203472ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /J!UNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO. 2034`72 RESOLVED, That pursuant to the application of the Neighborhood Souse, 229 East Indiana, St. Paul 7, Minnesota, the Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to said organization for the temporary use of Indiana Avenue, between State Street and Robertson Street, by said organization for the annual Neighborhood Souse summer street dance; that said permit shall be operative from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday, August 11, 1961; that the same shall be granted and accepted subject to the obligation of said organization to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul from all liability on account of injuries to person or property arising from the exercise of said permit by said Neighborhood Souse; and that supplemental to said obligation of said organization, it shall forthwith furnish liability insurance joining the City of St. Paul with said Neighborhood Souse under St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company Policy No. 566AA7973, indemnifying them against all liability on account of injury to person and property by reason of anything done under or in connection with said permit. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 6.61 Council Ff a No. 203472- — By Milton Rosen= Resolved, That pursuant to the ap- plication-of the Neighborhood House, 229 East Indiana, St. Paul 7, Minnesota, the • Commissioner of Public Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to said organization for the temporary use of Indiana Avenue, between State Street and Robertson Street, by said organization for the annual Neighbor- hood House summer street dance; that said permit shall be operative from', 8 P.M. to 12 P.M. on Friday, August 11, 1961; -that the same shall be granted and accepted subject to the obligation of said organization to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul from all liability on account of injuries to person or property arising from the exercise of said permit by said Neighborhood House; and that supplemental to said obligation of said organization, it shall forthwith furnish joi I liability insurance ning the City of St. Paul with said Neighborhood House under St. Paul Fire and Marine In- surance Company Policy No. 6661CA7973, indemnifying them against all liability on- account of injury to person and property by reason of anything done under or in connection with said per- mit. Ado ted b the Council August 11 1961. p y AUG 1 11101 Approved August 11, 1961. (August 19, 1961) the Council 19 AUG I I IW pprov d 19— Ir , Mayor ti August 15, 1961 To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council: • I submit herewith the Comptroller's Budget for the City of Saint Paul R for the year 1962. The 1962 budget requests totalled $55,1413908.00. The 1962 Comptroller's budget herewith submitted totals $51,2680005.00, a decrease A. from the requests of $3,8732903.00, but $22893,404.00 over the amended 1961 budget. On the receipt side of this budget an additional $572,912.00 will come from increased State aid to schools, increased water revenues, increases in miscellaneous revenues, etc. This leaves an additional $2,3202492,00 to be raised by a tax levy on property resulting from the following: $850,000.00 for schools, authorized by vote of the people through the 1960 Charter Amend - ment;$500,000,00 for general city government, also approved by the electorate in the 1960 election; $490,465.00 for interest and principal charges resulting from bond issues voted by the people and for increases in emergency borrowing; $3052997.00 for public welfare, a budget -which is not subject to review by this office; $13,075.00 for the Detention Authority, another budget which is not subject to review by his office; and $271,069.00 for all city employee pensions and benefit-s._-)These latter increases were reduced in part by the elimination of the usual Metropolitan Airports Commission levy which was not requested as it was indicated it was not needed; the previous yea:es levy was $922340.00. The budget contains no substantial increases in estimated miscellaneous revenues. There is one exception. The State law changed the cigarette tax rates, and we increased estimated revenues from this source approximately $100,000.00. The experience during the past two years has indicated that City estimates finally approved by the City Council were approximately the amount that was estimated. The budget also meets the recent Charter Amendment re- quirements by appropriating $250,000.00 for new equipment. A detailed state- ment covering this appropriation is included. On the expenditure side of the budget, the total amounts authorized by the voters Jor both the schools and the general city government are contained in this budget.' The increase .of „$2,893,404000 !consists of the following: Public schools including debt $1;504,217:00;'$133,212.00 for the Water Board; and $122552975.00 for City services. Included in the general City services increases are $311,444.00 for debt, $305,997,00 for welfare, $1142688.00 for elections, $65,324,,00 for increased pensions and other employee benefits, $13,075,00 for the Detention Authority9 $103000.00 for a City safety program, leaving $4352447,00 for increases in all City services other than Schools. This latter increase is used in large part for the salary and wage increases authorized by the City Council for all city employees, including the mechanical trades, It does not include the cost of a study of jobs and salaries which. the Personnel Committee has promised'and for which it is now considering bids. When these bids are received"-""it will be the duty of the Council to provide for this appropriation out of the total existing budget in a manner they may determine. 1 To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council Page 2 August 1t, 1961 • In accordance with the request for recertification in connection with the Urban Renewal Program as submitted by the Mayor and City Council to the Federal Government, the budget provides sufficient funds for 28 inspectors presently on the payroll and !+•.housing inspectors in addition. When the 1960 Charter Amendment was passed, civic groups pledged a united effort to find sources of revenue other than real and personal pro- perty taxes to finance increased municipal expenditures, The property tax increase proposed in the 1962 budget makes it imperative that this study be carried on as quickly as possible, and that some new sources of revenue other than property taxes be provided to meet increasing costso z If the Comptroller and his Staff can be of any assistance to the City Council during the consideration of the budget or the budget hearings, we will be available at all times. Respectfully submitted,�- Joseph J, Mitchell City Comptroller CqDE 2 3 4 6 7n8"9 i 8 7-8 9 12 .13, 14- is 16-17 16 17 18,"20 is io 22 2 1 23- .24 25. 26, 281 29' 301 31 1962 CWVbl='S BUDGET EStjYMES CHARTER FOND City Officers' Salatiat -Mayor's Office Corporation Counsel City Clark Finance Commissioner Public.Safety Administration Police Fire Police and,Fird Alarm Health. Commissioner of Public Works Street Construction and'Repair Sevf6r Construction and Repair. Street- and Sewer Cleaning, Bridge Building And Repair Public Schools' Libraries, Auditoriums Museums and Stadii Administration Public Library Auditorium Parks' and Recreations andPublic Building.& A*jAistration Parksan&- RecreatLon Public Lightio- g Water 'Depa.t"i h-t Public Welfaie - f City Hall.-and Court- House, laterest, Redemption, of Boiidw add-ftteil Judgment and Compromise -Comptroller and Civil Service General Fund TDTAL COMPTROLLER'S ASTMIES 859500.00 1790668.00, 188,115.00 1359629.00: 232,996.00 165*419.W 3,240,,688.00 3,235.387.00 191,700.00 548$244.00 752-9941.00 567,681.00 W-4,868.00 1x282'o985,60 I 970962.00 19,851,534._00 518800iod, 996j'082000 94,9000,00 66v416.00 i 1p541,410.00, 4750888 00,; 143*,9460:001, X647439 2x941s180'*'00., 2310051.00 IsMaI29.06 -26554.,086.00 258600,00 .246*403.00 5.083.500.00- 51,268;,005.00: I 4 I.f �. FINacmd SCHEwLE Estimated Revenue for 1962 TDUL ESTDIA7ED REVELS • �'�`_ r _ ��• �� ?1 +.i Kn - x. 1 '}��. it - "•`Sr.i l 1,. 21,105,865.00 30_,162,200.00 51,268,005.00 Scfi Other Services s *tal Real Estate.and Personal Props ty Taxes Appropriated in 1962 Budget Charter Limitation 12,000;000:00 11,500,000.00 i Outside Limitations 2974.612:00_ 7,812.711.00 ?bid 143979„ 9,63200 19.112 711.00 s 34,142ji43.00 School Revenues, Basic Aid (Includes Apportionment) 4,034,790.00 Income Tex Aid 6220315.00 'State Aid - Handicapped Children 4870414.00 Vocational Ate,• State and Federal 2179947.00 VO4;a40nal.Bvening School - State Aid and Tuition 2090891.00 Transportation Aid - Handicapped Children 602005.00 HI8h,School Tuition - Rural Districts, 47,550.00 Adult Education State Aid and .Tuiti „_63.191.00 Qo...i , 5,742,103.00 5,, 743,103.00 Sucial lhaes Bank' Excise -- 110,000.00 1753,000,00 Crain Tax 20500.90 40000000 -. Gross Earnings 1,950,000:00.-" -- Moggage. Registry 40,000..00" ' 40;000.00' Occupational Taxes 1,000:00' 4,500.00• Penalties - Tax Collections 159000.00_. 