08-1244Council File # 6$ — �� �y
Green Sheet #3061255
Presented by
1 WHEREAS, adverse action was taken against the Restaurant (4) 51-150 Seats license held by Kim
2 Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine dibia Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine (License ID #20070001605) for the
3 premises located at 1644 University Avenue in Saint Paul by Notice of Violafion dated October 3, 2008,
4 alleging licensee did not pay the $825.00 penalty and correct two (2) Crifical-Major and two (2) Critical-
5 Minor Environmentai Health violations documented during an inspection on July 31, 2008; in violation of
6 Minnesota Administrative Rules part 4626.0395; 4626.0105 and 4626.1565; and
WHEREAS, licensee did not respond to the Notice of Violation to contest the allegation or pay the
$825.00 matrix penalty and conect the violations; and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Violation stated that if the licensee failed to contest the allegation or pay
the $825.00 matrix penalty and correct the violation by October 13, 2008, that the matter would be placed
on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Restaurant (4) 51-150 Seats license held by Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine
d/b/a Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine is hereby suspended and the licensee is ordered to pay a matrix
penalty of $825.00 for failure to correct two (2) Critical-Major and two (2) Critical-Minor Environmental
Health violations documented during an inspection on July 31, 2008. Payment of such penalty shall be
made within thirty days of the date of the adoption of this resolution.
Requested by Depar[ment of:
By: �
Adoption Certified by Co il Secretary
BY� // //li1/J�l"�/�il�Si�
Appro��;�b� ay . Date (/�Zl �D�
BY� >C/
Form Q�ppi ved by City Attomey
BY� .�a T,,
Form A ro b Mayor f u ission Council
Adopted by Council: Date ���/ 3% ��
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
)epartmenHOffice/Council: Dafelnitiated: I GCEen ShEG NO 3061255
S� _ Dept. of Safety 8 inspections Zct-pCT-0B
Confact Person & Phone:
Rachel Tiemey
Must Be on Cour
E-DxutnentRequired: Y
Document Contact: Julie Kraus
Contact Phone: 26&8776
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approval of the attached resolurion to take adverse ac6on against the Restaurant (4) 51-150 seats Iicense held by Kim Huoy Chor
Asian Ctixisine d(b(a Kim Huoy Chor Asian G�isine (License ID#2007Q�Q1605) for the premises located at 1664 University Avenue
West in St. Paul.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Commitlee
Civit Service Commission
Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following G3uestions:
7. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person7firm ever been a ciiy employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet antl aHach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Licensee failed to pay the $825.00 penalty or conect the two (Z) Cxitical -Major and two (2) Critical - Minor Environmental Health
violations documented during an inspecrion on 3uly 31, 2008. After norification, licensee did not respond to the Notice of Violaqon.
Advantages If Approved:
Impose $825.00 penalty and suspension of Restaurant (4) 51-150 seats license.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
DisativanWges If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Funding Source:
Fnancial Information:
October 28, 2008 2:08 PM
by (Date): , Number
CosURevenue Budgetetl:
Activity Numbee
Page 1
John J. Choi, CityABOmey
Chnstopher8. Coleman, Mayor
October 3, 2008
Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine
1664 University Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55104
RE: Restaurant (4) S1-150 seats license held by Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine d/b/a Kim
Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine for the premises located at 1664 University Avenue West in
Saint Paul
LicenseID #20070001605
Deaz SirlMadam:
The Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) will recommend adverse action against the
Restaurant (4) 51-I SO seats license held by Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine d/b/a Kim Huoy Chor Asian
Cuisine for the premises Iocated at 1664 University Avenue West in Saint Paul. The basis for the
recommendation is as follows:
On May 28, 2005, the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections (DSn - Environmental
Healt6 Division conducted an inspection of your establishment and cited you for
five (5) CRITICAI.-Major violations two of which included: 1) cold food not
maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less or 140 degrees Fahrenheit or more
and 2) the mechanical refrigeration equipment is holding potenrially hazardous
food at temperatures over 41 degrees Fahrenheit and seven (7) CRITICAL —
Minor violafions two of which included: 1) food service employees are not
following good Lygienic practices and 2) there is evidence of insects, rodents or
other pests on the premises.
On May 29, 2008, DSI sent you a Notice of New Critical Violations noting these
violations and stating they needed to be corrected by June 27, 2008. You were then
informed that a re-inspection would take ptace on or after June 27, 2Q08.
