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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION i L - _ 4, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved on the 20th day of April, 1961, entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO THE PURCHASING PROGRAM OF THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY AND CERTAIN MUNICIPAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREIN; AMENDING LAWS 1959, CHAPTER 542, SECTIONS 1, 2, 4, 59 AND 6; ADDING NEW SECTIONS 6 AND 7; PROVIDING FOR RENUMBERING; REPEALING LAWS 1959, CHAPTER 542, SECTION 3." a certified copy ,thereof is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M E -60 2 Council File No. 202243 — By George J. Vavoulls, mayor — Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 548, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved on the j20th day of April, 1961, entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO THE PUR- CHASING PRO GRAM OF THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY AND CER- TAIN MUNICIPAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREIN; AMENDING LAWS 1959, CHAPTER 542, SECTIONS 1, 2, 4, 5, AND 6; ADDING NEW SECTIONS 6 AND 7; PROVIDING FOR RENUM- BERING; REPEALING LAWS 1959, CHAPTER 542, SECTION 3." la certified copy thereof is filed here - twith, shall be and said Act hereby , is in all things approved; i Resolved Further, That t f City Clerk, as the chief clerics fficer of said City of Saint Paul, sh for file with the Secretary of State a cer- tificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. Adopted by the Council May 19, 1961. Approved May 19, 1961. (May 27, 1961) Adopted -by MAY 19 the Council 19 MAY 19 ISM ' pproved 19— ( U lr Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 202243 11860 '9D f By the Council of the City of Saint PAUL that Chapter 048. Lasts of Minnesota for 1961s. approved on the 20th day of April, 19610 entitled "AN AC's RSLATUG TO THE PURCHASING PROGRAM OP THE COWTY OF RAMS 8Y AND CERTAIN' MUNZIPAL SUBDIVISIONS 'THER'EINt MIENDINC. LAWS 19590 CWTER 542, S L'CT1016 Is 2r 4# S, AND 0 ADDING .NO( SECTIONS 6 AND 71 PROVIDING FOR RENJAWERINGs RUSALINGI LAS$ 19599, CHAPT19At 542o SECTION 3. a. certified copy Ohoroof is filed herewith* shall be 04 said ACtr hereby is In 411 things approvod l RESOLV901 FIATMER That that City Clerks as the .chief 41- t�ricol offlo*r of said Cit�r of Saint Pau1s. shall foarthWith, file with the Soaratory of S..ata a certif leate in to= foot* rasaribed by Attornsy General *ta the •ssantial necessary to *aid epp►roval of said ACt hMrauodar itnc Including a copy of this tosaiution of approval of sold Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM a -e0 2 Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 19 Approved 19— Mayor _ " ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSII CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO FILE FR a_ '04—vWW- r- WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Mir esota has enacted a law relating to a joint purchasing program between the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, to -wit:- Session Laws of Minnesota for 1961, Chapter 548; and 5 WHEREAS, before said act can become effective the approval of a majority of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul is required and compliance with the provisions of Session Laws of Minnesota for 1959, Chapter 368, is neces- sary; RESOLVED, that Session Laws of Minnesota for 1961, Chapter 548, is by this Resolution herewith in all respects approved; - 1 FURTHER RESOLVED,-'that the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul shall file with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota,a copy of this Resolution of approval,and such other documents as are necessary to com- ply with the Sessi n Laws of MinneAota for 1959, Chapter 368. (a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson '+3 Peterson f Rosen Mayor Against � � IDMr. President, Vavoulis BM 8.60 ctsIDD 2 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__ DATE WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota has enacted a law relating to a joint purchasing program between. the City of Saint Paul and the County of Rammseyo to -wit$ Session Laws of Minnesota for 1961, Chapter 548; and WHHEAS, before said act can become effective the approval of a majority of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul 3s required and compliance with the provisions of Session Law$ of Minnesota for 19599 Chapter 368, is neces- eery; RESOLVED, that Session Laws of Minnesota for 1961, Chapter 548,, is by this Resolution herewith in all respects approved; FURTHER RESOLVED9 that the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul shall file with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota# a copy of this Resolution of approvaliand such other documents as are necessary to com. ply with the Session Iaws of Minnesota for 1959, Chapter 368. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 uOM, 2 Tn Favor A gainst Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19— Mayor TRIPLICATE TO THE COMPTROLLER CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE S AS't t L08101aturO of tho State of Himosota has WQtod a law rolmting to a joint purchaoing, program between thO, City of dint Paul and th.e City of Ramseur, tO.Wltt Session %wa of M=0sota for 1961, Chapter 5481, and ' WHEMBAS t before said mot oan become effdstjve the approval. of a majority of the City comail or the City of Saint Paul is required and oomlianca with the provisions of Session Laws of Himesota for 1159, Chapter 368, is neees - serY� BESOLVED, that Session Laws. of Hitmjegota for 1961, Chapter 54$0 is by this Resolution herewith in all respect$ approved; FMTHE$ H13S©LVED, that the City Clork of the City Of Skint Paul $bald, Vile with the Secretary of State 'Of the Stato of "innesota! a 00py of this Resolution of apprvvalo and suoh other, documents as are necessary to com- ply with the Session Taws of Minnesota for 1959: Chapter 368• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss I In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 .4D.2 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WW%Rw# tto $09OU"" Of 00 staU 4f ft"40*04 has. "40tod a, !aw r*U tug to a joint purchas1% orograig betuem tab 01ty qf, sa W Paul A 0.0. couttr 'Or. too$ rA t wlit* 864010n. t4wo Ot Himesots for j961# Chapter 548# 0,Ad WOMAS# Wore oatd aot **n.t)maocw d:rf#et#* the approval of a majority of ths City coauda or the city of Saint Paul. u. roquired and co*UOU06 ulth thd� provielout Of S-060*1 to -wo -or "imoloto for 19391. chaptor 3680 io tsoes.* '"ry) I "ESOLMO t Seddion Lalm of mimetata for 19610 PbAPtOr 50's 14' by WS Rftolutian hormytth In 4U, rosi.aetc apprOv4di Vmma msftvm� that tto c1tr cjor"J� or th6 citr or S41ut Paul OW1 filo "Ith the sagrotary or state of 06,Stato tit Miftegotata cop7:or thl* R,*V*1Utj0x1,df, lappmaxt 014 040h othor: documuts 00 or*, 4*06stary to. coo.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5.so .�2 n Favor A gainst Approved 19— Mayor M IN -tur-cla spf - -A'V . 4f . _ ` .r r. ... ....� _. _._ Lil'�.• .r.luk'•..___!��J .:l �r �l�iiLi�_�- �''Si:�w S.F. No. 1652 AN ACT 548 RELATING TO THE PU ?CH. -SING PROGRAM OF THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY AND CE.RTA.%N IMUNTICIPAL SUBDIVISION THEREIN; AP.4ENDING LA;^!S 1959, CN4PTER 542, SECTIOFU 1, 2, 4, 5, AND 6; ADDING NE'P! SECTIONS 6 AND 2; PROVIDING FOR R= NUMBERING; REPEALING LAkNS 1959, CHAPTER 542,, SECTION 3, BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Latins 1959, Chapter 542 is amended to read: Section 1. Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any charter provision, city ordinance, or prior law to the contrary pertaining to purchasing by the city of Saint Paul or the county of Ramsey, and in order to promote competitive bidding, effect economies in volume buying, and provide better service, the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey shall establish a joint purchasing program. Subd. 2. The city of Saint Paul the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey shall each be subject to the provisions of this act and shall participate in the purchasing program established pursuant hereto Subd. 3. Any other political subdivision mu icipal corporation or municipal agency anv part of which li•s within Ramsey county may participate in the purchasing program by action of its governing body subject to approval by the council of the city of Saint Paul and approval by the board of county connissioners of Ramsev county. 1 t- a. . _-41 S.F. No. 1652 Sec. 2. Subdivision 1. There is established in the records of the comptroller of the city of Saint Paul an account described as the purchasina administration account, into which shall be paid the assessed cost of the administration of the ourchasing oroaram by the participatina units pursuant to subdivision 2. Initiallv the ooverrina body of .any particioatina unit is authorized to pay into such fund such amount as may be lawfully appropriated to the parpose of ad:Tlinistratio� of ourchasina by such aovernina bodv. Subd. 2. TI-- board of county commissioners of the county of Ramsey and the board of public welfare 'of th -e county of Ramsey and the governing body of any Rarticibatina aaencv, subdivision or municipality shall hereafter do and perform all acts necessary and instrumental to the purchase or contract for all supplies, materials,-equipment, and eegz�ae{ti�al contractual services required by eflq- �3epa.