202214I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 202214 CITY OF ST. PAUL cOE NCIi. NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUN I RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1 I RESOLVED, that Frank L. Madden be hired and appointed as Executive Secretary of the Council Advisory Committee on Bond Expenditures, at a salary of $540.00 per month, such employmentito be on an annual basis, commencing June 1, 1961, and the proper City officers are authorized, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, ti make, execute and deliver -a written agreement with said Frank L. Madden, in accordance with the terms hereinabove set forth. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland 4 Loss Favor Mortinson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM E -60 a 2 Council File No. 202214 — By Mrs. Donald -M. DeCourcy — Bernard T. Holland —Frank L. Loss — Severin A. Mortinson — Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen — George J. Vavoulis, e mayor — Resolved, That Frank L. Madden be hired and appointed as Executive Sec - retary of the Council Advisory Com- mittee on Bond Expenditures, at a salary of $540.00 per month; such em- ployment to be on an annual basis, commencing June 1, 1961 ! and the proper City officers are authorized, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to make, execute and deliverl a written agreement with said Frank L. Madden, in accordance with the terms herein- above set forth. Adopted by the Council May 18, 1961. Approved May •18, 1961. i (May 20, 1961) - Adopted by the Council I 19— r DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RFSOLVED, that Frank L. Madden be hired and appointed as Fxecutive Secretary of the Council Advieory Committee on Bond Expenditures, at a salary of $540.00 per month, such employment to be on an annual basis, commencing June 1, 1961, and the proper ity officers are authorized, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, t make, execute and deliver a written agreement with said Frank L. Madden, in accordance with the terms hereinabove set forth. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis am a -so 2 ?0224 Maur Is IBM Adopted by the Council 19- MAY 1819 1' Approved 19 In Favor Mayor Against COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE -'' BOND FUND EXPENDITURES CApital 4 -4612 379 Court House Ext. 277 SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA May ) 8 , .1961 PAUL A. SCHILLING CHAIRMAN ALBERT H. DAGGETT ARCHIE GINGOLD MRS. ALFRED W. PARTRIDGE RICHARD C. RADMAN, JR. LAWRENCE RYLANDER FRANK WIDERSKI FRANK L. MADDEN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 8 Honorable George Vavoulis, Mayor, and Members of the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Gentlemen; The Council Advisory Committee on Bond Fund Expenditures reports School and General Im- provement bond sold and allocated, $35,859,000. There are at this date authorized but not yet offered for sale, bond totaling $3,097,.000. As of January 1, 1961, there was available in cash and temporary investments, $7,787,736.88• Therefore the amount of bond funds, partial allocated but not yet spent, $10,884,736.88 Work on the various authorized projects is in progress, present schedules indicate major com- pletions in late 1962. Pursuant to the resolution of the Council,C. F. No. 168438, Council Advisory Committee will) need the services of Frank L. Madden, as Exec - ;r utive Secretary of said committee for the period of one year commencing June 1, 1961. 1 This committee respectfully requests that s�4zch hiring and appointment be renewed and extended for one year upon the same terms and conditions respecting duties and salary as those contained in the present subsisting Agreement, to be,re- newed and expended for one year. Members A. H. Daggett Archie Gingold Mrs. A. W. Partridge Richard C. Radman, Jr., Lawrence Rylander Frank Widerski Respectfully, CIL ADVISORYICOMMITTEE Chairman