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COUNCIL FILE NO. ` BY FINAL ORDER N COND INAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 200703 Duncil File No. 200703 By Bernard T. Holland, by request— Inn the maatter of ' NGS P N6. Condemning and taking the'following s for the construction of Flood s,rxlua .Z. `, S - -�l In the matter of ' ~ r� under Preliminary Order 200, 000 , approved December 144 1960 Intermediary Order 2002368 approved January 10,1961 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Y and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are .hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.: ' a 1 RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and Specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby ina- authorized and directed to proceVth #�he�ing of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the 19_ , 1 61 Ci - ��,g 7 t Clerk. Approved— , 19 Mayor. Councilmen: Ho 1 ;1 and 10 Loss Mortinson / Rasvn -- Mr. President, Vavoulis b (AY In tkgmatter of C See roll) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .0 under Preliminary Order approved December 140 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - _ _ $ XXXXXXXXXXXX The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. II Comm. at NW corner of Lot 14, 131k. 14 I I II II of Bazil and Roberts Add. thence fly II II a 48.1 ft on extended SW Ily line of rd , I I II II lot, thence 55.71 ft. NW Ily at an I I I II IIangle to right of 26o 45, to pt of I IIbeg. thence continue NEIly on last) I I desbribbd line 185 ft of Harbor lire; I I II IIth NE Ily on sd Harbor line to inte - I I II IIsect with extended SWfly line of IICuster St. vac; thence SEIly on sdI IIextended ,liriit; of Custer St. vac. t - Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 Continued r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 4z. II DESCRIPTION I � LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED VALUATION LAND BLDG. I� SE'ly on sd extended line to W lint I I 11 II of Chicago, Great Western Railway I I I 11 II right -of -way at a pt 158 ft NW'ly ;rm I I II _ iI NWtly line of said Block 4; thence) I 11 II Stly on sd right -of -way line to a �t I 11 II 30606 ft from beginning and on a I .I line 100 ft NW, 'ly from and parallel I I II with sd NW'ly block line; thence I I I ll SWtly on sd line to beginning; subj I I 11 II to storm sewer over SE'ly 15 ft of I I I II 11 SW'ly 110 ft thereof part of Govt j I I II lot 7 in NE j of SE.1 of S 61 T 28J R 2� 1 11$132500 $259800 11 Beg. at intersection of NW'ly line lof I I II II19ater St. and NE tly line of Block II Robertson is Addition, produced; th l I I II II NW'ly on sd produced line to inters I I II II section of a line 10 ft SW'ly from I I I II II and parallel with SWtly line of I I I Lot 14, Bazil and Robert's Add.; tY I I II IINW tly on sd parallel line to interslect I I II a line 300 ft NW'ly from and parallel I I II II with NW'ly line of Water St; th SWIlly I I IIon sd parallel line to intersect allinel I II 20 ft NE 11y from and parallel with l I I II I NE'ly line of Robertson's Add, th 1 I I II IINW'ly on last described line to I I II Mississippi Ritrer; thence SW'ly alokg TOTAL FORM G.S.11 We 2•50 8 Continued CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 6 - IIDESCRIPTION I LOT I BLOCKI ADDITION II LAND BLDG. II r` line of Rob r o rive to NE 11 y e is n s I I II II Addition; th SEIly thereon to Water II II St; th NE Ily to beg; part of Gov L t I I II II 7. Sec 6 T 28 R 22 I I I IIS8.100 $2,900 NWI Bee. at intersection of line of III II IIWater St and SW I ly line of Lot 14.1 I 1 IIblk 4. Bazil and Robert's Add, th I I I 11 NW Ily along sd SW Ily line to NW Ily I I I 11 corner of sd lot; th NWIly on sd 1�ne I I II II extended 48.1 ft; th NW Ijy at an I I I II I II angle to the right of 260 451 to I I 1 IIRiver; th SWIly on river to pt 20 I I I II IIft NE 11y from NE Ily line of Block I I II IIin Robertson's Add; th SE Ily paral�el I I II IIwith sd NEIly line to a line 