°;e3� ea�- ageaey -e-- the- eeug*-y- geverpgenz them through facilities of the purcha; i ng department of the city of Saint Paul and for this service shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost incurred in providing such services. Such costs shall be determined through an analysis and evaluation of all purchases processed through December 31, 1959 1960, and thereafter through each succeeding calendar year. The manner and methods of computing this cost will be the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the k�ea= el- e`- e9aHc'f- eea�=ss }eye =s- ead- tke -e:q S.F. No. 1652 eoase==- of- Ssrt - ?ati}a oovernino body of each oarticinatina unit for the preceding calendar year on or before June 30 in each vear. The governing body of each participating unit_ shall include the cost as certified to it in its next annual budget. and sha11 pay the funds into the_o:rchasing administration account on or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. See:- 3a- -ntl -e i -.:4e -eh a= to = -ti= .,evi-a e -is -a5- -mke- eity -ei Sa_. =.t aeeda_es;- �eies; -afd �egu --at= ens ae_ fig -geed s;- rya =es; -end me_ehandise -a e-heEeby-hfl-.he = =-ee '_?ety- _esea�ved- in- rell See. -4z Sec. 3. Subdivision 1. A permanent committee on standardization of purchasers =- L:_e- e_Ly- e= -Se =.c -Fay= ai?d- the- eee�.ty -or- Ramsey is established, such committee to be composed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey;_ and- a =y -e�he= gene= �:�e:3za1- �si�s -peU�= tied- ze- p� °ehese- �- =eegR -tike pu!ehas_=g- desa_tment -e=- the- e= ty- a-- Saiae -Pau _a The members of such committee on standardization of ourchases shall be chosen by the city council for the city, by the board of county commissioners for the county, and by the board of public e:elfare for that board. it shall be the duty of the committee to agree on single specifications for al- those items commonly used in each of the gover:lmental units in order that their purchasing power may be combined. Subd. 2. The committee on standardization of purchases shall have the power to establish from time to time standards for each and every article for the use of any and all officers and departments affected by this act': to make 3 S.F. No. 165 or cause to be made any test, examination or analysis necessary therefor: to require the assistance of any and all of'icers and deoartments therefor: to fo-n or cause to be formed full, proper and uniform soecifications therefor and standard and uniform forms of contracts. Subd. 3. Subject to the approval of the governina bodies of all narticioatinq units under this act, the committee on purchases shall have the Dower to exclude all but one tvoe or kind of suoplies where by reason of bast experience the usual competitive biddina procedures will work a disadvantaae to the participatina unit. All such items shall be listed on a master roll kept by the city purchasing agent and which-shall-be-available to the public for examination. See - -y: Sec. 4. F.s- 9eea- as- ��aeziea = -a ;tee -Lke estabi_ 9bwe== .:- el- the- eeazra?- peyeue5 fig - p!!egeay- cae- e_ty -af Sant- PateT - the- eaunty -e -Lafa9eyT- apes -t:3e- beard- ez- pub?_e lye?= are- e_-= Re- eaeflty- a €- ta�sey- 9ka??- es'- ab?_9k The purchasing, agent of the city of Saint Paul shall establish, operate and maintain a central office supply stock room. =Re- pe_aanent- ee��_t'nee- a : =- 9tendercl_eat_en -e - px!ebases He shall provide for inventory control procedures and the method and manner of distribution of supplies and materials from such central stock room. Each of the governmental units participating in the central purchasing program shall contribute such amount as may be jointly agreed upon into a revolving fund which is hereby established =e tHe- eperat_e� e£- seek- eetre?- sleek - >ee+, and shall pay from time to time, . in accordance with rules provided therefor, into such revolving fund such moneys as may be required to cover overhead, in addition to the cost of materials and supplies 4- S.F. No. 165 btaired therefrom. The revolving fund shall be dministered and accounted for by the city of Saint Paul and its purchasing department. Seev -6o Sec. 5. The city of Saiht Paul and the county of Ramsey shall may provide adequate warehouse and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the purchase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivisions. Sec. 6. Subdivision 1. Sub.iect to the provisions of section 3 and notwithstanding the provisions of anv statutes in conflict herewith. in all purchases made by the purchasing agent under the authoritv of-this act he shall be governed by the provisions of Laws 1959, Chapter 643, and acts amendatory thereof_, extent as provided in subdivision 2 hereof. Subd. 2. All a,..ards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of $2,000 but less than the su.p, of S5,000 shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by the city council except that in the case of school contracts, they shall first be approved by the board of education. All awards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of $5,000 shall be made in like manner but shall not be complete unless approved by resolution by the governing body of the participating, unit, and in the case of school contracts, by the board of education. Subd. 3. Subject to the provisions of subdivision 1, the city council and the county board shall provide by joint agreement proper rules and regulations to control the administrative procedures necessary to the efficient 5 1.; ulations, when adopted by the city council d. shall have the force Of law. Sec. 7. The civil service co.. -missions of the city of Saint Paul and the county of Rz ^sev or their successor bodies shall have Do,.-)e= by rule to change job assigr_ments, classificatiors and job soecif icctions as in their iudgment may be made necessary b'✓ this act or _mule adopted pursuant thereto. All riches of orecent emolovees under existing civil se---vice acts are omserved and protected against impairment by operation of this act or rule adooted oursuant thereto. Sec. 2. This act shall bec=a effective on1_v after its aooroval by a maiority of the minty board of the county of Ramsey and a majority of the city council of the city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Laws 1959. Chapter 368. �� -y '.r'•'� -rte President of the Senate. Speaker of the Ho of Representatives. R rd one thousand nine hundred and sixty -one. Secretary of the Senate. assed the House of Representatives this fifteenth day of April n the year of Our Lord ona thousand nine hundred and sixty -one Chief Clerk, House of Representat v roved 4" —_<:Ae, , IQ('1 A Filed Governor of the State of Minnesota. Secretary of the State of Minnesota. 7 a ' RAMSEY COUNTY —JOINT COUNTY- MUNICIPAL # PURCHASING PROGRAM CHAPTER 548 S.F. No. 1652 [Not Coded] An Act relating to the purchasing program of the county of Ramsey and certain municipal subdivisions therein; amending Laws 1959, chapter 542, sections I, 2, 4, 5, and 6; adding new sections 6 and 7; providing for renumbering; repealing Laws 1959, chapter 542, section 3. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section X.' Laws 7`1 �9, Chapter 542 is amended to read: Section 1. Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any char- ter provision, city ordinance, or prior law fo the contrary pertaining to purchasing by the city of Saint Paul or the county of Ramsey, and in order to promote competitive bidding, effect economies in volume buying, and provide better service, the city of saint Paul and the county of Ramsey shall establish a joint purchasing program. Subd. 2. The tits of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the city of Saint Paul and the county of Rannsey shall each be subject to the provisions of this act and shall participate In the pur- ebasing program established pursuant hereto. Subd. 3. Any other political subdivision, municipal corporation or mu- nicipal agency any part of which lies within Ramsey county may participate In the purchasing program by action of its governing Body, subject to approval by the council of the city of Saint Paul and approval by the board of county commissioners of Ramsey county. Sec. 2. Subdivision 1. There is established in the records of the comp- troller of the city of Saint Paul an account described as the purchasing ad- ministration account, into which shall he paid the assessed cost of the administration of the purchasing program by the participating units WIN"- ant to subdivision 2. Initially the governing laxly of any participating unit is authorized to pay into sucb fund such amount as may be lawfully appropriated to the purpose of admintstU'atlon of purchasing by such govern- ing Wdy. Subd, 2, The board of county counmissiouers Of the county of Ramsey and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey and the governing body of any participating agency, subdivision or municipality shall hereafter do and perform all acts necessary and instrumental to the purchase or contract 799 Cc : +Zo t •- first be approveWby thenboardeoi ed cation, `-se of agent, but aha71 e case of school contracts, 840 All awards of purcliase c i� �� }!: � j ` - #7.1, r� +� .Y• ��i, � fly $S= ,+'f ='.',. R °!'tom ', i':r_�: A. '��'i' .,•.'.,. •tie .+I:.,ti.,�' =- j,:' %j �', a'.i'1r�.vE.:�.�..xi.�F= f'k�;�d ',y'�r r};1,:•i,1 "`,` lt:ti - `, t. yi 'll,. .�r_ir•: _, ►1 i ';C.., � �. � 1. ,,.'� .�i.�-I • '.Z�:.. . •i'�;:.y �f.. .{�:j_, %_�•h��+r `r [; � f j ! �•� �7- .lKi' � ��• �;! y�,,:Itl;.j.4 .1i�'r�l �•F h t}a.`Jl��. ^, .Y }r ,�.y t� _.�:.:r• ' � -- "�i'.`'iEi- Y ua'' it.•_ Y. ia�i�r`.. ii�a.. e.' i� .i- ':.i+�i�lri?!a�.,..SRe,�_�. 'rt�.?s.i:i.rr�E��,�,��� .f_'i:.,�5,`F�_• - •,���5_�.7 y: RAMSEY COUNTY -JOINT COUNTY- MUNICIPAL PURCHASING PROGRAM CHAPTER 548 S.F. No. 1652 [Not Coded] An Act relating to the purchasing program of the county of Ramsey and certain municipal subdivisions therein; amending Laws 1959, chapter 542, sections I, 2, 4, 5, and 6; adding new sections 6 and 7; providing for renumbering; repealing Laws 1959, chapter 542, section 3. Be it etweted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: Section 1.' Laws M-9, Chapter 542 is amended to read: Section 1. Subdivision 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any char- ter provision, city ordinance, or prior law to the contrary pertaining to •. purchasing by the city of Saint Paul or the county Of Ramsey, and in order to promote competitive bidding, effect economies in volume buying, and provide better service, the city of Saint Maul and the county of Ramsey shall establish a joint purchasing program. Subd. 2. The city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey shall each be subject to the provisions of this act and shall participate in the pur- chasing program established pursuant hereto. Subd. 3. Any other political subdivision, municipal corporation or mu- nicipal agency any part of which lies within Ramsey county may participate In the purchasing program by action of its governing f)ody, subject to approval by the council'of the city of Snint Paul and approval by the board of county commissioners of Ramsey county. Sec. 2. Subdivision 1. There is estabiimhetl in the records of the comp- troller of the city of Saint Paul an account deseribed as the purchasing ad- ministration account, into which shall he paid the assessed cost of Ow administration of the purchasing program by the participating units pursu- ant to subdivision 2. Initially the governing body of any participating unit is authorized to pay into such fund such amount as may be lawfully appropriated to the purpose of administration of purchasing by such govern- ing burly. Subd, 2. The Ward of county commissioners of the county of Ramsey and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey ant] the governing lwdy of any participating agency, subdivision or muni4;ipality shall hereafter do and perform all acts necessary and instrumental to the purchase or contract 799 ,�. T.,'4 t a�,. �'}'�'t. _ 7j.,ti'�T.