On 3uly 8, 2008, the Environmental Health Division conducted a re-inspection and
cited you for one CRI1'ICAL —Major violatian (cold foad not maintained at 41
degrees Fahrenheit or less) and one CRTPICAL — Minor violafion (there is
evideoce of insects, rodents or other pests on the premises) that had not been
corrected by June 27, 20U8.
CiviJ Division
400 City Hall
>5 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Te%phone � 657 2658710
Facsimile: 659 298-5679
Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer
Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisin,.
October 3, 2008 �pj- ( �y'�
Page 2
You were then sent a 2 Notice of Critical — Minor Violations noting that minor
viotation and stating it still needed to be corrected. You were then iaformed that
another r�inspection would take place on or after July 23, 2008.
On July 31, 2008, Environmenta] Health Division conducted anotherre-inspecfion
and again cited you for two (2) CRITICAI,-Major violaUons: 1) cold food not
maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less (west rail has cooked sweet & sour pork
at 98.5 degrees and east rail has cooked chicken at46 degrees) and 2} the mechanical
refrigeration equipment is holding potenfial3y Lazardous food at temperatures
over 41 degrees Fahrenheit (the prep rails in both prep coolers are holding food
above 41 degrees) and rivo (2) CRITICAL — Minor violations: 1) fuod service
empioyees are not foIiowing good hygienic pracHces (employees had open beverages
stored in severa! locations throughout the kitchen and prep area) and 2) tLere is
evidence of insects, rodents or otLer pests on the premises (rat droppings were
found in iwo locations in the basement).
These are all violafions of Minnesota Administrative Rules oart 4626 0395 which
states: "maintain all cold potentially hazardous foods at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or
below under mechanical refrigeration, ro prevent bactetial growth andlor toxin
production. ", Minnesota Administrative Rules uart 4626 0395 which states:
"provide adequate, approved mechanical refrigeration to maintain cold potentially
hazardous joods at 4I degrees Fahrenheit except during preparation, cooking or
cooling.'; Minnesota AdministraHve Rules uaK 4626 0105 which states:
"employees must not consume jood or beverages in food preparation or utensil
washing areas. Employees may use a closed beverage contained providing it is
handled to prevent contamination of the empZoyee's hands, the container, food, clean
eguipment, utensils linens and single-service or single-use articles.'; Minnesota
Administrative Rules nart 4b26.1565 which states: "erterminaterates and remove
all rat droppings from the food faciZfty. "
As per Saint Paul I.egislative Code §310.05 (m) (8), the licensing office will recommend a matrix penalry
of $825.00 for the four violations and suspension of your Restaurant (4) 51-I50 seats license until all the
violations have been corrected.
At this time, you have three options on how to proceed:
You will need to conect all the violations and pay the recommended $825.00 matrix penalty. If this
is your choice, please send the payment to the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) at 8
Fourth Street East, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1002 no later than Monday, October 13,
2008. Payment should be directed to the attention of Christine Rozek. A self-addressed envelope
is enclosed for your convenience. Payment of the penalty and conection of all the violation will be
considered a waiver of the hearing to which you aze entitled.
You.will also need to contact Kim Carlton. Environmental Health Suecialist at
(651) 266-9090 to schedule an insoection to verifv that all the violations have been corrected
Tf the violations have not been corrected the matter witl then be nlaced on the Council's
Consent Aeenda for susoension of vour Restaurant (4151-150 seats license
Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity EmploYer
Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuis�,.,,
October 3, 2008
Page 3
08-1 �4�
2. If you wish to admit the facts but contest the penalty, you may have a public hearing before the
Saint Paul CiTy Council, you wiil need to send me a ietter with a statement admitting the facts and
requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, Octo6er 13, 200$.
The matter will then be scheduled before the Ciry Council for a public hearing to determine
whether to impose the $825.00 matrix penalty and ]icense suspension. You will have an
opportunity to appear before the Counci] and make a statement on your own behalf.
3. If you dispute the above facts, you can request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. At
that hearing both you and the City will be able to appeaz and present wifiesses, evidence and cross-
examine each other's witnesses. The St. Paal City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is
your choice, please let me know later than Monday, October 13, 2008, and I will talce the
necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing.
