me" - ditabo or otbw watww*r idthin ties �
b0=3& riss of tbs ssaitary distal st to disGontiasa such disatan*
• or oonstrat nm smogs di *"st1 pests or to so *bon&* or "bvlU
any outlet;, draia, •art save* as to allgbana %ho laotary ar
indwtrw Paste into S*Wen of svah aaaiaipauty or into. sutth
iritweeptln srw x ss mV' be •atabZisbsd 1'i* the sadtn7 district
vn such reg utUck as taro saaI" district mq deteradnos
c i TO VAft*. 0OW024900, and mtaora• shah ar.t ►bl. rules
and rigulatims for the xopsrvislem* p"test am+imamti+ cad
uss at ay systm of 3oUtlt ywd futo"sptlma **war* and tv4mt w
w"t and dimposal Yorks as it mw dem empedisnt# and such
rnntl Ums. shah press I.be the ubmw la vb4ah oonn"tians to
the JodntX7 used lutevesptbw amens sbal] be mde,r and mw
*QblLit d3sobargs Into i'i+ass meows of any liquids or solid
sAUtf; deemed dotriam%4 to the say erw -e rt m or trsatrass�t
WA asposal vwrks of tba ssoitwy distristj w"
The board et- tMaU" cad tie gWwning beft k2§1gj
of may ssef*A NAM121nlitus or �W", ,Ww r .tirrrito. as!
adjaeant~ to tto s='tsrf distaist o►r t m figs R wios of
. o
msqp bT• agrowmate priT140 ib7 t�& t rftkwmnt and
dispoma . of the awn* at snth wm&OAp&aAt7 m, ioi» , ilss car
t FILiiv tloriees at the she tareatarat sad dispasal
works of the distrust; paralide i Vwt Ia tba ear ens the boav&
of tpostass bas unA tal as or owl =Awl srbs+ "ti7 omtraot oar
eUMMULssi to � � "O .....,. ...�5 s
rs muc eri,�ano' *a" mi"ki, at RM _, C WAm,_,_s
• treats=- and disaaaa3as at tba 40"0 of ,� tsarsitoaT ac
NMI ip mut7 not. inslv&d vitma tbs SONA49r,44 of . moth dis""to
sum i ritory or ==J61,pr' lu r &ball m the Mtiri wait at any
ve"g! OOU**tU*# tteA . *pA di works- isid -malusiTay
by :Lt O" of gosh �� .O��ty'� at SoLit "twwmol r
• • V . .. • mot, i
l3Mc &. it] 4Z
H. F. VqR. 236 _
Page 3
sewers and treatnent and disposal works as may be naoeshary fort,
and the coat of operations xAin'teD once, and - repnix inavrred is
the conveying• pumping, treatmants and disposal of sewage trM
,suah territory not included within the botmdsrLos of nos U
districts esuch additloral Cost, , in�a -.uf ig r61AMRRt O-r eavit�
in any axiutin3 work to he determirndd by tLe beard of troAtees.
Like agroamnts may be =ado by ttz board of trIiAtees with
'United States govemzmts the state of Min ogrotas and with
- psrsoux, firms, ..1"t►itutionus or •aorporations b.aYing Plants
or iudustciw llooated ad jaoeat to tba tanittry district s
reaaonableaess of xrq rule and t% factual dote- MiAlUOUS Of
the board of trustoss gray be "TIOWed by thi distz -iot court
on application of aal ImniaipaUty oV person or aarp02ati02
aggrieved in the distriet.,.and
��.� �o aoauire recoZrt�rtt*stl operate and prpia�+ta'Ln s r-b
wbicr me &PLO —ttis 9044292
of nmaa»alie
anA- tai.•1 i}c�,, r�„ew
►rr .� - _.
I4irin a
i e
S t; pA MlbA. gggrjed
" ,
off i
t operation
a b
as a
o f
S of s+i o
di str �,t for tLgIr
eaui# �� .
3• Hinnes4ta statutes
1'Y57• Secttoas $1.35 i�
ammaod, to reads
All oonnta•watioa work and over-f puma or
equipmnVo suppliSO•or aata�iaL naaessary in carrying out the
purpasas of this chapters that -hall irmG1114 the Oacpendi.ture Ot
* &spQe 2 ns or r4ares tl�sll bo awarded b7 eantract, a etas
hereiwIteor provided. Betcr* rioasivtxgz bids under the- provisi.4ne of
this ohspter the board or trustees sba31 publidns once r week for
two •aonSeautive weeks is tbe• ofr.Wal hftsp& *.r of each city
in tba sancta" district a notioe that bids will be reosived
for such construction works Md/erc: sudh PW0ha8e of tq%4pnmts
• r
ormn: nJ A-b"