•�-3 �t!''�. f7;ri �_ ♦'ti;k 117 J •L JqL'� { )� f! "Y.�. iF "i J� -? r i• r I.`A �J *ky:i+•{A ' +�.',��;;�,�t'•.�r.'�, -fr 4y.j.. itf', � CL'." -•�}' � +'� j � +, .• �- �'?�' �.. �{, �. f�! ,�i ,tai � �:tt= c ,�'• ,,'+ !,{''. ; ; . }:. �-Y -�•�� _, .^y...jFh.,�7r'�' "•'�! {i' h)•:, ��.�� "Sw: }�+r �� { t�;4, ! � �.,�:]. "r�4ya :�� #'r�lt .' ��: f:��.. 2 1 . ,j.` ,. � ,•1 '` �''��,. Ny .�k''LyL j' ,, a f:. y n..Li • ".. �. {' �•i rw_ 1-Ti �,�•r 5:�.. •r�� f ,�y�'rf ���:.{ ie •.+�,F; t-�.�• Ydi, +�T� - , 7 1� -.,,l, i.l : �.i- cis +' l �a•_ '�3 j •r'y�+�.i . ,1''i,. f . -,. r;« ' +��,{� ,,�v,•r! i.';�` n f �.! - /r,,i "-t': fl✓,�� 1�� ��• .�!, t'. � � i Y�A,�. ?-_.ti •,.�z,,, � '�` is 'r.:.- ,�i.��f >� � ��'..�' - �r 1: c._ �Y•:# •7' � {+`I.�.yi; car A�.f�.'�'►jr; t7' - i•AY'1��`.J. �.'�- .s'��5..;�.: �'k•n.,�l:s'. �_ w. �i�.ft .��r,•.� -'__ .s• Ch•.U8 LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESSION for all' supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by theca through facilities of the purchasing department of the city of Saint Paul and for this service shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost incurred in .providing such services. Such costs shall be determined through an analysis and evaluation of all purchases processed through December 31, 1980, and thereafter through each succeeding calendar year. The manner and methods Of computing this cost will be the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the governing body of each participating unit for the preceding calendar year on or before June 30 in each year. The governing body of each participating unit shall include the cost as certified to it in its next annual budget, and shall pay the funds into the purchasing administration account on or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. Sec. 3. -Subdivision 1. A permanent committee on standardization of purchases is established, such committee to be composed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey. The members of such committee on stan (lard Ization of purchases shall be chosen by the city council for the city, by the board of county commissioners for the county, and by the board of public welfare for that board. It shall be the duty of the committee to agree on ,single specifications for those items commonly used In each of the governmental units in order that their purchasing power may be combined. Subd. `l: The committee on standardization of purchases shall have the power to establish from time to time standards for each and every article for the use of any and all officers and departments affected by this set; to make or cause to he made any test, examination or analysis necessary therefor; to require the assistance of any and all Officers and departments therefor; to form or muse to be formed full, proper and uniform specifica- tions therefor and standard and uniform forms of contracts. Subd. 3. Subject to the approval of the governing bodies of all participat- ing units under this act, the committee on purchases shall have the power to exclude all but one type or kind of supplies where by reason of past ex- perience the usual competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All such items shall be listed on a master roll kept by- the city purchasing agent and which shall tie available to the public for examination. Sec. 4. The purchasing agent of the city of Saint Paul shall establish, op- erate and maintain a central office supply stock room. He shall provide for Inventory control procedures and the method and manner of distribution of supplies and materials from such central stock room. Each of the govern- mental units participating in the central purchasing program shall contribute such amount as may be jointly agreed upon into a revolting fund which is hereby established, and shall pay from time to time, in accordance with rules provided therefor, into such revolving fund such moneys as may be required to cover overhead, in addition to the cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be administered and accounted for by the city of Saint Paul and its purchasing department. Sec. 5. The city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey may provide ware- house and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the purchase of which, In quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivislons. Sec. 6. Subdivision 1. Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not - withstanding the provisions of any statutes In conflict herewith, ire all pur- chases made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall- be governed by the provisions of Laws 1969, Chapter 043, and acts amendatory thereof, except as provided in subdivision 2 hereof. Subd. '2. All awards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of $2,000 but less than the sum of $5,000 shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by the city council eaeept that in thq case of school contracts, they shall first be approved by the board of education. All awards of purchase. 800 -`r FF,�_: �,•.� �:, •�1. �.- � -.. �F p�: .v2;!.r �",'w., l.::. �;: :: r�{�, -tie ��l -�i11 ttl,r; r.� `��+G '.�+;�' ►l �_ �n1. �'. sF 'tlE ka• 'Q<� .� � i',�,�'1. �, • �L �ti;1n t .j s +.;�f � :�= ��i'- •�l ^'�fa ; •!1,�. •t" .�#�t'�re', ,r1 �f '~�e.. =r'1� - „a7ea�3& r'rLi;r� I � • �• �rd,• `M'Q i {'y” i SZ���±l�' �� k � ;� �e . �L s e - F• ' S` -t , f ', -.t," ; {,.: - •" y s ,r 1 . .e1.' '�• -' .r, ♦ ` .` •,a�I ?y --;' ''l .. r'{ 'ti. .a• .• `. -,- ..�' a„- a' : °�`' fib•): '. ♦... ?, � .r..�.�y, -.ni. w- ....Cr-- ...,,� ��ir.'�-� 1 �h„�aalC6�._._ ,— ,Jc�i�i.�. ..�.�" .._,:�is�•.,�`y,a�^.µri.w LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESS10114 ' Ch. 549 - r•fjntrAetF1n excess of the sum of $1,;,lK* shall be matte in ilge'nianner imt shnii not 1,e complete unless approved buy re,;6wfton by the governing ItKly of the p4ttlelpating uni,t, and in the case of school t•fmtracts, by the board of ' - r3ucation. - Snbd. 3. Subject to the provisions of suhtlivi -don 1, thc; city council and the county board shall provide by jofni "agroement proper rules and i•egetla- ' e tyGttS to control the administrative procedures necessary to the eff-iclent opera- tion of the joint purchasing pr6gram. 1jwh rule'; ani] regulations, when tidopt- ed by the city council and when, adopted by the county board, shall have the force And effect of law. Sec, 7, The civil Service Commissions of thF city of Saint Paul , affil the I county of ZtalnFey or their ta.iccessor bodies shall have pwcr by rule to change job assignments, elltsslfications AnA j6b z;lwclticatioufi as in their judgment may be made necessary by this act or .rule adopted pnrsuaut thereto. All rights of present employees undtrr existing civil ,service acts "tire pre- served and protected against impairment by operation of this, act 'or, rule arlopted .pursuant thereto. . I % Sec. 2. This act sh'll'becotne effective only after its apprfyval by a ma- a jority of the county board of the` coilnty of Ramsey anti A majgrity of the . city - council of the city of Saint Yana and upon compliance with the provisions' of Laws 1959, Chapter 368. .Approved April 20, 1061. 7.tXi,jSP T. C6(',� lr�'Y,— JtOJNT i.11lr�•�1�irld,YAMUNICIPAL C CHAPM 544 S.F. No. 3 Bbl: (N4 Cddcd] , �1 Aft t1,tt reel tlog in tho piprobAslnp vo rant of tilt* aouitty of ltslitsrty !sold t; earltla mun :ct¢,i) sub4lriatoni -tt:l�rsln; amoxilgii l.sKI to,%*, tttsiplor 542, att- -A14s 1. Z 4, 5, and Q; o[d402 fk*w Uef'PCa d Arid 7; Orovltllsg far rtlAdNtll4ttRq: re €opllno L *Vs 40% ek4pt4rU2, .04611i0A 3, rx tt,{tr..XMO by W Lethshltiirt' i,I tht' tyte „ j ,1f ttentt<utalt J. I/aws i1t.`O, t ktttt►[re Ma 14 ntntnvt+ ill to YOM 1 "AMbdtfivSutt 1. N utwjtl!xtNT�rltr� tick. �nta" {1! :g4* 4t filly {'> llr tt ttlSYam, tll� tirr;inaitr�•, 'Ur µflan lug,+' {r, tl[ptrUt'y !lt;t't.7lglnq to jMI! ,Utitlt hr tft ett,y fit :A:tlot rititl kr ti+.t' eumity At ftrilwkey, itrit bt order to Wert rrwwuldin tin, rIIluzw 4-syltig, qyd t;ntalttL germ• v rricr, tW city cat fWrt< )taut nhl tt*� e0wify lit 1;1um-ey ' 1��f5'ft�,-lalitldlt R ;Atnx pur�httnutlt pmpera -ttr �:ll' Tfxt, 4itr lit' k+attttt 1'ltul: Utu C'o)•Otj' Olt )M`� Ie :ast nett tht Ird Jo- OL'Atii%•' TirQlt* tit tha city dt "Ont, titnt *Intl t>7tr W"tj (!f jtnw.•I> •tc11tt11 flit['�i Swt "be; t to IN bro.'ri4S0114 of arts r[rt, Ond �llal)'>rt2rFiripStt tti ttr l,slr- t'iep:ir.� rAgrOltt • enattltSW pgrFuA�it• tt•`trl +•. $Atxi Arty dt�!T ptilltleAl riubdf xt�lt,; Yrunitt; l t+ur,,xlr4ttatl or tnu- TilClpttl wly luirt -of , hlvh iim .wkt.Wn Y aft,; Ch. 548 i.AWS 1961 RI'.GULAR SESSION for all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual servic'e's required by them thrmudi facilities of the purcha�iig clepartluent of the city of Saint Paul :uul for this scrvlcr shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost incurred ill providing such ser%ices. Such cults shall be determined through an analysis and evaluation of all purchases proeessed through December 31, 1960, and thereafter through each succeeding c•alendair year. The manner and methods of coulputing this cost will he the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the governing body of eaeh participating unit for the preceding calendar year on or before .Tune 30 in each year The governing body of each participating unit shall include the cost as cerlblied to it In its nest amlual budget, and shall pay the funds into the purchasing administration acc•uuut un or before January 31 of the wccccding calendar year See. 3. Subdivision 1. A permanent couunittee on standardization of purchases is established, such coinlittee to be coluposed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Raursey. The ruembers of such committee on standardization of purchases shrill be chosen by the city council for the pity, by the Ward of county coluniissioners for the county, and by the board of public welfare for that board. It shall be the duty of the committee to agree on single spcY•itications for those items comuloily used In each of the governmental units in order that their purchasing power ]]lay be combined. Subd. 2. The c•oiunittee on standardization of purchase; shall have the power to establish front tiale to time standards for each and every article for the use of aiy and all officers and departments ttti'ec•Icd by this net; to make or cause to he mach' army test, exaruiiation or analysis Necessary therefor; to require the assistance of :nay and all officers and departments therefor; to form or cause to be forme(i fall, proper and uniform speclfiea- tiois therefor aml standard and uniform fo•nns of c•oatracts. `ubd. :1. Snhject to the approval of the governing bodies of all participat- ing units nnaler this act, the committee of purchases shall have the power to exclude all but oie type or kind of supplies where by reason of past ex- perience the u-11s1 competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All such iteils shall be ]]steel on a master roll kept by the city purchasing agent and which shall be available to the public for examination. Sec. 9. The purcbacsirng agent of the city of Saint 1'aul shall establish, op- erate and maintain a central ottiev supply stock rooms. Ile shall provide, for inveulory control procechurs and the method and mauler of distribution of supplies and materials from such ceutral stock roonn. Each of the govern- mental units participating in the central purchasing prograin shall contribute sueh anualut as may he jointly agreed uprrn into a revolving fund which is hereby established. aid shall pay from time to thee, in accordance with rule, provided therefor, into such revolving fund such money's as may be required to cover overhead, In addition to the cost of - materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be administered and accounted for by the city of Saint Paul and Its purchasing department. Sec. The city of Saint 11,111, and the county of Ramsey may provide ware- house and 5torago space for all items which are practical to store and the purchase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivisions. S, Subdivision 1. Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not - withstanding the provisiotl` of any statutes in conflict herewith, in all pur- clla�es made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall lie governed by the provisions of Lnws 1959, Chapter 643, all(] acts amendatory thereof, except as prop ided in subdivision 2 hereof. Subol 2. All awards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of $2,0W but less than the sum of $5,1100 shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by the city council except that in the case of School contracts, they shall first bo approved by the board of education. All awards of purchase 800 NJ ;.q:.r:�;�i l , Y'�JI!e4. 't Ytit' j t ' f rte iY ..%, t/ea i, ?5l�iYA]t? A. i t t,lf- .r RAMEY -00V.NT.Y•- • -J01NT COUNTY ' I,A WS 1861 1MGMAR 5 OR001, + ' • ' �()tj r:t2ltIl l,e (1,010. ill I- , t_ y a a n�atscdM to rxcrss of the eunt',xnvpd'lt zr;4Virllon 1"Y ikr` l#G�'t rt:{vl; td` of I ihali opt bo, coldPizrC bale tr >1PS ' tSn unit, a:i,3 in .th( ,•axe of n <ht:r +l,,nnt °httti. F,y tjVC 1°R'. thd;Ntrtlt'4 (t. i ctrt:tttlr 11,11 trt:ei�ir,ns of eulMU +_tSlorV ,I; its(' r �p'dd. 7Ct 1911pjeet to thr I joint •ti�r'('i en( f,rl t>rr .7riPE c4m r+T*- ttr'9 COVn+� b48'rd sltail prnlide bY, j ntK'e""Re tit tilt, ettiClnilt is' » Vl the adniluttitraii'tia prcltYdrirt'. a ^ltd rt'gti10"Itstr' lCU :tdi ttoiltt to c ptV. rill, hnc.b ruIC14 r St> 0 "I d IdeF& -Ve tlati of flu pint pilrchsslug grog '- eti _by -td .� thti tilt; +'nuts 7n�. `vhen adoi►t- ysttik pRttt and the ' - + ', t Q lid Ci K r. mir.•stofta of t'flc+ city U1r , �c.li Frt�¢iLe. 1 Inver .1iS Tn�'E t "�� ur their 81"ekr4r ?lt�g yf�nit,'4� H!ns nA in thr:r (»>iltlk� aic�t ►:Went, , clit9stticationa art ns rill,•luraujeltt< therCtc* rhl+FtKe 3 �madc 11e(e5cat y by this bet sxdo ' . rjudgmt;nt may he 1 • (:ant euip'n)'P 1, 11I1 (IfT ezt>tlr,^ Yla{lox bt'i`tth"" ttctaor rule XIj.r%ht8 Ofrotoctt'ti agatnrtt lnlpstirment IVF P rr(:<I tine P 1t,ruI Uy -u ins, - i : adopted' PurKtrsnt•�e[('tor• 'me �e,tiva only after Its ql`P" :feC 2.. ']`ilia get (,hull be, (,f Ranl�e7 phi tt n►alArRy of thr t x " }orit� Of tbP ctri)nty board 4f the Munt3, jori Cnutlr[1' of th('rlty or ;;SInt''pill (]till »[1on tonl[111anCe Kltll ti1C Pr'Vatslona 9i I,,Lw s lta!y)` oispt r 3G5• ' ' .\'ppro,dd April'.`; 1�1 '• t, 1717^ a I _ �, r +�• " a .t t � ` .r.; t, 1 +� +r'il� "' _ +•a :�•ai!.:`� •�' +fe .a•i .�'� 'z �� ,. � •!a; ,. *' - + ,.i,a� ,V1 „FS,.;<+ -� fi -`. s�iit,t�.. r +:a ��'{ ��'F t 0j� - iuet��4�.•��i„�'�.F>€ �t�����fit�'1rt�, ,.�(,ati��y. ,y�at. t, 1 � },'%,� }�� ,a + •,, ,+c 317 . �. �(, �_____ "rt,qu reel by eiiartnlent of the city of Saint Paul scry ce shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost iucurred in providing sorb services. Such cots shall he determined through an analysis and g�aluntiun of -ill purchases protrased through Decemta'r 31, 1960, and thereafter through each sucr•eeding calendar year. The lntutnt'r and rlletho(Is Of copspnting this cost will be the Joint respdnsibility of the county auditor anfl the city e'omptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the govt'f•uirsg holy of each participating unit for the preceding calendar year (111.017 before Juuc 36 in each year The guvet•nfng body of earb participating unit shall• include the cost as vertifled to it III its next alntual budget, and shall pay tilt, funds into the pureilasing administration account o or before' January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. n Sec 3. Snhdivision 1. A perrnanbnt co11unittee on standardization or purchases is cstof thee(], s1tc11 cunnnittec• to he c'o11lposed, 011 all equal basis, of rcprrsentativt,s of the city of Saint Paul, the V0unty of Ramsey, and the board of publfo welfare of the cottltty of Ramsey. The members of Such committee on standardization of purchases shall be chosen by the city cuuuei' for the city, by the board of county couunlssipners for the (county, and by the board tif'publie welfare for that board. It shall he the duty of the committee t0 agree tin siligle specilleatiuns for those items ecuuntcil'ly used in each of the governmental units in order that their purc•hashsg pother m:ty be cowhined. j11bll. Z. -The committee on standardization of purchases �hsll have tilt, dower to establish front time to time standards for each and every article for the u,e elf, any and all officers and departments affected by this act; to ulakc or citusi' to be made ally test, cxanlin:itiuo or analysis necessary therefor: to 1'1qCflre the assictanep of any and all officers and departments therefor; to form or cause to be formed full, ,iiroper and uniform specifica- tions thenfor'and standard and n11ifornl forms of contracts. Soho. :3. S'abj4t to the approval of tine governing bodies of all participat- iug units under this Set, tilt' (•011111tittee on purchases shall have the power to 6'Kelude all hilt 4011'• type or kind Of sui,plies tlhere by reason of past ex- perience the u,n:11 Competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All shell items shall Ik: listed on a master roll kept by the city_ purchasing agent and which shall be available to the public for exaiulmition. I' Sec, 4 Thc purchasing agent of the city ur :Satan Paul shall establish, op- crate and maintain -a central office supply stook room. lie shall provide for invcntpr }• control ],roredures and the method amt manner of distribution of 'all)I les tilt(] mah•rli4lti from ShCh celltrnf ►`tuck rooni. Each (if the govern - mental Snits pat•ticipatirtg in the central pureha51n r such a11wutrt as nuty he' Joiutiy agreed upnit into a Ire ulvliig fund wh which Is hereby e= tataishc'd, anal shall pay from time to time, 111 accordance with tule4 provided thrrefur, into Such revolving fill'(' suck moneys as may he required to cover overhead, In addition to the cost of materials and MtW les Obtained therefrom. The revolving funs shall be administered and aeconnted for by the city of Stint Paull and its purchasing department. tar: 5. The city of Saint. Paul and the county of Ramsey may provide Nvare- ]sonse and storage (Tract, for all Items which are practieal toy store and the pnrclinsc of tthich, ht quantities greater than current nc+ccls, will secure a dititincl fin:unial ::deantage'to these governmental subdivisiu11s. Sec. C. SnbdIvisioll l tiuTtJvet to the provisions of s(Wtloll 3 and not- withstanding the proNiq}0ns tit any'statuteti in conflict herewith, In all pur- ch:,l-cs made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall lq• g,n'oruad by the provlsion,� of Lau:,; 1:1.50, Chapter Oda, anti acts amendatory thereof, esc(gtt as provided in,subdivisfon ' hereof. Subd. 2. All awards of pltrOia�4e contracts in excesq of the sum of X2,000 l,ut 1,'ss than the by vity el shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall fiat ire npl,rnraf h} the city council except that in the case of school contracts, they shall fir-t be approNcd l,y'the board of education. All awards of purchase 800 ^'••' r 1717 ;- �,*�•..L i"�4'''M,'i'4�ann, la.. ” r�,�. 31 .- 'f' +'� ^:'!.i llyS.r.f�Y U',•��.i�F�`�,y.�Tq ('4 i::.� �t�+n�..,�',� 4' �,� .. '; ,_tai .I /. i. j(. '. Tt "•ei• .pl.' '� .t'• } #•L +a ". /f• = i, 515 -< - ��. 9 _ L, �/ L�`_ i {• ar•' d,,:} +4. .f ` -'''- 'Y `_,5�' . "a• -d "' ,{: • {. �s '1:17 ','�'�sv� ";�(d.l�.;`�A1�t.: ti�F�i,>; r'�'��5� �.' * S�+ Y• '• ok't• ~ i'i "•v ,t.i1.. 1 .•. .i +''L:yri! :•+i'? .' jj,•:a,i t ` . .r •.l ... �'•f ' '• -.V . .'t' • `•l`i�F �,•,•• t•', ,;''10:. +y.�.'`.ra�,i5 ;. I+r {,1V{4,,i.ti•,: j', i k "r -'17,,17 ,, '"•rtt =Ya .. .i�t :,,,.`',i:'i..• � z.. i• ?.r.A'l�'4J•t`� kw, i ±17.,17 r; •; >^ +.t ,, r.°M1 ,wfS•i +,;: }:yf':],'�,�,jt� 1��•• ;'i. -i i wit' '•1"�'h.!�' :'ell -,. . a i,'.' 1%i�' -i !•' +a'' ••r *. .! 'tl I C ay fit, }' +:1� e. tll� t it -Ch. 548 LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESSION for all supplies, ruaterials, equipment and contractual services retuired by then[ through Pacilities;uf the port, basing department of the city of Saint Paul and toi• this service shall pay to the city of gaint Paul the cost Incurred in providing such services- SUCK colits shall he determined through an analysis and evaluation of all part ' hasps Iiroeecsed through Decembf -r 31, 1960, and thereafter through each succeeding calendar year. The manner and methods Of comlmting this cost will be the joint responsibility of the county auditcir and the city comptroller. They shall certify the• amount of the exact cost to ,the governing Imdy of each participating unit for the preceding calendar year on -or before Jmue :30 in eal•11 year. The governing body of eaclt.participatink unit sliall include tilt, cost as c•ertillod to it in its next annual budget, and shall pay the funds into the purchasing administration account on or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. Sec. 3. Smbdivision 1. A perrnanout cominittrr on standardization of purchases 3s crtahlishell, such conunittcr to be c'oniposed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint I'anl, the County of Ramsey, and the board' Of public welfare of the county of Rantu•y. The members of such committee Oil statndnrdization of purchases shall 1K chosen by the city c•uuueil for the city, by'the board of county contnnissioners for the CountY, and by the board of'publir welfare for that board. It shall he the ditty of tilt, committee to agree on single spccillc'atiulls for those items eculuucinly used is each of the govcrmueutal units in order that their purehasnng power may be combined. Subd. 2. The committee on standardization of pureliascs $hall have the lower to establish front tune to time ,tandards for each and every article for the use of auy and all oflieers and dopartillents affected by this act; to- make or cause to be taade any test, ex:truinaliun or analysis necessary therefor; yo refit tre the assktancr of ally and all Oflic011-r and departments therefor; to fora[ or c:n,se to be fornnvc( full, liroper and uniform specifica- tions therefor :tnd standard and mulform form, of Contracts. Kubd. :3. -'rnhje(•t to the approval of the governing bodies of all participat- ing units under tills act, tilt, committee oft purclulses shall have the power to k,ixejude all but one type cot• kind of �,ul,itlies ehere by reason of past ex- perience the a „tail competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All such items shall Ile listed on a master roll kept by the ()ty purchasing agent and which shall be available to the public for exataination. Sec. 4. 