35- ,000.00 Rdevelopment in lieu of taxes 258000.00` 202000.00. Sales - Tax Forfeited Property 1406000600- 209,000400 State Apportioned '- Ciprettea and Li ui_ r 00 TQ1 33500.00 -r, „$85,000 1J.22,522.00 3,367,;000."00 . , Business Licenses 710000Q.00 Cigarette Licenses w 22 500.00 t Dagartmental Psraiita' .. _ : , =, `_ 2309000.00 Dog Licenses 3,000.00 Trade andOccupational'Licenses 70,000;00 Tbia1 995,500.00 995,500,00• Fees. Fines and Miscellaneous Fines -and Bail Forfeits 5503'.000.00 Recording'Fees - City Clerk 50;00040 Conciliation Court Fees 30000,00 Rents and Miscellaneous 40.p00 =00 Total t 66443 000.00 643;000.00 Departmental leceipts - See Schedule 149,570 00 1,970 000,00 291192570.00 $elf- Sustaining Bureaus Water Department 4,0130489.00 Auditorium, 94,000.00 . 107,489.00 4.107 .489.00 TDUL ESTDIA7ED REVELS • �'�`_ r _ ��• �� ?1 +.i Kn - x. 1 '}��. it - "•`Sr.i l 1,. 21,105,865.00 30_,162,200.00 51,268,005.00 SCHEDULE 00 DEPARTN= RECEIPTS Recoverable Costs Services to tamer b choola Sub - Totals Department_ ARec ints - B jj vh erab„ le Costs Par &.'tgr- Revenue Pinance Police. Traffic Control Street Construction and Repair Street Cleaning, Total ParkineMeter Revenue State Revenues St"g. Aid HiShMs r. Amendment No, 2 Street Construction and Repair Street Cleaning Local Improvem,ent,Aid High�Uav Maintenance Street Construction and Repair Total Statd Revenues County Aid' (Local Improvement Aid) HLacg1jaheou Receivts 6rl s OfT fice_ Civil Defense Dew atmentp f,P Public Safety Police Fire Health ' �srt�;t of Public Wo s jgng,neers ' - Street Construction-and Repair � -,, S,ewgr .Construction =and Repair - 'Street and Sewer Cleaning M .Bridge Building ah&- Repair -,,artment, of :Libraries. Auditorium; Muuus and Stadia' ;Public - Library _ -r- AeDartint P g'& ' RT`ea'tioa -and Public Buildings Public Parks and Recreation Public Buildings 20AUmest gf EUUic gtilities Testing Laboratories Building Maintenance Public Lighting Ggneral.Fund Intereeptor,Sewer Maintenance ', Total ,Niece l�ieous receipts Total; ajoa tAA=a1_BSgeLRts r 15,332.00 35,000.00 112,668,00 40,000.00 25.000.00 144,000.00 106,000.00 1,�Q0,000_00 1,250,000 +00 539500.00 20000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 8 8500.00 152500.00 200,000.00 4., 000.00 28,000.00 20,_000.00 500.00 2526500,00 15,,,000100 18,000 +00, 37.0004'00 553,000.00 1I 11 1111 11 228,000.00 193039500.00 �8,SQ4� 1,970,000.00 ANALYSIS OF, 1961 TAR LZiVY Collectible during 1962 Charter Limitation 12,,0000000.00 1202000.00 1201209000.00 Debt - School Purposes 102530271.00 129533.00 102650804.00 Public Employees Retirement 209,740.00 22,097.00 2119837.00 Teachers Retirement 19062,528.00 100625.00 100739153.00 Health and Welfare 2203,000.00 2,200.00 2228200.00 Severance Pay . 231,093.00 2;311.00 2330-404.00 Public Examiner's Fee 3.000_00 - 11 30_00 3_ngi_nn 149979,632.00 19;796.00 1511299428.00 Otj�gr s�rvi�es Charter Limitations ; 112500,000.00 1153,000.00 1106159000.00 Tax Levy (in lieu of Money and Credits) 1820000.00 19820.00 1839820.00 Debt -Other Services 205150943.00 259159.00 2j541,102.00 Pensions 11418,029.00 149180.00 104329209.,00 Public Welfare 2,.941,180.00 292412.00 2,970,592.00 Metropolitan Airports Commission -0. '; __ Health and Welfare 2239400.00• 2,234.00 225,634.00 Severance Pay 1170465.00 12175.00 1189640.00 -- -Unemployment -Compensation 25.9000,00 25000 25,250.00 Civil Defense 252000.00 95'9;.00 25,250.00 Detention and Correctibne Authority 3230066.00 3,231.00 326,297400 Port-- Authority . Operations 360628.00 366.00 369994.00 - Public Examines's Fee 58POO 00 50.,000 ,, XJUQ 00 TSt�a1__,_,Other s� ervi,., ,ems 19,312,711.00 193,127.00 1905059838.00 Total - All Purposes 3402923,343.00 342,923..00 3406350266.00 EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS CHARTER SECTION 201* Police ' 7C6 Uniformed Division 7E3 Radio Equipment Change -over Fire 80 Dire Fighting - New Hose 8C5 Kew Eq +aipment 8E3 Radio Equipment Change -over Health 9A4 Administration 9B3 Vital Statistics Street and Sewer Cleaning 13B6 Cleaning Streets and Walks,. 13E5 Garbage Disposal 13G3 City Dumps 13H4 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels . ' Public Library 16A7 New Equipment P Parks and Recreation 18B7 Maintenance Parks and Recreation - -Public - Lighting - 22B7 Maintenance -'New Equipment City Comptroller 45,000.00 25,100.00 5,000.00 50,000.00 174700,00 1,000.00 1.00)0 X.2-0 19,000.00 40,000.00 15,000.00 3 _,000.00' 70,100.00 72,700.00 2,000.00 77,000.00 7,200.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 30A3 New Equipment 1,000.00 250,000.00 * 'but of the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and departments other than schools, at least $250,000 shall be reserved each year and may be expended for new, replacement or renewal of departmental equipment. Any part thereof not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such use in future years. ". 1. I r,✓ , t. it I Code Ch== Fronds .g d" Item Amount Tot is 1 CITY CFFICERS' SALARIES IAl Salaries 5.500•QO 2 MAYCattS OFFICE .ZA gtion 2A1 Salaries 20,232.00 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 62000.00 2A3 Office Expense 19700.00 2A4- Council and Legislative Expense , 500 00 28,432.00 2A City Planning 2B1 Salaries 990000.00 2B2 Automobile Allowance 936.00 2B3 Services and Supplies 6_300_00 106,236.00 ZQ Civil Defense 2C1 Salaries 309000.00 2C2 Other Expense 15_000_00. 45_000.00 Total Fund No. 2 1790668.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 3A 3A1 Salaries _ _ . - 1692250.00 3A2• legal Fees 80000.00 3A3 Law Library 1,500.00 3A4 'Automobile Allowance 865.00 30 .. Oaf f ice Expense 4s5001100 3,A6 Codification of.Ordinances 4_000_00 _. _ ..- f,,.�� �',,,,,•:� .gTot$l. �.nnd�No:. � .. ;... _ ..., -- �- a • - -� + ._ _ X88 115.00 4 -.CITY =CLERK 4A1 Salaries 640636.00 4A2 Office Expense 39000.00 4A3 Official Publications 30.000.00 97,636.00 %� RR44 atrsiAf nnc 4B1 Salaries- 352893.00 4B2 Office Expense 2.100400 37.993400 Total Fund No, 4 135 6 FINANCE COMMISSIONER '' � Adrtinietra *inn • 6AI Salaries 205 064.00 6A2 Automobile Allowance 49000.00 6A3 Office Expense 7,500.00 6A4 Tabulating Service 1,100.00 6A5 Parking Meter Service 15.332.00 Total Fund No, 6 H OO A/ 0 V •a It a It i i 7 -8 -9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 7 -,$-9A Office ;Administration 7 -8-9A1 Salaries 762518.00 7 -8-9A2 Office Expense , 29100.00 7 -8 -9A3 Postal Fund 12500.00 7 -8-9A4 Automobile ATowance _ 1-520.00 7 -8-913 Building Maintenance 7.•8 -9B1 'Salaries 85, 851.'00 7 -8 -9B2 Service and Supplies - 176930:00 Total Fund No. 1-8 -9 7 POLICE . J,8 Administration 7A1 Salaries 139386.00 7A2 Office Supplies 500.00 7A3 Equipment Naintenance 500.00 7A4 Office Expense 740.00 7A5- Telephone and Telegraph 12j 000_ 00 7B1 Salaries 333038.00 7B2 Office E:ipense 50.00 Jaiforaled D�q- i;s�on 7C1 Salaries 211319070.00 7C2 Supplies 6,800.00 7C3 Auto Maintenance and Allowance 125 000.00 7C4 Traffic. Signal Maintenance 270800.00 7C5 Uniform Allowance 209900.00 7C6 New Equipment 45..00Q_00 Detective Division ' 7D1 Salaries 610,543.00 7D2 Crime Investigation 1,500.00 7D3 Supplies - :00 , ^ 1020--99 Radio Division 7E1 Salaries 54,245.00 7E2 Rent and Supplies 4,125.00. 793 Radio Equipment Changeover ,j Police Station 7F1 Salaries 57,393.00 7F2 Supplies 1,100.00 7F3 Board of Prisoners 5_000.00 22 R word D1ydi 41 n 7G1 Salaries 590598.00 7G2 Office Expense 5.000_00 Total Fund No. 7 Sub - Totals $otals. 81,638.00 27,126.00 33,088.00 2.,3550670.00 613,243.00 83,470.00 63,493.00 1850419.00 0 AA A�m4an,�st� ;aten Total Fund No. 8 7..8' POLICE AND F1RK AU �:MP 7 -8A1 8A1 Salaries 1380844.00 Truck Maintenance 8A2 Supplies 23,000.00 1,000.00 8A3 Office Expense 500_QO 7-SAS Equipment Repairs 11,750.00 7 -8A6 Office Expense 8Bl Salaries 742366.00 _ — 8B2 Office Expense. 500.00 8B3 Automobile Allowance - 2- „0„00 QQ(�� .1111 Mr. Fighting 8C1 Salaries 228041416.00 8C2 Supplies 60500.00 80 New Hose 5,000.00 8C4 Equipment Maintenance 582000.00 8C5 New Equipment I�.f iiiia ��w I -nt A P 8D1 Salaries 300900.00 8D2 Telephones 11,400.00 8D3 Light, Power and Water 17$00.00 8D4 Fuel 59000.00 8D5 Supplies 49000.00 8D6 Repairs and Renewals 5_000_00 - $ 2410 AWALM 8E1 Salaries 91411.00 892 Supplies 2,000.00 8E3 Radio Equipment Changeover 17.700.00 Total Fund No. 8 7..8' POLICE AND F1RK AU �:MP 7 -8A1 Salaries 180,250.00 7 --8A2 Truck Maintenance 42500.00 7.8A3 Supplies' 1,000.00 7.8A4 Telephone Lines 10,000.00 7-SAS Equipment Repairs 11,750.00 7 -8A6 Office Expense 200.00 7 -8A7 New Equipment _ — Total Fund No. 7.8 *Expense applicable to Police and Fire Funds 9 HEALTH Aclminiat- ratinr 9A1 Salaries 530739.00 9A2 Automobile Allowance 500000 9A3 Office Expense 30000.00 9A4 New Equipment 1_000.00 141,344.00 77,216.00 2,923,91600 63,800.00 58,239.00 16 �a rat M "dir QUM.F s .and temp: D$PAMENT" OF P13BLIC SAF= 9 BEAM - Continued Salaries'; Vital Srnri.arire 9B1 Salaries 3,600.00 9B2 Office. Expense 9E3 9B3 New Equipment 638064,00 PY"tien of Health�SCheels 9Cl Salaries 9CZ. Supplies 72,059:00 9C3' Office Expense 9F2,, 9C4 Dental Health 2a Feed AAgU1 tLon Office, 'Expense 9D1 Salaries 9D2 Automobile Allowance .ris 9D3 Office Expense Amogpg $ub..Tot_als Igtals 40,397:00 1,000,00 i_ 000.00 42,397.00 149,234.00 %000100 200.00 11_000_00 1650434400 600049.00 3,000.00 64,249,00' 185*419.00 302400688.00 3,2358387.00 197'100."'00 7,4070438.00 /f M "dir a1 and 14'q11W=Q ai, 991 Salaries'; 589464,00 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,600.00 9E3 Supplies 16000 -00 638064,00 9F1 SAlaiies 72,059:00 9F2,, Supplies,, 4000.00 9F3 Office, 'Expense 301 00„ 76,.359.00 - .ris eni+,nnrreft", .. 