2036035M 6-61 { I Council File No. 203603 —By Milton I Rosen— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , Resolved, That licenses applied for Cj", by the persons named on'the list [� 2,0a36�3 COUNCIL �9ii77 LICENSE COMMITTEE attached to. this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the, OFFICE City Clerk i§ instructed to issue such, FILE NO• CO licenses ras treasury the payment into the IL RES, ury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council August 22, 1961. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Approved August 22, 1961. (August 26, 1961, _a y Aug. 22. 1961 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Ray E. Hendrickson 2574 TaT. 7th jI Gas Stai3P App.1968N0] Vend.Mach.Loc." N an Cigarette App.1869 11p Warren Peterson 56 W. 7th & /or 121 W. 6th Restaurant" 2949 "p' Cigarette Lyle G. Franklin & Alfred J. Barron 1732 Grand Ldy.DC Flt. " 3075 "N' Vend.Mach.Loc." " ""i Stephen Singer 1035 W. 7th Ldy.DC Pickup" 3129"4' Bon Fire Broiler, Inc. x-76 N. Dale Restaurant " 322411p' Cigarette Eversweeb Corp. " 01 Lafayette Foods MPDW " 3335 "n' 1V #1579 " 3336 "n" Ray H. Mueller " 626 W. Larpenteur Gen. Rep. Garage n 361 nad 01 n n Cigarette'Loe." a John F. McGrath 798 Marshall Mtr.Veh.,Dr. 3396 """ Albert T. Palechet 1509 Melvern " " 3397 " "" Certified TV Service, n Inc. 2509 Central NE Mpls. 111 TV Master " 3423 2 Mervicemen" " nnn Richard C. Lambert _ 2177 Ford Pkwy. i Cigarette " 3424""" Joseph W. Stafki & James P. VanDusartz 556 Rice Elec.ApplRep." 343411"" Edward E. Patyk 1057,E. Maryland TV Master a 3470"NN f AUG 2 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 2 RUG 2 1961 Holland proved 19— Loss �In Favor � Mortinson DAgainst Mayor Rosen.. Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 6-61