'flit' purchasing agent of the city of 5alat Paul shall establish, op- erate and nlandahi a central 01Hcc supply stock room. Ile shall provide for invNit0r ?, c•Intr11 procedures and the ruethod and manner (if disrt•tbution of yupplles "MI limtertal, from such central Mock roost. Each of the govern - ntent:tl twits p:n•(icip;ttiag ill the central purchasing program shall contribute such artoout,t as may be- joiutiy agt•eed upon into a revolving fund which is ber•eby e: k0di-Ahod. Mid shall pay Prom time to time, ill accordance with rules provided thrrcfor, into Such revolving full(] such moneys as may W required to cover overhead, in addition to tl,e cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. Tht• ri•vnlving fullO shall be administered and aeconnted for by the city of Saint 1' :url and its purchasing department. So'('. 5. '1'110 city of Saint Paul and the county nf•Itatnsey [nay provide Ware- 11011,;(, and storage - •(.ace for all items which are practieal to Store and the purchase of ttbteb, b, quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct fin :n, :i:tl ltchantage'to these governmental subdhHsbrns, Sec 6. ,b(]icisinrt 7 Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not- withstanding the proN Mons of any ',tatutt�s in conflict It in all pur- chases made by the purchasing agent Muller thle authority of this act he shall IK, g, tern$(] by fl”, provi,lou,' of Laws 1959, Chapter 643, and aets amendatory thereof, except as provided in,suhdivision 2 &ireof. Subtl. 2. Ml awards of pureha�v oonh•aets in excess of the sum of $2,000 I.at less titan tbc• ',Mn (if V0110 �Iiall be made by ,the purchasing agent, but shall fiat lu apt ro (A Yn the city council except that in the case of school contracts, (hey a, ;,ll fir-1 Lc apptot A by the board of education. All awards of purchase 800 • iTi''.'i•�` j� .r..t ty= F�'ii.'SW . ± •. r+�a'r'••� , ` 7^.�lr.S }�l`'r y t .1 ..� i t l.! - +.1 K`iT!�r.�t••li•nylW "ra7�•F Y .I•� '.I I, ;. ".J � ^¢ :r - !f� -ri '} F i 1''•<<r, 4Yjj,- J a - , -I It 3 _ 't r;" x12 a s' 'j ,i: t -, • r- Ir- b,••TL,.' 1: ;S .i fi .. 9 - -i � "� a.. { •i' yay:,• .1 5. y• 'l. •;. �•1� � '•dl+`�1.: •'1 �4.'`�•,1 °i r�• r . , .. r T �, -r'� - t. J �. .i`a i •• : :y.•r• dr .,�_� .zii_ =. ;rl; �i• fy�, � ,` y4 '' '�,l .la''t ; ;'••L i.lr, :f..1��• 'r." `'r •Sr, h.,- ,yw.i`'.. ort�' rt•j �,3' v kkN_- fi 4?,. A:: Z, 'dM .. vniri'��+l� P�ii� rc. -t•iJr : :Lrtic f_ ,- _ _ /� <, _ .2__1''.,. tF, x zwi) tot sq - rsiij�i es•, "Ciplip -tier and -t�atravthgit vevo 'l Yt- 11;;1vg t$ _ ' tLert #hrot�gh P.C13i;f2q of Vu 14v ofJ-he rAy tY z.,. 'A'Pstn1 c -Of for t4JA iQ thz ci y' fii #s.fst Fou3 tb1 ckkt in piv idf c ;r,L► set ip :*, € ixb rt tta F3,;311 tmv •d£t,arlrM-4 t6v3; 3i b t, : 'ti1WJR rind Oamat'ion U all plzu':�:es�. I _pnoq;� tii ill a $k-0:';W- .,eri :32, •5 ,in• wM • t1p�rgr,1tgr tbiroa& Tbe mrgpffci-i ,j %iz1t!Wft • .���A�kt)i8 `fit1.� � Yril1 tr+l.�:,e,}oi� 4a t,�:7Cf�]1. +r3* cf "tom �t�t�ty�,k�'� -sr . 24:3 tj !40. t-Ctnflt bjrA% �' :;� RM!�1.+.Prt13� kbv .rma4:;t ar f-i vmv s�;..,tb S iris coz'ernSr,K body of rmols �sI�.ciWi:-r�;` ti�tt tot 4b� 1} +11:;� 1Gi; ",1c{4. �,. en ot',lx�ct"� �tlnpr x'�•iu �et•eft "ga cutb :40 b :11t1ae ize, aosi. 19 C:.Mlied to U fu Its r*xt'xbz�ior bn and -t, ria�4�,3�r.i,9 YYlY3ttY 3*ttb #kc �tttehaetr{i xdfnln ±ritf3a+rc aura:* ab or ;z!gtr 1�uvary Ot �{ a krw;;RAivi takor_dat Yea. , S4eC & T. 9Ojvttipr, 1.. A caa:wlttm G 0:mdurJ1a ort ': ptret hojsi�x to ev7wi --a' vc'e; 4 no3vo"tttee :gin all rrit•A D.114e, of ' f reQiee,�+�r, '��c�se`f1i� ri�� bt:'�ttrrt�;�;vT,�jtiiR cnifti.;�o�'r:;'•�� i�t;'k,,•2 t��ar3 � R44r -P ;' =be T�.t_Ar ii of 45,4 ;. r,:: ^tlttr�+ ' ,. 16- Cs�_ stnlsr;ardlxa4iriai•s. .k3l+A:••. �� ;:at• z•.iti� Glty lm�11rTi for ;;c. Cite, by t;se cgvia47 i6r una S ul fy, U.-I Z'T cv. 11�t:7 of rrbTtr: weUos for t Ct 10AL ft � b�1t +'+ +, ty:f dut;f at t'at fir. nLO►'tt r, afi1•'� uk ejvtx>3 cp; SBcai.!a:x# fug tt - 1m.'itlmst0 C�M-s:ctnty p' -,LAl fit �tc1e• �i i]i� Vo ^ern tai i;nits 1$ ori;ar l!aAi�K poa�r msc3 be•�'G iu'ta:ti.. Autd. 2. Ofto ewr mtttcz csu` a Mar,Y ��intt,ot lSV h Rra S.a;1il•utr�.�'t �+ Yver rstaUUsh 40% u me fc[';tit+�le,+. ^''•. t'i for trt3i v:,t"nsxf� blt�1<7e . for Os,'sue =•of auy snit oil -W &i ; c ert s 3 ctat ?4 thin :tst,; n?pjm ex m•+ "'K"-#n be, sc;r? -4ai teat, 4 [ar!! xtlxt ar. zi�tr 'r.� x� z1 ;re ciF; V> ��4L try isistal,ev 4r any.r+!'rl. ate off' +. 4V34 tr, fw, #tt cr 41m, tiuC�i�,"ui t1 a L - ko a oduig ; r,!. -P,, t atr z c•,�ttscrk. , •- � �a1�. S. #lii�►l�i�:tu ttlC d#SjSI:�'f8,i-t'ii! 1� �ays�:kfs�.�`let►io4`bi- alb p= r.�:l�.;; :.k• lag rnits Ytn$nr this art; tft 0143 litce.on � xc7u$e ptil bat "m'l�°_� uhe airs d J -�*L -r Lo .a0e tSJ4 o: r id iT+ v4r, 0 -2- _ � p:rlez�eYYRie uKral;c^omT+tRiti*FC �isisl }a¢ tkn' " +ii.'fii?`. i w :k -16 ct:xxrl�aF,ttc rxF,dl4jtJng nn ;t. , A.11 $z+% it:r %!k' t* t fecT +h. ra�.we;� 1'• _ itnfi-?)kXix'![ty, ee7�s;�t� C t!► `.Af'tt �!.l� tcT`A•';,t7c� rpi.l +i }�:s� to 00 hrlxiic 1 3 1 i h .&g ea t "a, I J c tA1, t+t rau I " " ?k -Irian YY:d inliltaiq it Cents" o�;.e -uni ft izv., t iurm • Pre Sd 01, x?t ��nfnrY'c b�ttrnl procedures avu t4a mr:lt"i V4 -aioupr bi JC'.iA: •"a1T,t =`"' , ,, - nwljts azaW!t41wkim 40, sr1,,,, -,-: i'i%T• IVO�A y or,. Falb o � ;tt � *�e�'1 • j " irri Stu- j1%jwxtlC%nnCis •Sn,th.�rsetr�k.x-r; vltiCcgDtc r:.,'l !i)tmr: ;+Re;a 1xur4 qmu=t ad lugs. Tt� loft; #tx`figmt'4_>ipc,,a - 1n60 -a 'his' i i:l•Ci lroltil is. i r; ;eat'e;i�'ta''itSisxzc�i, and visullr'+�);Xr�tn _ 1�mv�al�tt►eT'.Ybct ta6� such xerri'.v,:� ;tti.:t lsyt�Tt saGtsi'�R a.s :;a�"6 ','� rsq ^l'.:`d to pier 'fie W !�ljjzg fDr..A she -ifi k,la3yeee:l Qi; 3Fsti:.at °ri �.;;'< ..- -- . . _ trr � {t�r,� r ;$�.nt .��.a�a eta ,���"�,�:�i�ra�r <A�r,r: _ - . • - ` - , . 1 so e. 6. Tie city of ss&it 3;:cui.s,;vi the vvy: Wb -fni • h-;,q w - eO t,ll'-tpjs 'VIk!.: vp Ind of, 1trrChAsO or: wwoh., ltt la", will ( =;!n g i • _ °, filetinr:! 1<r;,::ac3.�1 °ivwtra�d�t�i t:04!�%= 4cbr�rr��..�:. ".at .•�iu, €t`.c3cr�a, nk'.tol, il3 ",ECt!Cil �T ltri�t n41n ttsna,rrocse * v it: 0:11 ;:qtc* , �. •c;'�nsre' itt�a'3'. u�' t:�t F���uv =�� e.�,^2F.si'utY�t.'t�le� �rt1.'KJT�t;F Lt "��L yet ;�h�; 4,;i ` � .#�e +it's +tsrt`hy lt:n'�t�+�U':,;t!.a{•���,q -pie �"�i; ±`i:2�.w1`.,t�b °! 1`.�'ts�at. ?e:::^;- �.^:,i5x�;t� . , f u."e,g4 x:,x �;i;f 1 fi YVtwtr o v90�0�0 . tP h P`u' tditCJ�f1Ab1 ri : i `t?� Y?5q. ; pz' t a: - of of - $�iil' tt'AG4:}t� 3tiiit%.fi .t,.ts.E}�3•�'A� tip :t,�tlk 1Aj' :} "�'�'�lik�,Si.�''.Tt; �,ivy�i: �;. i; +,�,f ;I ' . ��"S:�tl�a t +::it- 1�►.•t'k�'[;� QT.03'b1'.,Z'•s "j�aftlC�y p..�a,,ti;:/v��3�, �.it.rl:,t CrR4q,t4� a.�.�s�.)- �•:'•4Y r!. �S � a the, YHatk;��7.L'f�•iiTYtft!<.4?� �11�.ii�ra�:z'fidl�if.'i:.:ft ' .�Jn �%, i 77i ik'i1Ti;�,:,',rl .s •y'a•xJti r,.r t -'R7 ":.t7 ".. .- , �., ��' �, T_ �` q': 7]. ;.'•.• c- Y•: ::•s.e +�,otay.+:•h•.;.y.;.w+t•. _,�T.7 #�.: •4, i•�t� �... ��rr :.W''?� } Vii., .��,, •,��;<..•,.,: -Et . ,.r t. ;.4. ,' � -'�• i� Z .,,,. 2 ; a'r _;]'��,-,• ✓vi .�R; § „; •_ .y � . iz s',S'ffiFf� .'' .,si "'jai_ Z' L 4:• S J •L I,AWj A tool EGULAR .4 a rfiAi'Qticltt "!n ce�.s of tbtl rvtr:n of t ,'1n1; shcEl tM nctdr' to bile rr:>dh" RTip�i' ilot +}�a Errtnpt�ict a1�4?e. sDt�rt%e+td ley ri'vrlttSlr�s� by i; ,IIG�'f nv ;t t r tllaiittr.`i1Fr1�:•�rrg rinit rin$ in tl><t c•8ae of rrl.tK.l rrt:ai8�tr1H,fy l�rq Fyurs.P taw.�;sluj «fkI �, tic city 4r %y�49� 4m, f $. Subject to th4l, prilvW14 fllLl (tt � c` i• tttP C�lttnxy j*)ard glta.11 pro-Ode 11Y joint rtu "'m�-al pvv�k Yi7iP4 upri fouaiti• zinns td Cnnt.oi the tlptl adminlu2xt1or prtwedi: t �- w1l tow- of ;±e' tho 101?lt pitrehAxlug prayre4u. Eull n�tAiL NJ t t1.2 tilty f�unr`Jl mtul cphen R&OW4 h3' rlkit cot* jt trt riz, tt a inx� and affect ni.law.. Orr thA b , T. Tlsn civil act v catpmliaete n : �Y -r rFtg pfdnL i�l'11 i .� routtiy of 'cin�n ar t%fr psyccr4sar 9txiirt� sunk cice lS�IJjob tmaFgnrselftte; Clussiilcatluus an4i rah t t�t�Gttionr 6�6 iY ' y'uc4glCezeA� may tts, mtKSp tuxr quat'Y t ttala s►o z tit' r:ik uSi2 +esl►# kiiC.�SI�� ' to es ttn(Wr e3d* iti ��kid� 4 � +a F ter: ..._f, F - lkli ice+!. teP present w,rtiF rp 3t ii 40- rTwi,and mot,erttcY slgefnxL inF lrt!ten'i, ► l , e1AO Ivarrstthnt tbftwO.to. yCIBr rerrcai r IC Ali-. secs .ti 'rills wk 4Aa'r.F tt,!cirltrQ 2ltectl�r,' e?'t ' jrlrit M @ a3•li eat Kltsi rUriIlfy ry f aiu ,Y -� Y�tr �, f s jkr�tCY'. ryP. tie county ++? lilt Paul Am& re rl cqu ilY,a�:���,1.'�� V U4041 _ -r3t illy aQ.'tl cal R9e cl Gf 'c r"" ,& :1: i r r A'j11Fad April. Ldp' a .l: F' ;Ji v'e � - - 4 wit � •.,J: w_ _ 'fie., "iY �� .t - .— ram -± -++, ri _ . -•� :r- a.a t•- i _, t- ,yt,1 �'� ��j' � '.�s_ ` ,+,+t�• r_, {. .�;Y��� , s�4l; ., ri���-•�'i �',t '�> • t ,k L - I.-}.r: !1� - [` eY 'jy�} le 4� ;a a •L{', t�,�F- �. • -� \'r '� -',Y.i'f'�j')r`it {� 1• - , •FY F• I ity F (t •^ f`., 11•'`'.f r'�. I'1` . }Z�eIT� ,1Q �1��_ x�,••�• • 1 -7, "A t `ir; -- r.• --'� t ?sy -.�! r • $ r ' =f` -+ K , � T' ��� 'C['��)L� t : ,t, t ,t, _ j� L 1 .4 :fit t;+:�....iT �4� t.s 'pia '� � ; •lr�,tr r�,, _i4' Wv +tk- '�• t- �VCll- �JY.i' .A.'1 ;l' -:`ti Ir ^; K•1� X1441• tR,';.L -�L ; 'Y' ` 0.11 r �-- DINT C N • .NIMAIA " Ail -A pt PQrptlxp -$i1 OR of �i�9� itKtlt 4P f5lfla:5tgr ss� Ritli alwWoWt :$.*** .S � � PYa1bp�1 E. 2. 46 �- satl et 14.¢3.1sa cm lot f- 0019WIC13; fiit"11114 L,1swa 4", so -to ;te 4,e itald4rq of tfto vats aj VIAAp"�4. , N e t t 9: ACFtA Xt�r , ChnDtNr 51R �,r[t7!rirfi to;v . • � 1w. -�t� �, t�►�Yua �. �ot,�ittr+st�r�ltba ilk ��i>tirat+! -at•,�b� _�fe�,tf � . tltior !OW to a# MA •4r',� $t"0111npt 1-6 ,tli't kity Of folm ruui yr thm t'►untp'o$.f ant , rtn��!