300 ft I I II I: NWIly from an parallel with sd Wat r 1 I II St; th NEIly parallel with sd St. to II a line parallel with and 10 ft Sid I]Iy I I from SWIlg line of sd Lot 14, th I I I II SEIly on last described line to I I I lI IIintersection of extended NE Ily linIl of I I II II Block 176, Robertson's Addition; tq I I IISE Ily on sd extended line to NW I ly Iline I I II of Water St; th NE 11y to beg, bein� par I II of Govt lot 7 in Sec. 6, T 28, R 221 W I I 1114000 30000 IIExc. C. St P. M. & 0 Ry R/W Lots 1-I 6 E I Robertson's d 110000 I roam 0.0.11 wo a•.. g ( Continued) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED II Commercial St., vac adj an d lots 11 I ll2 and 3, Block D and Lots 1, 2 andl 3 1 H I Robertson's Addition to West Sj II I I I Paul 47,9100 1! Lots 1- 1 4 I A I II 6550 II Lot 4, Block H, and Lot 14 1 D " 11 39500 ,l Except Railroad right -of -way; Lotsl I I II3- 1 6 1 18� Irvine's Addition to West St. II I Paul k,350 ll Part NW'ly of Chicago, St. Paul., I I I II II Mpls. and Omaha Rwy, right -of -way cf I I II itLots 1, 2, 35 4 and 5, and except IIright;-of-way; a perpetual easementl I I II 11 across part SE'ly of said right-of- II I way, of lots 4 and 5 1 18� Robertsons Addition West St. P.1111, 100 ll A strip 30 ft in width over and 1 I II IIacross Blocks E, G and 1 1 18� " 117,000 II The SE I' ly 65 ft of Lots 2 and 4, 1 1 I and all of lots 1, 3, 5 and 1 6 1 197 Irvine's Addition �? I Block 187, a strip of lend 30 ft I I � I II IIwide over and across Block 1882 a111 1 11 i II of Block 189 and that part of 1 I I II IIMyrtle Ave. vacated E'ly of sd II Block 189 l 1 I " ? II Ex SE'ly 65 ft lot 1 4 1 197 '► 11250 Ex SE'ly 65 ft lot 1 2 ( 1911 " 11250 Il that part of Govt lot 6 in S' of I ( I II Sec 6 -28 -22 and part of NWJ of 1 TIC 11 FORM R.M.11 500 7 -u d) t` \ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II DESCRIPTION I 1 LOT I ADDITION I LAND VALUATIONBLDG. II Sec 7 -28 -22 with accretions theret� andllying II II on South bank of the Mississippi I I I II IIRiver and commonly known as Harriet I I II II Island I I 11 II I I I II 11 I I I! I! I I II II I I I II II I I I II II I I I 11 II I I I >I TOTAL 2629700. $58,700. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date / o / y Commissioner of finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 8 �y 1 hMAP 10 4 :yam: Condemteing and taking the fallowing lands for the construction of Flood Walls, Dikes, Purrplcag Station Sites. Structures and Slopes for Flood Control Purposes on the follaming described property; � That part of Government Lot 7 in S.E. 1/4 See. 6. T. 28, R. 22 lying with- � in the following described line: Coming at the Southeasterly corniq of Block "A" in Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul; theme bearing N.58 37' ; E. along the Northwesterly lime of E. Water Street-a distance of 20.0 feet; theme bearing N. 310231 V. parallel to the Northeasterly line of Slacks "A ". "D" and VI in said Addition a distance of 320 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N. 70231 E. a distance of 35 feet; thence bearing N. 31023' td' a distance of 20 feet theme bearing N. 75048' V. a distance of 32.6 feet; thence bearing S. 31'231 E. to the point of beginning a distaste of 70 feet. That part of Covernwat Lot 7 in S.E. 1/4 Sec. 6, Y. 280 R. 22 lying taithe in the following described lines: Beginning at the Southeast corner of o Block "ll" Robertson's Additeio;a to latest St. Paul; thence bearing Northwesterly along the Nor esterly 1 ine of said Block to the .41h6sm Lana �e r easterly alon�hls i.ine to the. iat�erscction with a line parallel to and 20 feet Northesterly frovi the Northeasterly line of Block "ii"; theme bear- ing Southeasterly an said parallel line to the intersection with a line parallel to and 300 feet Morthviesteriy from the Norttwiesteriy line of Mates- Street; thence bearing S€aOtl wsteely along said parallel line to the extended North- easterly line of 81=k "H" a dlsta=e of 20 feet and theme bearing North - westerly along said northeasterly line to the point of beginning. Logs 1 thru 3, Block "W'0 and Lots .1 threw 3 of Block "N" Robertson's Addition to Vost St. Paul and the adjacent Commmial Street as vacated and described by C. F. 138118, approved October 22, 1946. Lot 4, Block "if' and Lot 4, Block IV% Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Lams I and 2. Block "A". Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. Es cPt C.St. P. M. & 0. Ry. Rid, Lots 1 thru 6, elock "V% Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul. The C. St. P. N. & 0. Ry. R/W strip 30 feet wide across Block 'It' Robert- son's Addition to West St. Paul and that part of the C. St.P. 11. & 0. 1iy. RIW n Lat i, Robertson's Addition to Best St. Paul lying northerly of a line 150 feet northerly from and parallel to the southorly line of sold Block 188. That part of Lots 2 thru 4, Block 188, Robertron's Addition is West \ St. Paul a , Stock 1880 Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul lying. voeers the �lar.I,.ar 1 i as d$scrl bed by the U. S. Corns of Engineer's description approved Jaduary i lth. 1940; and a line beginning at a point on said Harbor Line at a distance of 65 feet Northeasterly from the Intersection of said line with the Soutirv=terly ling of Lot 5, Brock 188, urine's Addi- tion to West St. Paul; thence bearing Northeasterly to the point of intersec- tion of the Northeasterly line of Lot 2, Block 168, Robeetcson's Addition ion to k best St. Paul with the Northwesterly R/V line of the C. St. P. H. & 0. Ry. 0 Also that part of Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul �cc lying between the Harbor Lima as described above and the lorthwasteriy line of the C . St . P. M. & 0. Ry. R/W. 4 That land lying within the follmain3g described line: Commencing at a point Ewing the monument lcrmted at the Intersection of the Southwesterly line of Daniel Street and the Northu-sesterly line of W. hater Street; thence bearing N. 51 36' W. along the SoutErdosterly line of Daniel Street a distance of 90 feet to the point of beginning off the property to be described; thence bearing N. 51036' V. along the extended Soutimsterly line of Daniel Street a distance of 132 feet; thence bearing A. 3%053' E. a distance of 268.3 feet; thenzco bea,r- Ing No 340 27' E. a distance of 171.7 feet; thence at right angles bearing M. 550331 W. a distance of 20 feet; thence at right tangles $ezarintg N. 34!27,1 E. a distance of 50 feet; thence at right angles be ring S. 55 331 E. a distance of 20 feet; thence at right angles blaring N. 3427' E. a distance of 490 feet; thence at right angles bearing N. 55'33' W. a distance of 125 test; thence bear- ing N. 3652' E. a distance of 84.4 feet; thence bearing N. 67 34' E. a distance of 433.5 feet; thence bearing N. 15036' W. a distance of 128.3 feet; thence hearing Northeasterly to a point being the intersection of the extended North- 0 easterly 1 i eta 0f , Lot 3, Block "E", Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul and the U. S. harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineer's description approved January 11, 1940; thence beating SWly. along said harbor Line to the paint of beginning, all in 5E 1/4, Sec. 6, T. 28o R. 22. Condemning add taking a pqrmanent easement required for construction, nmintenance, access to levee, closure structures of flood wall or setoers for .t,, flood control purposes on the following described property: Commencing at the Northtmterly Corner of Lot 14, Bleak -4, Dazi 8 and Robert's Addition to West Sig. Paul, County of Dakota 'territory of Ainnasota; thence bearing N. 54Q38' W. atones the extended Sdutim-ssterly line of said lot o distance of 48.1 feat; thence bearing N. 27053' W. a distance of 210 feet a to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N. 27 53' W. aION the continuation of the cast described lid to the I e inea; thence bearing Northoaastcrly along .the,-Op'3T Lino to the intersection with the extended Southwesterly line of vacated Custer Street; thence bearing S. 31023' E. along said extended Southeasterly ling of Custer Street to a poie+t 245 feat Northwesterly from they Northivesterly line of send Block 4, Baxil and Robertas Addition to Wast St. Paul, County of Dakota Territory of Minsnosote ;. thence bceoring S, 59038' W. a distance of 180 feet; thence at right • angles b ring'Northiaesteriy a distance of 8 feet; then -coat right angels bearing Southweasterly a distance of 80 feet; thenee at right angles bearing Southeasterly ha distant© of 8 feat; thence Eaeari. 