II. t. fog.
pace �
supplies, or materials, stating the nature of the uork and the
. tams and .conditions upon vbJLah the oontraet is to be let, naxd "g
therein a tins and place ire ouch bids `ill be received,
opened, and read puh]3Q1 , Bch t i+�i shall be not 1049 than
seven days aftor `fit' Us.; Ust publiaatiroiLo After such
bi4a, bars been duly' riooIVAd, dpt:�dd, and read publicly and
reoo7eded, the board of trustees, shall �ra
award such oontot to
the lowest respwwIbl• bidder, the board of trustees .rosorVing
the right to reject =q aa� al% MUP rich such contract to be
duly a muted in writing and the parson to wh*n the acmtxact is
awaraod abell give s'1M0irnt bond to the board far its faithful
perParm�oe.'', catisfaatory bid is received, the board may
retfterti8• ors -±y as affi�tive vote of five - save ttba of its
r. era. may sutlLori ze such saultary district to pertcr" sny
part or parts of any cons truatSon voak by day labor +weer such
conditions as. it may preaof.be. Tbo board of tr%usteee shall
have the right to set up reaaonablre 4%%% IC4tioes to dstormins
tlse fitness and responsibility of bidders# and to require bidders
to meet such quaiifieatioas before bi" noa aaaept ed by the
trustees, if tbs board of ' taastees, by an attirsaativo 40ta of
titre - sevenths au" its smboral, abed doolare that an emergency
azist4 requiring the Jumsdiate purabase of any sciuipmeut or
material or supplies at a cost in ezce4s of * &soggy 2 000 ixt
tee#- s�ces�dixg- �sQ6as• � qr alk3djogr of exsrgenay repairs,.
• it shall not be necessary- to jbdtrertiss for ))ids. but such Material,
equlyp ent. or ntpplies xay be' puraha4ed in tats open market at the
2most price obtein.abYe: or such emergency repairs may be ton-
tracted for or performed xitb►aut vacuring .torn a1 coq eti.titre bids.
�' s - 1�o- tindaarstoo d
Ax- saaaargease�yr'+ �• o"eu�ei�+d- i�#iis"s1�'erttri -► .
ie -��res es.. er .aea#itteao- �t�►- �eee�i- #a -tke
In elf. oontraets IMOITing the lxnt of lobo`-, the
board of trusties shall 9tip Ute and embody i%L the term thereof
N, 7t N99
Poo S .J
such conditions as ft'deans vessonable, as to the boors of labor,
wages and may stlipulatir'k�• `to 't•i ` resi•deRSae or ,i =kmen to be . .
I 1.v1s ('i11i1-4•.-; %.' -K1
Hands shall be • r+gvired • lroq► oomtaraatorn for any works of
aonstr=tim as prmided is ,and sub#eot to &U the WVVisioass of
sections 574..26 to 574.31•
Ses. .. ljinaamot & Statutes lam, ' Seatim WeIL6 is aumded
to 7r*ads
1M.1.6. Any sifay a thr fipst class oosPirising the
tani.tary district, may aamt:prtot, with any of its Adjacent
metal rMotionss institutions$,
pe SOns, or firms, for tho com*Ting, tnreatam mt, and disposal of
their swage and industrial. vaxt"A tL s»uh aaatracts to be
19U211 & 222=01 bi 20 MCA St t912e5 sa rata, elSect _ th-8
�enerai' obsoats end vuraoesa as se on W6 U..
Son. 5• JAI= sots Statub" 1957s, Beeti= W*i?, Sub -
divi•sim 9, is s marled to dada
Bubd. 9e She tot:s7. fiats ' iaaebtedasss for ail
purpose* m4ear this obmpt+r skaU not ""od ids- earl- tus -hairf
3 ,� pear
amt of tb& .asMss" velmti,om► of the usable real an4
Wman l propsrty With a that - 49ir"t, eaoelud'Us Buoy and
os+dltp• sad the taws 3sT"d st ab property of +AT
anmiaipaiit::► in any *" year shol] nst asses¢ 610 xi23a
mpan Vis *seamed valuat icao, thmeelt, saoalvsi" of t0 UXss it
mr be mWessary to 3AVVY to psi. vi griasipet 3.nittrss ooa any,
bmssds or s of the . !� is+lusr�d tt►ewrr
nadev the p Of U48 tea►• .
r •
St. Paul 2, Minn., j&W 5j 3 963
You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will
consider the matter of application, of -Bu:L3A&rs Exclmnge--of
St. 'PiAa" for permit to install And oyamte an 11 i:jr
Private parking lot on the SW corner o:� Aurora Ave. and
Farrington St.
-and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the
Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00
o'clock A.M. on Mpg 18, 1961
File 15306 Commissioner of Finance.
The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.