>t• -Orov pa11k11tkS1• ,,tlttvs bkdM4 POt;t`.t MvwEtt tit l:�vi lli f(t , Mj%$ f;i111 !jjml cio h: mT. geTTli}.o<- •tM rtty at 6441 6'skl "14 Om Nmxt� Of, tai W,# L Vkt -.dk7 a .4.410 A�t1>. Mk rminty �``. i�si:•� *1�� i� .t4 r4x ai1;! 1ur#4 Iper' t121it ut it #> �csck� ? lr�� tv9�: stt tfltt2 ! tl tmi 1;• Iaro -� _ � t'ir�npt p�1�i1 'i�ta�f • �!1tst. l?F�rr�n. �� ., :. - • ..� - ' i • �b� � . ,�- °�t� � tICkY t���� '1.` ��fi���Y. ��QXj�J�[tfGki �f1` Itt�r : - � - .� xtArpn its. J% rro IN vsutlllit• I - Irt tklt r'i i rRtt ut?1 s 'scot} • t,fs, fy 'irt rip>r 4'-Mat 340.1 sm, e1'0o' 1 kner Cc;t kht, t.tlti�Ws1'inn nni►stf, 111tH i�!►t±h'sA1l ;:rt, paint �� #> � A�Sfil�'a?1��r�flflu nt' 1;IW•i1ur�•l��tt� ftr� #r,ut+ GY_t'�9 •'t1r1L •' t►pf tafl� �►�atah a;kt t+i %*ttlYUJOtl 2. 3nidAllp tb* 4as001117M Wit' -''' rxtCp • tr!lrl tip, jMjUrj%icj to .par into nob (tteul )AM- .. aR.. � 1i� x � iu*tw� j 1• +' tiiy t ti�E df1 tuft f 1'Ixuce ut a �uthl .f�att�hp u[ t$ #SW' i I a Wh vavoku• Ins 1 ` � o "Ard'4!C LOAMY (Y�fta]1tt��1111;'rb 4� �� � ZiQ1iKr'+� tbt oy�d "S pOtk'1ttt'•3*.nt of tho t<ubaromOp p UAO 4:00 k- tt:r;j butf nt j t tb �r k �fiW o r € atuf 1Wow 1171 OWL ttctt•. smary aimt istaio lffRP�taf �jrr _ I• i�• 1l - _ yY. Ch. 548 LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESSION for all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by them through facilities of the purchasing department of the city of Saint Paul and for this service shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost incurred in providing such services. Such costs sliall be determined through an analysis and evaluation of all purchases processed through December 31, 1960, and thereafter through each succeeding calendar year.' The manner and methods of computing this cost will be the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the governing body of each participating unit for the preceding calendar year on or before June 30 in each year. The governing body of each participating unit shall include the cost as certified to it in its next. annual budget, and shall pay the funds into the purchasing administration account on or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. Sec. S. Subdivision 1. A permanent committee on standardization of purchases is established, such committee to be composed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey. The members of such committee on standardization of purchases shall be chosen by the city council for the city, by the board of county commissioners for the county, and by the board of public welfare for that board. It shall be the duty of the committee to agree on single specifications for those items commonly used in each of the governmental units in order that their purchasing power may be combined. Subd. 2. The committee on standardization of purchases shall have the power to establish from time to time standards for each and every article for the use of any and all officers and departments affected by this art; to make or cause to be made any test, examination or analysis necessary therefor; to require the assistance of any and all officers and departments therefor; to form or cause to be formed full, proper and uniform specifica- tions therefor and standard and uniform forms of contracts. Subd. 3. Subject to the approval of the governing bodies of all participat- ing units under this act, the committee on purchases shall have the power to exclude all but one type or kind of supplies where by reason of past ex- perience the usual competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All such items shall lw listed on a master roll kept by the city purchasing agent and which shall be available to the public for examination, Sec. 4. The purchasing agent of the city of Saint Paul shall establish, op- erate and maintain a central office supply suck room. Ike shall provide for Inventory control procedures and the method and manner of distribution of supplies and materials from such central stock. room. Each of the govern- mental units participating in the central purchasing program shall contribute such amount as may bo jointly agreed upon into a revolving fund which is hereby established, and shall pay from time to time, ht accordance with rules provided therefor, Into such revolving fund such moneys as may be required to cover overhead, in addition to the cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be administered and accounted for by the city of Saint Paul and its purchasing department. Sec, 5. The city. of Saint Paul and She county of Ramsey may provide ware- house and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the `purchase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivisions. Sec. 6. Subdivision 1. Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not - w1thstanding the provisions of any statutes in conflict herewith, in all pur- chases made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall he governed by the provisions of Laws 1959, Chapter 643, and acts amendatory thereof, except as provided In subdivision 2 hereof, Subd. 2. All awards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of *2,OW but less than the sum of $5,000 shall be matte by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by the city council except that in the case of 5ehooi contracts, they shall first be approved by the board of education. All awards of purchase �Mlj ti 1 •iF� i� _ ►;2 Jtxlt•r 1�6" . •1;r ,1F' f _ t ., ,}�,. _.- -,� .- .- - !„� ,, �� ,� REGULAR Bq, + k. tcrR+s t:�m fhr f Gf l O R6 htl 1 tic id 7;k� rnr2nnpr. trt.t' ► it, � ! rQ c11a ty�t1 =� ytas tta'? sarcae unlLas appr' +Veit by ref- lutasr. I►y ctt% 9"1' 10; !fid r of lhg at Dartttiptiog nit, anQ lia tier carts M 1u t 1 cv�1't1'(tt lt�,. I4y L11h 1alerd u r(iUC.tT�Ori. ' ' � ' FSnbd. $. �,ub}c�ct to for tiruvlylong' Ar 4ufnk ►oifm 1. thi ritx cnunClt end the eannO board, ~dull prOVIc>E I'S Ju�nt Artrwment tir.►�wr rule-1 and rrg+ila tihn?t'tA �irltrnl the.admin13(latilo pnx'P011M,� hc*ct'ttiuTY id thc� eflleiP�f �)arn- tlon o4tWjoinr puichRa:l,ie1C prt)grem• t;w1i rWpE - Ittnl when "t it t. i p{ by the city i-ounell and Whrn edopiad rip ncK,, c.,poty- Ixit►rd, shalt k+s4t the forc~v t►nd Pffect of 10' . yiec 7. T,bc civil 1cervlee.rblnmiuluus of 11.14• city of ,°SRtlik t'R11t and the ceiunt>! of ltmeox or tbclr nu(�P, 1)r lu►cllrx t +Ali Ij:jx0 -power by -rule to change fob nAt(gnwenty, claAStflcatio, i4tici Tut, hprctd�7ticr►s at in their end tlnt 1DSy be nlnde neCf39tfry by this 14Vt ar rule ttdo!?fEiGpllrBUatlt 13,ereto. A11 ighta of prrK4'nt enoployees MAT Pxl4 1119 cltll P%VV'se sc1 are 1'rt . sermd and pyoteeled ag1►inst impidrment by n}1et'atW;L (a tbls act nr rUla allopted pursnint tberew �, J2c, X This art Nhat1 bemne .MfPr0 -,P only lifter Itst aPPt`"I by a n1.1 jority' of the county `t mrd of the Milnty Of 1tat1'W%7 XMI1 a< tM- PjritY of LIN city emnctl of ttte city of Saint Paut and upon tnn4PIIRU",wltlr ty}C 1►ct» Wonn • c>i' zWs j9p. Chapter W. •�- � J •��,1`_ � ,> _ - s;F: µJ1. � -__ _ `- -` ' �.� j.� s._. �► i- j -:. ,.. h, •. * +mot + • f;' . r•j is ,- ;_i� 3., i'''d1 t . ,.�f. ., � r,•� �y�'•f.,'�`k�l•.!► a:t f�" .� ,`� i -1�' aJi. �r` . � '��i• '.• v- '_�at' fir. � x.� �:.. -��'� ,;g �Y'' t�i'.ts - 4 • - `iii' r � , < , i. � •7 � iyP �jss L•, �� ' •V =• _ '� ; ' �i 'i , � ir, �;�1�,.- t . 1�i:'s'y:�. y �E. -, _; v .� � t�W,��;�f� £�,�'e �;,� Rid yy;c4t b jfi'i~ i. qtr} - 4S. 140, x(82 I., - AN.I t ttfEl q 4o tic(; p. twtm - ¢t•bxata at K.:`rusfyr at SRar , it�d f' i r:tt4a)D rs vI4bv ski ,*v; trOZ340 -` LAW 300, 0, OWAr. 0.0 7j .. p mVic-%sig , �. ~� • rtc���+l�+'ls►�� ra��tt! .1f�xt+rr. J�ii. �b�I�t� �€�, ssatir �� . - ., ,•,� .-' �' g. Htit�fE.t+k,n !. };�s7t��kY�Car.+�Ipg t &:a Y,trtair►s aT Kng rtu11 {. - to �t�ttu, tI0,v'#dIrAncet,•os! i IS`�v to GEt i trpr�r t t'talc�Sn , -sa _ �.Wc'��n Jig tAi 't" of 0tltt.Tkatit V'r 1he iymnu7; of 4 sib, p�st4 In d�dtt '�' (101pw v* Woo* W'OA;• UISMOI O 'tri "VrAwt-ft I Ulric tali( - iF'lG� butt ", 4A '"tat t'isnl Ond the t ol)JAy of N�itn�ey I 4a>iti'4d9n7+ ifjou sIgKh",("K jo*rps. tad; I FYI* cit# � 1lfstnt I'st�t, tits (buntx Yttiitov, ttnd (IN, 101' p� sitai�I at pity Ot' xUlkit 4`apt ind thb qyunty qT 'Assm ' , • t sl�aA, taF+t pra�i�hsstb t1t�4�i Sri► !N►lyiY (s�PiNi'Lh iR►! �,. . - r�s4� jtt•`1A t�3Xiittsis+'ii • �ri�+t -Nrlt �rr�kEt. � .. -. • ° ��' ,• ' :, � ^`. �,' tl�,+sttber �i1t14's4l= smttLdiltxlc►rir timnt,�,tA,;lt t�a'�►ckc�aif ��, �'� _ rrf W10% Ito W.Itlitp Ham *Umtr a k4$ eta, tt'..•I F, t o �ac�tu+ #tom n?a t!r vOrm Aq its • . -r;' • � !����7 tlsn es�iwetr#rt tfiQ attfr 4�'t1�glttt' Yjittt ets� ltcoV.i�..f1Y f#att �Y�Ar - .::��. '- Cdt�St� �r�iS9iLti�iliY:tct'n .Gt Z;A��7 •C�ilitt�• 2• „ -.; ._.L '�'�.: `+ fr,, i;; : tiritDs �tstslti l �'IigrA is sstnfditilsed I �.'''it sStr!seJu at Oto MM11, "yh ;; ii,, f � t►r to MY 4f alot t'KUI all ticctQisnt d(�t n:4�,4K t s�r4>�`l;sir3►,,t fit+ • { fti 4t+y' ktonht: i to whvh g611 I � 4 u¢ 4t}ti -,r uecliResl+tK t►sYrlV7Ttt�t 4'Y I - !tad rAtluts of 04 9 itit'a ?'i+ttsJ�tts+�sion I Insthuw tJge $off; isatl,ortxect to -pay tuto s,acli 1�ipir! �s :ctt ��t strs �' � �t1nt�� - - a'Idti.�tag1 tri the iiysrt►yr� uz ati'�aistltirxtl,yr, ;,{'._d4is6&i�by st4!c�)'�4ia'r.►�..• _ fs4IF 1N y. ;. �luDs►• 1 7'L;t txiva of county �t►u►mJtfai�yy.trr,t yf RkN, c�ia?+lF tsi'i�B�a${tjr 4ptt � s ` tl►r t+ufaTd e)f yut:ftC, t'(fAeti ts> t *i cotttut$, isf 2r 11V�ky Rust tba gait �i,esy. y ' • 11f t♦h3" pttitk•f,pating eWP.na, ttitxllVtrW or IgvI lf'¢W 'ty 01,61t ± arNt {icrM1,r1A H!i'si¢t>i nmewarY Ot LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESSION >`e ,', Jor it�l.ittpplfes, materials, equliwtent allot contractual services retiitired y tln >tu through facilitieti of [tte pnrrbasing tteparttneut of the city of faint Paul Gild for this sort ire shall pay to the city of 5alut Paul the cost lucurred in providing such services. Such cost• shall be determined through an analysis ' ' • and evalaati(iu of all purchases processed through Ilccember 31, 1 1)G0. and thereafter through each succeeding calcudar year. The manner and methods Of computing this cost will be the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. 