If you have not contacted me by that date, I wil! assume that you are not contesting the
imposition of the $825.00 matrix penalty and suspension of your Restaurant (4) 51-150 seats license.
In that case, the matter will be placed on the Council's Coasent Agenda for approval of the
recommended penalty.
If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 26b-8710.
� �_
1 �,�
Rachel Tierney
Assistant City Attomey
cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of DSI
Bill Gunther, Environmental Health Nlanager
Vuthy Taing, 7109 Minnetonka Boulevard, St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Theresa Heiland, Exec. Director, Union Pazk Council, 1570 Concordia Avenue,
Ste. LL100, St. Paul, MI�3 55104
Affirmarive Action Equal Onnortunitv Emulover
, ss.
b��� a��
Julie Kraus, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on the 3` day of October, she
served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION by placing a true and correct copy
thereof in an envelope addressed as follows:
Kim Huoy Chor Asian Cuisine
1664 Universlty Avenue West
St. Paul, MN 55104
Vuthy Taing
7109 Minnetonka Boulevard
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Theresa Heiland, Exec. Director
Union Pazk Council
1570 Concordia Avenue, Ste. LL1Q0
St. Paui, MN 55104
(which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the
United States mail at St. Pau1, Minnesota.
1 � �
Julie Kraus
Subscribed and swom to before me
this 3` day of October, 2008
No� �. �-
ublic �
pCPIRES JAN. 37 . 2 O 1 0
o� �i a�u��{
DATE: . 08/15/08
TO: Christine Rozek
FROM: Bi(i Gunther �1��
RE: Kim Huoy Ghor Asian Cuisine
1664 University Ave W
Inspection Number: 08 111859
Inspection Date: 07/31/08
The Environmental Health Division conducted a re-inspection of the facility at
1664 University Ave W on 07/31f�8 and is recommending license adverse action
(Section 331A.i 1 of the Saint Pauf Legisiative Code). The food code violations iisted
below were noted as being uncorrected during re-inspections of the establishment.
Inspection reports are attached.
The following penalties are being recommended:
Violation 1 Severity: CRITICAL (Minor) Comply By: 06/27l08 Notice # 3
Food service employees are not foiiowing good hygienic practices. EMPLOYEES HAD
Employees must not consume food or beverages in food preparation or utensil washing
areas. Employees may use a closed beverage container providing it is handfed to prevent
contamination of the employee's hands, the container, food, clean equipment, utensils,
linens and singie-service or single-use articles. (MN 4626.Oi 05)
Violation 2 Severity: CRITIGAL (Minor)
Comply By: 06(27(08 Notice # 3
Page 1 of 3
c�-� a�u
There is evidence of insects, rodents, or other pests on the premises. RAT dROPPINGS
Exterminate rats and remove all rat droppings from the food facility. (MN 4826.1565)
Violation 3 Severity: CRITICAL (Major) Comply By: 06/27/08 Noiice # 3
Cold food not maintained at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less or 140 degrees or more.
Maintain a1f cold potentially hazardous foods at 4i degrees Fahrenheit or below under
mechanicaf refrigeration, to prevent bacferial growth andlor toxin production. (MN
Violation 4 Severity: CRITICAL (Ma}or) Comply By: 06l27l08 Notice # 3
The mechanical refrigeration equipment is hoiding potentiaily hazardous food at
temperatures over 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Provide adequate, approved mechanical refrigeration to maintain cold potentialiy
hazardous foods at 41 degrees Fahrenheit except during preparation, cooking or cooling.
(MN 4626.0395)
The penalties listed above were based on the food code penalty guideline and the
following mitigating or aggravating factors:
Potential for harm or imminent threat to pubfic heaith:
Emp{oyees who have an open beverage cup in the work area can contaminate their hands
while they are working and thus contaminate the fiood they are handling.
The presence of rat droppings indicates rodent activity which can contaminate food and
work surfaces. The droppings were in the basement and not in the kitchen which lessens
2 of 3
the potential but it is stili there.
�, �a� �
Extent of deviation from statutory or regulatory requirements:
The presence of rats droppings is more serious than mouse droppings since rats can do
more damage than mice and they should be easier to controf.
Degree of wilifulness or negligence:
The use of an open cup be the empfoyee is a management issue. It is the managers
responsibility to instruct and monitor the employees.