9 Southwasterly to the point of beginning, all in SE 1/4, Saco b, T. 28. $. 22. Commencing at the Morthwast corner of Lot 14, Block 4, Baai 1 and Robert's Addition to Wiest St. Paul, County of Dakota Territory of Minnesotan thence bearing•ti. 54038' W. along the extended Soutiniesterly, line of said Lot 14 a distante of 48.10 feet; thorme bearing N. 27053' W. a distance of 210 feet to tht pxDi ant of beginning r f then property to be described; thence bearing. N. 27053' W. along tho continuation of the last described ling to the $hAj; -e ins, thence bearing Southwesterly along said AO:m Line to the intersection with s line 20 feet Mortheasteriy from and parallel to the Northeasterly lints of Los 1, Block V* Robertson's Addition to Test• Sto Paul; thence bearing, S. 31 23' E. alcmg said parallel lino 28 a pmient 390 feet llarthe�est ©n °ly fron the forth vaster l y liras of plater Street; thence bearing S. 75048' E. a distance of 32.60 feat; thence hearing N.. 33°x. a distance of 82 feet; thence boring Northeasterly to the point of beginning all lay SE 1 /4o Vet. 6,1 28, R. 22. -2a Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and maintenwee of a project sewer and relocated city water main for flood control purposes on the land lying within the follmiing described line: Comwncing at the Southwesterly comer of Block 183. Robertson's Addition to West St. Paula thence bearing N. 31023' !t. along the Southwesterly lure of said Block a distance of f60 feet t9 the Southwesterly corner of Block 1101 t o .said Addition; thence bearing N. 18 53 *' W. a distance of 126.3 Beet to Jhe se point of beginning of the property to be described; the bearing S. 6 34' W. a distance of 260 feet; thence bearing H. 28°00' E. a distance of 50 fnt; thence bearing N. 63064i" E. a distance of 228.1 foot-, thence bearing $.15 361. E. to,tho point of beginning a distame of 50'feet all in SE 1/4, Seca 6, T: 289A. 22. Condsining and taking a peffm rent essemestt required for construction and maintena nco of a project, senor for flood control purposes on that property lying % ithiao the fallowing fine: Coming at the Swtheasterly corner of Block 194, Irvine's Addi tionn to West St,. Paula thence bearing W. 51036' W. 810,19 the !!&ended Southmsterly line of Daniel Street as disteme f 222 feet; theme H. 37 53' E. a distance or 268.3 feet; theatre bearing N. 34' 27' Et e distance of 1714 feet; thencca at right angles bearing N. W33' W. a dist8stce of 20 feet to the point of beginning; thence at right angles bearing N. 34 27' E. m distance of 50 feat; theatre at right angled bearing M, 55@33' W. a distance of 40 fleet; thence at right asrgles bearing S. 34027' W. a distant of 50 feet; thacee at fright angles bearing S. 55033' E. as disteme of 40 feet to the point of beginning, boing part of the SE 1/4, Sec. 69 T. 289 R. 22. Cond2ming and taking o permanent easwent required for the construction and maintenanco of €a project saaw:er for flood control purpose -es on the follaivitng described property; That part of Lots 4 and 5* Block 188, Irvine's Addition to West. -St. Paul lying within the frollewing described lure: Beginning at a point being the intersection of the Southraesterty tine of Lot 5 of said Block and the U. S. Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Cordes of, Englnwrs description approved January 11, 1948; - thence boa9ring M. 33'056' E. along sold Harbor line a dista me of 65 feet; thence at right �angtes bearing S. 56004' E. a distance of 30 feet; theme at right angles bearing S, 33056' Ve a distance of 65 f6et.; themes at right angles bearing U. 56'041 W. a distance of 36 feet to tho point of beginning, and all public streots, alloys and ways continuous to the hereinFabo+re described Ian& and upon which said hareMabove described lands or any of the saw abut, heretofore or hmrcaafter vacatod, together with all lands and interests in lands which embrracQ evory such cwtiguous public street, alley and way. Condermoing and taking a tegmrary, easement requ red on the following described property for tha construction of flood walls and dikes for Mood control purposes an the fotlowing described property: lots' l and 4, Olock "A", Rohartson's Addition to blest Sat. Paul. m3ce .rs , That part of Lot 4, Block 188. Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul, and Lents 2 thru 5. Biook 188, Robertson's Addition to best St. Paul, lying within the following described linos: Cammming at a point being the Intersection of the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps of Engineers description approved January 11, 19409 and the Southwesterly line of Lot 5 of Block 188,. lrvirav's Addition to West St. Paul; thenco bearing N. 33056' E. along said Harbor Line a distance of 65 feet to the point-of beginning of the prgnrty to be described; the -nee at right angles bearing S. 56004' E. to the inter - smticn with the Northwesterly R/W 11ne of the C. St. P. 1.1. B 0. Ry., thence bearing northeasterly along said R/W line to the intersection with the North- easterly line of Lot 2, Block 188, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paulo thence bearing Southwesterly to the point of beginning. /rdrn�.S Aa�dJ�ro� �o �✓�s� S7�• Pay That part of Lots $ and 6. Block 188,q vacated Myrtle Street and hats 1 thru 7. Block 189, Irvine's Addition to Weft St. Paulo lying Southeastarly of the Harbor Line as described above and the following described line: Beginning at a point being the Intersection of said Harbor Line and the Soutkiesterly line of Lot 5, Block 188, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing S. $6004' E. at right angles to the Harbor Lire a distance of 30 feet; theme at right angles bearing S. 33056' W. parai 10l to arfd • 30 feQt Southeasterly fro© the Harbor Lino to the intersection with-the Northeasterly lima of Lot 30 Block 189, Irvine's Addition to Kest St. Paul; thence bearl Sovtbwesterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of Lot 7 of sold Block 189 at a distance of 25 feat Southeasterly from said Harbor Line; thence bearing Northwesterly along said SoutWesterly line ,of Lot 7 to the Harbor Line. The Northwesterly 5 feet of the Southeasterly 65 feet of Lots 2 and 4' and the Northwesterly 30 feet of the Southeasterly 90 feat of Lots 1. 3o 5 and 6. Block 191, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul. The Northwesterly 25 feet of the Southeasterly 90 feet of Lots 2 and 49 Slack 191, -Irvine's Addition to Kati St. Paul. That part of -Lots 4 and 5, Block 188. Irvine's Addition to best St. Paul o lying Nortlrw=terly of the Horthmsterly R/W boas of the C. St. Pb H. & 0. Ry.; Southeosterly of -a lire pbrallel to and 30 feet Southeasterly from the Harbor Line as described by the U. S. Corps cf Engineers, and'Sovft "=terly of a line perpendicular to said Harbor Line and 65 feet Worth"neriy from s point being the intersection of said Harbor Line with the Southwasterly lime of scald Lot 5 end Hortheast®rly of a line perpendicular to said Herber Line from a point being tho intersection of said Harbor i,.ine with the Southwesterly line of said Lot 5. n4- w V OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 19th , t9 60 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 200000 , approved December 14th 19 60 , relative to A. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x x x x , 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X �k 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �3 4 $ Commissioner of Public Works ('�. •r - y lg DES , 0V1.