'they Shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the governing body of each participating unit for the prec•ediug calendar year r. oil unittshallrinrlt>,ic tlltettcostListcacttified rcuitrinn�stnextoannulalltbudget, anti shall pay the foods into the purchasing administra account on or before tion January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. Sec 3. Subdivision 1. A liormaueut conunittee on standardization of purchases is established, such cotuntittee to too. coutposed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ilal.tttsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey. The members of such committee on standardization of purchases shall be chosen by the city conuell for the city, by the board ui cowtty commissioners for the county, and by the board Of public. welfare for that hoard. It shall ltc the duty of the c'ommlttee to agree on single spec'ifleations for tho�> items eoutmonly used in each of the governmental units in order that their purchasing power tray be combined. Subd. 2. The committee on standrdizal ion of purchases shall have the power to establish from time to time standards for each and every article e oP 3"y and all oflfeers and departments afrccted by this act; for the us to make or cause to he made' :uty test, cx:uuination or analysis necessary there for ; to form or tcau " to be formed I full Proper a and uniform specciiflca- therefor; to roqjulre tious therefor and standard and uniform forms of contracts. Subd. 3, Snhject to the approval of the governing bodies of all participat- ing units under this act, tI1 r c.kindtioP supldiesc whernsbyll reason t of l Past rex- perience the usual competitive bidding p to articipating purchasing agentcandt c which shall oil e the public for examination. Sec 4. The purchasing agent of the city of Saint Paul shall establish, op crate and taaintain a central oflice supply stock room. lie shall provide for inventory control procedures and the method, and manner of distribution Of supplies and tuutcrials Prwu such ceutral stock room. Each of the govern- mental units participating in tltc central purchasing program shall cxtntrfhute such amount as may be jointly ugree'el up�ut into a revoh tug fund which is hereby established, and shall pay front tithe to time, Yu accordance with rule: provided therefor, into such revolving fund such moneys as may lie required to cover overhead, in addition to the cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be administered and accounted for by the city of Safut Paul and its purchasing department. �,.c• ;,. 'rite city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey utay provide ware- house and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the purchase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivisions. Sec. Co. Subdivision 1. Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not - withshuldiug the provisions of any statutes in conillct herewith, In all par chases made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall 11e governed by the provision~ of Laws 19:)i), Chapter 643, and acts amendatory thereof, except ati provided In subdivision 2 hereof. �uhd °. :�11 awards of purchase contracts in excess of the stun of $2,000 but less than the sum of $:',000 shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by pro vedvby council bo rd of education. case All awards of purchase contracts, they shall first be approved' 800 I �,,.,�,,�...Y.�„=.ra., r,'r.Yx'�+�m'r`!�3� ".� F g" , ji ;r1 �s: i, fY•`� J � ; .i.;::a .��.aFrv�- n"'ny5s?` 'i h f��' _ j , ;i!l k .i f' :'.s ,,'j , C ri•. L ,ty, i .i :ry t,,. >• 'a r:S•'- ' - +�'S +t d.' .• 3T' +f...3 7t!' �• >!'�' y 0: ,= ,!>gr'•''1��'t',. �.�.,�:. •i - .� ;,o ' =i, _ �- �'�A<: � ,7Y ;1.' _ +y�,• � q.J .�: ,....'3�'.l.' .. ,; �4�.�k��R�. 7,�7 :„ ^t' � ��f r lJ#ta �;att�nti, ttX1t icpm of $:x4V6 %bxtR �.t 1404-.�'' - »J ratn�±ete vtnIb* 10kil cJ + ' st�it�tf��h �►�f ¢ c.����tkBr� isc+ .. ,� prticlrsafi.lrt.,lts tt t> oftrh,t# �,riit��etr�, "U 15 t5 satard odr • . ' ' fltia8. i3. -> tt>3#ocl thb P �vbltins of 9UNiIVi9i0 1. 12t? rtiy < i�nf:J? ctialc ` (• �nnuty bt►ex 1+; Yir3e 11 .Whit Rgn'i ttPtas n7plir raJee a3tNl rc lw• ' , FRonis.in, Ym �tli�?�C7tn•�}} t�+tiv�� 1►= �peetittrr� a � Y•t= � ib' t+t1 OVA', 61*0 . - ttott ot,the JoInt�uYClvAlks Sri xt��. ! 't�l}: fllr� Red SrN{�ulitJior�.�, ` 'd ll� thq ri ;Y 'KGII •+�J'aa�tl wlvtm tadepted IT ti* ehR;: tlu�x • 7. '£bi ai7t1 ee€'tdct CotttWirt9i4rt5 R4 11>w dttl nt- Art lilt i''Atit Stitt' �mntt7 �fi jtjtvV- uz their ORMrM or 110-6 shim ill* 7c'lrret' try lld4 to RC ,i A tuanlgitm fix, r,Las9J9fi�tiattz aw-1 jnb � tE strhtn� Asa in 'tile Yu l if 7 �'e fl?r`ft siecc ary by tbi ti^ <rr rliiie. OpEii#ktcxi yspMairaut tirext�to, j Alf'A ;01 pF�ettt minpJoyk4d un?J" .ptC�Rtat� cXsil'ry�rrPJcw srE+, nre tt� � srgtlK'fii/t. stlettln - Iisjittirttt6rtG � �1ymrdf `G4 t'al�, Xert o; ruTd+" -Atio vaursuAnl ltetr td ' Sec. !z, Ttilati iu•R QkIY 1�:CrDti1Q- cJP�ctise (rt11s nf6t aW aPP "usa3 spy a tna 1 "jQrid �Di Lie 'rouut,g �n&t1f tat Fhe calutitg rf em�e�t -AUJd a n►uJorirp of the - t 'oisPiF 11 ut tbne city o1 xjt4 f'atil Rud upon cnti�; aXwe with toe pr-oviatons ` _ -7 • t , ;: 'iii � #.. s }]� #'!4i•t• ■ -•�J.' I. t! � 1- ,hY'�' •�j'� �t•_fj�4�, � a-��' I� t , cY • _ • {4 it t M' b.l "l�'- i / '�'•'��+LY .• 5 ` tf�:.. A.AP low. �,..'Y '' � !..` • ." , Or _. `�'�' •.�'' 'yy.•:�'r %q aka J `a t1�tiy re r�k bc[r� °-4�i .4. t'y�'';� •t'r Tip .����� '�� • �� f�la.' s a.�. "'�_ .4�.,.�t(:= ,t5tbts ---.., .. �'fa`�ti t: �� • r�iti� _ i�,:��.�,- 3._` h_ � . '�'.�1- � �' • - _ zt' - t i (71AAWR us • . , - ' .yam -- ". =_fit r �. Am A0 rttl�lttl.i4;1 � ZtsiF �gP�iailat 1w .r�)% O� Z44.,ik,; *�Jf At linsestedr ltld ._ 84rte�x siRtlyli<trl. eitidrrleiezts thrslklft; ca:tll�t.tti�sA IBS; e11lflr »2t ttlrf)gttt i, Z 4, $, ROAR 6 atldlltlg aeon 4� 0 0 1; Orili+7 to t'osr #*vjv a"rfrg; repeating LtWs 115k c*Aptee' WOftda 9. die a c"Otest by w XMTuloturR ff the. ,qtato of Manctots: {:j:•- fkCta4A 1. ' YAwit I O, Cbapror 542 is Atplts+i¢d to YRO, : - ; >SettlGs► 4. Habdivialun I. NolwifbetAW11uq tl1P 0*fkIOTW of MAY Oar. tcw - provuRi t, city oydinewt, or prior jaw to tlfs? ' g ltraq 1►pr•tatttir v to 'l pturebaalug b7 Itt elty of taint Poml. or iliN eounty d Monteay, ktlri ir1 fader to prot c' wpetttlVe biddJug, Klfmt crunomfau, in volume buylny,, 8,1tj - ' pi>covJtie Wtet st:rvlc% the rtty of Saint I'uul go$ tro muuty or Itett>�!y [ `} shell ea Abllafi a Jodtit prrh4ulvtt prNrm. 1�11bt1. V. The cltT Of AIs1lAt VOUL 441 e,011riYy 9x l Cyr -nwly the ht, id y+wic rvlf¢xv at,tfw 0117 •mint &`atll gnri tl1!a � dA IietlriilLif ,rSr; 1- r OtOAe moblot to the prOAAona of W8 Ito; k1KI Oral _'"," K kilsatu w, as,' Zi2tr- f 46sltsp prom om, estt{fill'ahm p }ireuitnt herett), •A'#$ Other Wtitleal wubdivWvn, tnuofaW 4mWiraWn ow Ztiu- nictlfati agent glta IW%t CA WhI(Ils lies WJOAU I!RfA* y ti1tpt4Y t;lyt,pdy;lclt tc IPA the pcsre'hsriilg 4Srp�ta�°a br m(,rfrn of Its i�F� twoy, - #il!+ioct to aoprovel fly the rouIte[t of the clty 60 tOWE NWI sniff �pruYl+t � tt►e �R�d Oi. (X)Muty S i►s~leRlGSfc'r+s of Itg;litotiy ttlllpky, k6c. 2. 8- abdivlHjos J. WJwrr Ix eKp011131skrtS iT W i;etobroa,bi' ti.'� orfitils- imiLer of the CSty of ROW 141.111 All 4"UM 4rFtrlb4 .fi't rh,- puttllamug art. ►Illulattutil�tl , fit-count. ON - whitb nhAll 1w 1: Id tlier• A##"" ` 4w of (trr' a4ullni 4t ration IT the parrhaaing Irrol#1`not by t6, vkt1t P A1Vj1W 'OV* 11orml-, ant ti) uVIKIWIn'ton 2. Iattlilily the governing Ixglir xif Ztjfi$ $On1c, 4zfA •• ilnit t$ pathurlr44l to Day Into ASiC?i flinrl ncipf, kiia?XI t $4 dui JW 104 -w(CrU - r.ppnvAAtc4 to Me 1)UrVrut2 of Ivuft*Ogs -,4 owb i' • itili '.wtly. - - > ;A" 2. 'rhfr Vsoara cd 40=ry cou mM li wr, of toe OlUty 4% F4 dr 4i 4 Joe kxv*vO of pllolt c trr8 of W, (vunry of 11411v 'y Oiitl. 63# afav t111"rtg twy, - • t)f Any 'DnrtSclpata1 V sUYets y, PuNlIvisA 9 Or ninl :3ci1);,i1Jjy $1011 b,gjtaflor flu ulul Dsrfur,a Hii 9eTH mweiwiary and lajitrti;ll mal 'IU tfl*.11l r1 jirwe lit ctrdtzq� 7" Ch. 548 LAWS 1961 REGULAR SESSION for all supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by them through facilities of the purchasing department of the city of Saint Paul and for this service shall pay to the city of Saint Paul the cost incurred in providing such services. Such costs shall be determined through an analysis and evaluation of all purchases processed through December 31, 1960, and thereafter through each succeeding calendar year. The manner and methods of computing this cost will I►e the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the city comptroller. They shall certify the amount of the exact cost to the governing body of each participating unit for the preceding calendar year on or before June 30 in each year. Tile governing body of each participating unit shall include the cost as certified to it in its next annual budget, and shall pay the funds into the purchasing administration account on or before January 31 of the succeeding calendar year. Sec. 3. Subdivision 1. A permanent committee on standardization of purchases is established, such committee to be composed, on an equal basis, of representatives of the city of Saint Paul, the county of Ramsey, and the board of public welfare of the county of Ramsey. The members of such committee on standardization of purchases shall be chosen by the city council for the city, by the board of county commissioners for the county, and by the board of public welfare for that board. It shall be the duty of the committee to agree on single specifications for those items commonly used in each of the governmental units in order that their purchasing power may be combined. Subd. 2. The committee on standardization of purchases shall have the power to establish from time to time standards for each and every article for the use of any and all officers and departments affected by this act; to make or cause to be made any test, examination or analysis necessary therefor; to require the assistance of any and all officers and departments therefor; to form or cause to be formed full, proper and uniform specifica- tions therefor and standard and uniform forms of contracts. Subd. 3. Subject to the approval of the governing bodies of all paiticipat- Ing units under this act, the committee on purchases shall have the power to exclude all but one type or kind of supplies where by reason of past ex- perience the usual competitive bidding procedures will work a disadvantage to the participating unit. All such items sball be listed oil a master roll kept by the city purchasing agent and which shall be available to the public for examination. Sec. 4. The purchasing agent of the city of Saint Paul shall establish, op- erate and maintain a central office supply stock room. He shall provide for Inventory control procedures and the method and manner of distribution of supplies and materials from such central shock room. Each of the govern- mental units participating in the central purchasing program shall contribute such amount as may be jointly agreed upon Into a revolving fund which is hereby established, and shall pay from time to time, In accordance with rules provided. therefor, Into such revolving fund such moneys as may be required to cover overhead, in addition to the cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be administered and accounted for by the city of Saint Paul and its purchasing department. Sec. 5. The city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey may provide ware- house and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the purchase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage to these governmental subdivisions. . Sec. 6. Subdivision 1. Subject to the provisions of section 3 and not- withstanding the provisions of any statutes in conflict herewith, in all pur- chases made by the purchasing agent under the authority of this act he shall be governed by the provisions of Laws 1959, Chapter 643, and acts amendatory- thereof, except as provided in subdivision 2 hereof. Subd. 2. All awards of purchase contracts in excess of the sum of $2,000 but less than the sum of $5,000 shall be made by the purchasing agent, but shall first be approved by the city council except that in the case of school contracts, they shall first be approved by the board of education, All awards of purchaze '- MIC . i ii di ' ►ut•ErArtjp fn ai 361kff not I* complete aWAb' ", h� rkwilk � . 