9G1 Salaries 23,000.00 9G2 Telephones 5,500.,00 9G3 Fuel 32000:00 9G4 Light,Power,Watez; and Gas 6,000,:.00: 9G5 Supplies 1,.750'' *00 '9G6 Miscellaneous 750000 40;000,00 S$ Health Labegalto,y 9H1 Salaries' 180568.00 9H2 Supplies 2000 00 20,568.00 �_inonae iLfOY en+ant 9X1 Salaries 150434,00 9K2 Automobile and Track Maintenance 10000.00 9K3 Supplies, 1050040�S�QQ_ Total Fund No, 9 SUMMARY ;' DEPARTMW OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7--M Ads dm ir�i aria .inn 7 Police" 8. Fire 7.8 Zolice and Mg Alarm 9Ila" 185*419.00 302400688.00 3,2358387.00 197'100."'00 7,4070438.00 /f m floda Ch�=gr ]Euncl-q and ItemA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOBM 10 COMaSSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS IU 10A1: Salaries I0A2., Officd Expense IOB1 'Salaries 1OB2,.:,,Automobile Allowance l6B3":Office Expense e Tr A. 0-4=91 &VA { -ner Tots -FurAi "No, ."10 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR WAISAX-AX64to W, - Riau 11AI Salaries and Wages 11A2 Truck Hire 11A3 Automobile Allowance- 11A4 Truck-- .1 tena4e '11A5 Materials. and Sup-plies Total-Fund No. 11 12 SMOR4 CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12AV,,'SAIaVies -and Wages ll;Aol -Automobile Allowance 1243 'Truck 'Maintenance I2A4 Materials and Supplies 1245 1400,611aneous Total Fund No, 12 13 STREET, AND SEWER CUWMM MUM. 13AI Salaries and Wages 1542 Automobile Allowance 1343 Office - Expense MR Claulm, Streets mid W Salariei"-ind Wages 13B2, 'Trudk -Hire., 13B3 EqjU- #** 'n"i", Maintenance 13B4- Supplieu 13B5 'Miscellaneous 13B6 New Equipment 509573.00 4 5119885:00 60000.00 19 0 9921A2 3490161.00 40,1060.00 10000.00 77,500.00 100000-99 149i-168;i00 19200.1-00 4,200,00 9:000.100 3 28,864,00 600.00 im-3mmia 2250836.00 910350.00 184900,00 2v500.00--- 22000.00- 19 000_00 54,573.00 536,885,00 161 48� 00 ZUAML22 309764.00 359,586.00 601.2k gndbe Charter Funds and Items AIDiJ3= '13 STREET AND SZOER CLEANING.. Continued 13C1 Salaries and Wages 13C2 Truck hire. 13C3 Equipment Maintenance 1304 Supplies 1.3C5 Auto Allowance and Miscellaaeoua 13C6 Equipment Replacements Now = 13.D1 ' Salaries and Wages 13D21 Truck lore 13D3, Supplies and Materiala Garbase Disposal , 13E1 Salaries and Wages 1382 Truck Hire 1383 Auto Allowance 1384 Equipment Maintenance 1385 New Equipment l3E6 Sanitary Land Fill. 13F1 Truck Hire City lkwn 13G1 - ...Salaries and WagesL 13G2 Suppltes.sand Equ�,pment ':Maintenance 13G3 New Equipment IML 1301 'Salaries and Wages 13H2 Equipment Maintenance 1383 Supplies 13H4 New Equipment 13J1 Salaries and Wages 13J2 Light and Power 13J3 Fuel and Supplies Rndent Contra. 13W. Salaries and.Wages Total Fund No, 13 17,000.00 20800.00 44,.000.00 500,00', 12,492.00 3,843.00 308,914.00 223,300.00 4500.00 259 000'.00 40,000.00 25_000_00 .r -645-7300 17x000.00 . 15_.000.00 94,156.00 7,000,00 250.00 3.000_00 80083.00 5,824.00 . 200_00- .25,000.00 178835.00 626,714400 -- , 94,573.00 r 104,406.00 y 14,107.OQ 1.282.985.09 /3 4ub.T� Tetals .25,000.00 178835.00 626,714400 -- , 94,573.00 r 104,406.00 y 14,107.OQ 1.282.985.09 /3 rkda Ch=Qirr. gapAsq.• aII. tma- gub-Iatala Tgtaja DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOW -- Continued 14 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR 14A1 Salaries and Wages 662962.00 14A2 Equipment Maintenance 23,000.00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 15,000,00 14A4 Maintenance of Fences— and Stairways 'Total Fund Fund No. 14 • St�NMARY DEPARMW OF PUBLIC WORKS ,A Commissioner of public Werkg 7520941000; ,u• atgget Construction, and- Re_,� a{ r., . , , 567, 681.00 ,,U Sewer Construction and•. Repair,.,, 1639868.00 12 Sttrp t add Sewer QkMing 1, 282',,985.00• Bridge Building and'. .4ir. 97, 962.00 Total 29865,437.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15_1 General oration• 1 $us�ness 'Off ice .. r.�.,-Tw.+� :111•. Salaftes.. 113,,524.00' z"j112_iOffice_•:S#.ena ,., • _ - -- • - _... _ ­ 3­95Q: 00-x: _ �1T3 Rental -of. . orms _ 3.•7___ 60 00_ 121,234,00 - ' j,1, -12 .121 Salaries-1,, 1100900.00 ,122 Office Expense 119400.00 . .123 Automobile Allowance 28200.00 9124 Board of Education Expense 5,986.00 .125 School Planning and Surveys '10.000499 1401486.00 S� e�,ia],, Serv�c�g Adman{ stratio+± .131 Salaries 413245.00 •.132 Office Expense 5,700.00 9•133 Automobile Allowance �. 25_00 46,970.00 *_l, 5 14 Oper e„n�nd Aa;n P an e • Adminictratinn .141 Salaries 859495.00 .142 Office Expense 3,220.00 .143 Automobile Allowance 29440.00 .144 Freight and Cartage 200.00 ,145 Light, Fuel and Water 930455,00 Sdada 91=e Aunda MW Ita"PA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 P11BLIC SCHOOLS . Continued - *j�,.,j�, fiuonly _Storehouse .151 .Salarlei .152 Office Expense 453'.Truck Maintenance .154 Light and Power' K-PH 48,522.00 1,245.00 2 000,00 .21 Salaries' 11;9539721.00 .21A Staff & Salary Adjustments 9690962.00 ?x.22' Instruction Supplies 3860052.00 .23 Auto Allowance and Athletic Fields.-Facilities .46 Bus Fare 20sOOO.00 .24 Conference and Lectures 131,000.00 *.25 Free Textbooks 2300205,00 .26 Athletic Salaries y,' "97,833.00 **27 -Athletic Supplies 78725..00 ,28 - Special Service..Salaries 2392853.00 .29 Special Service -Other Expense 20743.,00 aaa POPWAU911 01 p nt .31 Salaries ,.32 Supplies .33 Telephones .34 Fuel .35 Water and Sewage Disposal ..36 Light, Power and Gas .37 Grounds and,'Snow Removal :38 Oil Streets and Tree Trimming Assessments .39 'Other Expense *� Main aWw a of glut .41 Salaries .42 Repairs and Supplies .43 Auto Allowance and Bus Fare .44 Truck Maintenance 045 Athletic Fields.-Facilities .46 Repair Special,Instruction : Equipment .47 City Assessments Ill PrmAt iT soh .51 SaZirries• .52 Office Expense .53 Auto Allowance anaius Fare .54 Medical and Dental Supplies .55 Laundry .56 Equipment and Repairs 1,299,080.00 " 48,000.00 36,080.00 1900000.00 63,000.00 180,000.00 19,950.00 14,038.78 3_400_QO 536,227.00 301,000.00 22,'900.00 3,000.00 44,676.00 30,000,00 ?,;,AQJ4,3 292,,641.00 3,550.00 2,000.00 2,800.00 2,300.00 • 3_000_.00 51,767.00 13,:921, 094.00 1,8538548.78 955,304x42 306,291.00 -Cade Charter. Funds And ,Items AMUDA Sub - Totals I DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued XUA Fixed Charges .61 Insurance- School Property 219455.00 .62 Workmenis Compensation 259000.00 .63 Rentals 15j575.98 .64 True* Liability Insurance- 550000 622580,98 .71 Non - Handicapped Pupils 82800 -.00 .72 Handicapped Pupils 83,000..00 .73 Field Trips 12_600_00 104,400,00 ULA Capital Outiav .81 Equipment 3350392.00 .82 Building Improvement -- . .83 Improvement of Grounds 35022&,' 8 370j613.82 t,:91 Evening and Sumner School.. 118 ;28.0..00 „92 Salaries - -Use of Buildingw= -1 11; -W0- 00''-- . J3 Vodational Evening School 328,873,00 .94 Upkeep of Skating Rinks 5,000.00 45 Other Services Total Operation and Maintenance 18;5066173 ;00 'Less Estimated - Balances 1961 let Appropriations-. Operations and.Maintenahee ~ 18,126,17,3..00 Other `Funris .101 Teachers' Retirement 1,0620528.00 '.102 Public Examiner's Fees 3200000 .103 Public.=Employees Retire- ment- Association 2099740.00., ,104 Health and Welfare 220,000.00 ' 1105 Severance Pay 231_093.00 i_72fi.3(1 00 Total Fund No. 15 14.$52.534.00 *rhese•appropriation items constitute the instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings and equipment conforming with the $750,000.00 minima= appropriation provided by charter provision. 19 r, RHM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Public Schools Operation and Maintenance Teachers' Retires n� t Fund Public Rx=4VAr0s Fees Public Emn,7io_yees Retirement Association Health and Welfare Sever nce Ply &J=1 Debt Bond Interest (Appropriated in Fund 26A2) Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments Bond Maturities (Appropriated in Fund 28A2) Note Maturities (28A6) Total School Debt Zq=j Scho2j A iRroRriation 6890271.00 - 750000.00 614,271.00 539,000.00 100_000_00 18,1260173.00 1,0629528.00 30000,00 209,740.00 220,000.00 231,093.00 10 2530 271.00 2101050805.00 17 rkd$ Q :eX .1wada.ad JCCOW S - Totaia Vials'. DEPARTHMT OP LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM MUSEUMS and STADIA 16 -17 LIBRARY, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA ADMINISTRATION t 1` 16'.-17A1 ' m niet�..,.• rSt�i -..�� Salaries 309480.00 16 -17A2 Office Expense 20700.00 16 -17A3 Auto Allowance 19620.00 16.17A4 Auditorium Insurance,,QQ 362800.00 16 -17B1 Salaries 70500.00 16 -17B2 Utilities Services r 6,000.00 16 -17B3 b,intenance 1,500.00 15_000_00 Total Fund No. 16.17 16 LIBRARY p 16A1 Salaries 652,293,00 16A2 Truck Maintenance-, 3,000..00 ' 16A3 Supplies, 151,000:00 16A4 Postage 20500.00 16A5 Newt,Books and Periodicals 1252000.00 _ 16A6 Binding Books ' 48000.00 .16A7 New Equipment 7.0200.00 _16A8 —Miscellaneous 4:00000 812,993.00 -16B1.,._ Salaries _ and .Wages •.::134;589..00 =16B2 'Light and Power 11,300.00 :"16B3 Beat 10,000.00 16B4 Water 12420.00 16B5 Telephone 59780.00 16B6 Supplies 5,000.00 16B7 .Repairs and Renewals* 130500.00 16B8 Auto Allowance 1.500.00 183.089_00 Total Fund No. 16 996.Og2.Op r 17 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) MAN- SUMMARY DEPARTMENP OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA 16-17 Limey_ AWitorium, Miseums and Sgadla Adininfak.lat4na, 519800.00 Public Library 9960082.00 ],Z Pub j jr, alld� LM 94.0M _00 Total 1,1419882.00 1 W10, f • z t� Suh -T to s " To„� ala 549737.00 518,362.00 849806.00 76,729.00 108,452.00 61,656.00 6,000;00 6Q,, 4761P 00 , (' c g Chartez' ,�unda,,,$n�Q t DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION and PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18-20 PARRS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUIi ING ADYMISTMTXON ' 18 -20A? Salaries 56,026.00 18 -2OA2 Auto Allowance 12200.00 18 -2OA3 Office Expense . ( Total Fund 18 -20 18 PUBLIC PAFXS AM RECP,MION 18AI Salaries 4$ 462,00 16A2 Auto Allowance 33009,00 18A3 Office Expense Ad R�r?