203684 I
` � -- . � - } CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FoENCi� NO. , ' 1',,�.���
, �
WHEIIEAS, the Hospital Facility Building Commission `
on June 7, 1961, granted to the Minnesota State Highway �
Department the right to impose limited access along a certain
portion of the property line of the hospital site abutting on the
proposed frontage road Inter-State Highway #35E-39� and there-
after it developed that certain changes in the design of th'e
freeway necessitates a change in the location of the requijed
limited access; and ,
.' 1
' WHEFiEAS, the Commission at its meeting on August ;l6,
i96i, approved the limited access as new proposed by the ;
Minnesota State Highway Department; and i
. �
WHEBEAS, the Board of County Commissioners on
August 21, 1961, approved the action of the Commission and�
authorized the Chairman of the Board of Courlty Commissioners
and the County Auditor to execute the Agreement between the
Highway Department and the Hospital Facility Building Com-'
mission, on behalf of Eamsey. County; � �
, ,-- -- ' ' � _ .
NOW, THEEEFOEE, BE IT $ESOLVID, that the Coun.cil� of
the City of Saint Paul hereby .authorize� and directs the I
Mayor, Ci.ty Clerk and City Comptroller to execute such Agree-
ment on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a copy of �aid �
Agreement being attached hereto and made a part hereof by �
reference, as fnlly and completely as if set forth herein.,
said Agreement being complete except for Exhibit "A" re- �
ferred to therein. , -
Council Flle No. 203884—By Severin A. ' ' �
Mortinson— , �
. � Whereas,The Flospital Facility Build- I
ing Commission on June 7, 1981,
� granted to the Minnesota State High- t '
way Department the right to impose �
]irimited access along a certain portion I
of the property line of the hospital site
abutting on the proposed frontage road
Inter-State Highway Na. 35E-390 and
thereafter 'it developed that certain
changes in the design of the freeway �
necessitates a change in the location
of the required llmited access; and �
. Whereas, The#Commission at its
meeting on��*�" �"'�^'''i I
the limitea` � '
the ��f- AU G 3 0'1961
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19—
Yeas Nays '
� AUG 3 0 ��6�
Holland pproved 19—
Loss f �
In Favor �
M�o�tiYts$n � .
Peterson � Mayor
A gainst R� ��
a.�,�.U� • �- ' Ot- �-' l uCa
Mr./�President, �'��i s' ��s�.�:.�-rv P��
. �
3 M Ii-(i 1 ' � _ _ •
WHEBEAS, the Hospital Faaility Building Commission
on June 7, �96�, granted to the Minnesota State Highway
Department �he right to impose limited access along a certain
portion of the property line of the hospital si�e sbutting oa the
proposed frontage road Inter-State x��n�s�r #35E-390 �d there-
� after it developed that certain chariges iri the design of the
• freeway nece$sitates a change iM the loca�ion of the required
limited acaess; and �
WHEIiEAS� the Commission at i.ta meeting on Au�ust 16,
1961, approved the 1lmited acceas a� no�r proposed by the
Minnesota State �i,gYiway Department; and
WHEHEASi the Board o� County Commiasioners on
Augu st 21� 1961 approved the aat�.on of the Commission end
authorized the �hairman of the Board of Cotanty Commissioners
and the Caunty Auditor to exqcute the Agreement between the
Highway"Department and the Hosp3tal Facility Building Com-
missi4n, o� behalP of 8amsey County; _
NOW, ��EF08E� BE IT HESOLVID, that the Council of
the City of Saint Paul hereby au�horize+� and d3rects the
Mayor, City Clerk and City Comptroller to execute such Agree..
ment on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a copg of said
f�greemen� �ieing attached hereto and made a part hereof by
rePeren.ce, as fully and completely as i.� set forth herein,�
said Agreement bein.g complete except for Exhibi� "A" re-
ferred to`thereiri.
