202230ORIGINAL TO CITY CL11RK 7 CITY OF ST Council File No. 202230 —By Mrs. Donald L M. DeCourcy- OFFICE OF THE Resolved, By the Council of the City COUNCIL RESOLUTION of Saint Paul, that Chapter Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved on the 20th day entitled "AN ACT T RELATING TO THE CITY' OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL, PROVID- ING FOR AND AUTHORIZING SAID CITIES TO ENTER INTO A JOINT = AGREEMENT FOR THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PkUL TO SUPPLY. WATER, XO .THE r.mv- RESOLVED, By the Counc I BY the City of Saint that Chapter 679, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, approved 20th day of April, 1961, entitled No. 90.230 "AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL, PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING SAID CITIES TO ENTER INTO A JOINT AGREEMENT FOR THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO SUPPLY WATER TO THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL AND ITS INHABITANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY i OF SAINT PAUL, ACTING THROUGH ITS BOARD OF' WATER COMMISSIONERS, WHEREVER NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT, ERECT, MAINTAIN AND USE SUCH WATERWORKS, RESERVOIRS, PUMPING STAT IONS , TANKS, MAINS AND OTHER FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY THEREFOR; AND TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES FOR SUCH FURNISHING OF WATER AS MAY BE AGREED UPON BY SAID CITIES." Paul, on the a certified copy thereof is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED- FURTHER, That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council' MAY 19 is 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy MAY 19 ' Holland Appr ved 19— Loss Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen � gainst � Mr. President, Vavoulis FLJBLJ_ _ ant a -eo 2 ` QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT PRESENTED COMMISSI, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 20223® FILE NO RESOLVSa, Fay the council of the City of Saint Pauli, that Chaptvr $79, Laws of uimissota. for 1961, approvod on the 24th day of April. 1961s entitled "AN ACT RELATM TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL, PROVIDING FOR AND AUMORIZING SAID CITIES TO EWER INTO A JOINT AC MU FOR THS BOARD OF WATER ODMISSIONM OF TH& CITY OF FAINT PAUL TO SUPPLY WATER To THE CITY OF WEST SAIM PAUL AND ITS IHHAUXTANTS. F AMORIZING THE CITY dp SAINr PAUL, ACTING THROUM ITS BOARD Of WATER CO;3MISSIONERS9 ` MARVER NECESSARY TO COMTRWTo ERECT, MAINTAIN AND IUSIE SUCH 'WATEROOM , RESrERVOM s R."MPING STAT1ON3 s TANKS , ?AAIN9 AW OTHER FACILITIES OR BOUIPMENT NEMSARY T'HOREFOR i AND TO PROVIDE A 1 H00 OF R8110VASMVISIT OF RXPEMES FOR SUCH pURNISHING OF MATER AS MAY SE AGREED UPON RY SAID CITIES." a' certlf iod copy hereof is filed herewith* shall be and said Act heroby 1i, in all things approved;. RMOLVEO FURTHER That the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of Bald City of Saint Faui, shall forthwith file with the $e0 rotary of State o cartificate in form praacribod by tho Attornoy Gonrr *1 stating the 00sent4&1 fact* aenssaary to said approVal Of braid Att hersundtr and including a Dopy of this molution of , opproval of said Att. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM s -so " 2 Tin Favor Q A gainst MAY 19 Adopted by the Council —19— MAY 19 p Approved 19— Mayor ct— *" I �r Fj— F IF -13 M. R A R 1 1 v� I;- HE I -, R I Z .3 M 1 .1 N-M �a Q F ­SF H.F.No. 1546 CIIAPTER No. 679 RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE CITY OF WEST SAINT PAUL, PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING SAID CITIES TO ENTER INTO A JOINT AGREEMENT FOR THE BOARD OF WATER COIFRISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO SUPPLY WATER TO THE CITY OF '.'!EST SAINT PAUL AND ITS INHABITANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, ACTING THROUGH ITS BOARD OF I'JATER CO'IMISSIONERS, WHEREVER NECESSARY TO CONSTRL)CT, ERECT, ?AAINTAIN AND LG E SUCH WATERWORKS, RESERVOIRS, PUMIPING STAT IOIu , TANKS , lAkINS AND OTHER FACILITIES OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY THEREFOR; AND TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF REIMBU SEbLNT OF EXPENSES FOR SUCH FURNISHING OF WATER AS 11-AY BE AGREED UPON BY SAID CITIES. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any charter provision, city ordinance or prior law to the contrary pertaining to cooperative agreements, joint programs, or other agreements between cities for the furnishing of water by one city to another, and in order to effect economies and improve service in the furnishing of water within the cities of Saint Paul and West Saint Paul, said cities are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement as herein provided. Sec. 2. By agreement between the city of Saint Paul and the city of West Saint Paul, the city of Saint Paul may wherever necessary construct, erect, maintain and use such waterworks, reservoirs, pumping stations, tanks, mains and other facilities or equipment necessary to the furnishing of water to the city of West Saint Paul as may be agreed upon botwoon tho two cities, as provided in section 3. Sec. 3. Any such agreement shall make provision for such rate surcharges, connection charges, assessment of 11 4i� \ e H.F.No. benefited property, or other charges or method of financing as said cities may agree upon to reimburse in full the city of Saint Paul for• such expenses as it 41nouzz in furnishing an adequate supply of water to the city of 'Nest Saint Paul under authority of this It -w. Sec. 4. The provisions o4L this lz%) shall be construed as an addition to existing powers and not as a limiting amendment to or repeal thereof. Sec. 5. This act shall become effective only after its approval by a majority of the governing body of the city of Saint Paul and by a majority of the governing body of the city of rest Saint Paul, and upon compliance with the orovisions of Lars 1959, Chapter 308. / \ �V� �f2C 2�.. Speaker of the Hous ),of Repres �tatives. President of the Senate. Passed the House of Representatives this tenth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty -one. Chief Clerk, House of Repre atives. 2 H.F.No. 1546 Passed the Senate this fourteenth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty -one. 4e' ft - A- Se of the 5 Approved April "6/1961. —Z ef,�� Governor of the State of Minnesota. Filed April 1961. 5 j ecretary of the State of Minnesota. 3