200757ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL °�- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PREMOW BY COMMISSIONER t DATE FILE NO. NO. MO� RESOLVED, that the amount of $13.00 be withdrawn from Refund and Repayment Item of Fund 32 and credited to the Traffic Violations Bureau Petty Cash Fund as and for reimbursement on account of remittance made to the Miscellaneous Revenue Account of the General Fund from said Traffic Violations Bureau Petty Cash Fund, in said sum, on account of checks received therein in said aggregate amount in connection with traffic tag G54885, and each whereof was, after due presentment, dishonored by non - payment by the bank upon which the same was drawn: - RESOLVED FURTHER, that any and all- payments hereaftex made to the City of 'Saint Paul, on 'account of said dishonored check or any of the same, shall be credited to said Miscellaneous Revenue Account of said General Fund. ` Council File No. 200757 —By Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, That the amount of $13.00 be withdrawn from Refund and Repay- ment Item of Fund. 32 and credited to the Traffic Violations Bureau Petty Cash Fund as and for reimbursement on account of remittance made to the Miscellaneous Revenue Account of the General Fund from said Traffic Viola - t ±_�c3t�rw�,l.�pfty Cash FutldLin said ---I , , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson 13.asen- -�-- Mr. President, Vavoulis aM s -eo 100.2 _In Favor U Against FEB 9 190 Adopted by the Council 19— mmu_=D 9— DUPLICATE TO PRINTER V 20 757 _ • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTtIJ by COMMISSIONER DATE RESQLV9D, that the amount of :13.00 be withdrawn from Refund and Repayment Item of Fund 32 and credited to the Traffic Violations Bureau Patty Cash Fund as and for reimbursement on account of remittance made to the Miscellaneous Revenue ,account of the General Fund from said Traffic Violations Bureau Petty Cash Fund, in said sum, on account of checks received therein in said aggregate amount in comnection with traffic tag G54885, and each whereof was, after due presentment, dishonored by non - payment by the bank upon which the same was drawn: RESOLVED FURTHER, that any and all payments hereafter made to the City of Saint Paul, on account of said dishonored, check or any of the sweet shall be credited to said Miscellaneous Revenue Account of said General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson 1V3e Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 5.60 dqG0.2 Adopted by the Cou i9 1961 t 19— F'F'B 9 1991 Approved 19- Tn Favor Mayor Against