History of noncompliance or compliance;
This establishment has a large number of violations although there does appear to be
some attempt at correction.
Demonstration of good faith efforts to correct a violation:
it is difficult to determine the attempt at correction of the violations that are responsible for
the fines but there does appear to be some movement to compiiance on other violations.
cc: Bill Gunther
Bob Kessler
3 of 3
4626.0395 Minnesota Rule
Page 1 of 1
Minnesota Administrative Rules �� { ���
Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public
health control as specified in part 4626.0410, potentially hazardous food shall be
A. at b0 degrees C(140 degrees F) or above, except that roasts cooked to a
temperature and for a tune specified in part 4626.0340, item B, may be heid at a
temperature of 54 degrees C(134 degrees F); or
B. at 5 degrees C(41 degrees F) or below under mechanical refrigerafion,
except as specified in part 4626.0405, item B.
Statutory Authority: MS s 31101; 31.11; 144.Q5; 144.Q8; 144.12; 157.011
Histary: 23 SR 519
Posted: October 11, 2007
https:J/webrhl2.revisor.leg.state.mn.ushules/?id=4626.0395 10l2(2008
4626.0105 Minnesota Rule
Minnesota Administrative Rules
Page 1 of 1
a8-f ���1
A. Except as specified 'an item B, an employee shall eat, driiilc, or use any form
of tobacco only in designated azeas where the contamination of exposed food; clean
equipment, utensils, and linens; unwrapped single-service and single-use articles; ar other
items needing protection cannot resuit.
B. A food employee may drink from a closed beverage container if the
container is handled to prevent contamination of:
(1) the employee's hands;
(2) the container; and
(3) exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; and unwrapped
single-service and single-use articles.
Statutory Authority: MSs 31.101; 31.11; 144.05; 144.08; 144.12; 157.011
History: 23 SR 519
Posted: October 11, 2007
https://webrhl2.revisor.le�.state.mn.us/rules!?id=4626.0105 10/2/2008
4626.1565 Mlnnesota Rule
Page 1 of i
Minnesota Administrative Rules �� t a ��
46261565 6-501.111 CONTROLLING PEST5.x
The presence of insects, rodents, and other pests shall be controlled to minirnize
their presence on the premises by:
A. rourinely inspecting incoming shipments of food and supplies;
$. routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests;N
C. if pests are found, using trapping devices or other means of pest control
specified in parts 46261610, 4626.165Q, and 46261655; and
D. eliminafing harbarage conditions.
Statutory Authority: MSs 31.101; 31.11; 144.05; 144.08; 144.12; 157.011
History: 23 SR 519
Posted: October 11, 2407
https:!/webrhl2.revisor.leg.state.mn.uslrulesJ?id=4626.1565 1012J2008
Sec. 310.05. Hearing procedures. �� � ���/
(aj Adverse action; notice and hearing requirements. In any case where the council may or intends to consider any
adverse action, including the revocation or suspension of a license, the imposition of conditions upon a license, or the
deniai of an appiication for the grant, issuance or renewal of a license, or the disapprovai of a license issued by the State
of Minnesota, the applicant or Ilcensee shall be given notice and an opportunity to be heard as provided herein. The
council may consider such adverse actions when recommended by the inspector, by the director, 6y the director of a�y
executive department established pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Charter, by the city attorney or on its own initiative.
(b) Notice. in each such case where adverse action is or wiil be considered by the council, the applicant or licensee shail
have been notified in writing that adverse action may be taken against the license or application, and that he or she is
entitled to a hearing before action is taken by the council. The notice shall be served or mailed a reasonable time before
the hearing date, and shail state the place, date and time of the hearing. The notice shall state the issues involved or
grounds upon which the adverse action may be sought or based. The council may request that such written notice be
prepared and served or mailed by the inspector or by the city attorney.
(c) Hearing. Where there is no dispute as to the facts underfying the violation or as to the facts establishing mitigating or
aggravating circumstances, the hearing shall be held before the council. Otherwise the hearing shall be conducted before
a hearing examiner appointed by the council or retained by contract with the city for that purpose. The applicant or the
licensee shall be provided an opportunity to present evidence and argument as well as meet adverse testimony or
evidence by reasonable cross-examination and rebuttal evidence. The hearing examiner may in its discretion permit other
interested persons the opportunity to present testimony or evidence or otherwise participate in such hearing.
