202240h OR ANAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK kL s. i i 3 DA FORM COUNCIL N 20224 FILE 0. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 435, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved on the 17th day of April, 1961, entitled: "AN ACT RELATING TO THE COUNTY AND CITY JOINT PARTICIPATION IN ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DETENTION FACILITIES, WORKHOUSE, WORKFARM OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF; AMENDING LAWS 1955, CHAPTER 353, SECTION 1; AND AMENDING LAWS 19559 CHAPTER 3539 SECTION 15, AS AMENDED BY LAWS' 1957, CHAPTER 664, SECTION 2.11 a certified copy thereof is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act,hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said 8ct. COUNCILMEN Yeas DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Nays i f Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 8 -60 QD. 2 z Et Council File No. 202240 — By Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 435, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved on the 17th day of April, 1961, entitled: "AN ACT RELATING TO THE COUNTY AND CITY JOINT PAR- TICIPATION IN ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DETENTION FACILITIES, WORKHOUSE, WORKFARM OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF; AMEND- ING LAWS 1955, CHAPTER 353, SEC- TION 1; AND AMENDING LAWS 1955, CHAPTER 353, SECTION 15, AS AMENDED BY LAWS 1957, CHAP- TER 664, SECTION 2." a certified copy thereof is filed here- with, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; Resolved Further, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a cer- tificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. Adopted by the Council May 19, 1961. Approved May 19, 1961. (May 27, 1961) In Favor Against .a. 19 Y Council 19— MAY 3919 Approved 19 Mayor QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 2o22/io CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE O CIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED* By the Council of the City of Saint Paul. that Chapter 435j Laws of Minnesota for 1961; approved on tho 17th day of April. 1961* antitledz O-AN .ACT RELATING TO THE COUNTY AND CITY JOINT PARTICIPATION IN ESTABLISHIMENT t OPERATION AND MAINTMANCE OF DETENTION FACILITIbS * WORKHOUSE, WOWAFW OR, ANY COMBINATION TMER'EOF i AMENDING LAWS 1955. CHAPTER 353, SECTION 1= AND AMENDING LAWS 1955,, CHAPTER 353* SECTION 15,r AS AMENDED BY LAWS 1957, CHAPTER 664* SECTION 2.',' a certified copy whereof is filed herewith*. shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHFiR That the City Clerk# as the chief ilerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith Wo with tho Socretary of State a certificate in fora proscribed by the Attorney 0011 lral stating the essonttal facts nacossary to said approval of said A+ct hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said .;ict. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 8 -60 "4qp�" 2 n Favor - P Against MAY 19-M Adopted by the Council 19— MAY 19 ��g'� Approved 19— Mayor ° - Mi. - - ---- ' - ' - - kilL---k -L7 1:1 N :C ?G -H= CO'U -,iy AND CITY ,;OINr' ?G:� i'\ EST A3LISW' EN - -, 0= =4Ai _0N _; —ENDI :G L-'7S 1955, S'C:IO: 1 AND A:. - •:DI \G L :'S 1955, CHAP-ER 3, S =C' ON 15, AS Ai. \DED BY LAWS 1957, oc4, SE IOV 2. _. E\.07=J BY HE LEGISLATURE C_ _._ ST 7= OF :---X\FSO:A: Section 1. Laws 1955, Chanter 353, Section 1, is hereby mended to read: Sec` -ion 1. -.. .. .. A. ^.e cou. ^.':.y o_ Ramsey and the City o' Saint caul May, WE:4-61i -GE 4Y-, joir. ~ly acquire lard .=, erect, equip, f urnish, mai nT.a1^ .. and operate a joint City and Cou ty detention facility or fc Cilitieri, and joint- city and county l';ori house, work farm, or any combination or the foregoing to be used jointly by such county anal city. Sec. 2. Ldt75 9955, Chanter 353, Section 15, as amended by Lars 1:57, Chapter 554, Section 2, is hereby amended to read: Sec. 15. If at the time the county and city jointly o,in and operate a joint city and county detention facility, l.'orkhouse, :jorI=2arm or juvenile detention facility, or any co.abina;.ion of the foregoing, under the authority and power granted in this act, the manager.aent o'= the joint _facility or facilities shall be vested in a joint committee con_,is-i ng of te:o members of the board of county commissioners, selected by the board, tvio members of the city council selected by the council, together with the 1 bf such c'-v, and the Mavoz. OX anNr such city .-.,ho s'---Il b -4. "ea cha-f=m-=n o4- the jo-Int committee. -'no comml shall have 4-u11 ch-n--ge an manag -_;ament c�-: the Joint x-,c-*!;-y or fecii—ias and —ve the ov.ver to appoint such employeos as the comx.n.-Jttee shall doe: necessary for the OZOOG= care, management and ooeZ-n-*6ion Of the joint Or xFacilities, the salary and compensation to be fixed by the commit-6ee. I 'The board o4; coun-'6v comm-issioneZs and the council o such city shall each provide an a,.P.ou.-&6 su1_ 4-ci0 nt to pay one-half oz' the experse cf Operating joi r-t- fac; I j �y cz -laci -Ifil tiez. All �ne CM010YOCS 04- the operzt-ing coam-f-ttee e,,dep� •-he admin-ist-zat-o= 04- the ooezating commi.t."cee, his faz-st assistant: a supe_-Jntendent or cacn facility and their 21-5=st assistant Or ch 0f 4- - i. deputies shall be employed in the class-.:fed division of the county civil service and shall be employed un-.de= 'he 77,=ovisions of La%:.Iz 1941, Chapter 5-13, as amended. No employee transferred to the ijur-isdicti-on of the joint 'in Committee sul-Eez any loss ox salary, operating comimittee seniority, tenure oz pension rights by reason o= such -c transfer• Anv Gerson v.,-=s g membez- o" z - ool-ce 0- ic_ U 'he 'ra, *0 'he jon o� .. -6 1 1 - I L p.ssoc-al- such city a--- ---.me of-- --Isfz- Jurisdiction o--l- the -Joint ooe--:7atina c *.inue as a mn-, o' of such pension association a-n-d on 'he public emolowees -ej-i-6�mon- sj:ajj h.-. e:,cludgd L Psnoc ation. Any employee vf such operating co,-m---6 who, on the ef'=ective date of this act, is holding a Ocsition which is placed in the classified sez-vice unde:-- - the provisions of this act shall be subjec=t to and protected by the provisions of Laws 1941, Chapte-- 513, as amended. Sec. 3. This act shall become e'-ectilve on--,.v a-Iter 2 NIP ,FW7 rsev a .Saint Paul and u00'. 1959. Chaoter 358.. e President of the Senate. t Speaker of the Hous f Repreatatives. Passed the Senate this twenty -first day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty -one. Sec eta f ther�a �e� Passed the House of Representatives this eighth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty -one. Chief Cleric, House. of Representative 3 i4. .' S ``4_• �. r� Governor of the State of Minnesota. r Secretary of the State of Minnesota. 4