203584ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK W, - PRESENTED BY COMMISSION � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION- GENERAL FORM 9.03584 COUNCIL NO FILE � I RESOLVED, that a credit in the amount of $11.50 be ac- cepted under Contract No. G 2447 between the City of Saint Paul and Axel Newman Heating And Plumbing Co., Inc., said contract for Installation of a Water Supply System for Como Park Golf Course, Saint Paul, for the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings and said credit offered for difference in cost of bare neutral conductor wire which is being used in lieu of the insulated type in the buried cable from the power pole to pump house. Approved City Comptroller APPROVED JOSEPH J. MITCHELL TY COMPTROLLER COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Petersen --_ (` +J) Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 8M is-Go 2 Council File No. 203584 —Bx Frank L. Loss— Resolved, That a credit in the amount of $11.50 be accepted under Contract No. G 2447 between the City of Saint Paul and Axel Newman Heating and Plumbing Co., Inc., said contract 1 for Installation of a `eater Supply System for Como Park Golf Course, Saint Paul, for the Department of Parks and 'Re- creation and Public Buildings and said credit offered for difference in cost of bare neutr al conductor wire which is being used in lieu of the insulated type in the buried cable from the power pole to pump house. Adopted by the Council Augustf 22, 1961. Approved August 22, 1961. i (August 26, 1961) AUG 2 2 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 2 2 1961 Mayor 203584 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRANK L. LOSS COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that a credit in the amount of $11.50 be ac" cepted under Contract No. G 2447 between the City of Saint Paul and Axel Nem-nan Heating And Plumbing Co,* Inc.,, said contract for Installation of a Water Supply System for Como Park Golf Course, Saint Paul, for the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings and said credit offered for difference in cost of bare neutral conductor wire which Is being used in lieu of the insulated type in the buried cable from the power pole to pump house. Approved City Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 o§Ego.2 .l f� Tn Favor V Against AUG 2 2 1%61 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 22 Approved 19 Mayor . d BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS - i - ,.CITY OF . SAINT PAUL; ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Architect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 Ext. 361 August 18, 1961p„ Hon. Frank L. Loss Comsr. of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings RE: JOB NO. 1445 Dear Sir': Contract No. G -2447 was awarded to Axel Newman Heating And Plumbing Co., Inc. for Installation of a Water Supply System for Como Park Golf Course. Negotiations have been conducted with the contractor, who agrees to a credit of $11.50 for the difference in cost of bare newtral conductor wire and the insulated type in the buried cable from the power pole to pump house.. It is requested that a resolution be submitted to the Council authorizing the acceptance of this credit. Yours truly, Al ed H. Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT BMS..A CC: Mr. Storey Mr. Schnarr V'A