�e_a-4 18B1 Salaries and Wages 360,432,00 18B2 Utilities Services 119000,00 18B3 SuppS,i.es 7250U.00 18B4 Repairs and Renewals 59,130,00 18B5 Mechanical Equip- ment 14aiut;enance 65, 300.00 18B6 New Equipment — 1!LS -QQ Q 18Cy Salaries 789206,00 18C2 Supplies 800.00 18C3 Capital Outlay -- 1804 Egra$pment Maintenance 52200.00 18C5 Uhi.form Allowance I&MAQ 18D1 Salaries �. 58,129,00 18D2 Utilities Services 11,000.00 18D3 Supplies 49000.00 18D4 Repairs and Renewals — 6 .lox , zqq 18E1 Salaries - 67,452.00 18E2 Utilities Services 9,000s00 ' 1SE3 Supplies 27,000.00 8L4 Repairs and Renewals 5,000.00 } HE Capital Outlay L n �..�.Xle..' n 18GI Band Music t� Suh -T to s " To„� ala 549737.00 518,362.00 849806.00 76,729.00 108,452.00 61,656.00 6,000;00 6Q,, 4761P 00 , Q& lAuer lm da. and Am, A=mnt 3ub..Total.g lassls DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION and PUBLIC BUILDINGS SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18-20 Perks and 92ermazipm Public AH ldin aWration 600476.00 3$. libcc am md_- � jdig 105410418.00 ZQ b+b i $+ idin¢s 4750888_00 29077,782.00 �e R Sof.L, sice 18H1 Purchase of Water 20000.00 j,$j� Ran eating e s 18L1 Salaries 539,538.00 18L2 Utilities Services 28,500.00 180 Supplies 122000600 18L4 -Fourth of July 1;000.00 1815 Auto Allowance 20820.00 18L6 Capital Outlay �� 5839858.00 ZM Snorts and Games 18MI Salaries 210276.00 18M2 Supplies 600.00 18M3 Auto Allowance 1.500_00 230376.00 .1 Spacial AAtjXjtteq 18NI Salaries 219042.00 18N2 Supplies 400.00 „�tQ Total Fund No. 18 1.541 418.00 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A1 Salaries 68,166,.00 20A2 Auto Allowance 80.00 20A3 Office Expense pQ 719966.00 ?Q$ Am diay aw nagging Tnnnortinn 20B1 Salaries 2672257.00 20B2 Auto Allowance 25,000.,00 20B3 Truck Maintenance 750.00 20B4 Miscellaneous SQQ.0�0 2960507.00 20- ,DIaftirng' lan O rt in . 20C1 Salaries 1051,915.00 20C2 Office Expense i�5 107,.40 Total Fund No. 20 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18-20 Perks and 92ermazipm Public AH ldin aWration 600476.00 3$. libcc am md_- � jdig 105410418.00 ZQ b+b i $+ idin¢s 4750888_00 29077,782.00 �e %v e DZPAUMU CF PLBL1C UTILITIES 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A1 Salaries. 220718.00 21A2 , Office Expense 24,718.00 Tomtfn L.Ahnrntnri n 21B1 Salaries 379770.00 ,,421B2 Supplies 560,00 �` 21B3 Expense 2_990020 409270,00 TAX119 aatinr�Q 21C1 Salaries 519158.00 21C2 Office Expense 2_900_00 540058.00 trri7�ri e. $t3 +_id nQ.MAint tfAT1Pf� 2lD1 Salaries and Wages 58400.00 21D2 Fuel' 42500.00 21D3 Services and Supplies 5100040 204 Building Repays 10_ODQ_90 24.90009 Total Fund No, 21_9460 22 PUBLIC LIMING ' /adm i of -rnti nn 22A1 Salaries 189083.00 22A2 Automobile Allowance 720,400 22A3 Office Expense 325_99 194128,00 MAintanAnre 22BI Salaries and Wages 2299091.00 22B2 Electric Current 3032320000 22B3 Bulbs and .Globes 309000.00 2284 Services 9,000.00 22B5 Supplies 349200.00 22B6 Christmas Lighting 10500.00 22B7 New Equipment 52000.00 22B8 Deferred Maintenance 166000.00 628.111_00 Total Fund No. 22 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT' OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 Public miLitton 1439946.00 2z PQ11V— -i srh�ir�=° 6��aZ� -� 791,185.00 23 WATER DEPA (Financed from Receipts) 4,013,489.00 1V M1 P. . =4..rtgan::. Aw. It=. nt[f n Sub- Totals xOtAln 24 BOARD CF PUBLIC WELFARE - City's 27k% Share AdminiQbra *inn 24A1 Salaries - Administration 569994.30 - Service Adm. 84,322.15 - Social Services 259;420.70 24A2 Other Expense 55,415.80 24A3 Air Conditioning 0'9240 461,102.95 ,� Ancker Hospital ' 24B1 Salaries 849,106.50 24B2 Other Expense 190,256,00 24B3 Psychiatric Services 13_750400 10053,112.50 County Home 24C1 Salaries 469673.83 2402 Other Expense 10.712.62 57,386„45 Social Services 24D1 Surplus Foods 112720.50 24D2 Old Age Assistance 3112007.95 A' 24D3 Aid to Dependent Children 2020264.43 204 Aid to the Blind 15,'019.95 24D5 Aid to the Disabled 92920.07 206 General Relief 4942022.65 207 Child Welfare 1750890.00 24D8 Payment to State Institutions 298893 ,#05 24D9 Disabled Veterans 2 475._00 182522213,60 9- PAAO. z 117.36450 Net Appropriation Fund No, 24 2.941.],80.00 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - City's ^50% Shdje 25A1 Salaries and Wages 1392390.00 ;r 25A2 Heat,Light & Power 30,000.00 25A3 — Veterans' Quarters 7$00,00 25A4 Telephones 33500.00 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 9,113.00 25A6 Services and Supplies 172500.00 25A7 Extra Help 7,500.00 25AB Repairs to Building 6,000.00 25A9 Maintenance of Air Conditioning 750.00 25A1O Special Assessments 150,00 25All Insurance 1,250 *00 25Al2 Health and Welfare 32400.00 25A13 Severance Pay 2,500.00 25A14 Office-Space Survey 20500000 Total Fund Igo. 25 _231.053.00 oz 0 _ Code Charted FundS.,,an_ and Items AmoUat Sub_Totals Totals 26 INTEREST w 26A1 Bond Interest - General Debt 8912091.00 26A2 Bond Interest - School Debt 689,271.00 26A3 Bond Interest - P.I.R. 3,247.00 26A4 Note Interest 60512.QQ 45902128.00 Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments 375,000_00 Total Fund Noy 26 1.215_128°00 28 REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND NOTES 28A1 Bond Maturities - General Debt 842,000.00 28A2 Bond Maturities- Schools 5399000.00 28A3 Bond Maturities- P.I.R* Fund 552000100 28A4 Note Maturities -Other Services 9912336.00 28A5 Amortization - Armory Debt 261750.00 28A6 Note Maturities- Schools 100.O0Q_00 Total Fund No, 28 554.086.00 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgments and Claims 50000.00 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE WA Comptroller 30Al Salaries 126,865 00 30A2 Office Expense 7,000.00 30A3 New Equipment 11000.00 1340865..00 Civil Service 30B1 Salaries 100,538,00 30B2 Special Exam$ners 1000100 30B3 Office Expense 1O.OQ0_OQ ilj,,53, 8 00 Total Fund No. 30 246x403,00 31 GENERAL FUND 31A1 Salaries 81,129.00 3132 Printing and Postage 32000.00 31A3 Office Expense 40400.00' 880529.00 �, Mu�n„ic i� C•o ur,�t 31B1 Salaries -- Municipal Court 178,728.00 31B2 Salaries -- Traffic Bureau 420021.00 31B3 Jury Expense -- Municipal Court 500.00 31B4 Office Expense -_Hun. Court 6,00040 31B5 Office Expense -- Traffic Bur, 21500.00 31B6 Psychiatric Services 72500.00 31B7 Furniture Repair r2,090600 239,249.00 O3 •.• yw VM111P rwrir-Em 31 GENERAL FUNDS - Continued • 31C1 Salaries and Wages 3102 Supplies (Repairs - General) 31p Aug 31D1 31D2 31D3 31D4 31D5 31D6 31D7 31D8 309 CAS Salaries.-Judges Salaries - .Office Employees Salaries- Preparing Machines Rents-.Booth Space Truck Hire Printing and Postage Supplies Insurance Miscellaneous �3F► r. "r-A 1 2r0VAGLA sl 31HI City's Share 31E2 County Aid 3183 State Aid Amendment No.2 31E4 Exempt Property.. Sprinkling 1960 3195 Exempt Property. - Forestry 1960 _ 31E6 Exempt Property -..6 P.I.Re Fund 1960 �]�•; �ie��;�B np t s ' 31PI Police Relief Association 31F2 Firemen's Relief Assn. 31F3 Health Relief Association 31F4 Public Employees Retirement Association 31F5 Health and Welfare 31F6 Severance Pay 31F7 Unemployment Compensation .33,E -�s 31G1, Workmen's Compensation 31G2 Debt Service 31G3 Financial Forms 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen 31G5 Public Examiner's Fee 3166 Surety Bond Premiums 31G7 St. Paul Institute 31G8 Memorial Day Observance 31G9 Water. ,Wilder Baths 31GIO Humane Society 31Gll'Auditorium Rentals 31G12 Fire Hydrant Rentals 31G13 Fire Hydrant. -New Installations iu• 20,437.00 500..00 49 434.00 259000.00 8,000.00 9,412.00 14,000.00 12,000.00 3, 000.00 2,342.00 900,000.00 1,0009000.00 36,056,00 2,675.00 20,937.00 124,688.00 450540_00 1,984927400 366,278.00 4881371.00 24,419.00 538,961.00 220,000.00 117,465.00 25_.000.00 45,000.00 18,000.00 22,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 2, 000.00 39,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 54,048.00 29,.382.00 19,367.00 1,7800494.00 a� . i S { t2 r _qgdl Ch rrgr,, gunda and„Item8 }g�, Sub - Totals is 31 GENERAL FUND -,- continued Miscellaneous - Continued a 31G14 Easement -- Charter Sec. 257 7:000100 31G15 International Institute 7.0500.00 31G16 Metropolitan Airports Commission ww 31G17 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 653000.00 31G18 Human Relations 50,000,00 31G19 American Municipal Assn. 1;200.00 31G20 League of Minnesota , , Municipalities 12227.00 31G21 St. Paul Gallery and School of Art 152000.00 31G22 Wrecking Condemned Buildings, 10,000.00 31G23 St. Paul Civic Opera 108000.00 31G24 Citizens Advisory Committee 60480.00 31G25 F.E.P.C, 17,500.00 31G26 Port Authority- Operations 36,628.00 31G27 Stadium Seats (:?,,1,,R-.