200697ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM 200697 COUNCIL NO. FILE ATE February 2, 1961 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase from THE SEAGRAVE CORPORATION Aerial Ladder Base Section Assembly for Seagrave Aerial Ladder Truck at a cost of approximately $2500.00 without advertisement or competitive bids as an emergency exists in that the present P.-ssembly was damaged at the Frederic Hotel Fire and failure to act promptly would work hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge 8-C -5. p K. �a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Hollan Mortinso Peterson Rosen w4mkff- , Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 Council File No. 200897 —By $obert F. Peterson — Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent y be and he is hereby authorized, with + the consent' of the Mayor and thel Comptroller, to purchase from THE . SEAGRAVE CORPORATION Aerial• Ladder Base Section Assembly for i Seagrave Aerial Ladder Truck at a+ cost of approximately $2,500.00 without advertisement or competitive bids as. an emergency exists in that the present Assembly- was damaged at the Frederic Hotel Fire and failure to act prom would work hardship in the best in- ptly a terests of the City. Charge 8 -C -5. Adopted by the Council February 3. 1961. Approved February 3, 1961. (February 11, 1961) FE.B 3 19a, Adopted by the Council 19 319 Approved FE'� 19 In Favor Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 200697 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE February "l. 1961 RMOLVED, That the Parcbasing Agent be and he is hereby authorixad, with the con"at of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to purchase fray TFX REAGRAVS CORIPORATION Aerial Ladder Beee'Section Assembly for Seagrave Aerial Ladder Truck at a'cost of approxiwately $2500.00 without advertlament or competitive bids as an mergency exists in that the present Assembly was damaged at the M deric Hotel Fire and failure to act promptly would work hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge S-C -5. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Hollan Mortinson ' Peterson In Favor Rosen _ oo — /1.: Against Mr. President,, 5M 7-59 .4qW8 FEB 3 W Adopted by the Council 19 Approved FEB 3 lll 19 Mayor