200760bRIGINAL TO CITY rLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. P OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL RESOLUTIOF Council File No. 200760 —By Ttobett F. Peterson — Whereas, On the 28th day of Sep_ - ember, 1960 the City of Saint 'Pit, ll entered into contracts for deeds Wh J. R. Walker' & Sons, Inc. where,??# said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. und6x- took to purchase from the City of Safpt Paul Blocks 5, 6, 7, and 8, Battle Creek Heights Plat 1, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ram- sey County, Minnesota; and LWheNreas, _.One,, of t}if? ,Zrovisions of * a WHEREAS, on the 28th day of September, 1960 the City of Saint Paul entered into contracts for deeds with J. R. Walker $ Sons, Inc. whereby said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. undertook to purchase from the City of Saint Paul Blocks 5, 6,, 7, and 8, Battle Creek Heights Plat 1, according to the plat -on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for r Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, one of the provisions of each of the contracts pertaining,to the individual blocks provided that J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. should file with the Register of Deeds for Ramsey County a plat or plats of said blocks, dividing each of said blocks into separate lots; and WHEREAS, the said J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. arranged for the platting of said blocks into separate lots and a plat designated "South Battle Creek Heights" was heretofore accepted and approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on the 19th day of January, 1961 and was thereafter placed on record at Book 76 of Town Plats, Page 19, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul still retains fee title to the property encompassed in Blocks 5, 6, 7, and 8, Battle Creek Heights-Plat 1, and it now appears desirable for recording purposes to have the City of Saint Paul approve, adopt; ratify andl,join in the plat designated "South Battle Creek Heights" hereinbefore referred to, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of said City, hereby approves, ratifies, adopts and joins with J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. in that certain plat described as "South Battle Creek Heights" recorded at Book 76 of Town Plats, Page 19, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota,. it being the intent of the City of Saint Paul to adopt and �ratif.y said plat as fully and completely as though the City by its proper officers had Joined in and executed the same in conjunction with J. R. Walker & Sons, Inc. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Vavoulis am a.so Qgo. 2 t> k Adopted by the CouR QVI FEB 9 1969 proved 19 In Favor Mayor Against 61 F'MLISHEV �_a&I d 1 y GO NX C ,cl I I ) , � LCD Ln Q C11111 e—� o x o m o W LQ LL, A .Z-. J. -� STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL I +-------------- - - - - -- -Agnes A.-- O' Co nnell� ...................................... City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No ------- 00760 . as adopted by the City Council ... _.._....._.Feb._ 9 .............................. 19 - - -61 - - - - -- Feb. g 19_ 1and approved by the Mayor ------ •----- •-- - - - - -- - •----- •------ - - - - -- - •- -- - - - - -- with the original thereof on file in my office. --------------------------------- t--------------------- ..................................................... 1 j.�' L •� ujther certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of ,o 1a1 and the whole thereof. ,. tir' �SS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., f x.� ��� . �# e ; �: Jh day of Feb.--------------------------------- A. D. 19...61 J A e -, -�------ ---- --- Clerk ri EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAB" WILL M. I"ILLEEN, Co Trr�as. B Da e-44 *. _U' 11N� DI •0 V 16 S i ' • r- • S • ,.�s r Vi lo 0M ! m O n A CA CL cr CL i ' • r- • S • ,.�s r Vi lo 0M