-Fund) 159000.00 31G28 Stadium ~ Scoreboard 242000.00 31G29 Charter Commission 200.00 31G30 Safety Program 109000.00 ' 31G31 New Pay Roll Machine 8.455_00 4863387.09 • �,g��,�ments- Forfeited' 'Prrx,nrt 3 pa 31H1 Sprinkling -1960 42057.00 ... �, ..31H2,-,Yorestryn1960 79.00 _. 31H3 ,;` P.,I.R.. 1?�{nd' - :..,1960 :' 7.685_00 .. lIy;771.00 _wa r • - Publicity Bureau 31J1 Salary 99108.00 31J2 Office Expense. 2,,00„0,0,00 109108.00 Detentinn'an_ and Co wectiew Authority (City's 507. Share) Ad nistratim ^�. s 311(A1 Salaries 28,409.00 31KA2 Health and Welfare 479.00 31KA3 Automobile Allowance and Travel 19250.00 _ 31KA4 Contingent Fund 1,190.00 31KA5 Office Expense 925.00 31KA6 P.E.R,A. 1,417.00 ,r 31KA7 Severance Pay s 28 0.0:00 36,170.00 . i S { t2 r r h{ i' AMA Fm,a .and Tans Amm= Sub,.�.To,tl�a T °ta�41 , 31 GMIERAL FUIID continued • Uetent { on , and rrect -109A AMLb2 i ,� -- - -- ��r��. tv - continued f . W-°-- °d�.�- n°trntig A.g...:s ' 34KB1 Salaries 380872.00 31KB2 Health and Welfare 993.00 ' 3103 Auto Allowance and Travel 375.00 31KB4 Utilities 30350.00 31M Provisions 29.700.00 31IG6 Supplies and Services 68138.00 31KB7 P.H.R.A. 2054, 00 548970.00 , c Hie 92 227 for 82X41 31KC1 "Salaries 49,187.00 31KC2 Health and Welfare 1,644.00 31KC3;Auto and:Tractor- Expense,T: 700.00 31KC4 Utilities 29855.00: 31KC5 Provisions 5,500.00 31KC6. Supplies :and. ,Services .11, 760, 00' . '31KC7 Farm, Stack and .Supplies ,250.00 - 32KCS P,E.R.A. 3.057-00 � ` 74,953.A0 -- ` �- �-- •,�,1�= �iI�1[h�e..WerkFarm ' 31101 Salaries 124,280. "00 3=2 Health ,and Welfare 30193.00 -T 31103 ,Auto and ruck :Expense .2,400.00 31IM Utilities 12,06440 31KD5 Provisions g�000�Op 31106 Supplies and Services 7,350.00 31KD7 Farm Stock and Supplies 4,825.00 31108 P.E.R.A. 7� 3�.� 1WX3,00 335 00 .566,566 Less Applied Receipts , 3352.00 323,066.00 . t 92 A9 1 IMat i QatI,on and RW eGM 31L1 Salarias 129758.00 31L2 Office Expense IgZA.20M 14_000,00 Total Fund No. 31 5,083.$500.00 S C � { V , k / 3,o 7e :ZY r / 3 i i i /o� �� 1 112, 0 � 13. 220 2-1 COMPTROLLERIS * 1962 * BUDGET ESTIMATES Z o 3y7� JOSEPH J. MITCHELL City Comptroller S 7e :ZY a COMPTROLLERIS * 1962 * BUDGET ESTIMATES Z o 3y7� JOSEPH J. MITCHELL City Comptroller S August 15, 1961 To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council: I submit herewith the Comptroller's Budget for the City of Saint Paul for the year 1962. The 1962 budget requests totalled $55,1413903.00. The 1962 Comptroller's budget herewith submitted totals $51,268,005.00, a decrease from the requests of $3,873,903.00, but $2,893,404.00 over the amended 1961 budget. On the receipt side of this budget an additional $572,912.00 will come from increased State aid to schools, increased water revenues, increases in miscellaneous revenues, etc.. This leaves an additional $2,320,492.00 to be raised by a tax levy on property resulting from the following: $850,000.00 for schools, authorized by vote of the people through the 1960 Charter Amend - ment;$500,000.00 for general city government, also approved by the electorate in the 1960 election; $490,465.00 for interest and principal charges resulting from bond issues voted by the people and for increases in emergency borrowing; $305,997.00 for public welfare, a budget which is not subject to review by this office; $13,075.00 for the Detention Authority, another budget which is not subject to review by this office; and $271,069.00 for all city employee pensions and benefits. These latter increases were reduced in part by the elimination of the usual Metropolitan Airports Commission levy which was not requested as it was indicated it was not needed; the previous year's levy was $92,340.00. The budget contains no substantial increases in estimated miscellaneous revenues. There is one exception. The State law changed the cigarette tax rates, and we increased estimated revenues from this source approximately $1002000.00. The experience during the past two years has indicated that City estimates finally approved by the City Council were approximately the amount that was estimated. The budget also meets the recent Charter Amendment re- quirements by appropriating $250,000.00 for new equipment. A detailed state- ment covering this appropriation is included. On the expenditure side of the budget, the total amounts authorized by the voters for both the schools and'the general city government are contained in this budget. The increase of $2,8930404.00 consists of the following: Public schools including debt $1,504,217.00; $133,212.00 for the Water Board; and $122552975.00 for City services. Included in the general City services increases are $311$IA4.00 for debt, $3050997.00 for welfare, $114,688.00 for elections, $65,324.00 for increased pensions and other employee benefits, $139075,00 for the Detention Authoritys $10,000.00 for a City safety program, leaving $4352447.00 for increases in all City services other than Schools. This latter increase is used in large part for the salary and wage increases authorized by the City Council for all city employees, including the mechanical trades. It does not include the cost of a study of jobs and salaries which the Personnel Committee has promised and for which it is now considering bids. When these bids are received, it will be the duty of the Council to provide for this appropriation out of the total existing budget in a manner they may determine. To the Honorable Mayor and the City Council Page 2 ' August 156 1961 4 L1 In accordance with the request for recertification in connection with the Urban Renewal Program as submitted by the Mayor and City Council to the Federal Government, the budget provides sufficient funds for 28 inspectors presently on the payroll and k housing inspectors in addition, • When the 1960 Charter Amendment was passed, civic groups pledged a united effort to find sources of revenue other than real and personal pro- perty taxes to finance increased municipal expenditures, The property tax increase proposed in the 1962 budget makes it imperative that this study be carried on as quickly as possible, and that some new sources of revenue other than property taxes be provided to meet increasing costso If the Comptroller and his Staff can be of any assistance to the City Council during the consideration of the budget or the budget hearings, we will be available at all times. Respectfully submitted, Joseph J. Mitchell City Comptroller 1962 COMPTROLLER "S BUDGET ESTIMATES • COMPMOLYXR' S CODE CHAR MR FM F ;TMAIES I City Officers' Salaries 85,50000 2 M.ayor'8 Office 1790653.00 3 Corporation Counsel 188211500 4 City Clerk 135,629.00 6 Ftraace Cvmeissione:r 232,996,00 7 -8 -9 Public Safety Administration I£5,419a00 7 P01i.Ce 3$246,.688.00 8 Fire 3,235," 3 8 ?�00 7 -8 Poli-;e and Fira Alarm 197,100,00 9 He.:1.th 549, 244.00 10 C iusioner of Public Works 752,941.00 11 Street Constructiew. and Repair 567,681.00 12 Sewer Conatzuetion and Repair 163,868,00 13 Street and Seder Cleaning 1,282,985,00 14 Bridge Bui.leing and R epeir 97,962,00 15 Public 5c:hoDjs3 19,852,534.00 16.17 Libraries, 111"I f Corium, Musems and Stadia Administration 51,800,00 16 Public Library 996,082.00 17 Auditorium 94,000.00 18 -20 Parks ead Recreation and Public Buildings Administ:ratioa 60,476,00 18 Parks and Recreation 1$43,418.00 20 PubMIZ ButldIrgs 475,888,00 21 Public M.,tiitiee . 143$946o00 22 Public Lighting 6472239.00 23 WataL Dapextment 42013,489,00- 24 Pa�.)Ite W-slfare 2,9414,180,00 25 C!.,-.y Hall and Court House 231s053.00 26 Inter.st 1, 215.1.28,00 28 Rademrticn of Bonds and Notes 2,55` ,- 086,00 29 Judgmstit and Compromisa 25,000.00 30 Comp trollar and Civil Service 246,403.00 31 General Fund 5,083,500.00 TDTA1 51,268,005 ,,00 FndANC3NG SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1962 Real Estate and Persoua' Promrty Taxes Appropriated in 1962 Budget Charter Limitation Outside Limitations Total Other Schools Services Total. 1210002000,00 1195009000Foo 2,979 632 �Cr0._... 7, 812,71.1.00 14-,979,632.D.0. 