AU G 3 0 1961
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays AU G 3 0 196�
Holland Approved 19—
LOgg � Tn Favor
� �
Peterson v Mayor
A gainst
a,,�,U�- .
Mr.�President, �s- ��-�vL`� �LJ '
6M u-�i
�, �
, � �
. � � � � � � � � � ����
� r
I i
'lAI7.� A4RE�, �ad! a�ad �ttt�d 1riLo thi� � �t � ;
� -- � 19�1• �0► � � � �' o! �W�' � ,
; StaL� ot lOt�t�� ha�in�fta' r�t�rr�d to as th� "9tat,�"• ar�d � Ho�pltal , ;
f ���j► Hnildini Qosedsdori ot th� Cit� at �L. Arul ood tM Gau�R�► o! Ury'.� ;
� �• A�YI� �1111yOLt� h!�'�nat�AQ' l��Tt�d ti0 ii � �OSpi�lwi ;
� �S, th� St�st.� ia p�� P�� �r !h� loost.loo �md o�nrtrootion
� �t Iate�lat� Ni�?irgY !b. 95�390 i� Ri,o� Str� to l�t. �ir�r St»sti. ia th� Cit,1► �
� ot 9t. Pwl, i�stesuta! and .
t Vl�EA�, th� 3tat"s �t tro DrdgA+�t.i� Ord�r I�o. x9051, �s!`irrit� �
�,poatiLon Ord�s' 1Ros. 2b9bk smd 27G89� �idth Ord�r 1b. 2�9�r ��� �df�h Os�3� 100. �
Z�68�. and Aoo�rs Ordrr Nos. 27608 and 2769'ls i�w�d �pr th� t�o�d+�°f'°� ot Hi�•
� ob�aiale� t�t'u right�a ot �► �� !or the looatiee a�d e�attan�ol�c►n of a portii�n
ot Iot�stats Ri.IQnra3► t�o. 35�39� � Jaaic�on �R to l�. 1►iry 9t.rwt. in �� Cit,� ,
ot St. Pa�1i and
�8, the �ospltal l�a aoqu.ised
or i� in th� piwMa ot �
, ibr b��+�+4► P���� �
' oa�ain l�ds abutt�xig that �ioh ia bsir� aoQuir�d ,
: �AS, !bs Stst� require� t�u►t o�rtain r�str�ot►1+on� b� plao�d on �d
' hs�t�� b f�0 da�!`Sl11Le lOOatiOns O! ir�rMa LO and �sf !l�0� M�1d Di�lt�Ti
i�A�, tt� RQndn6 u�d R�d�wlo�p�a�st �ntboril�► ot dY� 4Yts ot St. �1
in its R�lnt.lon l�o. bl-�1. dated �q► 1, 19b1 Nt ibrth Rbr ot tt�
rNttiot.ia� ot acoas to Int.�atats � I�o. 3� aa lbllawe `
"�Uat the gr+�t �r�d r�s�rtation o! sooesa Lo said Int�tat� �
Ri��r �o. 95� �� �+ ab�vr dworlbed liw i� �ts�:''�0►
�pp�t�o�wd wb�at Lo t.he oDt.�ir�it� by th� U�pae�t et N3�'b��
!'ro� th� Ho�ital F�oility �uiidirjg Caodadoa af t�s Cit�r ot�
Sair�t Paal and Coun�Y ot Raose�r• Stat� o! �• � �aritil,�r►
ooasK►t to aed oot�aurrsnoe oi said Co�dad� �o th� a�!'orMaid
g�il� aOd r�0?�11 Ot aD0lSA."= a�ld ,
1�tE�S� O!lti�li Ohar1$p �r1 del1�II Ot' �a�d hi�r� r�Q�l� �t �e
1Ltltation ot aoa�es p�or�ided in Re�olutit►a� �o. b1-41 D� al�annd aa der�inalt�r
: Pratdr�d• � ,
- 1. - �
1 � �
� ._ . __.._.._.�.. _ , . _ _. .�� � . � . .- _ ; � - _ _- ..�. -� �� _ _
� ��' �a.+ �{ br•w� "��.c� .�, � .}r.'.......:........�� �a
"'' s _ �...-.... . . .. . �... �_ . - - -- -- - - - - � _.1�� .V r- " ./'.
l � _ --r�_ - � � _ , �-��-- _r� _ -_�_ �__ _ � �, 1
'^`v � � �
� '
h0'•J Tfi�.EFl�i�, i.f is '.•�t+.za�.].3' �t�Y�ci aa foLlo��� �
� .