(c-1) Procedure; hearing examine�. The hearing examiner shall hear a!I evidence as may be presented on behalf of the
city and the applicant or iicensee, and shail present to the council written findings of fact and conciusions of law, together
with a recommendation for adverse action.
The council shall consider the evidence contained in the record, the hearing examiner's recommended findings of fact and
concfusions, and shall not consider any factual testimony not previously submitted to and considered by the hearing
examiner. After receipt ofi the hearing examiner's findings, conclusions, and recommendations, the council shall provide
the applicant or licensee an opportunity to present oral or written arguments alleging error on the part of the examiner in
the application of the law or interpretatio� of the facts, and to present argument related to the recommended adverse
action. Upon conclusion of that hearing, and after considering the record, the examiner's findings and recommendations,
together with such additional arguments presented at the hearing, the council shall determine what, if any, adverse action
shail be taken, which action shaii be by resolution. The council may accept, reject or modify the findings, conclusions and
recommendations of the hearing examiner.
(c-2) Ex-parte contacts. If a license matter has been scheduled for an adverse hearing, council members shali not discuss
the license matter with each other or with any of the parties or interested persons involved in the matter unless such
discussion occurs on the record during the hearings of the matter or during the council's final deli@erations of the matter.
No interested person shall, with knowledge that a license matter has been schedu(ed for adverse hearing, convey or
attempt to convey, orally or in writing, any information, argument or opinion about the matter, or any issue in the matter, to
a council member or his or her staff until the council has taken final action on the matter; provided, however, that nothing
herein shall prevent an inquiry or communications regarding status, scheduiing or procedures concerning a license
matter. An interested person, for the purpose of this paragraph, shail mean and include a person who is an o�cer or
employee of the licensee which is the su6ject of the scheduled adverse hearing, or a person who has a financial interest
in such licensee.
(d) Licensee orapplicant may be represented. The licensee or applicant may represent himself or choose to be
represented By another.
(e) Record; evidence. The hearing examiner shall receive and keep a record of such proceedings, including testimony and
exhibits, and shall receive and give weight to evidence, including hearsay evidence, which possesses probative value
commonly accepted by reasonaDle and prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs.
(� Council action, resolution fo contain findings. Where the council takes adverse action with respect to a license, licensee
or applicant for a license, the resolution by which such action is taken shall contain its Fndings and determination,
including the imposition of conditions, if any. The council may adopt a41 or part of the findings, conclusions and
recommendations of the hearing examiner, and incorporate the same in its resolution taking the adverse action.
(g) Addifiona! procedures where requ�red. Where the provisions of any statute or �rdinance require additional notice or
hearing procedures, such provisions shali be compiied with and shall supersede inconsistent provisions of these chapters.
This shail include, without limitation by reason of this specific reference, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 364 and Minnesota
Statutes, Section 340A.415.
(h) Discretion to hearnotwithsfanding withdrawa� orsurrenderof application orlicense. 7he council may, at its discretion,
conduct a hearing or direct that a hearing be held regarding revocation or denial of a license, notwithstanding that the
applicant or licensee has attemQted or purported to withdrew or surrender said license or application, if the attempted
withdrawal or surrender took piace after the appficant or licensee had been notified of the hearing and potential adverse
(i) Continuances. Where a hearing for the purpose of cAnsidering revocation or suspension of a license or other
disc+plinary action involving a license has been scheduled before the councif, a continuation of the hearing may be
granted by the council president or by the councif at the request of the licensee, license applicant, an interested person or
an attorney representing the foregoing, upon a showing of good cause by the party making the request.
Q) If the council imposes an adverse action as defined in section 310.01 above, a generic notice ofi such action shall be
prepared by the license inspector and posted by the licensee so as to be visible to the public during the effective period of
the adverse action. The Iicensee shall be responsibie for taking reasonable steps to make sure the notice remai�s posted
on the front door of the licensed premises, and failure to take such reasonable precautions may be grounds for further
adverse action.