1.9,312,,711,00 34,292$43.00 School Revenues 4„000400 Basic Aid (includes Apportionment) 490340790.00 Income Tax Aid 622,31.500 State Aid - Handicapped Children 487,414.00 Vocational Aid • State and Federal 2179947.00 Cocatiaaal Eveniug S ^..tool - State 20 :000000 Aid and Thitioa 209989loOO Transportation Aid • Handi=7pcd 8850 00 Children 600005.00 High School Tuition - Wi +:al Districts' 47 2550.00 Adult Education v State Aid and Tuition 63,191.00 Total 5 7L 3.j-03,.,00 Special Taxes Bank Excise Grain Tax Gross Earnings Mortgage Registry Occupational Taxes Penaltia -s - Tax Collections Redev,slopment in liv.z o-9 taxes SR3.n_s - Tax Forfeited Property ' State Apportioned • Cigarettes Total Licenses and Pemits Business L•icezares Cigarette Licomeas Dapartmental. Permits Dog Licenses TL,,,-.de aad Occupational Licenses Total Fee.,_ Ffnss and Mf.ocel "ananus Fines and Bail Forfeita Recording Fees - City Clerk Conciliatf.or, Court Fees Rents and Miscellaneous 1100000"00 1750000coo 2,500.00 4„000400 11950,000,00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,000„00 4x500.00 15,000.00 35,000.,00 250000.00 20 :000000 40,000.00 20V000.00 and Liquor 8850 00 Total Degrbnenta? P.p ...ipt S=e Schedule Self-s-istaimbn Bureaus Water DePaTtmeut Auditorium Total TOTAL ESTRMTED REVENUES 2333,500,00 3.1332500,00 149,570„00 710,000.00 22,500.00 230,(x^040 3,000.00 _30,000.00 995 4a-o.00 550,000.00 50,000.,00 3,000.00 4.000.00 C43.00040 1,970.603 ,00 5,743,103.00 39367,000.00 995,500.00 643,000,00 2,1193570.00 4,013,489.00 9 000.,00 46107,489.00 4.107,,,489.00 21,105,805.00 30,1629200.00 51,268,005.00 SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS Recoverable Costs Servicegother than Sch ols Amount Sub - Totals Department Receipts - RP-I'- 2:able Costs Park ng Metcr Revenue Finance Police Traffic Control Street Construction and Repair Street Cleaning Total PAjk n_ Meter Revenue State RevUL1PS State A;d $igbways - _ nt Na. 2 Street Construction and Repair Street Cleaning Local Improvement Aid Highway kjRjngqna ce _ Street Construction and Repair Total tate Revenues County Aid (Local Improvement Aid) MiMcelIgneous Rece 144,000.00 106,000.00 11000-000-00 Ma} or,° s Office - Civil Defense Department of jublic Safety Police 5,00000 Fire 22000.00 Health 8.500,100 15,332.00 35,000.00 112,668.00 40;,000.00 X000„00 1,2504000.00 530500.00 20,000.00 15,500.00 nap =tm nt of Public Wow Engineers 200,000.00 Street Construction and Repair 49000.00 Sewer Construction and Repair 28,000,00 Street and Sewer Cleaning, 20,000.00 Bridge Building and Repair 500,1,00 2523500.00 DD ,artment of Libraries, Auditor Ml-"q e —and S:tadLa Public Library 15,000..00 Department of Parks, Recreation and Pub' c Buj,�d ngg Public Parks and Recreation 182000.00 Public Buildings 37,000.00 552000.00 ,D,spa-,,tment of Pub. Utilities Testing Laboratories 7,500.00 Building Maintenance 40001.00 Public Lighting 4,,OOQ.00 15,500.00 re a FU d Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 65;000.00 Total Misge Po_y "ggeipts Total Denartmen.tal Receipts Totals 228,000.00 1,3032500.00 438,500.00 1,970,000.00 ANALYSIS OF 1961 TAR LEVY Collectible during 1962 • 11,5001000.00 Estimated 1106159000.00 Tax Levy (in lieu of Money and Bu�Z. at Net Credits) Avnronriation Shrinkaw Tg& Le School Purposes Charter Limitation 12,000,000,00 1202000.00 1221209000.00 Debt - School Purposes 1,,253,271600 123,533.00 102650804,00 Public Employees Retirement 2Q92740.00 2,097.00 2112837.00 Teachers Retirement 10062x528,00 101,625.00 1,0739153.00 Health and Welfare 2209000.00 20200.00 2223200.00 Severance Pay 2312093000 29311.00 2330404.00 Public EzaminerIs Fee ,�9QQnQQ 30400 .. 3:939.00 TQ901 Rubllc School PM;gMPs 1429790632.00 1492796.00 152129,428.00 Pll ! I - .7 Charter Limitations 11,5001000.00 1159000.,00 1106159000.00 Tax Levy (in lieu of Money and Credits) 182,000.00 12820.00 183,820.00 Debt -Other Services 21515,94300 25,159,00 2,5413102,00 Pensions 124182029.00 14,180.00 194322209.00 Public Welfare 2,9419180.00 292412,00 299702592.00 Metropolitan Airports Commission e- -- _- Health and Welfare 223,400,00 22234.00 2259634,00 Severance Pay 1172465,00 10175,00 1189640.00 Unemployment Compensation 253000.00 250,00 252250.00 Civil Defense 258000.00 250,00 259250.00 Detention and Corrections Authority 3230066000 39231.00 3263297.00 Port Authority - Operations 36,628.00 366,00 36,994.00 Public Examinees Fee _...—�"LQQ -5.9 -em 5 OSQm Totes Oath -e � 19,312,711.00 193,127.00 199505,838.00 Total - All Purposes 3422929343.00 3423923.00 3426352266.00 EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS CHARTER SECTION 201* Police 7C6 Uniformed Division 45,000.00 7E3 Radio Equipment Change -over 25,100.00 700100.00 Fire 803 Fire Fighting • New liose 53,000.00 8C5 New Esc! .tipment 50,000.00 8E3 Radio Equipment Chwage-over ??,7UQ,GO 72,700.00 Health 9A4 Administration 19000.00 9B3 Vital Statistics -IJ0 0 00 2,000.00 Street and Sewer Cleaning 13B6 Cleaning Streets and Walks 19,000.00 13E5 Garbage Disposal 40,000.00 13G3 City Dumps 15,000000 13H4 Cleaning Sewers and Tunnels 3,000.00 772000.00 Public Library 16A7 • New Equipment 79200.00 Parks and Recreation 18B7 Maintenance Parks and Recreation 15,000.00 Public Lighting 22B7 Maintenance • New Equipment 5,000.00 City Comptroller 30A3 New Equipment 1,000.00 250,00000 * 'but cf the amounts appropriated each year for the cost of the City government and departments other thaw schools, at least $ 250,000 shall be reserved each year and may be expended for new, replacement or renewal of departmental equipment. Any part thereof not expended in any year shall be accumulated and reserved for such use in future years." Code Ch_ a_ rter , Funds TAnd I= &Munt Sub - Totals Totals 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES lAl Salaries 85$509.00 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 2A AdM&RUITAtUa 2A1 Salaries 20,232.00 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 62000.00 2A3 Office Expense 1,700600 2A4 Council and Legislative Expense 50Q„QQ 28,432.00 2A City Planning 2Bl Salaries 992000.00 2B2 Automobile Allowance 936.00 2B3 Services and Supplies —01 106,236.00 2& S kmU-WA m 2C1 Salaries 30,000.00 2C2 Other Expense 15. ,QQ0.00 41 MQ...QQ Total Fund No, 2 179.668.,.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL �g �aministra�� 3A1 Salaries 1692250.00 3A2 Legal Fees 8,000 00 3A3 Law Library 1,500.00 3A4 Automobile Allowance 365.00 3A5 Office Expense 4,500.00 3A6 Codification of Ordinances 4_000.00 Total Fund No. 3 188,_ 1� 15,00 4 CITY CLERIC AA Records 4A1 Salaries 64,636.00 4A2 Office E;cpense 3,000,00 4A3 Official Publications —".6094.m 97,636.00 _4A AWJ= 4B1 Salaries 35,893.00 4B2 Office Expense 2.100.00 - .37s�.2 Total Fund No. 4 135&29 O 6 FINANCE COM ISSIONER AA A49418=Alnu 6A1 Salaries 205,064.00 6A2 Automobile Allowance 42000.00 6A3 Office Expense 7,500.00 6A4 Tabulatinn Service 1,100.00 6A5 Parking Meter Service 15JXxo Total Fund No. 6 232.996.00 _f Code Charter Funds and I Items mount Sub- Totals Totals DEPARTMENT CF PUBLIC SAFETY 7 -8 -9 PUBLIC SAFETY AD14MISTRATION 7 -8 -9A Office Ad-3ini_ atigg 7 -8-9A1 Salaries 76, 518.00 7 -8 -9A2 Office Expense 20100,00 7 -8 -9A3 Postal Fund 19500.00 7 -8 -9A4 Automobile A]lowance 30520 00 512638,00 7 -5 -9B Building, Maintenance 7 -8 -9B1 Salaries 85,851.00 7 -8 -9B2 Service and Supplies _1,30,,00 103,781°.00 Total Fund No. 7 -8 -9 185 419.00 7 POLICE 2A�.�� 7A1 Salaries 13p336,00 7A2 Office Supplies 500,00 7A3 Equ#ment Maintenance 500.00 7A4 Office Expense 740,,00 7A5 Telephone and Telegraph 12 0 OC.00 279126.00 22 I1.4;AuaP D yWon 7B1 Salaries 335038,00 7B2 Office E:cpense �__M 33,088000 7C1 Salaries 2,131,070.00 7C2 Supplies 65800.00 7C3 Auto Maintenance and Allowance 1259000.00 7C4 Traffic Signal Maintenance 279800.00 7C5 Uniform Allowance 202,000000 7C6 New Equipment --- 4_§�W�QQ 203552670.00 7D1 Salaries 610,543,00 7D2 Crime. Investigation 19500000 7D3 Supplies _ 613,243.00 613, 243000 2Z UUQ-Uld-514M M Salaries 54,245.00 7E2 Pent and Supplies 4,125.00 7E3 Radio Equipment: Changeover „,10QaQQ 83,470.00 29 jRUce__Sr 7Fl Salaries 57,393000 7F2 Supplies 1, 100000 7F3 Board of Prisoners O,ZAQ 63$493.00 7G1 Salaries 59$98000 7G2 Office Expense 4010-4a 6„}O59$.00 Total Fund No, 7 M."0-0 C°de Charter _Funds and jg=j amount au-b- Totals Totals 8 FIRE 9A1 Salaries 53,739.00 9A2 Automobile Allowance 500400 9A3 Office Expense 8AI Salaries 138,844 00 58, 239.00 8A2 Supplies 2,000.00 8A3 Office Expense 5000 141,344.00 8Bl Salaries 743366,00 8B2 Office Expense 500.00 8B3 Automobile Allowance - -,2,3� g 77,216.00 8C1 Salaries 22804,416.00 8C2 Supplies 69500,00 80 New Hose 5,000,00 8C4 Equipment Maintenance 583000.000 8C5 New Equipment 50400800 2,9232916.00 ;�,�t..= on Ma i ntena�ce 8DI Salaries 30,900.00 8D2 Telephones 10400.00 8D3 Light, Power and Water 173500.00 8D4 Fuel 52000.00 8D5 Supplies 42000.00 8D6 Repairs and Renewals —�16094J o 63,800,00 SEl Salaries 92411.00 8E2 Supplies 22000.00 8E3 Radio Equipment Changeover _jjc,7SQ.%Qg Total Fund No. 8 3$235a387.00 7 -8 POLICE AND FIRE ALA'. X* 7 -8A1 Salaries 180,250.00 7-SA2 Truck Maintenance 42500.00 7 -8A3 Supplies 1,000.00 MA4 Telephone Lines 102000.00 7 -8t5 Equipment Repairs 1,750.00 7-8A6 Office Expense 200.00 7 -8A7 New Equipment Total Fund No, 7 -8 197.700.00 *Expense applicable to Police and Fire Funds 9 HEALTH 9A1 Salaries 53,739.00 9A2 Automobile Allowance 500400 9A3 Office Expense 3,000,00 9A4 New Equipment 58, 239.00 Code Charter Funds and Items mount Sub_Tolals jotals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 9 HEALTH ., Continued 9B1 Salaries 40,397,00 9B2 Office Expense 1"000.00 9B3 New Equipment OMZ 42, 397,00 .P�Sam- otie�of,� Hea1.�.t1�.�S�. 9Cl Salaries 1492234.00 9C2' Supplies 52000.00 96 Office Expense 200000 9C4 Dental Health _Uz=4Q, 1650434.00 9D1 Salaries 60, 049.00 9D2 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 9D3 Office Expense --L= 64,249.00 9E1 Salaries 58,464.00 9E2 Automobile Allowance 3,600000 9E3 Supplies — IO.KQ„OQ 63,064,,00 9F1 Salaries 72,059.00 9F2 Supplies 4000000 9F3 Office Expense 300.00 76,359.00 9G1 Salaries 230000.00 9G2 Telephones 52500.00 9G3 Fuel 32000.00 9G4 Light,Power,Water and Gas 62000.00 9G5 Supplies 12750.00 9G6 Miscellaneous , - .7.IQ,L00 40$000.00 9H1 Salaries 182568.00 9H2 Supplies — 2AQD jm 202568.00 9K1 Salaries 152434.00 M Automobile and Truck Maintenance 12000.00 9K3 Supplies — J4101.m „174 A.P0 Total Fund No, 9 5481,244.00 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 7 -8 -9 Q$� ,glatratii n_ 1852419.00 7 P,s' ce 39240,688,00 8 3,235,387.00 7 -8 Wj-qa- and Fire Alarm 197,700.00 9 Re t 548, 2 4.00 Total 704072438.00 fdda Charter _ Fonda and Item4 Sub - Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORM 10 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 10A1 Salaries 502573.00 10A2 Office Expense — 4@0 am 542573.00 lOB1 Salaries 5112885.00 1OB2 Automobile Allowance 6,000.00 1OB3 Office Expense Q049 536,835.00 x�y,� 161 - 400 Total Fund 'No. 10 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR ju X15&. 