2007383 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL CO �,(����(� FILE NO NO 90 �8J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI ESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 7 11 COMMISSIONER DATE )SOLVED, that the accompanying invoices of John T. Kenna and Newell N. Nelson, Realtors, each in the -amount of $750, for expert real estate appraisal service between the dates February 28, 1959, and. October 18, 1959, in re pending litigation The Hiawatha Company, Inc., et al. vs. City of taint Paul, et al., District Court, Ramsey County, Minnesota, approved by the Valuation Engineer, hereby are approved for payment and the proper City officers hereby are authorized to pay the game from Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account 31- G-1,., such services having been rendered at the instance of the City in connection with and necessary to its interests in the said litigation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays aeeom r— Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson R,esen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.so 2 Council File No. 200738 — By Bernard T. Holland— ` Resolved, That the accompanying invoices of John J. Kenna and Newell N. Nelson, Realtors, each ,in the amount .of $750, for expert real estate appraisal service between the dates February 28, 1959, and October 18, 1959, in re pend- ing litifation The Hiawatha Company, Inc., a al. 'vs. City of Saint Paul, et al., District Court, Ramsey County, Minnesota, approved by the Valuation Engineer, hereby are approved for pay - ment and the _ proper City officers hereby are authorized to pay the same from Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account 31 -G-4, such services having been rendered at the instance`of the City in connection with and necessary to its interests in the said litigation. I Adopted by the Council February 8, 1961. F Approved February 8, 1961. 6 (February 11, 1961) FEB g 196 Adopted by the Council 19- F.E Ap roved 19— n Favor' ` Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER " CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE O CIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RIS -0LVLD, that the accompanying invoices of John J. Kenna and Newell N. ;Nelson, Realtors, each in the amount of 4750, for expert real estate appraisal service between the dates February 28, 1959, and October 18, 19592 in re pending litigation The Hiawatha Company, Inc., et al. vs. City of brint Paul, et al., District Court, Ramsey County, Minnerota, approved by the Valuation rngineer, hereby --re approved for payment and the proper City officers hereby are authorized to pay the same from ;Miscellaneous and Unforeseen account 31 -G-4, such services having been rendered at the instance of -the City in connection with and necessary to its interests in the said litigation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Vavoulis SM E -80 2 V Tn Favor 0 Against or,", t/4- J c FEB 81961 Adopted by the Council 19— rE g 8196 Approved 19— Mayor