(k) lmposition of costs. The council may impose upon any licensee or license applicant some or all of the costs of a
contested hearing before an independent hearing examiner. The costs of a contested hearing include, but are not fimited
to, the cost of the administrative law judge or independent hearing examiner, stenographic and recording costs, copying
costs, city staff and attorney time for which adequate records have been kept, rental of rooms and equipment necessary
for the hearing, and the cost of expert witnesses. The council may impose alI or part of such costs in any given case if (i)
the position, claim or defense of the licensee or applicant was frivolous, arbitrary or capricious, made in bad faith, or made
for the purpose of delay or harassment; (ii) the nature of the violation was serious, or involved violence or the threat of
violence by the licensee or empfoyees thereof, or involved the sale of drugs by the licensee or empioyees thereof, and/or
the circumstances under which the violation occurred were aggravated and serious; (iii) the violation created a serious
danger to the public health, safety or welfare; (iv) the violation involved unreasonable risk of harm to vulnerable persons,
or to persons for whose safety the licensee or applicant is or was responsible; (v) the applicant or licensee was sufficiently
in control of the situation and therefore could have reasonably avoided the violation, such as but not limited to, the
nonpayment of a required fee or the failure to renew required insurance policies; (vi) the violation is covered by the matrix
in section 409.26 of the Legislative Code; or (vii) the violation involved the sale of cigarettes to a minor.
{I) Imposition of fines. The council may impose a fine upon any licensee or license appficant as an adverse license action.
A fine may be in such amount as the council deems reasonable and appropriate, having in mind the regulatory and
enforcement purposes embodied in the particular licensing ordinance. A fine may be in addition to or in iieu of other
adverse action in the sole discretion of the council. To the extent any other provision of the Legislative Code provides for
the imposition of a fine, both provisions shall be read together to the extent possible; provided, however, that in tfie case
of any conflict or inconsistency, the other provision shalf be controlling.
(m) Presumpfive penalties force�tain violations. The purpose of this secUon is to establish a sta�dard by which the city
council determines the amount of fines, the length of license suspensions and the propriety of revocations, and shall apply
to aN license types, except that in the case of a violation invofving a liquor license § 409.26 shafl apply where a specific
violation is fisted. These penalties are presumed to be appropriate for every case; however the council may deviate
therefrom in an individual case where the council finds and determines that there exist substantial and compeliing reasons
making it more appropriate to do so. When deviating from these standards, the council shall provide written reasons that
specify why the penalty selected was more appropriate.
Type of Viola6on
1st 2nd 3rd
(1) Violations of conditions placed on the license $50�.00 fine $1,00�.00 $2,000.00 fine and 10-
fine day suspension
(2) Violation of provisions of the iegislative code $500.00 fine $1,000.00 $2,000.00 fine and 10-
relating to the licensed activity fine day suspension
(2) Violation of provisions of the legisiative code
relating to the Iicensed activity, other than
violations of the food code
(3) Failure to permit entrance or inspection by
LIEP inspector or police
$500.00 fine $1,000.00
5-day 10-day
suspension suspension
$1,000.00 fine and 10- Revocation
day suspension
15-day suspension Revocation
(4) Commission of a crime other than a fefony $700.00
on the premises by a licensee or employee
(5) Commission of a felony on the premises by a$2,000.00
ficensee or employee
(6) Death or great bodily harm in establishment 30-day
related to violation of law or license conditions suspension
(7) Failure to pay license fees
(8) Critical violations under 331A
(9) Non-criticai violation under 331A
(i) Fines payable without hearing.
$1,500.00 5-day suspension
Revocation n/a
60-day Revocation
$250.00 $500.00
$150.00 $250.00
$1,000.00, 5-day
A. Noiv✓ithstanding the provisions of section 310.05(c), a licensee who would be making a first or second appearance
before the council may elect to pay the fine to the Department of Safety and Inspections without a council hearing, unless
the notice of violation has indicated that a hearing is required because of circumstances which may warrant deviation from
the presumptive fine amount. Payment of the recommended fine wiil be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which
the licensee is entitied, and will be considered an "appearance" for the purpose of determining presumptive penalties for
subsequent violations.
8. For adverse action initiated under Chapter 331A of this Code, a fine may be paid without a hearing regardless of how
many prior appearances that licensee has made before the Council, The above council hearing requirement applies to
violations under Chapter 331A unless the fine recommended by the Department of Safety and Inspections is equal to or
less than the fine amount outlined in the above matrix. Payment of the recommended fine will be considered to be a
waiver of the hearing to which the licensee is entitled, and will be considered an "appearance" for the purpose of
determining presumptive penaities for subsequent violations. A non-critical violation under chapter 331A shail not be
considered an "appearance" for purposes of determining presumptive penalties for non-331A violations. A council hearing
is required if the Department of Safety and lnspections recommends a fine that is an upward departure for the amount
outlined above.