11A1 Salaries and Wages 3492131.00 11A2 Truck Hire 409000.00 11A3 Automobile Allowance 12000.00 llA4 Truck Maintenance 770500.00 11A5 Materials and Supplies lOC.0.00 Total Fund No. 11 12 SEWED. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A1 Salaries and Wages 1490168.00 ' 12A2 Automobile Allowance 1,200.00 12A3 Truck Maintenance 42200.00 12A4 Materials and Supplies 93000.00 12A5 Miscellaneous w _ 300.00 Total Fund No. 12 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING 13A1 Salaries and Wages 282864.00 13A2 Automobile Allowance 600.00 13A3 Office Expense M,QQ 309764.00 13B1 Salaries and Wages 225,836.00 13B2 Truck Hire 91,350.00 13B3 Equipment Maintenance 182900.00 13B4 Supplies 29500.00 13B5 Miscellaneous 2,000.00 13B6 New Equipment j�9 -00,� OQ 359,586.00 Totals 7520941600 Code, Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub-Totals 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING - Continued 13C1 Salaries and Wages 172000.00 _ 13C2 Truck Hire 2,800.00 13C3 Equipment Maintenance 4,000.00' 13C4 Supplies 500.00 13C5 Auto Allowance and Miscellaneous .._ 13C6 Equipment Replacements 7000(& 252000.00 13D1 Salaries and Wages 122492.00 13D2 Truck Hire 32843.00 13D3 Supplies and Materials 0 17,835.00 13E1 Salaries and Wages 3032914,00 13E2 Truck Hite 223,300,00 13E3 Auto Alllowance 4y500.00 13E4 Equipment Maintenance 25,000.00 13E5 New Equipment 404000.00 13E6 Sanitary Land Fill -Z., QUO 6262714.00 13F1 Truck Hire 7,000.00 13G1 Salaries and triages 620573.00 13G2 Supplies and Equipment Maintenance 173000.00 13G3 New Equipment 943573.00 13H1 Salaries and triages 94sl56,00 13H2 Equipment Maintenance 72000.00 13H3 Supplies 250,00 13H4 New Equipment _„L9Q%W 104,406.00 1331 Salaries and adages 82083.00 1332 Light and Power 53824.00 1333 Fuel and Supplies �4�. 14,107.00 13L14 Salaries and Triages Total Fund No. 13 Totals .2820985.00 charter Fun s ZVI Am= Totals, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -- Continued 14 BRIDGE BUILDIM ALVD RFPAM 14A1 Salaries and Wages 669962,00 14A2 Equipment Maintenance 22000,00 14A3 Materials and Supplies 153000.00 14A4 Maintenance of Fences and Stairways JAM21010M Total Fund No. 14 ` 97x%2 0 SUMMARY DEPARTHM OF PUBLIC WORKS J'A 752,941,00 - B =wf —comm QAz24 &P.. . 567, 681, 00 0_.ang R-ey= 163, 868.00 19 282, 935.00 97.c�� 2,865,437.00 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS General Administration ,111 Salaries 113, 524.00 .112 Office Expense 30950,00 .113 Rental of I.B.M. and Forms _ 3, ?6"o 1212234.00 .121 Salaries 110,900.00 .122 Office Expense 112400,00 .123 Automobile Allowance 2,200.00 .124 Board of Education Expense 52986„00 .125 Planning and Surveys J41021 --m 1402486,00 . tt SSchool �+G�41�.?�� rE'. i -uXaM .131 Salaries 41,245„00 .132 Office Expense 52700.00 .133 Automobile Allowance A, QQ 462970.00 .141 Salaries 859495,00 .142 Office E.-.pense 3,220.00 .143 Automobile A1.10 ance 2,44.0,00 .3.44 Freight and Cartage 203,00 ,145 Light, Fuel and Waiter —20 LOAM . 93,455„00 . DEPAR'IMSNT OF EDUCATION 15 - PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued . *.1Sa,.1,� ,�yoD7y�S�oreho�g .151 Salaries 489522.00 .152 Office Expense 1,245.00 ,153 Truck Maintenance - f .154 Light and Power 2 009.. 00 51,767.00 15..Z Znecruecioa .21 Salaries 1129539721.00 .21A Staff & Salary Adjustments 969,962.00 ?,.22 Instruction Supplies 386,052.00 .23 Auto Allowance and Fuel 190,000.00 Bus Fare 202000,00 x24 Conference and Lectures 132000.00 *.25 Free Textbooks 230,205.00 .26 Athletic Salaries 972833.00 *.27 Athletic Supplies 72725.00 .028 Special Service - Salaries 2392853.00 .29 Special Service-Other Expense 7,,QQ 13,921,094.00 15.Z za" .31 Salaries 12299,080.00 .32 Supplies 489000.00 .33 Telephones 36,080.00 .34 Fuel 190,000.00 935 Water and Sewage Disposal 639000.00 .36 Light, Power and Gas 1800000.00 .37 Grounds and Snow 'Removal 190950.00 438 Oil Streets and Tree Trimming A45- 0J-$,„z 955,304.42 Assessments 149038.78 .39 Other Expense 3ckQQsM 12853,548.78 *iU44 .41 Salaries 536,227.00 .42 Repairs and Supplies 3012000.00 .43 Auto Allowance and Bus Fare 22,900„00 .44 Truck Maintenance 3,000,00 045 Athletic Fiei.ds -- Facilities 4426776.00 .46 Repair Special Instruction Equipment 309000,00 .47 City Assessments A45- 0J-$,„z 955,304.42 ILA .51 Salaries 2929641.00 .52 Office Expense 3,550.00 ,53 Auto Xkloviance and Bus Fare 29000,00 .54 Medical and Dental Supplies 20800.00 ,55 Laundry 2,300,00 x56 Equipment and Repairs - .,,4QOQ4:QQ 306, 291.00 Code Charter Funds_.and,lteM, Amount dub - totals To DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Continued ILA XW1.2LU .61 Insurance- School Property 212455.00 ..62 Workmen's Compensation 252000.00 .63 Rentals 15j575.98 r .64 Truck Liability Insurance 550,.00 62$80098 .71 Non - Handicapped Pupils 82800.00 .72 .Handicapped Pupils 83,000,.00 .73 Field Trips ;.M 104,400.00 ,81 Equipment 3359392.00 .82 Building Improvement .,- .83 Improvement of Grounds 5 370,613.82 .91 Evening acid Summer School 118,280000 .92 Salaries- -Use of Buildings 149400.00 .93 Vocational Ev (ining School 328,873.00 .94 Upkeep of Skating Rinks 52OCO,00 .95 Other Services �•-87�,� 5 00 .- �{Z$?$a�4 Total Operation and Maintenance 18,5062173.00 Less Estimated Balances 1961 Net Appropriations- - Operations and Maintenance 18,1262173.00 15.10 Oth & .101 Teachers' Retirement 1,0629528.00 .102 Public Exgminer's Fees 33000.00 .103 Public Employees Retire - ment Association 209,740.00 ,104 Health and Welfare 2209000 „00 .105 Severance Pay _.Aa40 M 1.726.361,00 Total Fund No. 15 lg,.852.534,00 *These appropriation items constitute the instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance, upkeep and remodeling of buildings and equipment conforming with the $750,000.00 minirwsm appropriation provided by charter provision. SUMMARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Public Schools QqQ.at jQ and Maintenance ZUQMPALMUX=m � Public Bxaminer!42 Z..1 Public F lovees RPi�ixe,?nt Acaoc ion Health and Welfare Severance Pay School Debt Bond Interest (Appropriated in Fund 26A2) Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments Bond Maturities Opprcopriat-ed in Fund 28A2) Note Ma'.-.urities (28tZ) Total School Debt Total School Aye 689,271.00 = J�.�.Qom 614,271.00 539... W1, 00 J. 18,126,173..00 190629528.00 3,000.00 209,740.00 220,'000.00 231,093.00 21=105,805.00 CSede -MAX ad s end Tt= Amount Sub - totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM MUSEUMS' and STADIA ' 16 -17 LIBRARY, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA ADMINISTRATION' 16 -17AI Salaries 30,480 00 16 -17A2 Office Expense 2,7000.00 16 -17A3 Auto Allowance 12620.00 16 -17A4 Auditorium Insurance 2400 00 36,800.00 16M Aadia 16 -17B1 Salaries 7,500,00 16 -17B2 Utilities Services 69000.00 16 -17B3 1 %'I ntenance 105 QO'Q0 Total Fund No, 16 -17p 16 LIBRARY 16A1 Salaries 652,293..00 16A2 Truck Maintenance 3,000 00 16A3 Supplies 152000.00 16A4 Postage 22500.00 16A5 New,Books and Periodicals 1253,000.00 16A6 Binding Books 49000,00 16A7 New Equipment 72200.00 16A8 Miscellaneous 812, 993.00 16B1 Salaries and Wages 13425E9�00 16B2 Light and Power 11,300.00 16B3 Heat 10;000,00 16B4 Water 1,420.00 16B5 Telephone 5,780.00 16B6 Supplies 5,000,00 16B7 Repairs and Renewals' 132500.00 16B8 Auto Allowance 1.500 00 1832 1M% Q Total Fund No. 16 996.082,.00 17 AUDITORIUM (Financed from Receipts) 940000.00 DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA 16 -17:�u xg-&I qd1&jWMin st ation 519800"00 RUNUP-Mkozz 9962082000 2nblic itarit�/ To a 12141,882,00 g Charter Fundg„ nd fi b° DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION and PUBLIC BUILDINGS 18.20 PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC BULUING ADMfINTSl'RATION 18 -20AI Salaries 560026,.00 18 -20A2 Auto Allowance .12200.00 18 -20A3 Office Expense Total Fund 18.20 18 PUBLIC PARKS AND RECREATION lu A4%Ukj& 10A 18AI Salaries 489462.00 18A2 Auto Allowance 3,000,00 18A3 Office Expense 542737.00 IQm. Ap,¢ 18B1 Salaries and Wages 360,432.00 18B2 Utilities Services 119000.00 18B3 Supplies 72500.00 18B4 Repairs and Renewals 59,130.00 18B5 Mecnan. al Equip- ment Maintenance 650300.00 1836 New Equipment —15-oM , i�Q 518, 362.00 18C? Salaries 78,206,00 18C2 Supplies 800.00 18C3 Capital Outlay -- 18C4 Eq!21pment Maintenance 52200.00 18C5 Uniform Allowance �,OOd00 840806.00 18D1 Salaries 58,129,00 18D2 Utilities Services 11,000.00 18D3 Supplies 4a000.OU 18D4 Repairs and Renewals — 3.v,6.QMQ 769729.00 18E1 Salaries 67,452.00 18E2 Utilities Services 9,000.00 1SE3 Supplies 27,000,00 18E4 Repairs and Renewals 59000.00 18E5 Capital Outlay gyp, = 108,452.00 tv ,'s 1/2 Sh�ara of 1960 61,656.00 18G1 Band Music 6,000.00 60 QAQ Charter Elrod —WILD M e i 0-- Xgta�.lA Tom ]DEPARTMENT OF PARKS and RECREATION and PUBLIC BUILDINGS SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF P&W and RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS J'amm Laka .