� f
i. � .'
The� H�a�itail., f�, _ti� Lon�i�•�ratic�n of $1.OQ r+f12 :i�v�. �;rant and aonVe�•
ur�t�o ths 5t�t� all of t,'�� aa�P�;c3nt er ri�ht of a�oan�, bF�in� thr� x;ght at � ;� �
� ;
to asxi agresa 1'ron t,ha _'o12aw�.n€; ��:�crl�ed. traot ta int�rotat.e Highvay ��o. 33�• � �
4Yt 1� ��+'k •�y ��rilr:�e iiYti�9 ALGditiQil tU tri0 C:i?y O� ; +
3t. Pauli , �
e�oaapt tbe Hospita� ehal.l r�t.a� the ri�h� of �ccess to th�t p�rt oY' Intor�t�te 4 �
Rightradr Ao. 35� b�w� P��ntn cii�tant 11�1.00 �'eet w�d 13�•00 fe�t northeaat.erly �
ef th� point oi beginnir�; of the fnlloyi.ng 4�orib�d lSns (both diatanc3o� bein�;� i
� r
eo..aurea alosig .ai�a l:lne). I
Begi�l.c�g at the in��raeatiAn of t.hb eerrter lines uf Rob�rt �
S�rvet a�rx3 'i�slft,h y�tx�i�et in th� City c�t SZ. Pa�.�.i thenoe
ivn north�►aterly a'#.ar� tho center lirre ot sSic! 'h+elf`th �
StrEret for 141.� ��t; thar�ce dO.iR�oL t,o t2�s ��ft orti n 2°(30" _
ourvo (dalta mn�le ?°�?'t �or 37�•5 f�; �ncse defloot to � �
thQ lef't on a ?°00' �urv� 4c1e3.�a ang].r. �.°SE?�) for 2Q�r1.11 � �
t e e t; t h�e+ on Ln n gent �Co ��id cw�v�e �or �73•0 leet= the�e �
deflaot to the left on a 2d°E30' ouarv� (dalt,a �r�gl� ?f i°0 0') ��
!o�' 130.0 f�ti thez:oe dc3fl�ct t�o tho ri�t wn a 2(?°0�� ourvo �
(deltc► ar�le .`19°12'} for ",�EioO �'s�att �4h�ae an 'La�gent ta aaid �
eur��a for 37•� feet� thence defleat to thR lslt oia a 20°00'
cssu'vti (de�lt� �82e �9°39�5�") �nr 2�3.32 fw't. �ad t�az'e � ,
t,vstnitfati.n�; s
� i i
� 9aid right oi soaess beir� also describod �e fo].l,o�i
� Froa a poir�t on Lho lot line o� Lot 1, A1ook 2+ �aetarn �rs� '
i Acidition, 43 le�t northoast.erly o� tha northsamtarly ri�ht 4�' ,
vay line of Ja�se�.� �3trdet anc3 12.7� fat soutdlesst.�rly of the ,
r�rttntaat�rly a°l�h� o� �r�Y 2ir� of vs�atec� G�ave 3treat; t�henae ,
put,b and eaeterly alo��; egic� lot li.ne s di�t.s�oe of F3G.12 foet
. to the poinL �f bePi��.ng; tlt�r,oe northed�t�rly �lonx a�id Zot ;
linQ 153A•3� fe�t arrd. thez�o tc�iri�tin�:; exct�pt that port.ion �
1y�n� bot�r poi.n�s� di��ant �++;•?,° f�et a�d �43.2�� fe�t r�rth- ,
enster�y of tho above de�soribecl poir�t of b�glrr3.n� (vhc3n a�s►sured
- �►lor�g th9 �o�ithe�ster3y lin� �£ said Lot 2)� I
� a� irrdiaated 3.t� tt3o oaloy "rvd" s�n F�ibit "�" a�t�h�d hQS�st,o ;�n� marie a part hereot.