(ii) Multiple violations. At a licensee's first appearance before the city council, the council shall consider and act upon all
the violations that have been alleged andlor incorporated in the notices sent to the licensee under the administrative
procedures act up to and including the formal notice of hearing. The council in that case shall consider the presumptive
penalty for each such violaiion under the "1st Appearance" column in paragraph (b) above. The occurrence of multipie
violations shall be grounds for departure from such penalties in the council's discretion.
(iii) Violations occurring after the date of the notice of hearing. Vioiations occurring after the date of the notice of hearing
that are brought to the attention of the city attorney prior to the hearing date before an administrative law judge (or before
the council in an uncontested facts hearing) may be added to the notice(s) by stipulation if the licensee admits to the facts,
and shall in that case be treated as though part of the "1 st Appearance." In alf other cases, violations occurring after the
date of the formal notice of hearing shall be the subject of a separate proceeding and dealt with as a"2nd Appearance"
before the council. The same procedures shall appiy to a second, third or fourth appearance before the council.
{iv) Subsequent appearances. Upon a second, third or fourth appearance before the council by a particular licensee, the
councif shatl impose the presumptive penalty for the violation or viofations giving rise to the subsequent appearance
without regard to the particular violation or violations that were the subject of the first or prior appearance. However, non-
criticai violations of Chapter 331A shall not be counted as an "appearance" before the Council in relation to any vioiation
other than another violation of Chapter 331A.
(v} Computation of time. 6 �,' �, (� (�
(1) ff a licensee appears before the councii for any violaiion in paragraph (m) where that violation has occurred within
riveive (12) calendar months after the first appearance of the same licensee for a violation listed in paragraph (m) above,
the currenf appearance shall be treated as a second appearance for the purpose of determining the presumptive penalty.
(2) !f a licensee has appeared before the council on two (2) previous occasio�s for violations fisted in paragraph (m), and
if said licensee again appears before the council for a violation listed in paragraph (m), and if the current vioiation occurs
within eighteen (18) calendar months of the violation that gave rise to the first appearance before the council, then the
current appearance shall be treated as a third appearance for the purpose of determining presumptive penalty.
(3) !f a licensee has appeared before the council on three (3) previous occasions, each for violations listed in paragraph
(m), and if said licensee again appears before the council for a violation contained in paragraph (m), and if the current
viofation occurred within twenty-four (24) caiendar months of the violation that gave rise to the first appearance, then the
current appearance shall be treated as a fourth appearance for the purpose of determining the presumptive penalty.
(4) Any appearance not covered by subsections (1), (2) or (3) above shall be treated as a first appearance. In case of
multiple violations in any appearance, the date to be used to measura whether twelve (12), eighteen (18), or twenty-four
(24) months have elapsed shall be the date of the violation last in time at the first appearance, and the date of the
violation first in time at any subsequent appearance.
(5) Notwithstandi�g subsections (iv)(1), (2), (3) or (4) above, a second appearance before the council regarding a death or
great bodily harm in a licensed establishment that is related to a violation of the law or license conditions shafi be counted
as a second appearance, regardfess of how much time has passed since the first appearance if the first appearance was
aiso regarding a death or great bodily harm in a licensed establishment. A third appearance for the same shall be counted
as a third appearance regardless of how much time has passed since the first or second appearance.
(Code 1956, § 510.05; Ord. No. 17551, § 2, 4-19-88; Ord. No. 17559, §§ 1, 2, 5-17-88; Ord. No. 17659, § 1, 6-13-89; Ord.
No. 17911, § 1, 3-10-92; C.F. No. 94-46, § 7, 2-2-94; C.F. No. 94-898, §§ 2, 3, 7-13-94; C.F. No. 94-134D, § 2, 10-19-94;
C.F. No. 95-�173, § 4, 531-95; C.F. No. 05-180, § 1, 4-6-05; C.F. No. 06-954, § 1, 11-8-06; C.F. No. 06-1072, § 1, 12-27-
06; C.F. No. 07-149, § 73, 3-28-07; C.F. No. 07-1053, § 1, 11-28-07)