1i OO)i' iL �� �4 1t7�� h� �She t aa. c4gZr�t�e.t} ' tab v%rAcipaI IX unit; RA4.IvR j, at, 4chAtfSp} 4 .. • , � '�.• T ` " _•. 41111C1itl;�jS7. r ' c • D Erubte'Ct tt 00 his rlsidur, of ftr :iz� '� , t�q ''• tr k 7x1 „.`'!'�tihe.:. _ - t tht� 4vi,t�.t��::E±ri�c�l stiall'Ii7Fir1r,.3�� j�:�t_t1'ic�s1� lift� •.'rioj�4 4�r<Y?�'�IktTliit��*d�#r� �Y.k�, �.� 1Pi•Y, `a' E.? cpiytcnl t�S3,sc�mtrlL�2Y:1tia'1. ll rc�htsNilr • pt nrsm. 'f1;lc`k{ YZ7i y�1F = 3+�* ! {►� • LIAg � LZt� t� Jn pl2 •W..hrrr W}elr, +lei �V,1 3',l n +_.'S '� • _' , 4tA ,4` h l�.a ti •'' - ' -' (hr ,tor xrkt ff'dt df',%W- .'; s: tr= :'_,,. ' - -)Ake . 1 etatt'AgIlte r .- • ° >- ".o1�PRT.- ��''Ar��' ' trt' ii?adr t$arrm`�`sr i�t��. �'nK�. ,'tom d' �,y�` ��, � tHl�P ,• rSa6a s i9iCh e il•E�Uni6 t#t d S� t� Llairs �s' i�7� `- i , %, i sh�n`.gh �bx +tucni #s rir e e v '4r��i, i ti .iAA i, '�bS rla a of ' icrte�rtY llp teas ustr;ac, eztsi t ctv � !G�' I�rc+' i b - y p}e"V!{}fflCillT li!1CY9y� �? ►•imt7PF�fl�f,Ctai*^7s� t� RC�I@Y3i� -• i _ ! \.r.',� -'.,•R •Y'•- �`�°- • -+'•., =81:4'- �i�iZ� 113 _et:�•i illlj� P��l`:` `Y!a��`'I =� .'.ei' 'u• F�'''. �- �.;i *; . ( Jx CCI�n f! Of (Ka�t�39 t3�lettlx iC#, tl . ^' :tulr:t: :. •_J : 1 nr ilfinll c fi1t ' -4 c4t� ni: car+} 6##t�t `acs a r' 4Kc�,►ri ft t_ !i.5f s . * o .1.�tRti Ash. U$�r T •�r - r=� t'"'' 'L:.A...•��' 'f”. h�. . _ ...P^ _ - X1`1 �1�11,•v1•!•'s �' ?. -, �r. C-.rr_t',� -� s •1. r w. r .t`rY- - _ 3• �_ a t.��f� - - ' .. T�•_: ,� • �1 - yr. 1'r_ + •! �!• a i. '. t�" � °�.."ir:�21, .�� :� =•-•- - :�� ,` . r• S ..:•kTi,�' }j' .a��;: �r.�'+,t-i <, cii �t 'T'�'�••;.t'l."• C� Jl . 3 f' .. `�Sa�! ".. _,'S ._� !� •� .. -- ?SL�1.t...wrs Yi.•,t�:'.•.��.� ,L ;d::s•��,7.U7 ..r3� "�.F -; �,'S .._�s�.1C1' <: _.. i I STATE .-OF MINN-ESO-TA fflMION So F. No. 1652 Iftm*"W and geed First n Mar. " IM, W Mr. "Wt& TWerred to Committee on CItW of First Clan. Reported B&4k Apr. S. 1961. To pan as ameaM eWandar ci wdinary matters. Raid $wood T)Aw Apr. k I"L Matter in ItOw 14 vow-,- =after In capi" when in is *M law to be omitted. A BILL I For an Act Rda#ng to taw PurebtAlm; Proipssn of the Comty at Ramew and Calaft Municipal Sub- I dfAdon 7bOMA; MftV*W &CUM 6 and 7; ProvWhw for Rewsm1berins; RqmWir4 Laws 19W Chapter 542, Beetke & Be it esscW by A* UpWatwe of the Sint* of N6"ols: Section 1. tAm ISK, Cbspier 542 Is amsMW to reed: Section 1. 9"Idlollion 1. "WMAW'...'" Ing the provielm of OW day w p ovWaa, ft ordbumme, 2 or *4w law 4 Ili ciihwy Pset to pwm*aw* by as 4w 4c aw Pail! it ** emnty of 3 Ramsey, MW in 4rdw io prMe" Obbasown in I i6mvi" MW pro" 4 better swviW do st.Bilk pw "A the co"ev at PANOW &&I "WAA a jobt premwnc pro- 6 ftb•' 2.1 rW j* 'If AjiW''OW* 46*, of•kamosp. dedrAt WiM ' • iWON i of t" iky lot 7 &W POW and AW c w li 0 ft6ft me *" 6# "bim or 00 POW86"'g( Mb *a "d wwa Par"- 8 cipate in th*' �' mugs folw0i" PWOMW hereft 9 Subd. it. Avw'gmr esi #464A W* mwA*g ewwroMm or vQwWjW *MY &► Peft 01 10 Which U" wwas ON it eons inihoplellho j" Op #tofu" of its pow"Ving 11 body, mbj*O to sopsov by the *@WW@JUW oft of Bwi*'1lWv4d'wrf" bra# ib m- Ofecow* 12 See- L %b Ob W Y.'rhas If N%MIKW is the rovvO& 41 At *MVOO*r if 00 OUV o f S6W POW 2 an 6060iwat-diwv" #4 Ow. the swisook 3 cost of as prorr aw-fibe to sow i u S i vision 2. Initially the gove'rning body of any participet►+g unit is authorised to pay into such fund i such amount as may be kwfwlly eW prisW to Ow pw,pose of of purchasing by 6 such governing body. 7 Subd. 2. The board of county coenmissioneres of the county of Ramsey and the board of public K welfare of the county of Ramsey and the govorvAg body of any pertieipating opmey, subdivision or 9 municipality shall hereafter do and perform all acts necessary and instrumental to the purchase or 10 contract for all supplies, materials, equipment and (CONTRACTURAL) evob vo" services re- 11 quired by ( ANY DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY OF THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT) them through 12 facilities of the purchasing department of the city of Saint Paul and for this servke shall pay to the 13 city of Saint Paul the cost incurred in providing such services. Such costs shall be determined 1 I through an analysis and evaluation of all -purchases processed through December 31, (1969) 1960. and 15 thereafter through each succeeding calendar year. The manner and methods of computing this cost 16 will be the joint responsibility of the county auditor and the dty comptmtr. They ihall certify the 17 amount of the exact cost to the (BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE CITY COUN- 19 CIL OF SAINT PAUL..) governing W4 of each partieipati" unit for the pr ia0 oalendar year 19 on or before June $0 iu3@wA year. The oorerning body of @&A p4r9cipsting fault shall inchuie the 20 cast as certified to it ix its asst awausl bed,/et, gad sulall peg the fm& iata W pure"ming pdrtinis- 21 tration aseo%t ew er befem ^mw7 41,4. the-Ame ak/ edo6d R - ,' . (SEC. 3. ALL OF THE CHARTER PROVISIONS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL PERTAIN- 2 ING TO THE PROCEDURES, RULES, AND WULATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PURCHASING :3 GOODS. WARES, AND MERCHANDISE ARE HEREBY IN THEIR ENTIRETY RESERVED 4 IN FULL.) ( SEC. 4.) Sec. J. Subdkgsiox 1. A permanent committee on of purchases ( FOR •L THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY) is establish4 such committee to 3 be composed, on an equal basis, Qf r+epmeentatives of the city of Saint )Omni. the county of Ramsey, 4 and the board of pulAk welfare of the county of Ramary(,). (AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL b UNITS 'PERi[i r= TO PUBCR,AO THROUGH T!k' PU1kCHASLNG D$YARTNENT OF THE 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL) The wambea *1 006 awaedlies an di -2 eI yw Woos shall be 7 chosen by the dty com ell for the oltV, by tlna bwd ed wm* aoawiriwairl< Saar *0 oounty, and by 8 the board of Dublie welt 0 14 for; to require the assistawce of awl► @" &N sffirs and departments therefor; to form or cause t,j 15 be formed full, proper and xnifonw speoifiesliow therefor sad steads" sod uniform forms of con- 16 tract#. 17 Subd. S. Subject to the approval of the goverxdng bodies of sN partioipsting units under this art, 18 the committee on purchases shall have the power to eseluds all but o%e type or kind of supplies 19 cohere by reason of past experienes the usuat competitive bidding prooedww wX work a disadvant- 21) age to the participating unit. All such items shall be lister# on a master roll kept by the city purchax- 21 tng agent and which shall be available to the public for esaminatton. (SEC. 5.) Sec, i. (AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AFTER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TIIF 2 CENTRAL PURCHASING PROGRAM THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE COUNTY OF RAM - 3 SEY, AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY SHALL ES- I TABLISH) The purchasing agent of the city of Saint Paul sh Q establish, operate and maintain a cer►- 5 tral office supply stock room. (THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE ON STANDARDIZATION OF 6 PURCHASES) He shall provide for inventory control procedures and the method and manner of 7 distribution of supplies and material from such central stock room. Each of the governmental 9 units participating in the central purchasing program shall contribute such amount as may be joint - 9 ly agreed upon into a revolving fund which is hereby established (FOR THE OPERATION OF W STICH CENTRAL STOM ROOM), and shalt *y from time to time, in secordamee with rules prn- 11 vided thr, refor, into such revolving fund such moneys as may be required to cover overhead, in addi- 12 tion to the cost of materials and supplies obtained therefrom. The revolving fund shall be adminis- 1:1 tered and accounted for by the city of Saint Panl and its purchasing department. (SEC. 6.) Sec. S. The city of Saint Paul and the county of Ramsey (SHALL) may provide 2 (ADEQUATE) warehouse and storage space for all items which are practical to store and the pur- 3 chase of which, in quantities greater than current needs, will secure a distinct financial advantage 4 to these governmental subdivisions. Sec. s. Subdivision i. Subject to the provisions of section S and notwithetanding the provision: 2 of any statutes in ooafUct herewith, in all purchases made by the purchasing spent under the author- ; ity of this act he shall be governed by the provisions of Gsws 1969, Chapter 014J. and acts amendatory eo . except as provided in subdivision 8 hereof. but les+ than ',.htt sum .s 4 Sirbrl .Y Subject to the proviRiom of subdirimon t. thf city rounril and the county hoard shall '..' 1 oridr by joint agreement proper rules and regula -lions to control the admintstrative prorfdiir,; tie- }. "o ^.,i to the efficient operatii►n of the joint purchnairig program Such rulfx and rrgulatiou,, ii hri- t ^ rot,trd by the my council and when adopted by the rounty board, Shall have the force and r ffirt lair The cirri seri!ire communions of the city of Saint Paud and the county of Ramsey or their 01thdiux shall have power by rile to change job assiviinii nt.,, rlaxxifiratiovq and fob . pi r`- fi: in their udyinent may be made nereqxary by this art or gulf adopted pu►;ateant tilt rrto. 111 ifibNe of present employees fender existing etril xf rrirr arts are prrxei7 ^ed and protertrd a!tarrst ot,rrri rwnt by operation of this art or rule adopted pursuant thereto "ec 2 Thi, a.et :hall become of fertir•e only afte r FIs approeal by a ma)trrity of the county boned i rile roinrty of Raweli and a ma)oritk of the city rounril of the city of Saint fait( acid upon comph- verve with the provisions of Laws 195.9, Chapter 368.