203615Council File No. 203615— In the matter of constructing a sani- tary sewer in an easement (to be ob- tained) from Burns Avenue to 585.0 feet north of Burns Avenue. Said ease- ment (to be obtained) for sanitary sewer purposes to be a 20.0 foot wide easement, the center line of said ease - ment being 670.0 feet west of the center line of white Bear Avenue as meas- ured along the center line of Burns Avenue and said easement center line being at right angles to the center )ire. b—'nW-1iv,?,t--n r INTERMEDIARY ORDER 4 15 In the Matter of constructing a sanitary sewer in an easement (to be obtained) from Burns Avenue to 585.0 feet north of Burns Avenue. Said easement (to be obtained) for sanitary sewer purposes to be a 20.0 foot wide easement, the center line of said easement being 670.0 feet west of the center line of White Bear Avenue as measured along the center line of Burns Avenue add said easement center line being at right angles to the center line of Burns Avenue, beginning at a point that is on the north property line of Burns Avenue running northerly to a point that is 590.0 feet north of the north property line of Burns Avenue; all of which is to be known as the SKY BLUE WATERS SEWER SYSTEM. under Preliminary Order 199863 approved December 1,, 1960. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct a sanitary sewer in an easement (to be obtained) from Burns Avenue to 585.0 feet north of Burns Avenue. Said easement (to be obtained) for sanitary sewer purposes to be.a 20.0 foot wide easement, the'center line of said easement- being 670.0 feet west of the center line of White Bear Avenue as measured along the center line of Burns Avenue and said easement center line being at right angles to the center line of Burns Avenue, beginning at a point that is on the north property line of Burns Avenue running northerly to a point that is 590.0 feet north of the north property line of Burns Avenue; all, -of which is to be known as the SKY.BLUE WATERS SEWER SYSTEM. I with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s CI480.10 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .29tX 1 day of __Sep£eEbet,, - .1961, , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. File 15353 + COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG 2 2 - I Yeas e. Nays Tn Favor aAgainst AUG 22 =I V// 1 Mayor