� �t.
� Eshitr�t "A" attaahed h�reto And �a�� a p�r't harein b;� ref'ereno� i• s+ print
i s��y� R�gh� of '+�ay �p �or State
ot that pertio�'� of Lh+ 2�nnesota �?v�az�t��t of .
- F
� Proseot A1o. 62PA �3`�'�°39fl) ��d p�rt�3.n3 to t^tte areg voveret�. ir� thie Agrea�snt.
. i
t I1 ,
: I
v 2 _ �
, i
� ' i
� T' + t •
� < `' F:� �' ��* I ^' _ '. . _ .
�•._ � „ .r . _..� r._ ._..� - _ -_' ' -_ - ��- -'- -- .. . _ _. ,.�._ .. . — — �
, . 1
� r
. �
IH TESTID�t)ZJY �7fi�.'FtTOF4 t,he p�rtia have, on the day and y�ar first above
Mritt�n duly �xernitad this ��reea�m�t by th�� duly aut.twriaed o!'f9�cers�. '
E OF '�fffi CITY QF ST. PAUI, A?Iil T`HE .� �I:4'Y
' OF RA?�StiY, 5'T. E�AUL, �I3PxES�'�'11
- r ,
. R'I 1 - { � ; -
' �-" "'.k i'���i1 �...�. � � ,�.�
-�, , I
- apprpv+ed :3� ����t-.����.�./.�.-�-�- rr-
� , ....
� 8eor�t�rat i
- ` ' }..�'
_ ,p•-,
tiY t•� � c.�.. ='1 �T:•: � . _
Diri�lon Er�gin�sr Exeautiv+o ret,�fFy .
F�du�l Ffuresdu oY Pb,bli.c Roa� ,
CITy C�Ji,'FlCIIo F�t `PH�s CITY OF 5'£: P�iUL
i i
DEPARTt�SNP OF i�I�I{t�AYS ?3y � �
Rsaos�saded tbr App�c,val �r f .
� �� � �
Diat�r9,�t Ek�,,in$er City Qear�c 1
, BY �g i
j 1k�i.gn �ir.oer CittiY C��roller ; ,
� Ct3IIt�TY Ii(�RD F°QR Ti� C�tJ�'TY aF'. RAl�3SY �
�PP�� l .
• BY I
� Chain�n ; ;
Assistant ief :�.a�in�r � �
F3Y '
� � Counthy Auditor � �
Appt�ov�d � to �'vr� anEi �wtg or. '
� A�pmvod w t� Forw ar�d Ezeau�,ion �
9p�cial Aa�istant Attoan�y Genera�l AY ' �
Cor�p�r�tion Councal, '
I �
�PARTI�P,�I' GF AI�It�IS'1`FATIOH �Ppa�oved us to P'onm and E�e�tien
Approned Ay 1
.w �
Asdatnat County Attorney i
H? �
, �
�F�r.i , 'f�Z ! f . • t f5� t'�
� �
..i,� / 1
i +�=�-. t7�1� �'��. �
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As�t�C��r t�'_L�'��,,,� -- , I
Y r.!'i c r,,�� DSP�IRT�.Ei'�i' �F ?'flfs"Fi4dA Y5 1
- STA'f E 0� FSINF�'i'A �
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Apprav�d .�� �•c,� 'c� m �h�s HY
, t Cosn4.gat,onsr ,
�._u�; � _ 't1 i
� Da�t,+�
�t�S�t Cucpv���i.�:, �.JJT153� � �
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