� Pari°n a ,PuU? is &uildit�l, .. 'p r a i4�3 603476.00 1,$ :M 135410418.00 P3�b.�.ic Bu; 7 ' { eg _2AaM 22 Total 290779782,00 1851 Purchase of Water 23000,00 ],�ji �,er�eion Cen e� 18L1 Salaries 5393538.00 _ 18L2 Utilities Services 28$00.00 18L3 Supplies 129000,00 18L4 Fourth of July 12000.00 18L5 Auto Allowance 2,820.00 18L6 Capital Outlay _ 5839858.00 18N1 Salaries 210276.00 18M2 Supplies 600.00 - 18M3 Auto Allowance --IeIQP.OQ 230376.00 18N1 Salaries 211,042.00 18N2 Supplies T 49ZQQ _2144-0- Total Fund No, 18541,418.00 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS A �m4n{_• �.strat��n 20A1 Salaries 68,166,_00 20A2 Auto Allowance 890.00 20P3 Office Expense �t,Q�QQ 710966..00 20B1 Salaries 267,257.00 20B2 Auto Allowance 25,000.00 20B3 Truck Maintenance 750.00 20B4 Miscellaneous tQQ 296,507.00 2001 Salaries 1058915.00 20C2 Office Expense 1.500.00 �Q�QQ Total Fund No. '20 4I5 j 8800 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF P&W and RECREATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS J'amm Laka .� Pari°n a ,PuU? is &uildit�l, .. 'p r a i4�3 603476.00 1,$ :M 135410418.00 P3�b.�.ic Bu; 7 ' { eg _2AaM 22 Total 290779782,00 DZPARTMEWL OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 PUBLIC UTILITIES 21AI Salaries 21A2 Office Expense 21BI Salaries 21B2 Supplies 203 Expense 21C? Salaries 21C2 Office Expense 21DI Salaries are' Wages 21D2 Fuel 203 Services and Supplies 21D4 Building Repairs Total Fund No. 21 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING =A an 22AI Salaries 22A2 Automobile Allowance 22A3 OE ce Expense 22BI Salaries and Wages 22B2 Electric Current 22B3 Bulbs and Globes 22B4 Services 22B5 Supplies 22B6 Christmas Lighting 22B7 New Equipment 208 Deferred Maintenance Total Fund No. 22 2z zVkU"i9h&"z 22,718.00 ._..9e 19 37,770.00 500000 51,158,00 &"a 5,400.00 4S5m,00 58000,00 0 18,083,00 7 �, Ley 00 325 %QQ, 229,091,00 3039320,00 30,400,00 9,000.00 349200.00 1,500.00 5., 000.00 16,0 SUNKAI Y DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILIT-13S 23 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) 24,718.00 40,270.00 54, 058,00 19,,128,00 X-qAAU 1319 - 6 0. 7 9_z00 1439946,00 791918500 4,034489.00 V . uV&. @�, Funds and ?tems dub- Totals W, 24 BOARD CF PUBLIC WELFARE - City's 27k% Share td6 Ad fit, 24A1 Salaries - Administration 565,994.30 - Service Adm. 84,322.15 - Social Services 259;420.70 24A2 Other Ik.-pense 55,415,80 24A3 Air Conditioning 4�i�gQQ 461,102.95 ,� Ancker Ho sp�t� 139,390,00 25A2 Heat,Light & Power 24B1 Salaries 849,106.50 Vet:e: ans' Quarters 79500.00 24B2 Other E,-,pense 190,256,00 33500„00 25A5 24B3 P„ychiatric Services 5Q�0� 1,053,112.50 Servi.cas and Supplies -GQq Y, 25A7 Extra Help 7,500.00 24L? Salaries 469673.83 60000.00 25A9 24C2 Orher E.:pense( 25A10 57,386,45 ?" 99.rz .I -50. r Daeuraace 1,250,00 251Al2 24D1 Surplus Foods 17.,720,,50 25AX3 Severance Pay 24D2 Old Age Assistance 311,007,95 Office Space Survey j- ,SQQ,,QQ 24D3 Aid to Dependent Children 2022264.43 24D4 Aid to the Blind 15 019,95 24D5 Aid to the Disabled 99920.07 24D6 General Relief 494,022.65 24D7 Child Welfare 175p890000 24D8 Payment. to State Institutions 29x893,05 24D9 Disabled Veterans -- "4 1,252,213.60 2" Net Appropriation Fund No. 24 2,941.180.00 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE - City's J07 a4a e 25A1 Salaries and Wages 139,390,00 25A2 Heat,Light & Power 303010,00 25A3 Vet:e: ans' Quarters 79500.00 25A4 TaIephones 33500„00 25A5 Elevator. Maintenance 92111,00 25A6 Servi.cas and Supplies 17,500.00 25A7 Extra Help 7,500.00 25AS Repairs to Building 60000.00 25A9 Maintenance of Air Conditioning 750.00 25A10 Special Assessments 150,00 25AU Daeuraace 1,250,00 251Al2 Health and Welfare 3,400.00 25AX3 Severance Pay 2,500.00 25A?.4 Office Space Survey j- ,SQQ,,QQ Total Fund No. 25 U 53.00 rdidg Charter_ F'WWs and _ =a ,0p1P� subs fi.. °t&L 26 INTEREST 26A1 Bond Interest - General Debt 8912091.00 26A2 Bond Interest - School Debt 689,271.00 26A3 Bond Interest- P.I.R. 32247.00 26A4 Note Interest 6,9,519,.00 115902128,00 Credit Interest Earned on Bond Fund Investments 375.000.00 Total Fund No, 26 28 REDEMPTION OF BONDS AND NOTES 28A1. Bond Maturities - General Debt 842,000.00 28A2 Bond Maturities- Schools 539,000,00 28A3 Bond Maturities - P.I.R. Fund 550000.00 281,4 Note Maturities -Other Services 9912336.00 28A5 Amortization- Armory Debt 26,750.00 28A6 Note Maturities - Schools 100 000_x00 Total Fund No. 28 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgments and Claims 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 30A1 Salaries 126, 86500 30A2 Office Expense 73000.00 30A3 New Equipment �I_ 00.00 1349865,00 Civil Seer 30B1 Salaries 100,538,00 30B2 Special Examiners 13,00000 30B3. Office Expense ,QQ 1110538.0_ Total Fund No. 30 31 GENERAL FUND PuX91"P&APIaAt 31A1 Salaries 81,129000 31A2 Printing and Postage 3sOOO,00 31A3 Office Expense 41 QMQ 889-529.00 31B1 Salaries-- Municipal Court 1732728.00 31B2 Salaries -- Traffic Bureau 42,021.00 31B3 Jury Expense.-Municipal Court 500,00 31B4 Office Expense- -M.n, Court 63000.00 31B5 Office Expense., - Traffic Bur. 2a500t,00 31B6 Psychiatric Servi.ces 7,500.00 31B7 Furniture Repair 00 "00 239,249.00 4215.12$°00 X4.086.00 25.000.00 246,.40 30000 Code Charter Funds a,D4 _ItWs Amount Suit,- Totals 31 GENERAL FUNDS - Continued 31CI Salaries and Wages 200437.00 31C2 Supplies (Repairs - General) ,. 5 00 202937.00 31DI Salaries -- Judges 490434.00 302 Salaries -- Office Employees 25,000.00 31D3 Salaries -- Preparing Machines 8,000.00 31D4 Rents- -Booth Space 90412.00 31D5 Truck Hire 14,000.00 31D6 Printing and Postage 122000.00 '31D7 Supplies 3,000.00 31D8 Insurance 22342.00 31D9 Miscellaneous - .14000 124,688.00 ;,�$ Improvement Aid 31E1 City's Share 9002000.00 3172 County Aid -- 3173 State Aid Amendment No.2 1,0003,000100 31E4 Exempt Property- - Sprinkling 1960 36,056.00 3175 Exempt Property- - Forestry 1960 2,675.00 3176 Exempt Property -- P.I.R. Fund 1960 45054QZL 10984,271.00 � ��lovee Benef, t 31F1 Police Relief Association 3669278.00 31F2 Firemen's Relief Assn. 4882371.00 31F3 Health Relief Association 24,419.00 31F4 Public Employees Retirement Association 538,961.00 31F5 Health and Welfare 2202000.00 31F6 Severance Pay 1170465.00 31F7 Unemployment Compensation5.00 0 00 1,7800494.00 31G1 Workmen's Compensation 452000.00 31U2 Debt Service 182000.00 31G3 Financial Forms 22,000.00 31G4 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen 7,000.00 31G5 Public Examiner's Fee 53,000.00 31G6 Surety Bond Premiums 22000.00 33.G7 St. Paul Institute 392000.00 31G8 Memorial Day Observance 1,000.00 3iG9 Water -- Wilder Baths 2,000.00 31GIO Humane Society 22400.00 31GIV &iditorium Rentals 54,048.00 33.G12 Fire Hydrant Rentals 29,382.00 31G13 Fire Hydrant - -New Installations 199367.00 Totals r J C . Code Chart2r Funds and Items AMWnt Sub- Totals 31 GENERAL FUND -- continued • 31KA2' Health and Welfare . jUagellaneous_,- Continued Travel 1,250.00 31G14 Easement -- Charter Sec. 257 70000.00 925.00 31G15 International Institute 70500.00 2.50 QQ 36,170.00 31G16 Metropolitan Airports Commission -- ,31G17 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance 65,000.00 31G18 Human Relations 5,000..00 31G19 American Municipal Assn. 1,200.00 31G20 League of Minnesota Municipalities 11227.00 31G21 St. Paul Gallery and School of Art 15,000.00 31G22 Wrecking Condemned Buildings 10,000.00 31G23 St, Paul Civic Opera 100000,00 31G24 Citizens Advisory Committee 63,480,00 31G25 F.E.P.C, 17,500.00 31G26 Port Authority - Operations 362628.00 31G27 Stadium Seats (Pol,R. Fund) 15,000„00 31G28 Stadium Scoreboard 249000.00 31G29 Charter Commission 200.00 31G30 Safety Program 102000.00 31G31 New' Pay Roll Machine "" 55.00 486, 387.00 Local _Ago, mmL6X keUP , R =U" 31H1 Sprinkling -1960 42057.00 31H2 Forestry -1960 79.00 31H3 P.I.R. Fund - 1960 7.635_OO 11,771.00 ..L:I XR. .�xtiz.�t 31J1 Salary 92108.00 ` 31J2 Office Expense 180944 m 102108.00 ,(City's 50% Share) 31KA1 Salaries 28,409.00 • 31KA2' Health and Welfare 479.00 31KA3 Automobile Allowance and Travel 1,250.00 31KA4 Contingent Fund 12190,00 31KA5 Office Expense 925.00 31YA6 Pog,R4A, 12417.00 31KA7 Severance Pay 2.50 QQ 36,170.00 c . , 4 Code Charter f da a rl Tran,A Amunt - 31 GENERAL FUND continued Detention ad Corrections, Authority _ continued 33KB1 Salaries 382872.00 31KB2 Health and Welfare 993.00 31KB3 Auto Allowance and Travel 375.00 3104 Utilities 3,350.00 31KB5 Provisions 2,700.00 3=6 Supplies and Services 62138.00 31KB7 P.I;.R.A. 10 540970.00 31,KC1 Salaries 492187.00 31KC2 Health and Welfare 1,64.4,00 31KC3 Auto and Tractor Expense 700.00 31KC4 Utilities 21,855,00 3105 Provisions 5,500.00 31KC6 Supplies and Services 11,760,00 31KC7 Farm Stock and Supplies 250.00 31KC8 P.E.P..A. St� 74,953.00 T ;�; j ouse.►LJox�k�Farm 311MI Salaries 1249280.00 311CD2 Health and Welfare 35193.00 31KD3 Auto and Truck Expense 2 ®400.00 31IC64 Utilities 120064.00 31KD5 Provisions 82000.00 31K-D6 Supplies and Services 7, 350.00 31KD7 Farm Stock and Supplies 4,825.00 31KD8 P.E.R.A. — 2.1130-apQ —AWIZA141 'Receipts 335,566000 Less Applied 323,066.00 �A. ., v t„ ion and R earch 3lL'1 Salaries 12,758.00 31U Office Expense i _ kg �14,pp0 AQ Total Fund No. 31 5,0832500,00