D001694C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION -FinancialServices-Accounting O �/� (7� - Requesting Dept No: 7 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ConsisteM with the authority granted to the Mayw in SeMion 10.07A of the City Charter and based on the request of N�e Director of the Office of L"�cense, Inspection and Environmental Protection to amend the 7998 Budget of the License and Permit Special Fund, the Director of the OfFce of Financial Services is authorized to amefM said budget as foliows: DEPARTMENT S DIVISION: FUND , ACTNITY AND OBJECT: Office of license, lnspection and Environmental Protection License and Permit Special Fund Operations - Ongoing -General GL 320- 33350-0111 GL 320-33350-0439 Operations - New -General Fuli Time Permanent Fringe Benefits • GL 320- 33351-0711 Full Time Permanent Gl 320- 33351-0439 F[inge Benefits Customer Service GL 320- 33353-0439 Fringe Benefits CURRENT BUDGET 527,037 178,318 454,150 612,502 272,441 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 29,565 556,602 16,791 194,509 (29,565) 424,SS5 (17,155) 595,347 964 273,405 2,044,448 0 2,044,448 �'�L�� � D� GS� �epared by: Activity Manager Da Requested� �rtment Director Date � � ��� Approved by: Director of Financiai Services Date < 8�'�'�Iro�crvcouxca DA'IS QiR1A4FD ExecutiveAaministretion-LIEP 04-07-99 GREEN SHEET NO. 50444 COVfwCIPFR:iON&PHOiffi IX�YAItiA&TTDWECItlR � CI'IVCtlONCQ. SheilaReed 266-9111 � cirrnrrorsr�r O csn'amic MUSfBI'iONODlRIm.ACdTD' AHY(DKIE/ p� Q2 £IIiANC1ALSVCDIRFCIOI[ �4 FINRNCfAL5VC5-ACODUNIRNG. O A�AYO&(O&RSSLStAN[) � TAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATQ1tE) ACI'fONREQUFSIID pproval of Administrative Order Budget Revision to cover 1998 year end variances in Fund 320. t�coxuu�nwnm�s: xvpm�<lw)eaqaalx) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRALTSMUSL ANSWERTf� FOLIAWI[�`G QOESLiONS _n,a�umicmnuuss�ox avasmv�cemw.usvoN 1.Hastltispcaon/Fumeuerwo�kW�mdxacontrsufortlrisdeparwmt? �co� _ YFS AIO w_sr.u�t' _ 2 Haa ihis pdaodfi�m eKx beeu a cm' emPbYa� msrtucrmuar YES NO swroarswfuc� co[mrca oeir,cnver s. Does mi. persw/fnm passex a s6u �t noimartynn%ussed fi� any oursrnt c6�' emWoya? YES NO �e�� w y�.�� ���.0 sn� ena ,�e r� � sn�c� INI'CIA'[INGPROBLkM, ISSUE OPPORTUMTY (Who.0.3a4 WAen, Whae, Why� An environmental health specialist position was &lled in June of 1998 to meet an increased workload. The 1998 budgeted rate for Fringe Benefits was less tlian actual. This resulted in a variance in Operations - Ongoing - General. Budget authority needs to be moved to cover 1998 year end variances within Special Fund 320; from Activity 33351 to Activity 33350 and 33353. ADVANTA�S ff APPROVkD: s activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. DISADVANTAGFSIFAYPROVFD: Nane ➢[SPDVANI'AGESOFNOTApPROVFD. Activity 33350 will show a negative variance in 1998. Apl` 1 6�999 CfTY CL.ERK i0'LALAMOUM08'IRANSACRON_� 46j72O COSi/R6V6NUSSUDCLIED(CIItCL60NL� O NO �����s Soecial Fund 320 .�m,�� 33350. 33351. 33353 FWANQAL DiFOItMATION: (hhTRLALYJ